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SPC FLEx Learning Module Template

Title of the Module:

Interaction of the Different Spheres of the Earth
A system is a collection of interdependent parts enclosed within a defined boundary.
Within the boundary of the Earth is a collection of four interdependent parts called “spheres “:
the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. The spheres are so closely connected
that a change in one sphere often results in a change in one or more of the other spheres. Such
changes that take place within an ecosystem are referred to as events.
Understanding the interactions that occur in the Earth System also helps people to
prepare for the effects of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and severe
storms. This understanding allows people to predict things like how far and in what direction the
lava will flow or the storm surge will rise and help them to evaluate their options throughout the
time period of the event.

Learning Outcomes (LOs):

 Explained the different spheres of the Earth (geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and
 Understand the concept of the Earth System Science and its importance.
 Analyzed how each spheres of the Earth interact to each other and affect each other.

Key Words/Concepts:
 Geosphere - the Earth itself
 Biosphere - Life Zone
 Hydrosphere - the water found on our planet
 Atmosphere - the blanket of air that surrounds the Earth
 Earth System Science - the study of how the four spheres of the Earth interact
continually, each affecting the others
 Interaction - communication or direct involvement with someone or something.

Content Areas Guide Resources
ENGAGE Read the article on
the link that is These%20spheres%20are%20closely%20connected,
being provided more%20of%20the%20other%20spheres.

EXPLORE Open the attached Attached File: Video presentation.

file and take note of
the salient or
essential ideas that
basically describe
on how the spheres
of the Earth interact
to each other in a
EXPLAIN From the given Google meet or Zoom for Virtual meeting
lesson package lists
all the concepts you
are having
difficulties for
purposes to be
assisted by your
instructor. Conduct
also a research if
possible, for those
concepts that you
are confused. 
Listen attentively
and understand
brief explanations
given by the
teacher. 
ELABORATE Performance Task:
Think of an event
or processes
wherein it
eventually involved
the four spheres
interacting to each
other. Make a video
of yourself
discussing how the
four spheres
interact on the
event/processes you
have chosen.
EVALUATE  Administer a Brightspace
test to check the
about the topic.

Supplemental Materials (Optional):

Synthesis (Summary/Reflection):
The Earth is made up of four systems, or spheres. The biosphere (life), the lithosphere
(land), the hydrosphere (water) and the atmosphere (air). On Earth land, water, air and life
interact with one another. As humans, we are also part of this interaction. There is a fine balance
between these four systems - if the one becomes altered; it has an effect on all the others. These
spheres are closely connected. In fact, the spheres are so closely connected that a change in one
sphere often results in a change in one or more of the other spheres. Although the four systems
have their unique identities, there is substantial interaction between them. 

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