Chronotrigger Snes Manual Usa

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Preis This manual was contributed by aera ee ee SHRONO ,. 5.20 SOAS ‘The world of CHRONO TRIG Gast of Characters. yaa YC Frog Rote Kyla Baste Controls Getting Started Battle Mode su Inputting games Saving PROgresSy, MajiScreens Flekt screen Map screen Sib Screens nnn Fiaifnnn 18 hes Swlich Characters .n.27 Battle Screen 28 Atop 30 re 30 Rios <1 Suen Toa buat ONE lo TECH Double/fethh Triple Tega Vilage Tocattons, ge Wayet I hale ie Weapdnel rar i Tange aed uaa ara rr Tay Living Wn.the seemingly pence kingdom of change the course Of histonyaand stop Lavos Guardia it-1000 A.D, the child CRONO from succeeding if higgAlfe RO your was chosen by guardian spirits to save the Journey, vou will battle monsters and meet “world from ultimate devastation. Though many’ helpfl people n boty the post and the | Doomsday will not happen until the year future. Some will become your faithful and 1999, the ancient sees of destruction were powerful companions, while others will give you clues by telling you stories. Pay attention to what they say, aind good luck in your adventure. planted long ago by the evil LAVOS. Your mission in the world of CHRONO TRIGGER is to travel back and forth through time to Tn 1000 A.D. beneath the surface of peaceful sur- PRESENT ‘owndines: Rensters rom q the past are scheming to de- stroy the world while resi- dents, unaware of the ap- proaching peril, celebratein the kingdom of Guardia. PAST In the future, 2300 A.D. the world has almost, been destroyed by the evil Lavos. Those who survive are hungry, hurt, and hopeless. Find out how to help them, becayse the future of the world depends ojo Back in 600 A.D. humans are at war against monsters controlled by the evil Prince of Darkness. Hehas already defeated many Guardia knights, so inorder tohelpthem, you must travel even further back = to 65 Million BC.~ when Lavos first arrived on earth. iC. ASKOF HAR ACTERS In each Of.the eras Crono travels to, he will be joined by interesting new friends. Each of them has different special abilities. | CRONO Crono is a typical teenager whom fate chooses to save the world. He isa skilled swords- man, andas he fourneys on be learns Lightning Lucca i Cronos est LUCCA friend. She lo science and uses her knowl- ‘edge to build fantastic machines and very clever ventually she Magic, very useful skill. MARLE PiincessNvta st Guardia Castle. She grows ‘impatient with royal life goa eventualy leaves to help Crono. She is good. with a crassbow, and earns Water Magic during theadventure. FROG Frog, once a Guardia Kni was beaten very badly and fumed into a frog He is an accomplishes swordsman who also uses Water Magic well. primitive but strong. She is trying to save het group from the reptites. She can break huge stones with a punch ora kick. With her strength, she doesn't need to inacollapsed dome in 2300 A.D. fryingtp remember his master’s directions. He is very powerful and skilled with electric weapons. a CONTROLS Here is the-configuration of the Controller for Chrono Trigger. Later you will see how you can change it to sult your own style Aa ( Boo (69) ‘SUPER NES CONTROLLER 5 Use the Control Pad to move your characters around. It is aso used to \ ak oe eae window dis fe CONTRO) PAD it In the Landscape Sercen (pags 17), SELEGT use the Select Button to open the BUTTON World Map. ‘The Start Button pauses the game during play. [tis also used to continue when you have finished input- ‘ting yourmame, START BUTTON Yoliwill use the A Button mostaften.Itjs the 'action” Baton. Use fo choose jy gammands and to do things BUTTON jike open chests, enter doors, and talk to people. i she Use the X Button to, Rote —_ open the Menu ss BUTTON. Seren (bagel®). ‘The Y Button opens the Character ‘Switch Screen (page 27) when you're in the Map Screen or Field Screens. ‘When you are in the Time Machine, the ¥ Button opens the Time Gauge. BUTTON In the Field Screen, holding the B Button while walking allows you to"Dash’ In battle, hold thegedown together to sana When gig he Gauge (page 54), push the L and R Buttons to select the era you want to travel to. Also, press L+R+Start+ Select to reset the game, BUTTON L/R BUTTON ETTING STARTED Make sufe the power is turned off on your Control Deck. Insert the Game Pak into the e slot ontop of the Deck, and then turn the power on The Demo Sereen shows you scenes from the game. To skip it, simply push the [ABatton gee NEW GAME To begin pew game, choose JRew Game’ cn the openimrg Menu Screen by sine the Control Pad and push Start 4 CONTINUE THE GAME Instead of selecting "New Game," you can select a saved game and start from wherever you last saved. ATTLE MODE ACTIVE & WAIT There are two differs ent modes used ity battle: Active and Walt. You canalso choose cither one in the Config. Screen (page 23). Active is for the seasoned ACTIVE ‘icreanaeetwiisotr for you to decide 0 plan of attack. WAIT Waitis for reginners. You wilhhave more fime to decide omanattack : method: Thsisamore ting bate mode but you rust deide qk hat ® | é pase NWA PIE S Follow the-instruc- tions below to input a name at-the beginning of a game, or to chanige that name Jater on. ‘To input or change a fame, first choose a etter with the cursor and push the A Button, Repeat until you have spelled your name, then push Stat. If you input a wrong letter, push B, to erase the letter and cofitinue, ‘Whatever name you choose wil be displayed throughout the game. e@ You can save up to three ilifferent games Likewise, there are’three places from which you can begin a saved game. Wher you resume playing a may begin from any one of those three Saves, MAP SCREEN ‘While on the Map Screen, you can open the Save Seren at any time to save your game SAVE POINTS ‘There are save points through- ‘out the game. Access the Save Screen in the Main Menu (page 18)by standing on the save point and pushing X. THE END OF TIME When you reach “The End of Time,” be sure to save your ‘game at the save point, ® @ The Fiekt-Screen is where most of the action The Map Screen displays the world you are takes place. You will see this screen when in. When you approach a building or a geo- you arc-inside houses, caves, ete. graphical area, if will show you the name. To the A Button. enter a building or areappus ] INSIDE HOUSES ( LANDSCAPE You will have many In Landscape conversations with piew, you move around between buildings, people inside houses. Push A to tall with them, You will also iscover various items: caves and other loca~ tions, When you are near the area you want to enter, push A. Tata iiypers PISVA to onen , areas Lala Frenare Sgr feeinrnt oF aca eres rete reigns nse Eo es ae a‘ Fooo AIRS, ; Fish Atop Youcan gop or Facstswetutor ARBRE) Fou vxn food youring Trig, gov stars Use mronsters. Als fook [age Use tens ae te conti fora enesis Sangerous nares DUNGEONS WORLD MAP ) Dungeons are full of ‘monsters and traps. When you run into or touch monsters, you yill automatically engage in. battle (page 28). From the Landscape Screen, push Select theWorld Map. A dot on the map indicates your location. oo b+ UB’SCREEN: 1 STATUS Push the X Button to access the Main Menu screen. A menu with six icons will appear. Use the Control Pad to move the cursor, and the A Button to make @ selection. A CHARACTER STATUS _(B) CONEIC » ome CHARACTER ORDER © ewy F DATA SAVE This screen fits ‘you know how ‘each member 0 yourparty is coing. ‘ob can also equip your characters from here. HitPoints determine how much damage you can taxe.Be sure to keep your Hr Tevels nigh MAGIC POINTS Casting a spell requires a certain hhumner of Magic Points, Tis Shows how many youhaye. » ATTACK / POWER DEFENSE POWER CHARACTER'S FACE 3 POWER Thetigher your power, the stronger youare, SPEED. Figher numbers make you faster battle, EVADE “Ths number shows how well you can evade attacks. TYPE OF MAGIC This tel's you weichof the four "apes of age your enaracters CHARACTER NAME CURRENT LEVEL cunReNT EQUIPMENT Tire tetigle yo byrne at ‘equipmertt you are currently using, Aiton eons sow you habe Resloakie TEM NAME ‘This ists tnelies you are cur fenily holding, Youean aso equ ‘hese items When necessary MAGIC DEFENSE ‘With atigh number you can better resist spells cast upon you HIT Shows your ability to strike a target. MAGIC This indicates the steengthof your magi STAMINA The Higher tne nua, the raster ‘your HP wil grawet level up, EXP [ Bn fete NEXT Tha shows How many experience poss outed reac ineea UB SCREEN: 2 EQUIPATEMS Thr ighout the game you can find or buy. jonal weapons and armor. When you equip " these Teens pay attention to your status Some This screen shows times your levels can affect an item's effective- Biem screen bd \youall the items your ness. partyis currently olding. ‘ VSE/MovE Select ose ormove ORGANIZE Tris alos yatta ‘organize your Item's by Fi@l choose he ofentenause ihe Frally choose the hel Baroy Ctaracter ou want joes to. Item You want to x toa aula Granger rr porelace wth Wietehe yours the Stlectec tem oes EQUIPMENT ICONS ITEM NAME This s the name of the Item. Each item hag an icon that gogswith it. . Below are descriptions of those items USING ITEMS { ORGANIZE SAMURAI SWORD gay PARTS Items you can ‘This command FA re owen These te for Rabo se during battle organizes your, Kad ony gndin thetieldwilbe | Atemsfor you automat ; ihlighted in yellow. Other cally. (You don'thaye to Foren. ni oO fd items will be in white. move themmanually.) ine Gu ARMOR Only Lucea can use this a These canbe shared SWORD ACCESSORY, , esate] [poco insis fortrog Any These can alsobe y Move the cursor totheitem — Select Ongantze. Push A Shared. and push & ON ee attack ability, As you Génten Hee pe ‘you gain more Tech Skills. You can also use et earths CHARACTER, Thisis the character you have selected COMBINATIONS. Tech canbe usea with one, wo, or ivee cherac ters, TECH NAMES These are the Tech Skis the character knows, MAGIC POINTS Thisis how many Nagic: Points fetakes Yo use fis Teche yech_pescripm Fiscoscrise eet Belecteu Tech. ‘When you are in this gereen, the USE MAGIC ‘TechSkills highlighted in yellow are the ones you can use. are uses her Techability to teal Crepe SCREEN CONFIGUR ATIOBY} ; La) Here you can change features such as music, text speed, et You can configure your game any way you like I SYSTEM ICONS’ Eachicon represents 2 game tuncton SOUND SELECT aa! FUNCTION DESCRIPTION This tats you what the selected Tunetion does srahow @ is currently configured [gq BATILE CURSOR | MENU CURSOR Use this to automat: cally select the same Suurscreenevery time you press tie x Button. 2} You can cnoose eter This allows you to $tereo'or mono Scund, program your favorite Sttack and use automatically FC] BATILE move FEE] SKILL/ITEM Youcan choose Acie [EX] POSITION orWalt(escribed on EA=\4 Use this to automatically page's) choose tech sls and items Sy BATTLE SPEED Use thist@ change pattie textgpeedandBattle * Gauge spec (ifsfast,8 15 siowy) UB SCREEN: 5 CHARACTER ORDER ‘windows 0 Suit your play you may ‘change your party's configuration. For example, occasionally a, certain character is required to ask questions of others, and in battle, one character may be more effective than another. BATTLE GAUGE Thereare two types oftattle gauges Here youcan choose fast or slow, or tu the gouge off Teen Deserptions uring bate f you want BATTLE GAUGE: 2 I the window is dark, youcamot mmeve the character deplayed there. J SAVE SCREEN To access the Save 2 sereen, choose the ico that looks like a pencil writing on paper . THREE DATA FILES Youray save your game ineachot the avalable thes PARTY MEMBER(S) Taese are the characters youhadin your party ‘When yourast seved! Bier CURRENT ERA Ths tells vou what era you were in when you saved, TIMpPLAYED Thjsid the amount of time yauinadinvestea nthe pHtame when you last saved, ‘ SAVE GoLb. ines Ths snows aig a fue xe five sued your arr. When you save your game, ww chara: the time wil change BESROREE depencing in fne Raed (ic you nave BB hozen SWITCH CHARACTERS @ Fg switch characters if your party, push Y. Yau heed atleast four charac ters, and you can switch at any time except in battle You should do so often, as high levels are important for all characters to perform at their peak eee To switch characters move the cursor with the Control Pad ar push A, You cannot Select characters with arescreens Chamee your characters often to Budlevets andes more techniques, oe A battle starts when you touch or run into a monster or group of monsters. You can try torun away but you must fight them to build up your levels. MESSAGE WINDOW This tele you whats happening. ke who you are batting and what Tech you areusing. HITPOINTS enemies] BATTiF |) REMAiniNG Fae MESO | CntSoR |] tstelsyoorow mary nc they aie sisstons--potns younave Motes * BATTLE GAUGE DAE comunity fyour Suite Saugeis These are your choices fo Attacic ach choice nas 2 Tineavapace (decree on page 30) ‘on It musi be ful before ‘yournext attack ATTACK TECH ITEMS COMBINATIONS When you fun intoan BATTLE SEQUENCE This is an example of a typical battle sequence. When fe Bate ue fu, ou Sree taattack (Gryoucan un away by holding LR igetnen ‘choose trom one of the lee commands. 4; Choose the enemy or group brenemies yeu wisn to attack tis monster ata time me Towin youmust detest all te When you encounter an I © enemy, choose your strategy wisely ctoose "ATTACK if yousre stron enough for and fa hana combat, You are unable to.Ngt Untilyour Battle Gauge Sha rit the fenemies with ‘your weapon’ ‘ech is your special attack apability.It can betlone ‘alone or in groups of two or three characters. If youare using’more than one, it is filled "Combo". ¥Youhave to wait for ibe other characters Battle Gauges to reach ull power ITEMS Youcan also {choose t take your turn by using, an Item, For instance, you may aieed to heal yourself with Tonic. Use anitem to recover lost Mt or MagicPonts Yout be feflied and ready toate, When more than one character is ready for Battle, and they both earned Tech skills, Tech will change to Combo. Wait for Tech to change 10, Combo, Some Tech attacks car attest all monsters, ‘Choose Double or Tre Tech TATUS TROUBLE Sometimes in battle, monsters will cast spells o use weapons that will cause cer- tain damage to your character. Here are seven of them. Polson BLIND Slowly decreases your This makes it moce EM jirandattock power dificult to hit your iduring battle, I ‘enemy, ag pies a te This stows dow your pls disables you from Battie Gauge speed. king your Tech powers stor You canted anything unt youre healed by Snother characte, SLEEP outa asieep. You amt fight back ard Your Defense Power ors down Only when You ate Wt will you wakeup. CONFUSE This causes yourhead ta get coun. Some: times you will gtraek your own patty ECH AND MAGIC COMBINATIONS Below are the explanations Of Tech and Magic, as well as their differences and similarities. | SINGLE’TECH & COMBINATION Single Tech is a Tech you use by yourself. Combo is an attack that ises two or three characters. a nasa TYPES OF MAGIC ; Magic: Lightning, Water, Fire and Shadow. When the first three are combined you get Shadow Magic, the strongest type. The Evil force uses Shadow Magic. Each type of Magic affects different enemies. HOW CAN.You LEARN MAGIC? Wheaou star, yo Made Once Reifre : h ret Spekko (ough 55), he will enable yor dhigarn Magi r SINGLE TECH era Cea eal eS very powerful. sO ee a ar ere es erg LIGHTNING 2 "You striae all enemies with lightning. ul You can bring Characters: whose HPs are a O back tole, CONFUSE YYoujump onan Enemy stead Bn Slash Your Pies UMINAIRE, Youemit apure tyot git ‘ect a enemies SINGLE TECH is not vety ee 4 Mare speeas tp one party members Battle Gauges lee 2 She.can shoot an even bigger Boekoriee at al enemies CURE 2 Completely Characters H. LIFE 2 Revivesa characte and Festaces ful. r SINGLE TECH LUCCA SINGLE TECH S Per i OMT np MT TG FLAME TOSS RETR spss gt ei ee Pg ear mene OR ool} oe: eas meren ne a ee cote : SLURP CUT. uyPNo feeattesan WAVE drags anenemy LEAP SLASH Renaesalot prorect |) “agssvereny Tielrcs orn oe hrcensess MUNN OnE, fers Bote Seas | tam siete syscaatact WATER i | AIRE iM ‘a He can soot WATER 2 Sivan aleriatle Tlamesa@gainst FIRE 2 and damage his He shoots lots ce Soentiey a TS mame fames ster starch enemies, HEAL ‘enemies. NAPALM This will help Begone ferove comet es defentne meaa Bomege "SP" Competory Aston (ccna fot Breet 7 major damage perenys' {Dany monsters around. cree aed eae age a bean em 37 SINGLE TECH AYLA ro SINGLE TECH ROBO’ Ae si men Tg Caer ie Cara can aa ROCKET KISS ouhid ie FONE Mo ccovcrs PN na Eigen tir Printer Tock ea ae fet stan ere eo en Status and some reer