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Kadigari Pranav Reddy;
 Over 10Years of extensive IT work experience as a DevOpsBuild and Release Engineer in
Agile, Scrum and Test-Driven Development.
 Experienced in configuring and managing tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, Gocdfor Continuous
Integration, Continuous Deployment (CICD) of an application
 Integrated Code Quality Analysis Techniques like SonarQube andCobertura with CI tools.
 Experienced in Shell,Python,Groovy scripting for automation.
 Involved in implementing Atlassian Tool Suite Jira,Confluence and Fisheye,Crucible.
 Experience in administering and supporting source code repositories like Subversion, Git on
Linux and Windows environments.
 Experience in and demonstrated understanding of source control management concepts such
as branching, merging, labeling and integration.
 Experienced in managing, troubleshooting building and deployment of java applications
 Experienced in using Build Automation tools like, ANT, Maven, Gradle.
 Experience in managing the Nexus and Artifactory repositories for the maven artifacts and
 Experienced in installing and configuring Apache WebServers.
 Experience in Ansible, Puppet deployment framework automation to DEV, QA, and
PRODUCTION environments.
 Relational database configuration and management experience like MySQL and MongoDB.
 Experience with Docker images and containers.
 Hands on experience with AWS services such as Storages S3,EBS,EC2, Elastic Load
Balancer,Cloud Watch,Autoscaling,ApiGateway, Apigee,Iam,Kms,Secret
Manager,DynamoDB,Lambda Function,VPC,Subnets.
 Configure CloudWatch alarms for CPUutilization,memory and disk utilization.Created
dashboards in Prometheus for all the projects to view different metrics.
 Integrated Graphana with Prometheus as data source,setup responsive dashboard with custom
formula and setup alerts on threshold.
 Worked on developing various AWS Cloud Formation.
 Implemented testing environment for Kubernetes and administrated the Kubernetes clusters.
 Deployed and orchestrated the applications with Kubernetes.
 Created namespaces and services in Kubernetes for microservices communication.
 Installation,configuration and maintenance of Red hat Linux servers.
 Excellent communication, interpersonal, and analytical skills. Proven ability to learn and
rapidly adapt to new challenges.
 Good interaction with developers, managers, and team members to coordinated job tasks and
strong commitment to work.


 Bachelors – Computer Science, 2006-2010, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,

Hyderabad, India.
 Masters- Computer Science, 2010-2012,Oklahoma City University,USA.

 Build,Release,Configuration Management
 Jenkins, Bamboo
 Shell,Python,Groovy Scripting
 Unix,Linux Hands on Administration
 Subversion,Git
 Remedy,JIRA,Clear Quest
 Ant,Maven,Gradle
 My SQL,MongoDB
 Apache Tomcat
 Ansible,Puppet,Docker,Kubernetes,AWS.


Schneider Trucking, Green Bay,Wisconsin Feb ’2020 – june’2021



 Created Github push and pull webhooks to generate payload and to trigger the Jenkins
 Configured Github branch protection,statuschecks,collaborators.
 Worked on Github branching strategies Master,Release,Hotfix,Feature branches.
 Worked on Java project for Jenkins groovy pipeline as code for continuous integration.
 Worked on Jenkins parameters like String
parameter,Choiceparameter,Fileparameter,Credentials parameter.
 Integrated Sonarqube quality reports into Jenkins pipeline and configured quality gate
metrics like Code coverage,Codeduplications,Security,Reliability.
 Worked on maven pom.xml,settings.xml,dependencies management to compile java
source code.
 Uploaded all source code artifacts to Sonatype Nexus from Jenkins into different
 Worked on Xebialabs tools like Xlrelease,Xldeploy to integrate and orchestrate various
CICD tools.
 CreatedAnsible playbooks and inventory management files to deploy the applications
into different environments like Qa,Uat,Production.
 Worked on Python API calls,Lists,dictionaries,functions,conditions.
 Worked on Dockerfile code and images for Jdeveloper and Springbootapplications and
pushed it to azure registry.
 Deployed the Docker image into Azure Aks cluster using Kubernetes yaml file.
 Created Kubernetes deployment yaml file for
 Worked on Kubernetes services,namespaces,load balancer to expose.
 Created terraform templates on creating azure functions.
 Worked on Azure security groups,resource groups.
 Worked on Kubernetes health checks,capacitymanagement,volumes.
 Worked on Confluence and JIRA for documentation and Defect tracking.
 Worked on production support for various issues and monitored server health using
Grafana and promotheus for Cpuutilization,Memory utilization and disk space.
 Deployed the applications into Oracle weblogic and Tomcat servers.

Environment:Java, Maven, Jenkins, Linux, Jdeveloper server, GitHub, Groovy and Shell
scripting, Python,Nexus, Docker, Kubernetes.Azure,Terraform,Grafana and promotheus.

Western Union, Montvale, New Jersey Feb ’2019 – Dec’2019 DevOps



 Created Jenkinsfile pipeline as code for CICD deployment using groovy

scripting.Integrated Jenkins with Gitlab for code commits,trigger builds and poll SCM.
 Configured various jobs in Jenkins for deployment of java-based application and running
test suites.
 Configured String,Choice,Git.File parameters in Jenkinspipeline.
 Configured Jenkins to notify developers about report success or failure.Jenkins integrate
with LDAP mail server.
 Worked on installing and configuring SonarQube for code quality reports.Configured
quality gates in SonarQube like code complexity,code coverage,code duplicate.
 Developed Maven and Gradle build scripts for compiling the source code.
 Uploaded all source code artifacts to JfrogArtifactory from Jenkins into different
 Developed and implemented branching and release strategies in Gitlab.
 Worked on merging strategies in Gitlab using commands like Git cherry-pick and Git
 Worked on ansible playbook,modules,roles,tasks to deploy the application in Apache
tomcat server with environment specific configuration files stored in inventory files.
 Created ansible playbooks to install third party software on Jenkins agents and different
environment servers.
 Dockerized Java application by writing a Docker File and created a docker image and
deployed on Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes deployment yaml file.
 Worked on Kubernetes deployment yaml file for replicaset,autoscaling,rollout status.
 Configured Kubernetes pods,Services and load balancer to expose.
 Worked on Kubernetes namespaces and services for microservices communication.
 Created AWS cloudformation templates for creation policy,helper scripts,update policies.
 Configured various AWS resources like Ec2 instances,EBS,Elastic load
balancer,Autoscaling using CloudFormation Templates.
 Configured AWS CloudWatch metrics,Alarms for various metrics like CPU
utilization,diskreads,diskwrites, networkin,networkout.
 Configured AWS cloudwatch,log agents,log streams,log groups and retention policies.
 Configured AWS autoscaling for min size,max size and desired state and configured
scaling policy, launch configuration,User data.
 Configured Elastic load balancer,Target groups,health check.
 Configured AWS Ami image to launch ec2 instances.
 Configured SNS topics in AWS for sending email notifications.
 Configured IAM roles and policies and configured security group inbound,outbound
rules in private and public subnets in VPC.
 Worked on Python boto 3 Lambda function to start,stop,restart ec2 instances.
 Worked on deploying jar application into Lambda function using Jenkins CICD pipeline.
 Triggered the lambda functions using API gateway,Apigee gateway, cloud watch events.
 Setup and build AWS infrastructure resources like s3 bucket,ApiGateway, Apigee
gateway,,DynamoDB,KMS,secret manager,Vpc,Subnets.
 Setup metric collection with Prometheus,worked on setting up various exporters to
collect metric from components and store them in Prometheus.
 Integrated Graphana with Prometheus as data source,setup responsive dashboards with
custom formula and setup alerts on threshold integrated alerting channels such as emails
 Main role for installation, configuration and management of red hat enterprise
Linux,windows server.

Environment:Gradle, Java, Maven, Jenkins, Linux, Apache Tomcat, Git, Subversion, Groovy
and Shell scripting, Artifactory,Docker,Kubernetes.

Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, Illinois July’2018 – Dec’2018

DevOps Engineer

 Worked on CICD pipeline tools Jenkins enterprise applications in Agile environment.
 Configured and maintained agents in Jenkins CICD tools.
 Wrote Jenkinsfile as pipeline as code using groovy scripting.
 Worked on GroovyScript multiple stages to deploy the application in lower environments.
 Worked on configuring SonarQube for code quality reports.
 Developed Maven and Gradle build scripts for compiling the source code.
 Configured Artifactory to create different repositories.
 Uploaded all source code artifacts to Artifactory from Jenkins into different repositories.
 Worked on migration of source code from subversion into GitHub.
 Developed and implemented branching and release strategies in GitHub.
 Worked on merging strategies in GitHub using commands like Git cherry-pick and Git
 Implemented Semantic versioning scheme Major,Minor,Patch to all the projects.
 Configured Quality gate parameters like Critical issues,Duplicated lines,Code coverage in
 Configured Groovy script to deploy the application in Apache tomcat server.
 Worked on PowerShell and NPMpackages to deploy the windows-based applications.
 Created ansible playbooks to install third party software on Jenkins agents and different
environment servers.
 Dockerized Java application by writing a docker file and created a docker image and
deployed on Kubernetes cluster using ansible playbooks.
 Worked on Kubernetes deployment yaml file for replicaset,autoscaling,rollout status.
 Configured Kubernetes pods,Services and load balancer to expose.
 Worked on Kubernetes microservices discovery.
 Created AWS cloudformation templates for creation policy,helper scripts,update policies.
 Configured various AWS resources like Ec2 instances,S3 buckets,EBS,Elastic load
balancer,Autoscaling using CloudFormation Templates.
 Configured AWS cloudwatch metrics,Splunk metrics for various metrics like CPU
utilization,Memory utilization,count of users,Error logs.
 Configured Splunk for http errors,exception errors.
 Configured AWS cloud watch,log agents,log streams,log groups and retention policies.
 Worked on Python boto3 to configure Aws S3 bucket.

Environment:Gradle, Java, Maven, Jenkins, Linux, Apache Tomcat, Git, Subversion, Groovy
and Shell scripting, Artifactory,Docker,Kubernetes.

Thomson Reuters, Carrollton, Texas June’2017 – May’2018

Lead DevOps Engineer

 Worked on CICD pipeline tools like GoCd, Jenkins enterprise applications.
 Configured and maintained agents in GoCd and Jenkins CICD tools.
 Migrated from Gocd pipeline to Jenkins pipeline.
 Wrote Jenkinsfile as pipeline as code using groovy scripting.
 Migrated puppet scripts to ansible playbooks for deploying applications into multiple
 Configured ansible playbooks to use HashiCorp vault.
 Wrote python scripts to retrieve key/value pairs from hashicorp vault.
 Developed various ansible playbooks for automating the GoCd Configuration and SSH
 Worked on docker-compose to link containers.
 Wrote dockerfile to Dockerize a java-based tomcat application and build an image.
 Tagged images stored in the Docker container and uploaded to Artifactory.
 Worked on configuring SonarQube for code quality reports.
 Wrote Jenkins enterprise pipeline scripts to automate and deploy Certificate management.
 Developed Gradle and maven build scripts.
 Experienced in Amazon Cloud (EC2) Hosting and AWS Administration including S3 and
IAM Services.
 Supporting DevOps practices for a REST java application platform.
 Worked on oracle and SQL, databases queries.
 Created and design the AWS Cloud Formation templates infrastructure as code to create
custom sized VPC, NAT subnets, for deployment of Web applications and database
 Worked on Creating Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
 Worked on installing Kubernetes cluster and configured master and nodes on Aws ec2
 Utilized Kubernetes and docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to
build,test deploy.

Environment:Gradle, Java, Maven, GoCd, Jenkins, Linux, Apache Tomcat, Git, Subversion,
Shell scripting, Ansible, Puppet, Docker, Artifactory

Comcast Labs, Washington, DC Oct’2012 – April’ 2017

Lead DevOps Engineer

 Provided CM and Build best practices for more than 5 different applications, built and
deployed to the production and lower environment in Agile and Test-Driven Development.
 Worked on Jenkins,Bamboo,CICD tool to create release branches and tags.
 Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching,
labeling/naming conventions using GIT source control.
 Analyze and resolve conflicts related to merging of source code for GIT.
 Worked on migration of Ant scriptsto Maven.
 Worked authoring pom.xml files, performing releases with the Maven release plugin,
Mavenizationof Java projects and managing Maven repositories.
 Researched and implemented code coverage and unit test plug-ins with Maven/Jenkins.
 Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot and release artifacts to
Artifactory to share artifacts across projects.
 Configured and maintained Jenkins to implement the CICD process and integrated the tool
with Ant and Maven,Gradle to schedule the builds.
 Worked on ansible playbooks for deployment automation to deploy into DEV,QA,
PRODUCTION environments with environment specific Inventory files.
 Worked on Puppet for infrastructure and system configuration.
 Implemented Puppet manifests for deployment and build on internal data server centers.
 Worked on Docker images and containers.
 Worked on Docker file and docker compose for installing the application and third-party
 Implemented the testing environment for Kubernetes and administrated the Kubernetes
 Deployed and Orchestrated the applications with Kubernetes.
 Created the services and scaling the pods using Kubernetes.
 Worked on AWS solutions EC2,S3,RDS,EBS,Elastic Load Balancer,Auto Scaling groups.
 Optimize volumes and EC2 instances in AWS.
 Worked on Nagios monitoring tool to create alerts.
 Worked on MySQL and MongoDB database.
 Work with development/testing, deployment, systems/infrastructure and project teams to
ensure continuous operation of build and test systems
 Interact with developers and Enterprise Configuration Management Team for changes to best
practices and tools to eliminate non-efficient practices and bottlenecks.

Environment:Ant, Java, Maven,Gradle, Jenkins, Linux, Apache Tomcat, Git,TFS, Shell

scripting, Ansible, Puppet, Docker, Artifactory, MongoDB.

New York Life Insurance, New Jersey Jan’11 – Aug’12

Build and Release Engineer

 Performed software configuration/release management activities for three different Java
 Designed and implemented Continuous Integration process using tools like Jenkins,Bamboo
with approval from development and other affected teams.
 Defined processes to build and deliver software baselines for internal as well as external
 Integrated maven, release plugins with Jenkins for releasing different applications and
deploy into Artifactory repository
 Converted old builds from Ant to Maven for doing Java build
 Worked on Gradle build scripts and integrated it to Jenkins.
 Created and maintained built wrapper scripts using Python.
 Maintained and executed build scripts by coordinating with development and QA teams
 Responsible in doing build and deploying on different environments simultaneously.
 Deployed the EAR and WAR archives into JBoss and Apache Servers.
 Configured and Maintained Apache web servers for Release Management Team’s internal
 Provided assistance to developers in resolving problems
 Created and Maintained Git,Bitbucket repositories, branches and tags.
 Worked on migration of source code from Subversion to Git.
 Acted as an Integrator for performing merge, rebase and baseline operations.
 Enforced development policies using Git hooks and other metadata.
 Worked on Ansible playbooks to deploy applications into different environments with
inventory files.
 Worked on puppet modules and manifests to configure the infrastructure.
 Submit request for implementation to various groups who participate in release
 Assemble Release Kit and complete all paperwork, including implementation/back out plans
 Serve as production implementation coordinator.
Environment:Java, Ant, maven Jenkins, JBoss, Git, Shell & Python scripting, Ansible,Puppet.

Amdocs, Hyderabad, India April’10– July’10

Build and Release Engineer

 Setting up continuous integration and nightly builds using Bamboo(CICD) with Maven
nexus repository.
 Worked on developing pom.xml and maven plugins for java projects.
 Involved in setting up Jira as defect tracking system and configured various workflows,
customizations and plugins for the Jira bug/issue tracker.
 Integrated Maven with Subversion to manage and deploy project related tags.
 Installed and administered Sonatype Nexus repository to deploy the artifacts generated by
Maven and to store the dependent jars which are used during the build.
 Mentor Business Areas on Subversion Branching, Merging strategies concepts.
 Worked on Cobertura test coverage reports.
 Resolved update, merge and password authentication issues in Bamboo and Jira.
 Involved in implementing Atlassian Tool Suite (Jira, Bamboo, and Crucible).
 Installed and configured Crucible for code reviews and web interface for browsing source
code artifacts, commits, files, revisions, and individual/group code metrics.
 Installed and configured Confluence as the enterprise wiki to document development and
change management procedures.
 Involved in deploying WARs/EARs through Tomcat Application Server console.
 Worked on Puppet deployment framework to deploy applications into Dev, QA, Production
 Managed all the bugs and changes into a production environment using the Jira tracking tool
Environment:Java, Maven, Bamboo, Linux, Apache Tomcat, Subversion, Shell scripting,
Puppet, Nexus, Jira, Crucible, MySQL.

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