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Will robots take our jobs?

by: Katie Leon 11th grade

Throughout the years technology has rapidly been changing and creating many inventions that
could make or break future advances or discoveries in our society. One of them being robots, the
question that has arisen and caused concern for a lot of people all over the world is “Will a robot
take my job in the future?”. These concerns are valid but if we are honest there is no simple
answer to this question. But I believe that robots could potentially take human jobs that require
automation or can be automated, like costumer service or telemarketing jobs, and most likely
jobs that have simple tasks. Some way or the other we depend on that technology in our daily
lives or in our global economy. But technology changes are not always bad for humans, on many
occasions work and lives, for example many automated machines do heavy duty work that
human used to do in factories many years ago. It was common to see that were injuries or
fatalities in the workplace. Although jobs are being affected by new technologies the question is
in what way and what jobs will be left for humans.

Even though that technology is advancing and slowly taking over, the workforce still needs
humans. Humans still have the upper hand when it comes to human interaction in certain jobs.
For example, active listening, speaking, critical thinking, monitoring, and reading
comprehension. When it comes to these workforce skills humans are the most reliable and
efficient than any robot or technology. The reason why is because robots can never fully
replicate human emotions or compression. Also, robots have a hard time reading or
comprehending certain questions and the way they are phrased. In the end I believe we should
not be afraid of what the future will hold but take this opportunity to become more involved in
jobs in the tech fields. Also, if we have no interest in tech jobs, we should just embrace the
careers and jobs we already have.

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