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God Matters – Alex Mabe wounds one at a time, learns that suffering
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
Ryan Greene. Min. of Music & Youth
requires space and patience. For those of us
...a man of suffering, and familiar with pain…. observing the pain of the other, this is difficult

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Surely, he took up our pain and bore our suf- because we would want to save them. Yet,
your own experience with pain and suffering

fering. Isaiah 53:3-4

Your Church Staff

can teach you to be patient and humble in

Livestreaming Services
are continuing as follows:
As we watch the tragedies of the world un- comforting others. Most of all, however, I
fold on the newscasts of today, and we learn would hope that through your storms of life

Worship - 10:30am
of personal tragedies intimately around us, you have learned that there is the One who

on Sunday
we readily can become disheartened by the knows well your pain and holds in his healing
searing pain that is so readily apparent in our hands resurrection power. Always ready, our
fallen world. And yet, God’s word tells the Wounded Healer is knocking at your door in
story of our Suffering Savior who has come to your time of need, and with loving tenderness
August 26, 2021 • Vol. 44, Issue 34 give us comfort and a peace beyond under- and patience He will bind and unbind the
standing. There is a story about a Rabbi who wounds of your heart.


came across Elijah the Prophet in the desert. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
“Elijah, won’t you tell us when the Messiah Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God
will come?” the Rabbi asked. “Ask him your- of all comfort, who comforts us in all our af-
Guest Speaker: self,” said Elijah. “He’s sitting among the fliction, so that we may be able to comfort
those who are in any affliction, with the com-
poor and sick at the gates of the city.” “How
will I know him from the others there?” asked fort with which we ourselves are comforted
the Rabbi. “You will know him because the by God.
Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021 others unbind all of their wounds at once and 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.
then bind them all up. But the Messiah un-
binds and then binds his wounds one at a

Electronic service requested:

North Augusta, SC 29861-8168

P.O. Box 8168
Belvedere First Baptist Church
time, so that he will be ready when he is
Brett Legg, Teaching and needed.” As we read in the scriptures of the
truth of our Savior and Lord, the portrait is
Counseling Pastor clearly one of a wounded healer. Why is the

@ Warren Baptist Church healer himself wounded?

A foundational truth is that Jesus Christ
For our weekly service recordings
suffered and died for our sins. However, per-
haps the Messiah also came to teach us that
Observance of the Lord’s Supper those who deeply comfort and console and
heal, themselves are persons who have ex-
perienced pain and suffering. I ask that you
consider that much can be learned walking Pulpit Supply
through the storms of life, as the comforter or August 29, 2021
as the comforted. And what lessons might be
learned from an intimate walk with pain and Brett Legg, Teaching and Counseling
suffering, In your very personal life’s storm, Pastor of Warren Baptist Church
you will certainly came to understand the
Our Mission: We exist to obey Jesus Christ by uniqueness of another’s pain. Having experi-
Pray & Go
Permit #20
Augusta, GA
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Non-Profit Org.

continuously reaching out to create relation- enced firsthand your own suffering, you will
ships and share Christ’s story in order to make come to know that no one can ever authenti- Team Schedule
mature disciples. cally say, “I know how you feel.” For anyone
to say “I know…” is to misunderstand the No Pray and Go this week
421 Edgefield Road | PO Box 8168 uniqueness of another’s pain. So too, you
North Augusta, SC 29861-8168 5th Sunday, August 29, 2021
can learn not to be anxious to cheer up an-
803-279-0415 | 803-279-0476 other. The healer who binds and unbinds the
Weekly Ministry Opportunities Stewardship Report
Sunday, August 29 Week of: August 22, 2021
9:15a Sunday School Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
Weekly Needs $6,281.00
10:30 Worship/Brett Legg, Teaching & Weekly Tithe $8,992.14
Counseling Pastor at Warren/ Needs/Date $214,083.64
Communion Service YOUTH Offering/Date $189,159.43
4:00p No Pray & Go this week (5th Sun) Operation Christmas Child Sunday School @ 9:15am
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) Youth Building
Shoeboxes are ready to be (No online giving this week)
Monday, August 30 picked up!!
6:00p Adoption Com Mtg @ Warren
Wednesday, Sept. 1 Deadline to turn in your Shoeboxes FYI! Missions #8025 $120.00
6:30p Praise Team/Choir Rehearsal is Monday, Nov. 15th. The deadline Janie Chapman #8050 $120.00
(Sanct.) to have them in to the drop-off site is Lucy Pearson Class Homebound Meals #5454 $70.00
Thursday, Sept. 2 the week of Nov. 15th - Nov. 21. Meets in 1st classroom behind the Utilities #5500 $90.00
10:30a Monthly Prayer Mtg (FH) Sanctuary
Join us for a fun, interactive Project
Teachers: Mary Head & Kathy Britton
See note below! Leader Workshop on Saturday, 11 members present on August 22
7:00p ESL Class - Room 109 September 11th designed to take
Sunday, Sept. 5 your 2021 collection season to a Adult Coed Class Members In Service
9:15a Sunday School new level! Room #112
10:30 Worship/John Bryan, Former The workshop will be held at the Teacher: Gary Hartley
Welcome Team
Pastor @ Curtis Baptist 7 members present on August 22
Anglican Church near Walmart at Freddie Holton, Larry Lowe
4:00p Outreach-Pray & Go I-20 exit #5 Frank Buck/Victory SS Class
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) 10:00a - Noon Teacher: Betty Holton Safety
Monday, Sept. 6 - Labor Day All are welcome to attend! Room #110 Mike Wilson, Everett Gregory
Church Office Closed for Holiday Call the church office to get details 15 members present on August 22
on registering for this workshop. Sound & Multimedia Team
John Baker/Phil Solesbee Class Wayne Duke, Debra Wheeler
Sympathy Room #109
Our heartfelt prayers are extended to 6 members present on August 22 Deacons-On-Call
Dave, Annette and Joshua Fetterhoff in Youth Phil Solesbee / 803-278-2291
the passing of their son and brother, Youth Bldg. Scott Wilk / 803-278-533
Luke Fetterhoff. Teacher: Ryan Greene
5 members present on August 22
Extended Session
You’re Invited! 1st - 5th grades
Sun., August 29
Join us on the first Thursday every Teachers: Evie Wilk, Gail Willem
month, 10:30am at Belv. FBC for 1 hour. Season of Prayer for State Missions, 2 members present on August 22 Sunday School: Carolyn Rhoden
Worship Service: Rotation - Gail Graham, Kaye
Non-denominational prayer time for all Missions Education and Kingdom 4’s & 5’s Mabe, Lee Westmoreland, Ginny Fulmer,
Christians with a focus on revival. ADVANCE in South Carolina Teachers: Fran McCormick & Laurel Mead Sub: Donna Wilson 2 members present on August 22

September 12 - 19, 2021 Nursery - email Teacher: Carolyn Rhoden
address dedicated specifically for prayer Our Goal: $2,500. 2 member present on August 22
requests. Given to date: $1,228.85
(Oct. 1, 2020 - Aug. 22, 2021) TOTAL: 50

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