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Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 457 – 462

16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations

Optimization of high speed machine tool spindle to minimize thermal
Srinivas N. Grama * , Ashvarya Mathur, Ramesh Aralaguppi, Subramanian T.
Dr. Kalam center for innovation, Bharat Fritz Werner R&D, Off Tumkur Road, Bengaluru, 560022, India

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-80-3982-1408; Fax: +91-80-3982-1100; E-mail address:


Thermal errors contribute significantly to the dimensional error on machined components. Various machine design and operating factors are
responsible for the thermal error. In the present work, experiments are performed to understand the effect of spindle rotational speed and the
chiller unit setting on the temperature distribution in the spindle and consequently the thermal distortion of the Tool Center Point (TCP). A
metrology fixture is fabricated and calibrated to measure TCP displacements as a precursor to experimentation. In addition, multiple temperature
sensors are affixed at critical points within the spindle. It is seen that the temperature distribution across the outer race of front bearings is non-
uniform (> 2.5◦ C) which in turn indicates that the heat extraction is not uniform across the spindle. Concurrently, significant tilt (yaw and pitch
angles of the order of 50μ radian) is visible at speeds greater than 5000 rpm. In the second part of the paper, a thermal compensation model is
developed in a linear regression framework. To improve robustness of the model and reduce redundancy, only five out of eighteen temperature
sensors (two near front bearing, one each near rear bearing and motor coil and an ambient temperature) are chosen through Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) and k-means clustering. The predictions of the model agrees well with the measurements taken from a different set of experiments.

©c 2017
2017TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
B.V. This
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations
Keywords: Motorized spindle, thermal modeling and compensation, machining center, thermal distortion, optimization

1. Introduction machining conditions while the variation in ambient temper-

ature and existing temperature gradient in the machine shop
Accuracy and precision of machined product along with are some of the external factors. Various approaches includ-
speed of machining are among the important considerations for ing analytical and/or numerical modeling (finite-element and
a machine tool manufacturer during the design of a general pur- finite-difference approaches) in conjunction with experimen-
pose machining center. Although various proving tests are un- tation have been followed to describe the thermo-mechanical
dertaken in the form of leveling test, straightness calibration of behavior of the machine tool [2]. However accurate thermo-
axes using laser interferometer, full power tests, etc. during the mechanical modeling of a complete machining center under
assembly of a machining center, often significant variability is various operating conditions is quite difficult and complicated
found in the geometrical accuracy and precision of machined [3]. One of the vital machine tool component which is also a
end-products. The reason for such deviation from the ideal sit- major heat source especially in the case of high speed machin-
uation is the combination of following major error sources: ge- ing is a motorized spindle. It is therefore important to first map
ometric and kinematic error; cutting force induced error; tool- the thermo-mechanical characteristics of motorized spindle.
wear related error and thermal error. Among these errors, it is Motorized spindle has two main heat sources: the motor and
well known that about 40 to 70% is due to thermal issues [1]. the spindle supporting bearings. Heat generation in the motor
For instance, geometrical accuracies of products machined in is because of the magnetic and electrical losses during the con-
a typical 12-hour shift vary widely (whether the machine was version of electrical power to mechanical work while it is due
warmed up or not, the change in the ambient temperature) due to friction for the case of bearings. Therefore in contrast to the
to the inherent transient behavior of the machine tool till stabi- belt-driven or gear-driven spindle, the mode of heat generation
lization is attained. and dissipation should be taken into account during the design
Thermo-elastic behavior of machine tool is dependent on a of motorized spindle. This internal heat generation causes spin-
variety of internal and external factors. The major internal fac- dle distortion in the form of TCP displacements which in turn
tors include the design and assembly of the machine tool and results in the degradation of machine tool performance. In or-
der to minimize this effect, machine tool manufacturers employ

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The 16th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations
458 Srinivas N. Grama et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 457 – 462

forced convection-type heat transfer with the coolant being ei- to group and select the temperature sensors for compensation
ther air, water or oil. model development using PCA and k-means clustering. The
To further minimize TCP displacements in high precision predictive capability of the developed model is then checked by
machining centers, two approaches are commonly employed. performing an experiment very different from the ones used to
The first one is to control the heat flow or optimize the mechan- build the model. Finally, a few concluding remarks are offered
ical design to reduce the sensitivity to heat flow either through in Section 4.
the use of low Coefficient of Expansion (CoE) materials or the
use of a novel cooling strategy which directly minimizes TCP 2. Material and Methods
displacement itself. The second approach is to allow for spindle
distortion which is compensated electronically real-time. In the The experimental set-up includes a stand-alone motorized
former case, recent research [4] has shown that differentiated spindle which is mounted onto the milling head which in turn
recirculation systems for bearings and motor provide a better is rigidly fixed to the test bed. The bearings in the spindle are
dissipation strategy than the traditional cooling system. In ad- arranged in a double ◦-configuration and provision is made to
dition, further improvement is seen when heat dissipation rate cool the bearings and stator portion of the motor region (Fig. 1)
is matched with the heat generation rate through the control of through a recirculation-type chiller unit. Eighteen Pt100 Resis-
the coolant entry temperature [5]. tance Temperature Detector (RTD) sensors are affixed at several
critical points in the spindle: four each in outer race of front
Nomenclature bearings, five in outer race of rear bearings, one each for motor
coil, ambient and housing temperature and finally one each at
T i Temperature of ith sensor in ◦ C (i = 1 to 18). coolant entry and exit points. A custom-built software is used
ΔT i Temperature change of ith sensor with respect to its to synchronize the data from FANUC CNC controller (such as
initial temperature in ◦ C. spindle speed and motor coil temperature) along with the tem-
ui Spindle displacement at ith location in μm (i = 0◦ , peratures from other RTD’s, flow rate and chiller on/off infor-
90◦ , 180◦ , 270◦ position). mation. Experiments are performed under no-load condition
δ Thermal expansion of spindle in μm. and the resulting thermal displacements are manually measured
N Spindle speed in rpm. using high precision Millimess dial gages, which are rigidly
A Augmented temperature matrix with n temperature clamped in a specially fabricated fixture, whose details are pro-
sensors in columns and m time steps in rows. vided in subsection 2.1.
S i Singular value of A corresponding to ith principal

Electronic thermal compensation through origin shifting or

feedback interception method is the most popular way of reduc-
ing thermal errors. Extensive research is conducted to arrive
at ’so-called’ robust optimal model which relates the TCP dis-
placements to various internal and external parameters such as
temperatures, strains, spindle speed, etc. Various kinds of mod-
els using either least squares, regression analysis, transfer func-
tion, neural network, support vector machine or hybrid tech-
niques have been developed and their detailed review is pro-
vided in [6]. In order to reduce the redundant data input during
model fitting, approaches including correlation grouping, group
searching have been employed and optimal sensor locations
were chosen [7]. In addition to the models which use instan-
taneous values of internal and external parameters to estimate
TCP displacements, some models employ thermo-mechanical
history data as well in order to account for the thermal time
constant of spindle unit and they show a better predictive capa- Fig. 1: A schematic of the motorized spindle with eighteen temperature sensors
bility [8]. and a representative coolant channel.
The present work is aimed at understanding the thermo-
mechanical behavior of stand-alone motorized spindle in an 2.1. Fixture development
experimental-modeling framework. The first part of the paper
is focused on experimentation wherein the effect of various op- A steel fixture (Fig. 2) is designed to measure spindle
erating parameters on the temperature distribution in the spin- distortion at four designated points (Fig. 2; points ui , i =
dle and resulting TCP displacements are studied. Specifically, 0◦ , 90◦ , 180◦ , 270◦ ) on the rotating disk. This precision ground
Section 2 describes the experimental setup, the design and vali- disk (d = 210 mm in diameter1 ) forms an extension of spin-
dation of displacement measurement fixture, the effect of spin-
dle rotational speed and spindle orientation on TCP displace-
ments. The second part is focused on the thermal compensation 1 Larger disk diameter is chosen to magnify the measurements and reduce

methodology adopted wherein Section 3 introduces a novel way uncertainty.

Srinivas N. Grama et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 457 – 462 459

dle shaft as it is rigidly clamped onto the spindle. The spindle the only heat source is the friction due to pumping action and
distortion parameters, i.e., the axial growth, δ = (u0◦ + u90◦ + in cooling path. The temperature of all RTD’s in addition to
u180◦ +u270◦ )/4, the pitch angle γ x = tan−1 ((u90◦ − u270◦ )/d) and the spindle disk distortion are monitored and is plotted in polar
the yaw angle γy = tan−1 ((u0◦ − u180◦ )/d) are later extrapolated axis (Fig. 3) as it showcases the tilt error tacitly. The polar plot
from the four measurements. The measurement procedure is as illustrates the temperature and distortion of different sensors at
follows: first the spindle is stopped intermittently from rotation their respective position w.r.t. the spindle axis. It is seen that
and oriented at a pre-designated position through ’M19’ com- front bearing temperatures are uniform (≈ 38◦ C) across a sec-
mand; then a slip gage is used to measure the gap and finally the tion while spindle disk distortion is non-uniform (u90◦ >> u270◦ ,
distortion is measured after accounting for the slip gage thick- u0◦ ≈ u180◦ ; refer Fig. 2). On the other hand, when CDT is -
ness. This fixture is designed to be different from the commonly 10, the chiller trigger frequency is very high (time period ≈ 2.2
used 5-point measurement setup (ISO 230-3 standard [9]) as it minutes) as the heat source is the ambient temperature; the front
overcomes several disadvantages: the use of a precision man- bearing temperatures are lower (≈ 18◦ C) while spindle disk
drel is avoided and allows high speed rotation in addition to contracts (u90◦ << u270◦ , u0◦ ≈ u180◦ ) relative to the reference
being a low-cost set-up. Due to high resolution requirement of position. As expected, axial growth (δ = 23 μm) is observed for
measurements, the fixture alone is calibrated against a standard a CDT of +10◦ C while significant contraction (δ = -16 μm) re-
granite block and the environmental temperature variation error sults for CDT of -10◦ C. On the other hand, it is puzzling to find
(ETVE) is found to be systematic across the four points (≈ 4 significant tilt error (of the order of 50 μ radian) at these CDT’s
μm when the ambient temperature change is 6◦ C), thus pro- even when the spindle is stationary; work is underway to throw
viding confidence in the experimental measurements. Further, light on this aspect and will be reported elsewhere. However,
the validity of measurements are reinforced through repetition for all practical applications, a CDT of -2◦ C is employed and
of experiments and they reveal a similar trend; details of which the same is followed in the further experiments with spindle
are provided in further sub-sections. rotation as described in Section 2.3.

2.3. Effect of spindle speed

Speed of the spindle plays an important role in the thermal

behavior of the spindle as it dictates the internal heat generation.
Experiments are carried out at the following spindle speeds:
2000, 5000 and 8000 rpm. The temperatures are logged once
every ten seconds while the spindle distortion is measured in-
termittently (initially at a higher rate to account for the rapid
change in TCP displacements). The spindle is rotated till sta-
bilization is reached [9] after which rotation is stopped until
the spindle cools to ambient temperature. The spindle distor-
tion parameters calculated when the spindle is stationary, i.e.
approximately during 150 and 300 minutes for 5000 and 8000
rpm experiments (Fig. 4), show a decreasing trend with higher
Fig. 2: A steel fixture is used to calculate spindle distortion from dial gauge
slope just after the spindle is made to stop while it plateaus to-
measurements at four designated points (ui , i = 0◦ , 90◦ , 180◦ , 270◦ ). wards the end of 300 minutes, i.e. when the spindle cools down
to ambient temperature. It is interesting to note that δ has not
gone back to zero reading mainly because of the increase in am-
2.2. Effect of chiller setting bient temperature from the start of the experiment in addition
to the systematic error of the measurement setup. The spindle
The heat generated in a motorized spindle is extracted us- growth, δ, calculated for all three speeds (Fig. 4) indicates its
ing a recirculation-type oil coolant system (chiller unit). Ambi- dependence on the spindle speed and also partly on the change
ent temperature tracing strategy is employed for triggering the in ambient temperature. In addition, the evolution of critical
chiller unit. This strategy involves manual setting of chiller dif- parameters during 8000 rpm experiment is also illustrated in
ferential temperature (CDT), an integral number from +10◦ C Fig. 5, wherein the following important points are observed.
to -10◦ C. For instance, the compressor in the chiller unit is trig- A non-uniform temperature distribution in front bearings with
gered when the coolant reservoir temperature reaches ’CDT + a positive bias towards the third quadrant (T 3 , T 6 and T 7 are
1◦ C’ with respect to ambient temperature, while it is switched higher compared to rest). Work is underway to reduce this bias
off when the reservoir is cooled to ’CDT - 2◦ C’. Although this through the optimization of coolant circuit and will be reported
cooling system allows for the variation in trigger frequency of elsewhere. Further, the chiller triggering frequency is also re-
compressor depending upon the heat generation rate, the dissi- flected in T 1 , T 5 and T 8 temperatures in the form of jaggedness
pation rate will however not match the heat generation rate [5] in its evolution when compared to other sensors. Motor coil
causing the spindle to distort. The effect of ambient temperature temperature is higher than other RTD’s even when the spindle
and CDT setting alone (internal heat from motor and bearings is not rotating (during 150 and 300 minutes) due to magnetic
are isolated by maintaining the spindle in stationary condition) losses in the powered on condition. The ambient temperature
is studied by choosing two extreme CDT’s. change is about 5◦ C, while housing is influenced by both the
The CDT of +10◦ C reduces the triggering frequency of the ambient and front bearing temperatures. The coolant temper-
chiller unit by a great extent (time period ≈ 180 minutes) as ature at the spindle outlet is higher than at inlet and the reser-
460 Srinivas N. Grama et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 457 – 462


Fig. 3: The temperatures of front bearings FB1 and FB2 are almost uniform across a section: (a) when CDT is set at +10◦ C, the FB1 and FB2 temperatures are
around 38◦ C and distortion, u is relatively high at 90◦ position; (b) when CDT is -10◦ C, the temperatures are around 20◦ C while u is relatively low at 90◦ position.

voir temperature fluctuation is matching with the chiller trig- 3.1. Grouping and selection of temperature sensors
gering frequency. In addition, chiller triggering frequency is
much lower during 150 to 300 minutes, i.e., when spindle is Various approaches including engineering judgment, cor-
stationary. Similar observations are also noted for other spindle relation analysis, stepwise regression, sensitivity analysis and
speeds and are not plotted here for the sake of brevity. Figure fuzzy clustering [7,10] are used to group the temperature sen-
6 illustrates the temperature variation across front bearing sec- sors and select optimum ones for compensation modeling. In
tions in conjunction with the spindle displacements. The δ after the present work, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a
stabilization is 32 μm with a pitch angle error of 38 μ radian multi-variate statistical technique, commonly used to reduce
(u90◦ > u270◦ ; u0◦ ≈ u180◦ ). the dimensionality and de-noise data, is proposed to cluster the
temperature sensors. Uncentred PCA [11,12] is used as we are
dealing with ’ratio-scale’ type variables. The first step is to as-
semble the temperature data obtained from the experiments de-
scribed in Section 2.3 and build an augmented matrix, A, such
that the columns represent different sensors while the rows indi-
cate temporal information of temperatures. Uncentred PCA is
performed on A through Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

A(m×n) = l(m×m) S(m×n) rT(n×n) , (1)

where l = [el1 el2 el3 ... elm ] contains left eigenvectors (i.e.
those of AAT ) in the columns and r = [er1 er2 er3 ... ern ]
contains right eigenvectors (those of AT A) in the columns. The
matrix S contains r = rank(A) non-zero singular values along
the diagonal while all other elements are zero. If significant cor-
Fig. 4: The spindle growth, δ depends on the rotational speed as well as the
ambient temperature.
relation exist within n temperature sensors, then several singu-
lar values are much smaller than others. In fact, if only p << r
singular values are seen to be dominant, one may reconstruct
the original matrix A entirely in terms of the first p right or left
3. Compensation modeling eigenvectors, and the reconstruction error is equal to ratio of
the sum of the discarded singular values to the sum of all sin-
Electronic compensation provides an economic and effective gular values [13]. The Log Singular Value (LSV) spectrum of
way to minimize thermal errors. A compensation model pro- A (Fig. 7) shows a gradual decrease in singular values and only
vides an implicit/explicit relation between the internal/external five singular values (and vectors) contain more than 99% of the
parameters of the machine tool and the TCP displacement. As information. This fact is used to group the sixteen temperature
described in Section 2, temperature sensors were affixed in the sensors (the inlet and outlet coolant sensors are excluded) into
spindle at 18 positions, which were decided on the basis of 5 clusters through the k-means clustering algorithm [14]. The
engineering judgment. However the inclusion of all tempera- clustered temperature sets shown in Table 1 match the engineer-
ture sensors in the model will increase its redundancy due to ing judgment: the first and second clusters consists of sensors
the apparent high correlation between temperatures. In order in front bearings with typically lower temperatures belonging to
to reduce model redundancy, selection of optimal temperature the former while T 3 , T 6 and T 7 sensors, with relatively higher
points is critical and the procedure adopted in this work is de- temperatures, forming the latter; the third cluster is formed by
tailed in the next sub-section. all the rear bearing temperatures while the fourth is made up
Srinivas N. Grama et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 457 – 462 461

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5: The parameter evolution at various points of the spindle unit when the spindle is rotated at 8000 rpm: (a) front bearing FB1 RTD’s indicate temperature
difference >2.5◦ C between sensors T 3 and T 1 , (b) front bearing FB2 RTD’s also indicate a similar variation in temperature across its outer race, (c) The ambient
temperature change is around 5◦ C while housing is influenced by both ambient and front bearing temperatures. Motor coil temperature is higher than other RTD’s
even when the spindle is not rotating (during 150 and 300 minutes) due to magnetic and other losses in the powered on condition and (d) the coolant exit temperature
is higher compared to the entry temperature and the chiller triggering frequency is much lower during 150 to 300 minutes, i.e., when spindle is stationary.

Fig. 6: Temperatures in the front bearings FB1 and FB2 are of a higher magni-
tude in the region between 150◦ and 290◦ while higher spindle displacement is
Fig. 7: The LSV spectrum of A shows a gradual decrease in singular values and
seen at 90◦ and 180◦ region.
99% of the data is captured in the first 5 principal components.

of ambient and housing sensors and finally the motor coil sen-
sor alone forms the fifth cluster. These grouping of temperature
sensors into the above five clusters are in line with our observa- Table 1: The temperature sensors are classified into 5 different clusters using
tions from Fig. 5 and Section 2.3. k-means clustering analysis.

Cluster-1 Cluster-2 Cluster-3 Cluster-4 Cluster-5

3.2. Regression modeling
T1 (FB1) T 3 (FB1) T 9 (RB1) T 12 (AMB) T 18 (COIL)
In order to evaluate the performance of combined PCA and T2 (FB1) T 6 (FB2) T 10 (RB1) T 17 (HOUS)
k-means clustering-based technique for temperature sensor se- T4 (FB1) T 7 (FB2) T 11 (RB1)
T5 (FB2) T 13 (RB2)
lection, a thermal error prediction model is developed based on
T8 (FB2) T 14 (RB2)
multi-linear regression (MLR) method. Diverse experiments
including 2000, 5000 and 8000 rpm spindle speed are used as
training dataset to fit the model. Due to the use of multiple ex-
462 Srinivas N. Grama et al. / Procedia CIRP 58 (2017) 457 – 462

periments during model development, care is exercised to en- • The cooling strategy employed plays a very important role
sure that no systematic error is carried into the model by adopt- on TCP displacements. Even when the spindle is station-
ing relative temperatures ΔT i (one sensor chosen from each ary, significant pitch angles of 57 μ radian and 38 μ radian
cluster, for instance, i = 1, 3, 9, 12, 18, such that only the change are observed at CDT setting of +10◦ C and -10◦ C respec-
in temperature w.r.t its initial temperature is used) as model pa- tively. Also, axial displacement of 23 μm and -16 μm is
rameters instead of the absolute temperature values. The model observed at +10◦ C and -10◦ C CDT setting respectively.
form is chosen as follows: • During spindle rotation, non-uniform temperatures are ob-
served in the outer race of front bearings with a positive
 bias towards the third quadrant. Concurrently, yaw and
δ p = β0 + βi ΔT i , (2) pitch angles of 5 and 38 micro radian respectively are ob-
i served after stabilization (spindle speed of 8000 rpm).
• A compensation model is developed in a linear regression
where βi are the coefficients determined by solving an over-
framework using five temperature sensors chosen through
determined set of linear equations using standard numerical
combined PCA and fuzzy clustering analysis.
techniques. For the present set of experimental measurements,
• The developed model is able to predict the axial displace-
β = [3.02, -1.99, 4.92, -1.03, -2.41, 0.26] and R2 value is found
ment of spindle for a different set of experiment quite well
out to be 0.95. The goodness of fit also reiterates the fact that
with an R2 value of 0.94.
the assumption in model type as a linear one turns out to be ad-
equate. The predictive capability of the model is then checked
by performing a set of experiments different from the ones used Acknowledgements
to build the model; details of which are provided in Section 3.3.
SNG and AM thank the top management of Bharat Fritz
3.3. Predictive capability of model Werner for providing financial support. They also thank Math-
works for providing an evaluation version of Matlab software.
The linear regression type thermal compensation model de- Finally, the services extended by Mr. Puneeth M., laboratory
veloped in Section 3.2 is put to a challenging test by performing technician, during experimentation is duly acknowledged.
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