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Re-sit Examination

BBA 2017

Introduction to Spreadsheets [BS-DSC-231]


Instructions to students:

● This is a take-home examination.

● You are supposed to write the model formulation in your answer sheet along with
final answers.
● Develop an Excel Based Model for all the questions. Write all the formulas you have
used in your answer sheet along with final answer for each of the questions.
● The name of the excel file should be <Student ID Number_B.Com_2017>.
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submission document.
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<JGU ID>_<Name>_<Surname>_<Course Name>_<Programme>_<Batch>

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20172291 Ram Khandelwal Introduction to Sociology BBA 2017

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Re-sit Examination –June-July’2020, JGBS Page 1

 Kindly adhere to the duration/timelines of the examinations. Submission outside the
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only the first submission made will be considered for evaluation.
 This question paper comprises of three (3) printed pages (including this page).

1. A company of pre-dressed shredded chips is opening a new plant and is considering

whether to use a mechanised processor or a manual process to prepare the product. The
manual process will have a fixed cost of Rs. 43,400 per month and a variable cost of Rs.
1.80 per 5 Kg bag. The mechanised process would have a fixed cost of Rs. 84,600 per
month and a variable cost of Rs. 1.30 for 5 kg bag. The company expects to sell each bag
at Rs. 2.50 / kg.
a) Develop the model for break-even analysis for both the processes (6)
b) What is the monthly profit/loss if manual process is chosen and 70,000 bags are sold
per month. (4)

2. Post retirement Angela Markel wants to buy a football team. However, she is confused
between top teams from English Premier League, Bundesliga and La liga. Develop a
model to solve her problem. Her Portfolio Manager has given her the following options;

Matches Matches Goals Goals Brand Value

League Team Played Won Scored Conceded (USD)
Bundesliga Bayern 27 21 66 20 2.71 Billion 
Schalke 04 27 14 41 30 629 million
Dortmund 27 13 54 33 808 million
La Liga Barcelona 29 23 74 13 3.64 Billion
Atletico Madrid 29 19 49 14 732 Million
Real Madrid 29 18 73 33 3.58 Billion
Premier League Man City 30 26 85 20 2.08 Billion
Man United 30 20 58 23 3.69 Billion
Liverpool 31 18 73 34 1.49 Billion

a) If 50% weightage is given to share of matches won, 30% to goals scored per match,
and 20% to Brand Value, tell Angela the order of best options available to her.
b) If 50% weightage is given to brand value and 25% to other above discussed attributes
and she does not wants to be a co-owner, what are the best three options available to
her at US Dollar 1.5 Billion portfolio size? (6)

3. When Newton (1642–1727) was 35-year-old, he dreamt that Einstein (1879-1955) will
change the theories he is propagating. Therefore, to secure Einstein’s future as a scientist
he (Newton) created a one pound a year fund at his home. After Newton’s death his
lawyer deposited the sum at Medici’s Bank. If the annual compound interest rate were as
 4% till 1700 AD
 3.5% from 1701 to 1800 AD
 2.5% from 1801 to 1900 AD
Re-sit Examination –June-July’2020, JGBS Page 2
 3.5% from 1901 to 1939 AD
 0.0% from 1940 to 1950 AD
 3.5% from 1945 to 2010 AD then;

a) Calculate the sum Einstein will receive at his 18th birthday. (2.5)

b) Einstein forgot to take the fund out when he was 18 and it continued to grow till WW-
II (1939). However, Half of the fund value was seized at the start of the WW-II (1939)
and then he donated half from the rest to Anti-nuclear causes in 1950. What amount
his grandson will receive in 2010 after the Housing Crisis? (7.5)

4. A small backpack manufacturer carries four different models of backpacks, made of

canvas, plastic, nylon and leather. The bookstore, which will exclusively sell the
backpacks, expects to be able to sell between 15 and 40 of each model. The store has
agreed to pay Rs. 35.50 for each canvas backpack, Rs. 39.50 for each plastic backpack,
Rs. 42.50 for each nylon backpack and Rs. 69.50 for each nylon backpack that can be
delivered by the end of the following week.

One worker can work on either canvas or plastic, can complete a backpack in 1.5 hours
and will charge Rs. 7.00 per hour to do the work. The worker can work for 90 hours a
week. Another worker can sew backpacks made of nylon fabric. He/she can complete a
bag in 1.7 hours, will charge Rs. 8.00 per hours and can work for 42.5 hours through the
week. A third worker has the ability to sew leather backpacks. He/she can complete a bag
in 1.9 hours, will charge Rs. 9.00 Per hours and can work 80 hours during the week. The
following table provides details about material availability. Find the optimal mix of
backpacks for best profit scenario.

Backpack Model Material Required Material Available Cost Per Square

(Meters) (Meters) Meters (Rs.)
Canvas 2.25 200 4.50
Plastic 2.40 350 4.25
Nylon 2.10 700 7.65
Leather 2.60 550 9.45

5. A post office requires different numbers of full- time employees on different days of the
week. Each full-time employee must work five consecutive days and then receive two
days off.In the following table, the number of employees required on each day of the week
is specified. Minimize the number of full-time employees who are needed. (10)

Day No. of Employees Required

1=Monday 17
2=Tuesday 13
3= Wednesday 15
4= Thursday 19
5=Friday 14
6=Saturday 16
7=Sunday 11

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