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Assessment Instance 8452

Assessment BO Slickline G9
Created For Rully Azhar Mulya Employee ID 28401
Observer EXPROGROUP\Yulias.Fauzie
Created 08-Jul-2021
Guidance The completed assessment should be returned to the employee’s Manager for sign off in
LMS. Once this is done the completed assessment can be included in the employee’s
competency portfolio with any supporting documentation used during the assessment.
The Performance Review (PR) section below should not be included in the candidate’s
competency portfolio.

Section Bottom Hole Temperature & Pressure Gauges (G7)

Question Describe, in detail, the hazards associated with operating Bottom Hole Pressure and
Temperature Gauges and the possible problems that could be encountered?

Question Explain, in detail, the information that is acquired by Bottom Hole Pressure and
Temperature Gauges; why and how Expro's Clients would use that information?

Section Calculations (G7)

Question With reference to question paper EOG Slickline G7_Calculations: What are the answers to
Question 2?

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Question With reference to question paper EOG Slickline G7_Calculations: What is the answer to
Question 1?

Section Downhole Circulation Operations

Question Describe the different types of gas lift valves that can be set in Side Pocket Mandrel and
their function?

Question Write a step by step programme for the functioning of a Sliding Side Door (down to open,
underbalance differential, nipples above and below SSD), ensure all safety aspects are

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Question Describe the possible problems that might be encountered with Side pocket Mandrel
operations and the steps taken to prevent these problems occurring?

Section Downhole Circulation Operations (G7&8)

Question Explain the relevant information that must be entered into a Wireline Daily Operations
Report after SSD operations are completed?

Question Describe the use of Selective Positioning Tool, used to manipulate a SSD; how, when and
why would a Selective Positioning Tool be used?

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Question Describe the use of Positive Keys in a SSD Positioning Tool; how, when and why would
Positive Keys be used?

Section Downhole Toolstring and Tools (G7)

Question Identify each toolstring component in a roller toolstring assembly (as used in deviated
wells) and explain, in detail, the purpose, the function and thought process for
choosing/utilising each item?

Question Describe, in detail, the decision making process for deciding which type of Bailer is
appropriate to run in the well, what are the considerations?

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Section Fishing Operations (G7)

Question Explain what must be discussed at a Pre Job Safety Meeting (JSA, TBT) before fishing
operations commence?

Question Describe the Wire Break Flow Process?


Section Flow Control Devices & Completion Components

Question Describe, in detail, the post installation integrity checks that are completed, after setting

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Section Flow Control Devices & Completion Components (G7&8)

Question Describe the possible hazards associated with running and pulling Wireline Retrievable
Sub Surface Safety Valves and the actions to be taken to avoid those hazards?

Question Describe, in detail, everything that needs to be considered before setting or pulling a flow
control device into/out of its nipple profile?

Section General Wireline Operations (G7&8)

Question When operating on a location not previously visited, describe what you would do to
become familiar with the location and ensure that it is safe to perform wireline

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Question Explain the importance of completing/receiving a Daily Shift Handover or Wireline

Supervisor Trip Handover?

Section H2S (G7)

Question Describe how to safely vent off and purge Pressure Control Equipment before breaking
out Wireline Tools on H2S operations?

Question Explain the relevant information that must be entered into the Wireline Daily Operations
Report after H2S operation are performed?

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Section HSE (G7&8)

Question Explain the importance of attending a Pre-Trip Work/Safety Briefing before starting a
new well intervention?

Question Explain, in detail, how you would ensure that an accident or incident is reported

Question Describe, in detail, what you would do if you have stopped a job (because you believe it is
unsafe to continue) but the Client is insisting that you continue with your work?

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Question Describe the potential for an incidents occurring when other disciplines are working in
the same or adjacent areas at the same time as a wireline operation and the remedial
actions that you would take?

Section Multi-strand Wireline Operations (G7&8)

Question Describe the information that will be found in a Cable Log Book and explain the
information that must be entered into log book during a braided cable operation?

Question When pulling out of hole with a braided cable, if the cable will not come back through the
GIH explain the possible causes and describe the solutions?

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Question Describe how well conditions might change the configuration of a GI Head and explain
what those changes would be?

Section Pressure Control Equipment (G7)

Question Describe the safe methods of opening up the well to the Pressure Control Equipment (not
by "cracking" the Swab Valve)?

Question Identify the hazards that are associated with pressure testing Pressure Control
Equipment while on location that would need to be addressed through Risk Assessment?

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Section Programme (G7)

Question Describe how to effectively use a well schematic in Wireline Operations?

Question Describe, in detail, the importance of strictly following a programme in a wireline

operation and not deviating from it?

Section Rigging Up & Rigging Down Operations

Question Write a step by step programme for conducting a pre-well intervention pressure test of
the Pressure Control Equipment, ensure all safety aspects are referenced?

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Section Rigging Up & Rigging Down Operations (G7&8)

Question Explain the importance of completing a Wireline Operations Pre-Rig Up Check Sheet
before a wireline operation commences?

Question Explain the importance of safe well handover before/after well intervention and the
information contained in the handover?

Section Winch & Power Pack Operations (G7)

Question Describe, in detail, how a Winch Unit's Hydraulic Relief Valve (AA Valve) functions/works;
how it is used in operation; the hazards associated with incorrect use?

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Question Describe, in detail, the pre-job checks that are completed on a weight indicator/load cell
before any operation commences and the daily checks for a weight indicator/load cell?

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Assessor 1 : Name and Position Date : dd/MMM/yyyy

Assessor 1 Comments

Assessor 2 : Name and Position Date : dd/MMM/yyyy

Assessor 2 Comments

Manager : Name Date : dd/MMM/yyyy

Manager Comments


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Performance Review

Created For Rully Azhar Mulya Employee ID 28401

Created 08-Jul-2021
Guidance Send Performance Review (PR) section to HR to record overall performance rating and
hold PR section on employee's file. Note: no competency progression/promotion will be
processed without this information.
Name of Reviewer (BLOCK

To be completed by employee’s Manager

Behavioural Performance Ratings

There is no requirement to rate each behaviour or to include a comment where the behaviour is largely met and well demonstrated
with no development actions required. Instead comments should be included for any behaviour where you consider there are
opportunities for improvement.
Be accountable
Expro employees are action orientated and are committed to delivery. They are determined to get to the end of a task and use all of
their effort to achieve their goals. They are thorough in their approach and set themselves challenging objectives taking full
responsibility for their own and others actions.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->
Champion safety
Expro employees strive to be safe in everything they do and consider their personal safety and the safety of others in all parts of
their working and personal lives. Expro employees never take safety for granted and understand that every individual is responsible
for their own safety and that of the team.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->
Communicate effectively
Expro employees communicate in an open, honest and professional manner. They take time to congratulate each other as well as
providing constructive and fair feedback when improvement is required. They actively encourage communication throughout the
organization to support information sharing and learning.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->
Deliver quality
Expro employees are driven to deliver the best quality in all of their services and continually seek opportunities to improve.
Although they accept that mistakes can happen, they strive to prevent them and learn from them when they do occur by sharing
their experiences to teach others.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->
Embrace teamwork
Expro employees are loyal to the team. They understand their own and the team's responsibilities and support, coach and
encourage each other to develop and learn. They use the feedback of internal and external customers for team learning and
performance improvement.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->
Partner customers
Expro employees understand that customer care is key and are passionate about delivering the best service without exception. They
listen to customer needs and gain feedback for improvement opportunities. They build professional relationships and recognise that
they have internal and external customers.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->
Seek innovation
Expro employees are good at thinking of practical and realistic innovations to customer problems. By fully understanding the
customer need, and having a practical knowledge of the job requirements they will look for every possible solution to deliver an
excellent service.
Manager Rating: Choose from Green, Amber, Red and write/type answer here ->

Manager Comments on Behaviours:

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Overall Performance Rating

Place an X to the right of the chosen rating:

1 – Consistently exceeds requirements
2 – Exceeds requirements
3 – Meets requirements
4 – Below requirements / Requires improvement
5 – Consistently below requirements

Manager Comments on Overall Performance (from date of last assessment):

Overall Performance Rating

Description Detailed Information

Employee is doing an outstanding job. Their performance is rarely matched by others and far exceeds
1 - Consistently all requirements.
exceeds requirements The results (objectives) achieved are highly impressive demonstrating an outstanding quality of work
and an exemplary approach to job performance (behaviours).
All expectations of the job are consistently and significantly exceeded.
Employee is doing an excellent job. Their performance is first rate and considered an example for
others to aim for.
2 - Exceeds
The results (objectives) achieved demonstrate the high quality of their work as does the positive way
in which they go about performing (behaviours) their job.
The expectations of the job are routinely exceeded.
Employee is doing a very good job. Their performance is generally competent, efficient and
3 - Meets
The results (objectives) achieved and the way they go about performing their job (behaviours) are
good examples to others. Produces good quality work.
The expectations of the job are consistently met and, in some cases, exceeded.
Employee’ performance is inconsistent with some tasks not completed to the required level. Their
performance may indicate that they are not fully competent or require further development.
4 – Below
Some of the results (objectives) achieved have been at an acceptable level but some were not
completed as expected and the way they go about performing their job (behaviours) may have some
areas requiring improvement. May require additional supervision to produce work of an acceptable
improvement quality.
The expectations of the job have partially been met but can be improved upon.
Employee’s work is consistently below the minimum acceptable requirements of performance in one or
more aspects of the job.
Results (objectives) are not achieved or have not been at an acceptable level and the way they go
5 - Consistently
about performing their job (behaviours) is consistently below the expected standard. Employee’s
below requirements
performance may demand an excessive amount of supervisory intervention and support to deliver the
basic requirements of the role.
The expectations of the job have not been met and immediate corrective action is required.

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