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Dhwani Patel


 Around 6+ years of experience in the IT field in designing and deploying applicati ons using DevOps acti viti es such as
Conti nuous growth, Continuous Integrati on (CI), and Conti nuous Deployment (CD) in runti me with tools such as Git,
Maven, VSTS, Jenkins, Ansible, Chef, Docker, Kubernetes, and managing cloud services with Goggle Cloud (GCP),
Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
 In depth experience on SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS concepts of cloud computi ng and Implementing using, Azure, Google
Cloud Platform (GCP) understanding the principles of (SCM) in Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies.
 Extensively worked on AWS Cloud services like EC2, VPC, IAM, RDS, ELB, EMR, ECS, Auto - Scaling, S3, Cloud Front,
Glacier, Elasti c Beanstalk, Lambda, Elasti c Cache, Route53, Ops Works, Security Groups, Cloud Watch, Cloud
Formati on, Cloud Trail, RedShift , DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, SES, Kinesis Firehose, Lambda, Cognito IAM.
 Hands on experience in DevOps, Release Engineering, Confi guration Management, Cloud Infrastructure Automati on, it
includes Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, SVN, and GitHub.
 Experience in migrati ng the SQL Server Database hosted on VMs to use Amazon RDS so that it can be easy to set up,
operate and scale the deployments in the cloud.
 Experience in Google Cloud components, Google container builders and GCP client libraries, and cloud SDK’s.
 Experience Working on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Internet of Things (IoT).
 Worked on OpenStack-manuals and Security Guide to the OpenStack Community
 Proficient level of experience on DevOps essenti al tools like Chef, Vagrant, Puppet, Ansible, Docker, Subversion
(SVN), GIT, Hudson, Jenkins, Ant, Maven.
 Experience in Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, and manage Docker containers with multiple names spaced
versions using Helm charts.
 Proficiency in using Docker Hub, Docker Engine, Docker images, Docker Weave, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm,
Docker Registry, and used containerizati on to make applicati ons platform when moved into different environments.
 Administrati on and managing of Red Hat OpenShift cluster with Red Hat Linux 7.x which includes installati on, testi ng,
tuning, upgrading, and loading patches, troubleshooting server issues on AWS .
 Experti se in DevOps, Release Engineering, Confi gurati on Management, Cloud Infrastructure Automati on tools like Git,
Subversion, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, and Nagios.
 Experti se in writi ng Bash Scripts, Pearl Scripts (hash and arrays), Python programming for deployment of Java
applicati ons on bare servers or Middleware tools.
 Deployed Telecom private cloud on OpenStack for T-Mobile and confi gured services such as NOVA, NUETRON,
HORIZON and CINDER on bare metal.
 Hands on Experience on Ansible and Ansible Tower as Confi gurati on management tool, to automate repeti ti ve tasks
and quickly deploy criti cal applicati ons.
 Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes, Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker on GCP. Uti lized
Kubernetes and Docker for the runti me environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy.
 Experience with Terraform or Cloud formati on scripting including Infrastructure as code uti lizing tools like
Terraform, Cloud formati on and Salt Stack.
 Experience in writing Jenkins Pipeline Groovy Scripts for Conti nuous Integrati on and build workflows and Used
Jenkins uploading Arti facts into Nexus Repository.
 Building and maintaining systems in Windows Azure for development and production systems. This applies to
standard VMs as well as other Azure services.
 Experience in interfacing with business analysis and UI/UX teams.
 Responsible for build and deployment automation using Docker and Kubernetes containers and Chef, Puppet and
 Experience with capacity planning, conti nuous integrati on and applicati on deployment using Jenkins and Subversion
(SVN) and GIT for version control, Maven and Ant for Building and Packaging..
 Strong Knowledge/experience in creating JENKINS CI pipelines in to automate most of the build related tasks.
 Skilled in monitoring servers using Nagios, Datadog, Cloud watch and using ELK Stack Elasti c Search Logstash.
 Automated Build Metrics using SonarQube - Installed and confi gured SonarQube for code quality check; integrated
SonarQube scans at Confidenti al Build (both XAML and vNext) and Jenkins; Performed upgrades of SonarQube
 Experience with setti ng up Chef Infra, bootstrapping nodes, creati ng, uploading recipes and cookbooks.
 Experience in keeping up and looking at log archives using monitoring tools like Nagios, Splunk, CloudWatch, ELK
Stack, Dynatrace, New Relic, Prometheus, and App Dynamics.
 Experience in central advancements like DNS, Load Balancing, SSL, TCP/IP, system administration. and security best
practi ces and capable of chipping away at Windows Acti ve Directory, DNS, DHCP.
 Experience with Web Forms, HTML, XML, XPATH, CSS, AJAX, and JavaScript.
 Knowledge of programming in JAVA, C, C++, and Python.

Cloud Environments Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Infrastructure as Code Terraform, Cloud Formation
Programming Languages Java, C, C++, Python, .Net, and PL/SQL
Database MySQL, My SQL Server, Oracle 8i/9i, Azure
Versioning Tools Git, GitHub, GitLab, Subversion (SVN), and Bitbucket
Containerization Tools AWS ECS, Docker, Kubernetes
Orchestrati on Tools Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Google Cloud Engine
Networking Protocols TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, WAN, LAN, FTP/TFTP, SMPTP
Application Servers WebSphere Applicati on Server, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic
Build Tools Maven, Gradle, Ant
Operati ng Systems Windows, Linux (RedHat), macOS, Ubuntu
CI Tools Jira, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Ansible
Monitoring Tools Nagios, AWS Cloud Watch, Splunk, and ELK
Web Development HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, XML, XPATH, and JavaScript, JSP, and jQuery
AWS EC2, S3, RDS, Elasti c Beanstalk, CloudWatch, Code Commit, Code Build, Code Deploy,
Code Pipeline, VPC, IAM, CloudFront, RedShift , Lambda, DynamoDB, SMS, SNS, SWF
Scripti ng Shell Scripti ng, Groovy, Power Shell, YAML, Bash
Frameworks MVC, TestNG, Junit, Spring Boot, Microservices
IDE Platforms Eclipse, NetBeans, Microsoft Visual Studio


Client: Ford Motor, Dearborn, Michigan Dec 2019 - Till Date

ROLE: Sr. Cloud/DevOps Engineer.
 Worked on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services like compute engine, cloud load balancing, cloud storage, cloud
SQL, stack driver monitoring and cloud deployment manager.
 Responsible for Setup and build AWS infrastructure using resources VPC, EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, IAM, EBS,
Route53, SNS, SES, SQS, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Security Group, Autoscaling and RDS using CloudFormati on
 Strong experience on Implementi ng Terraform and CloudFormati on templates as Infrastructure as a Code for GCP,
Azure and AWS Public Cloud soluti ons for various use cases.
 Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on Amazon web services (AWS) and confi gurati on management instances
and Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform using Chef confi gurati on management tools and
Created instances in AWS as well as migrated data to AWS from data Center.
 Set-up databases in GCP using RDS, storage using S3 bucket and confi guring instance backups to S3 bucket. prototype
CI/CD system with GitLab on GKE uti lizing Kubernetes and Docker for the runti me environment for the CI/CD systems
to build and test and deploy.
 Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes, Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker on GCP. Uti lized
Kubernetes and Docker for the runti me environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy.
 Used Chef for configurati on management of hosted Instances within GCP. Confi guring and Networking of Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC).
 Management and design of integrated build pipelines using continuous integrati on and continuous development
workfl ows such as Jira, Git, Jenkins, and Chef.
 Setup Alerting and monitoring using Stackdriver in GCP and Chatbot Engineer.
 Familiar in Migrating the Legacy applicati on into GCP platform and managing the GCP services such as Compute
Engine, cloud Storage, Big Query, VPC, Stack Drive, Load Balancing and IAM.
 Provisioned the highly available EC2 Instances using Terraform and Cloud Formati on and wrote new Python scripts to
support new functi onality in Terraform.
 Create Splunk searches and views to assist in monitoring site traffi c. Monitor web site performance using Splunk,
Nagios, CloudWatch and Instance level metrics.
 Good understanding of machine learning tools in GCP like Vision API, Speech API, Translate API.
 Worked on installing, configuring, and managing Docker Containers, Docker Images for Web Servers and Applicati ons
and Implemented Docker -maven-plugin in and maven pom to build Docker images for all Microservices and later
used Docker fi le to build the Docker images from the Java jar fi les.
 Implemented multi -tier applicati on provisioning in open stack cloud, integrating it with Puppet, migrating the
applicati on using Maven as build tool.
 Build servers using GCP , importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS , creating security groups, auto-scaling, load
balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connecti on.
 Worked Extensively on building and maintaining clusters managed by Kubernetes , Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker, on GCP
(Google Cloud Platform).
 Installed Workstati on, Bootstrapped Nodes, Wrote Recipes, and Cookbooks and uploaded them to Chef-server ,
Managed On-site OS/Applicati ons/Services/ Packages using Chef as well as AWS for EC2/S3&ELB with Chef
 Experience working on cloud technologies, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure.
 Hands on experience on Azure VPN-Point to Site, Virtual networks, Azure Custom security, end point security and
 Built end to end CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, compile applicati ons, perform tests and push build
arti facts to Nexus Google Cloud Platform (GCP) as a part of POC .
 Worked on Ansible modules to deploy Docker services on the Docker cluster for the enti re microservices stack.
 Well versed with Software development (SDLC), Test life cycle (STLC), and Bug life cycle and worked with testi ng
methodologies like a waterfall and the agile methodology ( SCRUM) with an in-depth understanding of the principles
and best practi ces of Software Configuration Management (SCM).
 Excellent knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, JSP and Web Services.
 Development with Agile methodologies and JIRA.
 Strong Java/JEE background in development and support roles.
Environment: JAVA8, Agile, MySQL, JIRA, Chef, Docker, HTML5, AJAX, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Azure, AWS, AWS Auto
Scaling, Jenkins, EC2, AWS S3, Puppet, VPC EC2, IAM, EBS, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Code Build, AWS
CodeDeploy, Kubernetes, Terraform

Client: United Group Health(UHG), Irving, TX Sep 2018- Nov 2019

Role: Sr. Cloud/DevOps Engineer
 Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources, VPC EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS
in Cloud Formati on JSON templates.
 Worked with Terraform to create AWS components like EC2, IAM, VPC, ELB, Security groups.
 Intense passion for automati on and streamlining acti viti es such as unit test automati on and CI/CD.
 Experience working on Azure Cloud services, Azure storage, Azure CLI, Azure acti ve directory, and Azure Service Bus.
Managing Client’s Microsoft Azure-based PAAS and IAAS environment.
 Hands on experience in GCP services like EC2, S3, ELB, RDS, SQS, EBS, VPC, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Cloud Watch,
Cloud Trail, Cloud Formati on GCP Config, Autoscaling, Cloud Front, IAM, R53.
 Backup and recovery an Azure Virtual Machines from a Recovery Services vault. Involved in deployment of applicati on
on Azure server by creati ng packages.
 Worked on Chef where in wrote code on workstati ons using Knife to interact with server and setti ng up Chef Infra,
bootstrapping nodes, creati ng, and uploading recipes, node convergence in Chef SCM.
 Provide SME in all areas of Cloud (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) to existi ng and perspecti ve clients on multiple cloud platforms;
Sphere/vCloud/Cloud Stack/Azure/AWS and various PaaS platforms (Cloud Foundry/OpenShift ).
 Created and deployed VMs on the Microsoft cloud service Azure, created and managed the virtual networks to
connect all the servers and designed ARM templates for Azure platform.
 Configured three types of blobs, block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs in Azure for storing a large amount of
unstructured object data such as text or binary data, that can be accessed from anywhere via HTTP or HTTPS.
 Effecti vely communicate the differences between Azure and on-site technologies and the benefi ts of each type of
 Build Data Sync job on Windows Azure to synchronize data from SQL 2012 to SQL Azure.
 Create Cache Memory on Windows Azure to improve the performance of data transfer between SQL Azure and WCF
 Configuring the Docker containers and creating Docker fi les for different environments.
 Worked with container-based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker-
registries and Kubernetes.
 Setti ng up Chef Infra, bootstrapping nodes, creating, and uploading recipes, node convergence in Chef SCM.
 Created private cloud using Kubernetes that supports DEV, TEST, and PROD environments.
 Implemented a producti on ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant, auto scaling Kubernetes AWS
infrastructure and microservice container orchestrati on.
 Creati ng clusters using Kubernetes and worked on creating many pods, replication controllers, deployments, labels,
health checks and ingress by writi ng YAML files.
 Used Jenkins and pipelines to drive all micro-services builds out to the Docker-registry and then deployed to
Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
 Installed Workstati on, Bootstrapped Nodes, Wrote Recipes and Cookbooks and uploaded them to Chef Server,
Managed On-site OS Applications, Services, Packages using Chef as well as AWS for EC2, S3 & ELB with Chef
 Worked on Ansible setup, managing hosts file, Using YAML linter, authoring various playbooks and custom modules
with Ansible.
Environment: JAVA, CSS3, HTML5, AWS EC2, MySQL, JavaScript, CI/CD, JIRA, GIT, SVN, Oracle DB, jQuery, AWS, Jenkins,
Microsoft Azure, GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, Maven, Chef, AWS EC2, RDS, ELK, Ansible, AWS Cloud Formation, Terraform

T-Mobile, Seatt le, WA

Site Reliability Engineer May2017- Aug 2018
 Worked on Ansible setup, managing hosts file, Using YAML linter, authoring various playbooks and custom modules
with Ansible.
 Maintain CI/CD pipeline through and setup process for deployment teams. Uti lize various tools and technologies such
Chef/Ansible, GIT, Jenkins for streamlined deployments.
 Verify Chef cookbooks and Ansible playbooks for system updates.
 Sound knowledge in creati ng Jenkins jobs for Build automati on and trigger multiple tests before it is pushed to the
version control system.
 Created Automated pipelines in AWS CodePipeline to deploy Docker containers in AWS ECS using services like AWS
CloudFormati on, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, S3 and Puppet.
 Managing interacti ons with various vendors in Video business for deployment and escalati ons of LIVE issues.
 Technical knowledge of current network hardware, protocols, and Internet standards, including TCP/IP, and DNS,
DHCP, SSH, FTP, Terminal Services/Remote Desktop .
 An experienced background in running both Windows and Linux server applicati ons, programming apti tude ( HTML,
MySQL, CSS, JS, PHP), experience with a formal soft ware release process, and the ability to learn quickly.
 Deploy applicati ons like Hadoop, zookeeper, Nginx, apache, Tomcat to production WITH AWS, Puppet, Chef, Jenkins,
Git, EC2, ELB, Autoscaling, Opsworks, Shell, Python, Ruby, DynamoDB, CloudFormati on, CI/CD.
 Created Frontend Node.js stati c and REST API Microservices.
 Automated build and deployment of Microservices using Git and Jenkins.
 Experience in maintaining applications written in AWS Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), AWS Cloud Formati on, AWS
databases such as Dynamo and Redshift .
 Having a good knowledge of services like ELB, RDS, SNS, SWF, and EBS etc. in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
 Configuring AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
 Building the deployment process for application and building a conti nuous integrati on system for all our products
using Jenkins.
 Expert in building and performing conti nuous integration using Jenkins and deploying the build artifacts into the
JBoss applicati on server.
 Extensive experience using Maven and ANT as a Build Tool for the building of deployable arti facts ( JAR, WAR & EAR)
from source code.
 Experience in architecti ng large applicati ons and object-oriented programming related to Python.
 Worked on writing multiple Python, Shell scripts for internal applicati ons for various organizati onal tasks.
 Responsible for maintaining the Subversion (SVN)/GIT Repositories, also access control strategies.
 General database experience, including apti tude writi ng SQL and administering Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL
Ability to code in Perl and Shell script (and learn other languages quickly).
 Experience with JBoss and J2EE environments.
 Strong knowledge of TCP/IP networking, SMTP, HTTP, load-balancers, highly available network servers
 Strong knowledge of Unix/Linux, Apache, performance tuning concepts, and web applicati ons
 Strong written & oral communicati on skills are essenti al. Proven ability to write bugs, test cases, problem reports.
Environment: Java, Python, Shell CSS3, HTML5, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JIRA, Eclipse, SCRUM, Git, Gitlab,
PowerShell, Bash, Agile, AWS, EC2, S3, Elasti c Beanstalk, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Web App, XL Deploy,
Code Deploy, SCRUM

Client: Finetek Soft ware Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chandigarh, India Oct 2015- Jan 2017
Role: DevOps Engineer
 Having knowledge of OOPS concepts.
 Installed and Administered Jenkins CI for ANT and Maven Builds.
 Experience in User Management and Plug-in Management for Jenkins.
 Worked in Agile modeled soft ware development life cycle.
 Experience on Continuous Integrati on and Continuous Delivery with AWS using Docker and Jenkins.
 Experience with capacity planning, continuous integration and application deployment using Jenkins and Subversion (SVN) and GIT
for version control, Maven and Ant for Building and Packaging.
 Involved in JIRA as defect tracking system and configure various workflows, customizations and plug-ins for JIRA bug/issue tracker,
integrated Jenkins with JIRA , GitHub.
 Method references are used provided in Java8 to make use of methods already named.
 Worked on HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, and Web Services.
 Developed VBA scripts to perform data segregation of new data based on historical data inputs.
 Using Jenkins AWS Code Deploy plugin to deploy to AWS.
 Involved in setting up Test automation and developed Cucumber feature files and used Selenium for automated testing with
 Set up the Jenkins CI/CD process and Jenkins’s master slaves for the entire CI/CD infrastructure.
 Participated in weekly release meetings with Technology, stakeholders to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the
monthly releases. Developed build scripts using ANT as the build tool for the creation of (WAR files) build artifacts.
 Involved in troubleshooting the automation of Installing and configuring JAVA applications in the test and pre-production
 Worked with CI/CD tools like JENKINS, GIT, MAVEN, and PUPPET.
 Deploying scripts for build, maintenance, deployment, and related tasks using Dockers, Jenkins, and Maven.
 Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations, and plugins for the JIRA
bug/issue tracker.
 Maintained and executed build scripts by coordinating with development and QA teams.
 Installed, Configured and Maintained, APACHE, TOMCAT and JBOSS servers in Red Hat LINUX environment.
 Conversant in the latest front-end techniques such as JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.
 Well-versed and active user of GitHub.
Environment: Java8, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, JIRA, TestNG, Cucumber, Selenium, AWS, HTML5, Jenkins, Maven,
Puppet, CI/CD, Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, Red Hat Linux, ANT, Agile, Docker, Subversion (SVN), Web Services, VBA,

Client: ADC Bank, Ahmedabad,India

Role: Jr. DevOps Engineer April 2014 – Sep 2015
 Experienced in Installing, Upgrading, Patching, Configuring and Administrating Red Hat Linux .
 Deployed Java applications in WebLogic application servers.
 Automated the build process using Jenkins and scheduled build jobs daily for the sanity check of the Java code checked in by the
 Worked on establishing a streamlined release process for the development team from scratch.
 Used Maven as a build tool for the building of the deployable artifacts from the source code.
 Created detailed documentation of complex build and release process and post release activities process, JIRA workflow and Release
 Used JIRA to capture, organize and prioritize issues and partially administering issue management.
 Used Jira as ticket tracking and workflow tool.
 Used Jenkins, Build forge for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server.
 Used Subversion as source code repositories.
 Implemented the setup for Master slave architecture to improve the Performance of Jenkins .
 Automated the process of deployment to Apache Tomcat Application Servers by developing Python Scripts.
 Created and updated Puppet manifests and modules, files, and packages stored in the GIT repository.
 Worked closely with developers to pinpoint and provide early warnings of common build failures.
 Created, tested, and deployed an End-to-End CI/CD pipeline for various applications using Jenkins.
 Executed user administration and maintenance tasks including creating users and groups, reports, and queries .
 Kept track of all the releases and request of the developers through Infrastructure management tool.
 Coordinated developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, naming conventions using GIT.
 Integrated Jenkins with various DevOps tools such as GIT, Maven, Junit, and Nexus and developed Jenkins jobs to automatically
manage, test, and deploy code and applications.
Environment: Java, Jenkins, Jira, ApacheTomcat, Subversion, Maven, Red Hat Linux, Python, Git, Puppet, WebLogic, Git,
Junit, Nexus

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