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Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Rizal Incorporated

College Department of Social Work

Rizal, Zamboanga del Norte


BS Social Work – Block C
Subject: PPS3

Reaction Paper: Guide Questions

1. What is the most important thing you learned on the topics discussed
in module 2? Why do you think so?
Out from the topics discussed in module 2, I believe it focuses more on the
importance of assessing the trainings being provided to the community. It is possible to
improve education at the international, national, and local levels of society through
Community Education. Through the creation of relationships between home, school,
and community, it expands the traditional roles of public schools. With the help of
Community Education, individuals can improve their lives as well as their communities.
There is also a process in training that we need to consider. Effective training
begins well before a trainer delivers an individual training session and continues after
that training session is complete. Training can be viewed as a process comprised of five
related stages or activities: assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation.

2. What can or should you do with what you know?

From all the things I learned from the topics discussed, I will apply it in my future internship
where I will have the opportunity to engage with the people in the community. I will carefully
plan trainings which are relevant to the needs of the entire community. Now it is my duty to
expand it and utilize it in the right way.

I will explore it further. We are blessed to have taken birth in the era of the internet where
information is available in plenty. Take advantage of it and acquire as much knowledge as
possible in that particular field. If your knowledge and skills require more polishing, find a
mentor for yourself. Learn it as perfectly as possible.

I will apply it. Practical knowledge is the key to become an expert in any field. Apply my
knowledge to solve the problems in this world. Increase my experience.
I will teach it. Knowledge is not supposed to be stored. It is supposed to be imparted to
others. When you become an expert or even a semi-expert in your field, try to impart your
knowledge to all who want to learn it from you. That will help you get an even clearer
perspective on the subject and impart a positive externality into the world.

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