Demain - Assessment 2.2 - X002

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Name: Joshua P.

Demain, BSN-1B
Offering #: X002
Team: Temperance

Assessment 2.2
Tell me your story of preparing your project proposal. Do you think your
proposal has Qp, Cp = 2r + 3c Can you evidence using the formula?

To be honest planning and preparing for my project proposal was tricky, since it is my
first time creating this kind of tasks to the community. However, I realize that due to
the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to have a construable for food production and a heal
for the mental health of people, at the same time income for my proponents. Despite
the difficulties, I'm positive in generating a quality and sustainable project that utilized
the Qp, Cp= 2r + 3c formula.
The implementation of the project needs to think broadly enable to stabilize of what
specifically the problem of the community amidst of covid-19 pandemic. From that
point, I noticed the issues needs to focus on regarding the health safety and a source
of food. People in our barangay have been going to market places enable to buy foods
and other necessities, even though they know of what will be a risk for their actions.
In that case, I observed how it make a disadvantages due to a high risk of the
transmission of the virus, since numerous people buy in the markets. This has given
me an assumption of the relevance of my project to the community. Upon
implementation, I need to consider the important things includes financial, resources
and feasibility, considering that all of us affected the deadly virus. With the process,
I'm able to create a plan with simple resource requirements that will impact the
environment, healthy foods, and for the mental health entitled a home gardening
project. After I set up the proposal of my project of what should be the clearly objective
and aim, I prepared the plan for more detailed information which follows the guidelines
for sustainability planning. In that manner, I was able to determined the procedures,
strategies and steps that is coherent to the objectives and aim of the project. In addition
with the help of the family members and people surrounds me, I was fortunate to finish
my project proposal successfully.
To sum up, creating a project proposal which help people amidst of the pandemic, is
a great experience with the support of family members or with the team. I realize that,
if we will be united and helping one another in our simple way, create a key to
surpassed the Covid-19 pandemic and other problems arisen.

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