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Margot Savoy, MD,


Department of Family &
Community Medicine,
5 misconceptions
Jefferson Medical College,
Philadelphia, Pa


The author reported no

that can
complicate care
potential conflict of interest
relevant to this article.

Despite an increasing understanding of autism spectrum

disorder, misinformation abounds. Here’s help dispelling
common misconceptions.

› Screen children for
developmental delays with
A utism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects approximate-
ly one in 68 children in the United States, according
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC).1 Growing public awareness of autism means that fam-
ily physicians are increasingly likely to hear from anxious new
a standardized screening (and expectant) parents.
tool at 9, 18, and 24 or 30 Unfortunately, misinformation about autism continues
months of age, accom-
to be perpetuated, through word of mouth, the Internet, and
panied by surveillance at
misinformed advocacy groups. This article addresses 5 of the
all well-child visits. C
most common misconceptions, and can help you set the re-
› Use a parent-completed cord straight and respond appropriately to parental concerns.
tool rather than a directly
administered tool to screen
for developmental delays. C
Misconception 1: Autism is a single condition
› Advise parents of a child While autistic disorder was previously considered one of 5
diagnosed with autism pervasive developmental disorders, in 2013 the Diagnostic
spectrum disorder that early and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, 5th edition (DSM-
intensive behavioral therapy
5) redefined it. (To learn more about how shifts in our under-
can improve cognitive, lan-
standing of autism were reflected in each new edition of the
guage, and adaptive skills.. A
DSM, see “Autism: Why the rise in rates?” on page 316.)
Strength of recommendation (SOR) ASD is now an umbrella term that encompasses autism,
A Good-quality patient-oriented Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not
otherwise specified, childhood disintegrative disorder, and
B Inconsistent or limited-quality

patient-oriented evidence Rett syndrome.2 The new term is meant to highlight the con-

C Consensus, usual practice, tinuum of symptoms and frequent variability of presentation
opinion, disease-oriented
evidence, case series
among those affected, ranging from mild to more severe im-
pairment. Anyone who was classified under DSM-IV criteria,
of course, should continue to have an autism/ASD diagnosis.

310 The Journal of Family Prac tice | JUNE 2 0 1 4 | V o l 6 3 , N o 6

As with previous definitions, ASD is a routine visit. A “wait and see” approach is
characterized by communication deficits strongly discouraged. Parents of children
(eg, inappropriate responses in conversa- with ASD often broach the subject by the
tion, misinterpreted nonverbal interactions, baby’s first birthday.5 Common concerns in-
and significant challenges in age-appropriate clude the child’s inability to babble, point or
bonding/friendship development). While gesture meaningfully, or respond to his or her
previous definitions were focused on identi- name; poor eye contact; failure to play with
fying school-age deficits, the update requires toys; and/or loss of (or failure to develop) lan-
early childhood symptoms—regardless of the guage or social skills.5
age of formal diagnosis.2 z An ASD mnemonic. The CDC, in col-
laboration with the AAP, the American Acad-
emy of Neurology, and the Child Neurology
Misconception 2: Society, has released a simplified guideline
Only symptomatic children with the mnemonic ALARM to summarize
should be screened for ASD recommendations for developmental screen-
Although the decision to screen all children ing, surveillance, diagnosis, and manage-
remains a controversial one, at least one ment of ASD.5 ALARM stands for:
medical society—the American Academy of • Autism is prevalent
Pediatrics (AAP)—calls for universal screen- • Listen to parents
ing.3 The American Academy of Family Phy- • Act early Avoid a “wait
sicians does not have or endorse a formal • Refer and see”
guideline about screening for ASD. The US • Monitor. approach.
Preventive Services Task Force has a guide- Parents of
line, but it is in the process of being revised.4 children with
Given the advances in early childhood Misconception 3: ASD often
interventions, there is little doubt that early Since ASD can't be cured, broach the
identification of those at risk for develop- early intervention offers no benefit subject by the
mental delay is beneficial. But opponents of While there is no cure for ASD and it is not baby’s first
universal screening cite concerns about un- considered reversible, there is an array of po- birthday.
necessary testing, anxiety, and overdiagnosis tential ASD therapies and proven benefits of
due to false positives associated with tradi- early intervention. Therapies range from diet
tional screening methods. to medication and behavioral skills develop-
z The AAP calls for screening and sur- ment, but only a few have ample evidence of
veillance. Since 2006, the AAP has recom- efficacy (TABLE).7-17
mended surveillance at all well-child visits, Randomized controlled trials of early
combined with screening for developmen- developmental and behavioral therapy have
tal delays at 9, 18, and 24 or 30 months of shown some promise in decreasing symp-
age, using a standardized screening tool.3,5 toms associated with ASD and improving
A parent-completed tool (eg, the Modified parent-child communication and social en-
Image © carol and mike werner/photo reserarchers, inc.

Checklist for Autism in Toddlers [M-CHAT] gagement.18-21 A systematic review found

or, most recently, the M-CHAT Revised with that young children with ASD can improve
Follow-up6; Parents’ Evaluation of Devel- cognitive performance, language skills, and
opmental Status; or Ages and Stages Ques- adaptive behavioral skills through behav-
tionnaire, 3rd ed) should be used rather ioral interventions or more comprehensive
than a directly administered tool.3,5 An al- approaches using developmental and be-
gorithm detailing the AAP’s approach is havioral frameworks.22 In addition to increas-
available at ing the likelihood of overall school success,
actearly/autism/case-modules/pdf/diagno- early intervention programs that improve
sis/AAP%20Screening%20Guidelines.pdf. communication and social skills can have a
Physicians should also be prepared to significant impact on the individual’s even-
evaluate any child whose parents raise con- tual quality of life (QOL), employability, and
cerns about his or her development during independence.23-25
c o nti n u e d Vol 63, No 6 | JUNE 2014 | The Journal of Family Practice 311

Therapeutic options for ASD: What works?7-17

Intervention Effectiveness (SOR*)
Early intensive behavioral therapy7 A
Melatonin (for sleep disturbance) 8
Parent-mediated early intervention9 A
Risperidone (for behavioral issues)10 A
Inadequate evidence to support
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors14 B
Acupuncture 11
Atypical antipsychotics 12
Auditory integration therapy 13
B6-magnesium supplementation14 B
Gluten-free/casein-free diet 15

Patients with Music therapy 13

ASD are less Naltrexone 14
likely to have
Omega-3 fatty acids16 A
ever lived on
their own than
those with Secretin IV17 A
learning ASD, autism spectrum disorder; IV, intravenous; SOR, strength of recommendation.
disabilities, *SOR: A, Good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B, inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C, consensus,
intellectual usual practice, opinion, disease-oriented evidence, case series.

disabilities, or
Misconception 4: Individuals half (53.4%) of young adults with ASD had
with ASD are intellectually disabled ever worked for pay outside the home since
and can't function independently leaving high school—the lowest rate among
As many as 96% of children with ASD have a disability groups.24 Of those who had worked
coexisting developmental disability, such as outside the home, young adults with ASD
generalized developmental delay (found in earned an average of $8.10 per hour, signifi-
80% of those with ASD), learning disabilities cantly lower than the comparison groups.
(affecting 60%), or attention-deficit/hyper- Not surprisingly, young adults with ASD who
activity disorder (in 42%).26 Although many had better conversational and/or functional
parents—and some physicians—assume that skills had a higher likelihood of ever having
children with ASD are intellectually disabled, had worked for pay outside the home.24
in fact, less than one in 5 (19%) has an intel- Social participation also is considered an
lectual disability.26 indicator of overall QOL and independent func-
Individuals with ASD do, however, of- tion. Young adults with ASD were found to be
ten have difficulty living independently. In significantly more likely than those with other
one study of post high school living arrange- types of developmental delays to be socially iso-
ments, those with ASD were less likely to have lated—never seeing friends, getting calls from
ever lived on their own than those with learn- friends, or being invited to activities. Lower
ing disabilities, intellectual disabilities, or communication and functional skills, as well as
emotional disturbances.23 living with a parent, were predictors of less so-
Another analysis found that only about cial participation in young adults with ASD.25

312 The Journal of Family Prac tice | JUNE 2 0 1 4 | V o l 6 3 , N o 6

AUTISM: 5 misconceptionS

Misconception 5: referral center, all 50 states and US territo-

Thimerosal vaccines cause ASD ries are required by law to provide access to
The controversy and concern about a correla- early intervention programs under Part C of
tion between mercury and ASD began in the the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Educa-
late 1990s, when a published study appeared tion Act.31 (For a list of resources, see “Autism
to link thimerosal-containing vaccines to the spectrum disorder: Where to learn more” on
increasing incidence of autism.27 This no- page 319.)
tion appeared to be further strengthened by
a 2002 study,28 done by the same researchers Help families prepare
and reaching similar conclusions. Since then, Advise families whom you refer for evalu-
the correlation has been disproven by a num- ation that they are unlikely to have a defini-
ber of studies and further review of the initial tive answer after the first visit. Explain that
studies revealed them to be flawed.29 the evaluation is quite thorough and gener-
Despite the lack of evidence to support ally takes several visits. Typically, a child sus-
any long-term effects from the minimal ex- pected of developmental delay will undergo a
posure to mercury in the preservative, in July comprehensive evaluation, including history
1999, US Public Health Service agencies, the and physical exam, blood work (including
AAP, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that lead testing and, in some locations, genet-
thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated ic testing), hearing and vision screening,
in vaccines as a precautionary measure.30 speech and language evaluation, and senso- Despite a lack
With the exception of a limited number of rimotor and cognitive evaluation. Additional of evidence
multidose influenza vaccines, childhood information may be requested from daycare connecting
vaccines are now thimerosal-free. providers, preschool teachers, or others who thimerosal to
spend significant amounts of time with the autism, the
child. agent has been
Fact: Early referral is key Once a diagnosis is made, the team will removed from
When and where to refer parents for addi- work with the parents to develop an indi- most childhood
tional evaluation of a child with developmen- vidualized care plan for the child, which of- vaccines as a
tal delays depends on the resources in your ten includes a mix of cognitive, physical, and precautionary
community. Typically, a team of providers speech development services in addition to measure.
participates in the evaluation and manage- nutrition and support services. The primary
ment of a child with ASD, often including a care physician, of course, will continue to
developmental pediatrician, psychiatrist and oversee, monitor, and coordinate care. JFP
other mental health professional, neurolo-
gist, speech pathologist, audiologist, physical CORRESPONDENCE
therapist, and special education teacher. Margot Savoy, MD, MPH, FAAFP, CPE, FABC, Christiana Care
Health System, Department of Family & Community Medi-
Although every community may not cine, 1401 Foulk Road, Suite 100B, Wilmington, DE 19803;
have easy access to a pediatric subspecialist

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