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These are the essay style questions for Of Mice and Men.
You need to answer both questions.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this section

Summer F Either,
(b) What do you think of Curley’s wife?
2006 Think about:
• her relationship with Curley;
• her relationships with others on the ranch;
• the way she speaks and behaves in Crooks’ room;
• the way she speaks and behaves in the barn with Lennie. [20]
(c) Loneliness is an important theme in Of Mice and Men. Write about how
John Steinbeck
makes the reader aware of this theme.
Think about:
• characters who are lonely;
• the setting of the ranch;
• life on the ranch;
• anything else you think important. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) Imagine you are Slim. At the end of the novel you think back over the
2007 time George and
Lennie spent at the ranch. Write down your thoughts and feelings.
You may wish to think about:
• your impressions of Lennie and George;
• what happened during Lennie and George’s time on the ranch;
• your relationships with others on the ranch;
• your role on the ranch;
• anything else you think important. [20]
(c) The title of the novel Of Mice and Men refers to how plans and dreams
often go wrong.
Write about the reasons you think John Steinbeck chose this title for his
Think about:
• Lennie’s plans and dreams;
• George’s plans and dreams;
• the plans and dreams of other characters;
• anything else you think important. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) What do you think of Curley?
2008 Think about:
• his relationship with his wife;
• his relationships with others on the ranch;
• his behaviour at the end of the novel;
• the way he speaks and behaves. [20]
(c) “Violence and violent events are never far away in Of Mice and Men.”
Write about two or
three examples of violence in Of Mice and Men and explain why they are
important to the
novel as a whole. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) What do you think of Candy?
2009 Think about:
• his role on the ranch;
• the death of his dog;
• his relationship with George and Lennie;
• the way he speaks and behaves. [20]
(c) Write about the relationship between George and Lennie.
Think about:
• the way George speaks and behaves with Lennie at different points in the
• the way Lennie speaks and behaves with George at different points in the
• the way other characters respond to their relationship;

• anything else you think important. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) What do you think of Crooks?
2010 Think about:
• his role on the ranch;
• the way he speaks and behaves with Lennie;
• the way he speaks and behaves with Curley’s wife;
• his relationship with other characters;
• anything else you think important. [20]
(c) Someone s a id tha t the cha r a c t e r s in Of Mi c e and Men
have no powe r. Choos e two
characters you think have no power and write about them. Give reasons for
your choice.

These are the essay style questions for Blood Brothers.
You need to answer both questions.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this section

Summer F Either,
(b) Imagine you are Linda. At the end of the play you think back over your
2006 relationships with
Mickey and Eddie. Write down your thoughts and feelings.
You may wish to think about:
• when you, Mickey and Eddie were children;
• when you, Mickey and Eddie were teenagers;
• your marriage to Mickey;
• your relationship with Eddie;
• the end of the play. [20]
(c) What do you think of Mrs Johnstone as a mother? In your answer,
remember to refer to the
events of the play, and the way Mrs Johnstone speaks and behaves. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) What do you think about Mrs. Lyons?
2007 Think about:
• the deal with Mrs. Johnstone;
• her relationship with her husband;
• her relationship with Edward;
• the end of the play;
• anything else you think important. [20]
(c) Write about the importance of social class in Blood Brothers.
Think about:
• the differences between Mrs. Johnstone and Mrs. Lyons;
• the different upbringings Mickey and Edward had;
• the differences between Mickey and Edward as adults;
• the impact of social class on the events of the play. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) Give advice to an actor playing Mickey on how he should speak and
2008 behave at two or three
important points in the play. [20]
(c) At the end of the play the Narrator says, “And do we blame superstition
for what came to
pass?” Write about the importance of superstition in Blood Brothers. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) For which character in Blood Brothers do you have the most sympathy?
2009 Give reasons for
what you say. [20]
(c) What do you think about the Johnstone family?
Think about:
• the way Mrs Johnstone speaks and behaves;
• the way the Johnstone children speak and behave when they are younger;
• the way the Johnstone children speak and behave when they grow up;
• anything else you think important. [20]
Summer F Either,
(b) Imagine you are Mrs. Johnstone. At the end of the play you think back
2010 over its events. Write
down your thoughts and feelings.
You may wish to think about:
• the deal with Mrs. Lyons;
• your relationship with your children when they were young;
• your relationship with your children as they grew up;
• the end of the play. [20]
(c) Write about two or three parts of Blood Brothers that you think would
be gripping or
exciting for an audience. Explain why you think they would have that effect.


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