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Republic of he Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IVA- CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF LAGUNA Provincial Capitol Compound Santa Cruz DIVISION MEMORANDUM 10 Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief, Curicuum implementation Division Chief, Schoo! Govamance and Operations Division Distict/education Program Supervisors Public Elementary/Junior High Schoo! Heads FROM plOSIYN'S. SOLANA, CESO V, 'Schdols Division Superintendnt SUBJECT + DIVISION TRAINING OF TRAINERS ON SELECTED CONTENT, PEDAGOGY AND ASSESSMENT ACROSS LEARNING AREAS DATE + AptilB, 2019 — 1. With reference to the recently gathered data on Leaming Needs and Development Assessment, LDNA which show that the top 3 concerns of the CCuriculum implementation Division, CID are Content Knowledge, Pecagoay cand Assessment, a 3-Phase Division Training of Trainers on Selected Content, Pedagogy and Assessment Across Leaming Areas is set on the following dates, ‘and venues. Troining Date ne Phase 1 -Content Knowledge Across Learring Areas Moy 15-17,2019 | Pedro Guevara MNES Phase 2. Teaching Sta, Cruz eee May 27-28, 2019 ces Leoring eos | Phase 3. Asessmentof | May 29-30, 2019 Sta, Cruz CES Leaming Outcomes (0SDS-DM-19- eee Generally, this training aims to continuously copacitate teachers on content, pedagogy and assessment of learning outcomes os required by K-12 Basic Education Pragram. Specificaly. it opis to: ‘a. enhance leachers' mastery in teaching the Least Mastered ‘Competencies in each learning area, eventually map-out and address ‘Common miscenceptions in the dolivery of the content, 'b. hone teachers’ skilsin using developmentally appropriate and effective strategies for developing crtical ond creative thinking. cc. provide an in-depth knowledge on designing, selection, organization and Uiization af assessment strategies. ©. Increase learners’ academic performance os a result of strengthening teachers content knowledge, pedagogy and assessment of learning ‘outcomes. The participants to this training are select teachers in Engish, Mathematics. Science. Filpino, Arating Panfpunan, EPP/TLE and MAPEH who will serve as trainers during DSLAC/SLAC activity. (Enclosure 1) To adequately prepare faciliators/rciners and class managers of ths training, ‘a meeting shall be held on April22, 2019 at 1:00 onwards in Los Barios CES Training Center, Los Baris Laguna Please refer to Enclosure 2 for the attendees. Attendees fo this raining shall be granted one work day of vacation service credit for one day (eight hours) of service as stipulated in D.0. 53.5. 2008, Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credis fo Teachers Amended by D.O 84, . 2003. Expenses incurred ot the training shall be charged against Division INSET and local MOOE fund subject fo the usual accounting and auciting rules, procedures and regulations. Immediate and widest dessimination ofthis memorandums desired, ead TmatlapuraGcepedaovpn Teeter (OO) SOLOSEs | SORTS Webats wn daepag.on- ENCLOSURE 1 LUST OF TWG PER LEARNING AREA Task excuse science MATH ARAL PA Fieve MBmocungaHT Renan R Soriano I~ Agustin Owen v-Pena [7 Syvia Eneabo T-Ferentine Rancop Lama reunacs fa crvstopher. Pungon|2.Chrstan .Baino _f2-MarlfeD. Grotto ‘42. Dulce S. Ramos Lsinale A Monece (3. BontactaSTagado Maria Benda. Lalaban}3. Dona A Svan fs angetta U. suere Js 1ciync. vizon Js. corto e. Aienas ne N.Condino | Rosole Mable [Rose . Abo 5. Lac mAmonte 5. Juana A Macologay A ova |s anatzoD. Delgado —_|5. Ermae. Canto [s. Merien 8 Sancha fmma A ton {G-Homade | Maria Theresa C.Fomonded6. Asher M Poco > Rniete C.Montana 7. enico ortega >. crochelle D.Gareia 7. Wwotle Karen V. Vitudaz>_[. aru Rober P.timonaco| Ja Merk anthony. ang |e Joon B.Bcidovino (8. Zola | Badu Js vonwen Mt Posonot [8 Reynold D. Vio fr o201. Marin po —rmranaies Cambs 1 Gragorae Goferer |) Tuie C-sammients |r Wa Rona Rave Jemoevin A Ur La rma Cecio S.togan_[2. Ginaiyn Bea le —Ii- Bemodete G.Teanerdo|- Lucio C. Copa Brenda N Ramer she ONacaeS [2.Cispin Glenn G.Combef2. Ma. Doles 8. Gulez |2. ovina C. Federico 2 seonete Do Loon Oras FBanyn 8 Rove T-Nonetie Labrador] Conslacion vOrfz——1 MyaD, Coliede Le tanate 8. senaios = = [eens iz 7 4 [Bhs GAME ond MEDICAL (3A) errmne SCIENCE Fisica! Wail bak Tilpino MTs For Serna Ksaysayen eniy in shaieg H- feta Fooiic Js. charina uyoo | tetcia Germina boy Rea Joh Tee fs ada. Leynes |. ary Jone Sabana 5: some suaze Caretta A. Omeda io. neta V.Avino TT. one 2 Angeto 8 Atenza T-Cacte casino Aan G. osteo b. cioia ceratine Victoria [2 Rhodora C.Naveo [5 orious.Contras fs. Roly. Caldk: ran A Parungao 2 Fercinona Casto 1. Marie 2. oy

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