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Hello everyone. As promised, this is the first in the series of videos that I will be providing to you.

The first session we discussed about the different era, the five eras of human history, particularly the
evolution of human history. And as we understand that we started from hunting and gathering era
to horticulture and Pastoral, agrarian, industrial and post-Industrial era. First was hunting and
gathering, which basically the share of this era in the total human history is 99 6%. Most of the time
we were basically hunters and gatherers.

Hunting & gathering. Basically, people used to Hunt for their food and the user store without
Purpose. As we discussed that there wasn't any concept of property, so there wasn't any rational for
storing. They had enough to Hunt and eat every day, but as a part of their habit, they used to store.
hunting and gathering. Era is known as the most egalitarian era in human history, not on purpose.

It was just by nature simply because there wasn't any concept or discrimination, enough resources
were available for them to consume. Therefore, there were no conflict. Therefore, there wasn't any
concept of who is having more and who is having less. So it was one of the most egalitarian era in
human history. The food was mostly dependent on an animal meat.

Second era was horticulture and pastoral. Two major changes happened in this era, one the food.
The dependence of individuals of humans on animal for their food departments actually got shifted
to plant based food. That's number one and number two, they started domesticating animals. We
use labour, animal labour in agrarian era, but they started domesticating animals in this era.

Third era was agrarian era. More often I say that it's the watershed moment in human history
because we can relate to agrarian era what we observe today in our society was introduced in
agrarian era. For example, shift from human labour to animal labour took place in this era. People
started using animal for the labour purposes.

Concept of property has introduced simply because people started cultivating and when there is a
production, when there is a surplus, when there is concept of ownership of land, these are all
properties. So therefore, the concept of property was introduced. And when there's a concept of
property, it's inherent that there might be the incidents of conflict. there for the first time even
human actually were getting into the conflict related to property.

When there are conflicts, we feel need to govern ourselves. And therefore we also also see the
organized evidence of governance systems in the form of dynasties, Kings, actually coming from
agrarian era. This is also the era when we saw the gender discrimination taking place. Women to
move towards the home houses to take care of the kids, to cook food, to manage cattle, men move
towards the fields to participate in kind of agrarian activities. The seed of gender discrimination was
being sown in this era.

Fourth was the industrial Era, 16 and 17th century Industrial Revolution. That took. Place in Europe
two major changes again in this era, one that the use of science and technology was the most in this
era compared to any previous era. So therefore, you see a lot of industrial output coming out from
these countries. Second was since, the use of science technology was pretty much there, which was
pretty much prevalent.
The formal systems of education were also introduced. And when I say formal system means that
you have more organized knowledge dissemination systems there, such as universities and colleges.

Fifth was post-industrial era, As we understand its information era, the defining factor is
information communication technology.Here, information serves as a resource. Particularly. You can
use information as a resource. If you have access to information, you are more powerful. You can
use it to your benefits.

If you look at this time, kind of the share of these eras in the total human history. As you understand,
the hunting gathering is like 99.6%. But after that, now the periodically actually got reduced from
one era to another. So why has happened? One defining factor is because of the use of technology
as different societies and era, they started using technology more. The changes that took place were
quick. And therefore, if you look at the duration of these areas actually were getting reduced over
time, another reason are Population Growth, scarcity of Resources and environmental change.
Thank you.

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