De On TN7 - English 12 - 09 - 10

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Practice test 7 – English 12 – 09 - 10

I. Choose the word with different stress

1. A. employment B. chemical C. extinction D. endanger
2. A. even B. human C. machine D. expert
3. A. policy B. business C. addition D. holiday
4. A. enough B. knowledge C. sandy D. circle
5. A. geography B. experience C. remembering D. entertainment
II. Choose the best answer
6. He is responsible ……..causing the damage.
A. in B. for C. of D. through
7. The history teacher asked us to comment……..the events taking place ……..Afghanistan.
A. about/at B. for/from C. on/in D. of/at
8. Our trip to Swiss Alps had to be……..twice because of the bad weather.
A. put off B. gone through C. taken up D. brought about
9. When you finish writing, you should……..your composition.
A. keep up B. look on C. pass away D. go over
10. Let’s ……..and buy something……..
A. to go/eating B. going/eaten C. gone/eat D. go/to eat
11. Have you heard her……..any song?
A. to sing B. sing C. sang D. sung
12. Because our bags are identical, you……..mine by mistake.
A. needn’t take B. will have taken C. must have taken D. should take
13. The disadvantage of flying is that you……..see the scenery along the way.
A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. may not
14. “I will bring you some food,” he said to me.
A. He invited me to eat some food. B. He offered to bring me some food. ‘
C. He told me to bring some food. D. He advised me to bring some food.
15. He doesn’t speak English……..I do.
A. as better than B. more well than C. as well as D. as better as
16. Jack……..the best among Mr. Pike’s students.
A. thought to be B. is thought of being C. is thought to be D. is thought being
17. Linda works for a large company……..computers.
A. which produces B. produces C. where produced D. to produce
18. – I’m hungry. Can I have a piece of cake? - ……..
A. Are you B. I will take it C. Sure. Help yourself. D. No, thanks
19. – What are you going to do for the vacation? - ……..
A. That sounds great. B. I will take some tests.
C. I’m not sure, but I might go camping for a few days. D. How about you? What will you do?
20. ……..they live in poverty, they are often contented and happy.
A. As though B. Although C. Because D. As
21. You should do the work……..I have ever told you.
A. even though B. as if C. as though D. as
22. ……..Sharon has finished her exams, she will have more free time.
A. Once B. No sooner C. While D. Before
23. You should speak to…… responsible for company relations abroad.
A. Peter, he B. Peter, that C. Peter, whom D. Peter, who
24. If my uncle had told me the way to his office, I …… late.
A. will not arrive B. would not arrive C. will not have arrived D. would not have arrived
25. In most social situations where some…… allowed, a brief raise of hand or a small wave is fine.
A. formal B. informal C. informality D. informally
26. Many animals are killed because commercial……..
A. exploit B. exploitation C. exploitable D. exploitative
27. My mother is a doctor, so she has to work on a night……..once a week.
A. place B. hospital C. shift D. vacancy
28. Many species have become extinct before biologists can……..them.
A. calculate B. endanger C. identify D. invent
29. When he……..about the truth, he……
A. was first told/didn’t believe B. first told/hasn’t believed
C. was first telling/wouldn’t believe D. was first told/hadn’t believed
30. When I…… my hometown next week, I…… England for exactly one year.
A. return/will have been B. will return/will be C. am returning/have been D. have returned/am
III. Error correction
31. Brunei is one of the smallest but richer(A) countries in the world, whose(B) wealth comes(C) from
oil and(D)_ gas.
32. The archivist had(A) not only(B) a deep interesting(C) but also a clear understanding of the historical
documents in(D) the museum.
Practice test 7 – English 12 – 09 - 10
33. Direct attacks on illiteracy(A) take two main(B) forms, adult education and the establish(C) of public
schools with compulsory attendance(D) for children.
34. SARS, or(A) sever acute respiratory syndrome, has killed(B) more than 400 people worldwide(C)
and sickening(D) more than 6.000 people.
35. In spite of(A) their short time on Earth, human beings have brought about enormous changes(B) to
the surface of the planet, which(C) they are surviving and destroy(D).
IV. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the passage
The important threats to the world’s birds are the (36)……of agriculture, human use of biological
resources, direct (37)…… of bird populations and the indirect impacts on bird populations of forest logging.
These threats are the main causes behind (38)……degradation and conversion which are influencing 95% of
globally threatened bird population. Invasive species, especially predators, also threaten nearly a third of
globally threatened birds. Increasing problems are being (39)……by human disturbance, incidental
mortality, notably the drowning of seabirds in long-line fisheries, and environmental (40)……on land, in
wetlands and seas, and in the air, with climate change having serious longer term consequences for the
world’s birds.
36. A. development B. danger C. blow D. discovery
37. A. investment B. attention C. exploitation D. achievement
38. A. land B. ground C. atmosphere D. habitat
39. A. served B. recorded C. solved D. caused
40. A. addition B. pollution C. defense D. increase
V. Read the passage and choose the correct answer
Air pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short term and long term effects.
Different individuals are affected by air pollution in different ways. Some individuals are much more
sensitive to pollutants than others are. Young children and elderly people often suffer more from the effects
of air pollution. People with health problems such as asthma, heart and lung diseases may also suffer more
when the air is polluted. The extent to which an individual is harmed by air pollution usually depends on the
total exposure to the damaging chemicals.
Examples of short-term effects include illnesses of eyes, nose and throat, and upper respiratory infections
such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Other symptoms can include headaches, nausea and allergic reactions.
Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even
damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Continual exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of
growing children and may complicate medical conditions in the elderly. It s estimated that half a million
people die prematurely every year in the United States as a result of smoking cigarettes.
41. The text is about………..
A. air pollution B. the effect of air pollution
C. those who are affected by air pollution D. the respiratory diseases
42. Which sentence is true?
A. Everybody is affected by air pollution in the same way. B. All people are sensitive to pollutants
C. Pollutants are not really harmful to people. D. We are affected by air pollution individually
43. Which is caused by long-term effects of air pollution?
A. sore eyes B. bronchitis C. headache D. lung cancer
44. Which part of body is not affected by air pollution?
A. Brain B. Lung C. Heart D. Stomach
45. The writer………..
A. suggested was to prevent air pollution B. listed the effects of air pollution
C. proposed solutions to air pollution D. advised us to prevent lung cancer
VI. Choose suitable phrase or clause that best completes the sentences
46. I think you are joking so I don’t mind…………..
A. my saying B. what you have said C. what to say D. whatever you said
47. ……made you ideal for the job.
A. Until you graduate from the university B. Because you graduated from the university
C. You graduated from university D. The fact that you graduated from university
48. They were happy with their marks after the test……
A. provided that they expected them to be a bit higher. B. to be expecting them to be a bit higher
C. expected them to be a bit higher D. although they expected them to be a bit higher
49. My daughter is going ahead with her plans to get married……
A. whatever her father and I may think B. only my her father and I think
C. of what her father and I may think D. what her father and I to think
50. The number of tigers is decreasing……
A. there are many people believe that tiger bone is a marvelous medicine.
B. because many people believe that tiger bone is a marvelous medicine
C. believing that tiger bone is a marvelous medicine.
D. for believing that tiger bone is a marvelous medicine.

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