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It’s just a service allowing people to post their

Hosting services provides
Special equipment
Technology most people don’t have like :
Expensive servers
Networking equipment
Dedicated network access
There is
Free Hosting
Convenient at start
Limited quality
You get what you pay for
Shared Hosting
Most commen
Dedicated hosting
Dedicated, personalized service
Reserved for large business

Kinds of service provided by hosting services

Disk Space for Files
Email accounts
File Transfer Software (FTP)
FTP=Files Transfert Protocol
Tranfer files from computer to hosting services
Management Software
Reliable internet
COURSE : How to find and select a hosting
Free Hosting Considerations
Usually slow
Hidden charges
Limited tools

Low Cost paid Hosting Service Considerations

Provides useful tools

Go daddy is a big name in web hosting

LESSON : Naming a web site
Charecteristics of a good name
Easy to type
Uses topic –related words
Avoids hyphens and numbers
Check ideas with friends
Don’t risk legal trouble by choosing a na me like : or
There are various extension sname
You can get a name with more than one extensions
Lesson : Web site name registration
Let’s talk about how to reserve a name once we
have chose it
ICANN is an organisation that governs name and
their use on internet
Instznt domain search is the of the site(There are
other research domain )name we will help us find
a name and go to register it at register organisation
like google domain or go daddy
We can choose a name which is in auction. Instead
of it we have to choose a name with the low cost
It is recommanded to buy the domain name from
the same vendor of hosting service but if you don’t
respect it you will have to transfer the domain
name and it request some fees

LESSON : Network and the internet

Basic Network Ideas
Where is a website :
IP address : Internet Protocol
Where we type a website name where does it get
the information ?
When we type our computer
computer find this information by requsting that is looked up for us and yahoo is really
identified by a long number called IP address
By using we allow a service called DNS
or Domain Name Service to find the the IP adress
so we don’t have to know the IP address
DNS runs on compueters associated with the
hosting service
It also runs on computers associated with
isp=Insternet Service Provider Like Togocel
When Yahoo change his equipment but the name
will not same
A domain tool : Whois Lookup can give us
information about an IP adress
DNS help us to hide the ip address, ;and so other

Lesson : First look at a website control Panel

Web development tools

Lesson : Web developpment tool

The editor :
Big tools :
Visual studio, very powerful for developper maybe
not free
Module 2 : Designig your website : HTML Basics
After this module you should be able to :
Identifycomponents of a website Tags and some
Describe files commonly used in websites
Identify HTML tags and some coding
Discuss applying style to HTML
Recall how to do thefolllowing with HTML :
Set up templates
Creates inks
Format text
Work with images
Lesson : Components and structure of a website
Thera many kinds of files wwe will use like HTML,
Hypertext Markup Languages, CSS Cascading Style
Sheets, Javascript and images

Lesson : Creating your own HTML : Setting Up a


Lesson :
Some ways to practice HTML : for
practicing html and other forms of web element.
Advice :Remember to test your code after some of
change to fix more easily errors

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