RAD Pretest2

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RAD Mock Test:

1. Which version of JRE does RAD v7.0 is inbuilt?

a. JRE 1.4

b. JRE 1.6

c. JRE 1.5

d. JRE 1.7

2. How to add an external Jar file?

a. Right Click Project-> New Build Path

b. Right Click Project -> Build Path -> Add External Archives

c. Right Click Project -> Build Path -> Add Libraries

d. Right Click Project ->Build Path -> Link Source

3. While creating a new class in Java Perspective, suppose “public static void main(String args[])”
is not selected. What happens when you want to run?

a. Java Debugger asks for main class.

b. Runs successfully

c. No option of Run as -> Java application comes

d. Program doesn’t get compiled

4. In Outline view, the following options are displayed :

a. Class name

b. Method name

c. Variables

d. Objects

5. In push down feature, what happens?

a. Variables from a super class are shifted to sub class

b. Variables from a sub class are shifted to super class

c. Methods from a sub class are shifted to super class

d. Methods from a super class are shifted to sub class

6. In Web perspective, the console view acts as

a. Logger

b. Output

c. Checks semantics of program

d. Checks syntax of program

7. When Websphere Application Server(WAS) is stopped at the start, what is the default “state”?

a. Stopped

b. Started

c. Publish

d. Republish

8. In Problems View, what all information is displayed?

a. Description,Resource,Path & Location

b. Server,Status & State

c. Design,Source & Preview

d. Description,Line No & Location

9. It is always better to keep the Enterprise Archive Name same as Project Name?

a. Yes

b. No

10. By Default, which page comes when you create a Dynamic Web Project?

a. WebDiagram.gph

b. Navigation

c. Deployment Descriptor

d. Security Editor
11. While creating a Struts project , what is mandatory?

a. Select Struts 1.1 from Configurations

b. Select Struts 1.1 from Project Facets

c. Configure the build path

d. Add external archive Struts1.1 jar file

12. Under Web Module wizard, what structure is displayed?

a. Context Root, Content Directory, Java Source File

b. Content Root, Context Directory, Java Source Directory

c. Content Root, Context Directory, Java Source File

d. Context Root, Content Directory, Java Source Directory

13. Which type of web pages can be created?

a. HTML/XHTML,JSP Fragment



d. HTML, Servlet, JSP

14. What is the process to display views?

a. File -> New -> View

b. Window -> Open Perspective -> Select Perspective

c. Window -> Show View -> Select Views

d. Window -> New -> Editor

15. How to Generate JavaDoc?

a. Project -> Generate JavaDoc

b. Project -> New -> JavaDoc

c. Project-> Build Working Set -> JavaDoc

d. Project -> New -> Working Set -> JavaDoc

16. What is the “Deployment Descriptor” file name?

a. web.xml


c. Project.xml

d. Class.xml

17. What tag is used to display the home page, while running the web project?

a. Welcome-file-list

b. Welcome-file

c. First-file-list

d. First-file

18. Web Diagram is used to :

a. Check the configurations of the project

b. Check the errors of the project

c. Create & Understand the flow of project

d. Remove the errors & warnings of project

19. Value of load-on-startup has to be always:

a. Positive no >=0

b. Positive no >=1

c. Negative no
d. Positve no >10

20. What happens in pull up feature?

a. Methods are moved from subclass to super class

b. Methods are moved from superclass to subclass

c. Methods are moved from subclass to subclass

d. Methods are moved from superclass to superclass

21. What is the complete path to enable or disable the capabilities?


22. From where we can open the Cheat Sheets?

a) windows-->Cheat Sheets
b) Help-->Cheat Sheets
c) Windows-->Preferences-->Cheat Sheets
d) None Of these
23.What are the default parameters of local history?

Days :::: No of entries per file ::::Max file size(MB)

a) 5 :::: 50 :::: 3
b) 3 :::: 40 :::: 2
c) 7 :::: 50 :::: 1
d) 7 :::: 30 :::: 2
24.Suppose a developer want to add some views in a perspective and make those views
as a default. So what a developer should do to achieve this?

a)Windows-->Reset the perspective

b)Windows-->Save perspective as
c)Windows-->Customize perspective
d) None Of These

25. What is the usage of preferences window?

a.)Add new Project

b.)Add new Resources
c.)To change tool specific settings
d.)To add new component
26.The “Compare with” Features in Rad v7.0 allow to compare…….resources?

c.)Any No of
d.)None of these
27.What are the two way to represent the view on the Workbench?

28.From which window developer can set any perspective as a default in RAD v7.0?

Note:(After selecting particular perspective click “make default” and at last close all
active perspective to reflect the changes)

b.) Window->preferences->general-> open perspective
c.) Window->preferences->general-> customize perspective
d.) Window->preferences-> customize perspective
29.What are the four tabs that we have on the Java Build path?

a) Source, Project, Libraries, Order and Export

b)Source,Project,Debug,Order and Export
c)Class,Profile,Libraries,Order and Export
30.If a developer wants to add some jar files in a project which is located outside the
workspace. How can a developer achieve this task?

a)Java Build Path-->Source-->Add jars

b)Java Build Path-->Project-->Add jars
c)Java Build Path-->Libraries-->Add jars
d)Java Build Path-->Libraries-->Add external jars
31.What are the types of problems and the associated icons
in the Problems view?

a)Error (blue circle, red cross), warning (red triangle, exclamation mark),
Information (yellow exclamation mark)
b)Error (green circle, blue cross), warning (white triangle, exclamation mark),
Information (red exclamation mark)
c)Error (red circle, white cross), warning (yellow triangle, exclamation
mark), Information (blue exclamation mark)
d)None of these

32.What is the usage of Enclosing Type option on New class Window?

a)It is used to create the classes

b)It is used to create the project
c)It is used to create the nested classes
d)It is used to create the classes with parameters
33.List the statements which are true about the refactoring?
a.)It performs application wide improvement.
b.)Changing the source code without changing the O/P of code.
c.)Performing some key tasks efficiently.
d.)Changing the code for modifying the system behavior
34.A developer wants to import a zip FILE INTO A PROJECT without expanding
the contents of the file. The Developer should use which of the following
File –>import features?

a.)File System
b.)Zip file
c.)Resource file
d.)J2EE jar file

35.What are the two way to access the java Build path settings
Of the projects…

a)Right click on project->Configure build path->build path

b)Right click on project->build path->Configure build path
c)Right click on project->properties->java build path
d)Right click on project->properties->Configure build path
36.What is shown by Declaration view ?

a.)shows implementation details of selected method, class & field

b.)shows declaration of fields only
c.)shows relationship among methods
d.)shows relationship between super classes and subclasses
37.What are the two types of Task which can be added?

38. How can we add any field/method to a class directly from the
class diagram?

a.)Right click to the particular class in the class diagram editor->select Add note
b.)Right click to the particular class in the class diagram editor->Select Add java
c.)Right click to the particular class in the class diagram editor->select add attributes
d.)Right click to the particular class in the class diagram editor->select add resources
39. From where we can perform search regarding any java resource?

a)Search-->Java resource
b)Search-->File search
c)Search-->Java search

40.For restricting the search area for the java resources inside the workspace we can create….
a.)Search scope
b.)Working sets
c.)Search Area
d.)working scope
41. A developer customizes the Java perspective and wants to save the changes as the default
perspective that is opened in the workspace. Which of the following actions would be BEST for the
developer to perform?

a.Choose Window ->Save Perspective As and name the new perspective MyJava; Choose Window ->
Preferences -> Wokbench -> Perspectives, select MyJava and click Make Default.
b.Choose Window -> Save Perspective , Choose Window -> Preferences -> Wokbench -> Perspectives,
select java and click Make Default.
c.Choose Window -> Preferences -> Wokbench -> Perspectives, select Java and click Make Default.
d.Choose Window -> Perspective Save Current as Default

42. A developer wants to import a zip FILE INTO A PROJECT without expanding the contents of the
file. The Developer should use which of the following File ->import features?

a.File System
b.Zip file
c.Resource file
d.J2EE jar file

43. What can a developer do to allow quick access to a particular Help page?

a.In the main menu, click Help-> Bookmark to bring up a list of Help topics, browse to the desired
page and click Add.
b.In the main menu, click Favorites-> Manage Favorites, and select the desired page from the list of
Help topics
c.In the Help window, browse to the desired page, and click the Bookmark Document icon in the
d.In the Help window, browse to the desired page, and click Favorites -> Add to Favorites from the

44. A company stores JAR files under different subdirectories in a shared directory. A developer needs
many of the JAR files to compile an application, but the developer does not want to navigate to the
share directory every time. Which of the following options in the Java Build Path settings should the
developer use?

b.Add JARS
c.Add Class Folder
d.Add Variable

45. Which TWO of the following items are shown in the Problems view?
a.Debug output
b.Warning messaes
c.Error messages
d.QuickFix suggestions
e.Outstanding tasks

46. The Outline view in the Java perspective can be used to display:

a.The outline of the select Java project

b.The hierarchy of the currently selected Java class on the Java editor view
c.The structural elements of the selected Java file on the Java editor view.
d.Dependencies between files in the selected Java project

47. Java editor templates are used to:

a.Configure code formatting rules

b.Provide a consistent editor look and feel.
c.Provide a quick way to enter commonly used blocks of code
d.Set the maximum line width and tab indentation values.

48. While editing servlet, a developer decides to override the init (ServletConfig) method. What is the
MOST efficient way begin this process?

a.Launch the New -> Method wizard and enter the signature for the init method.
b.From within the Java editor, type the new init method.
c.Use the Source -> Override/implement Methods context menu item from the Outline view.
d.Select the Source -> Override/implement Methods context menu from within the Java editor.

49. In the Java editor "folding" refers to the editor's ability to:

a.Break up lines which exceed a certain character length.

b.Hide the lines in a method
c.Use a split screen to show two parts of the file simultaneously.
d.Only work with the source of the selected method in the Outline view.

50. A Java class contains references to a Date class, but does not have any Date class among its import
statements. Assume two Date classes java.sql.Date and java.util.Date-exist on the Java Build Path.
What happens when the add import command is triggered on the class name "Date"?

a. The Add import wizard prompts the developer to choose between java.sql.Date and java.util.Date to
b.The Add import wizard ignores this class reference of the ambiguity
c.The java.util.Date class is imported because Java.util comes before java.sql in the default import
order preference
d.The java.sql.Date class is imported because java.sql.Date is a subclass of java.util.Date and inherits
the same method signatures

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