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Reading Workshop 2

Department of Languages and Culture

COURSE LEVEL Postgraduate
MODALITY Online (asynchronous and synchronous sessions)
PROFESSOR: Valeriya Lytvychenko
OFFICE: Online (Microsoft Teams: look for Valeriya Lytvychenko)
OFFICE HOURS: Monday 2pm-5pm
CLASS SCHEDULE: Saturday 8am-12pm (Aug. 21; Sep. 11; Oct. 2; Oct. 23; Nov. 13; Dec. 4)
MONITOR: Not applicable

English Programs Overall Mission Statement
The mission of the English programs of the Department of Languages and Culture of
Universidad de los Andes is to support learners enrolled in the programs offered by the
university in the development of highly proficient English language use, critical thinking
skills, cultural and interdisciplinary sensitivity and autonomy to be successful in
academic, social, and professional situations by providing high quality teaching as
demonstrated through rigorous coursework and assessments.  

Academic English Reading Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Academic English Reading Program is to provide Master’s and
Specialization students at Universidad de los Andes with academic reading and critical
thinking skills by developing their advanced micro- and macro-academic reading
strategies in order to understand and use current knowledge in their fields.


English Reading Workshops I and II consist of two-level courses structured around

English Reading Comprehension Strategies. As a major goal, both workshops intend to
introduce to the students different reading alternatives and strategies so that s/he
can efficiently understand texts in English as a part of their corpora/ course load in
the different areas of study/graduate programs. The first level, English Workshop 1,
focuses on basic English reading strategies or the micro abilities necessary for a basic
understanding of English-written texts. The second level, English Reading Workshop
2, reviews and strengthens the micro abilities as a starting point towards superior
English reading strategies or macro abilities. After taking the workshops, learners will
have developed a strategic training to enhance autonomous and efficient English
reading processes.

Reading Workshops I and II are taught with an online learning approach. This
methodology intends to coherently integrate online autonomous (asynchronous)
activities with synchronous online classes. In order to get successful results in these
courses, the student must be highly committed to do the asynchronous and
synchronous activities rigorously and consciously. Such commitment will make it
possible to strengthen and deepen the knowledge acquired in the course. This will
lead to a successful achievement of the objectives in each of the two levels.


English Varied texts of Word form and word function, strategies to cope with
Reading general unknown vocabulary, noun phrases (modification
Workshop 1 interest and groups), cognates, references, ellipsis, communicative
diverse function of verb tenses and connectors (transition
disciplines words) presuppositions, inferences, text analysis (type
of text, rhetorical purpose of a text, tone, context, truth
values), paraphrasing and summarizing a text.
English Varied texts of Vocabulary Strategies such as Word form and word
Reading general function, context clues, dictionary use, among others;
Workshop 2 interests and noun pre-modification groups, references, ellipsis,
diverse communicative function of verb tenses and connectors
disciplines (transition words) presuppositions, inferences, text
analysis (type of text, topic, rhetorical purpose of a text,
main ideas, secondary ideas or details, tone, context,
truth values), paraphrasing and summarizing a text,
levels of generality, rhetorical structure, paraphrasing,
summarizing, synthesizing, giving opinions.

English Reading Workshop 2 main objective pursues that the students learn basic
reading strategies enabling her/him towards successful reading and writing processes
in English, regardless of the area or the academic field the texts belong to. Similarly,
critical awareness on how the English language works as a system and how it works as
a form of expression in the written text is strongly encouraged.

After having taken this course and successfully passed the evaluations, the participant
is able to cope with unknown vocabulary by using the context and other related
strategies, such as word form and function, cognates, dictionary use, among others. In
the same way, s/he can identify and accurately translate simple and complex noun
pre-modification groups. This learner can identify reference words and complex chains
of referential meanings with implicit, elliptical forms. In addition, s/he can identify and
use different types of logical connection; for this reason, s/he can effectively infer
appropriate connectors and transition words within ideas. English grammar —verb
tenses, for example— is used as a means to understand ideas from a given text.
Similarly, the learner can recognize the presuppositions the author uses in her/his text,
opportunities for inferring ideas from the text, and the functional value of the ideas
from a text. Learners can paraphrase what has been read and, eventually, elaborate an
appropriate summary of the text.
English Reading Workshops 2 is a hands-on course, where both teachers and
learners build a learner-centered, cooperative atmosphere (group work), where
autonomous learning is highly valued. The tutor’s role is that of providing learning
opportunities as well as coordinating learning through permanent instruction and
feedback. Learners will apply reading strategies to the reading corpus; they will
socialize possible answers and questions. In addition, they will be supported with
homework and online training as an active part of the whole process. The best
sessions are those in which both the professor and the students dedicate to course
dynamics consistently.

As it was mentioned before, this is an online course. The activities are both
synchronous and asynchronous that complement each other. The student’s
commitment is crucial to be able to understand and deepen the knowledge and
skills taught during the synchronous online sessions. The online tool that is used in
this course is Bloque Neón. The link to access this tool is: Here the student will find the
materials and exercises of the online component of the course. The asynchronous
sessions include explanations, exercises, complementary material, and a forum. The
purpose of the forum is to have an online space to interact with other students, and
to post questions or doubts. The teacher will check this forum in order to identify
difficulties. Then, he/she will decide whether these doubts can be addressed
through the forum and/or in the synchronous session.


Both English Reading Workshops and, in general, all English courses embrace an
autonomous, self-regulated learning philosophy. The workshop provides a series of
tools and learning opportunities, but at the end, it is ultimately you as an active
learner in the workshop, who must give the necessary steps to improve and master
this knowledge from course contents. Since deepening and practicing the English
reading strategies occur mainly in the synchronous sessions with the tutor’s
guidance and feedback, learners must attend classes regularly to complete the
necessary tasks for successful training. Absences equal or higher than the 20% of
the total course synchronous sessions are considered a non-fulfillment of the main
objectives of the workshop.

Two exams, two quizzes and a Reading Lab will be the assessing tool, as follows:

Quiz 1 Partial examination in the middle of the first period

Exam 1 Written examination of the first 20 hours of the workshop 25%

Quiz 2 Partial examination in the middle of the first period

Exam 2 Written examination of the second 20 hours of the workshop 30%

Reading Lab To be completed along the semester


The passing grade must be equal or superior to 3,0 (three cero); for this reason,
there will not be systematic approximations to grades below this average.
These quizzes and exams will be held via Bloque Neón and you will need the Respondus
Lockdown Browser Program. Please, follow all the instructions your teacher will
send you.

Reference Material
Reading Workshop 2 course packets are available at:

Fotocopiadora Print & Copy: Phone number,

3204187322 (Home delivery)
Fotocopiadora Copyestrella: WhatsApp 3204923999 – 3142026526 (Home delivery).

Política de ajustes razonables y política de momentos difíciles

El/la estudiante debe expresarle a su profesor(a) por correo y de manera oportuna

las dificultades que está teniendo. Estas pueden ser barreras de conectividad, de
acceso a recursos tecnológicos suficientes, así como barreras de salud física y
mental de él/ella o de sus familiares que se agudizan a causa de las consecuencias
derivadas de la pandemia y el confinamiento.

Module 1 Reading Strategies in Bloque Neón: August 21 (Online synchronous class

 Skimming and scanning
 Vocabulary Skills:
Word formation
Word function
Unknown vocabulary
Using the dictionary
 Cognates: true / false
 Noun-Pre-modification groups
 Reading Lab (Module 1)
Reading Strategies in Bloque Neón to September 7 4pm-6pm (Online
Module 2 be completed before the tutoring and synchronous tutoring *)
class sessions:

 Cohesion: Reference / Ellipsis September 11 (Online synchronous

 The Idea Components class 2*)
 Communicative Function of
Verb Tenses Quiz 1
 Reading Lab (Module 2)

Module 3 Reading Strategies in Bloque Neón to September 28 4pm-6pm (Online

be completed before the tutoring and synchronous tutoring*)
class sessions:
October 2 (Online synchronous class
 Logical connection 3*)
 Presuppositions
 Inferences Progress examination
 Reading Lab (Module 3)
Module 4 Reading Strategies in Bloque Neón to October 19 4pm-6pm (Online
be completed before the tutoring and synchronous tutoring*)
class sessions:
October 23 (Online synchronous class
 Text Analysis 4*)
 Inferences
 Reading Lab (Module 4)
Module 5 Reading Strategies in Bloque Neón to November 9 4pm-6pm (Online
be completed before the tutoring and synchronous tutoring*)
class sessions:

 General and Specific Rhetorical November 13 (Online synchronous

Purposes class 5*)
 Basics of Critical Reading
(Functional Value) Quiz 2
 Reading Lab (Module 5)
Module 6 Reading Strategies in Bloque Neón to November 30 4pm-6pm (Online
be completed before the tutoring and synchronous Tutoring*)
class sessions:
December 4 (Online synchronous
 Levels of Generality of a Text class 6*)
 Summarizing a Text
 Giving Opinions Achievement examination
 Reading Lab (Module 6)
*Zoom will be used both for the synchronous classes and tutoring sessions. The link for
all the sessions is - The tutoring
sessions will be recorded and uploaded in the platform so that those students who
could not attend the session can watch it later. Only your teacher, the coordinator, the
students registered in the course and the technical support unit DSIT of the university
will have access to this video. If you do not agree with this process, please let your
teacher know via email.

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