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Section 1.

1 Introduction to Algebra
9r  16 is referred to as an “algebraic expression.”
Algebraic expressions
 Do not contain equal signs
 Have at least one variable
o Variables are letters that represent values that could change
 Examples of variables are: “a”, “z”, “T”, etc. Terminology
 The most popular is “x”
o They can be upper case (“A”) or lower case (“a”), but they cannot change
case once defined or presented.
 May contain one or more
o Operations (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.)
o Grouping symbols (parenthesis, brackets, braces)
 May contain one or more constants - constants are values (numerals) that do not
change. These numerals are stand-alone meaning they are not multiplied/divided
by a variable.

9r  16
Name the variable(s) ________________

Name the operation(s) ________________

Name the constant(s) ________________

If you are given a value for the variable, you can evaluate the
expression. This is done by substituting a number in for the variable.
The number replaces the variable – nothing else changes. The amount
we end up with can be referred to as the result or value. Terminology

Evaluate 9r  16 for the given value: r  3
9r  16 r 3
9  3  16
27  16
Homework 43
Translations - Your text (page 5) offers a terrific list of words which
help in the translation to mathematical expressions. It would be in your
best interest to review this list. Pay special attention to the order of the
words and the order of the terms in the translation. You will be tested
on these.
o Notice the Variable Definition in the 3rd column. You will be expected to be
able to do this. Notice how the definition also includes the units, where
o Also notice that lower case letters are used for the variables. This is the
typical protocol. You will be expected to follow this protocol.

Equations – Very similar to our discussion about expressions

except and equal sign (=) is included.

Algebraic Expression Algebraic Equation

9r  16 9r  16  34 Terminology

Solutions – A value that makes an equation true.

Example: Is 3 a solution to the equation 9r  16  34 ?
9r  16  34
9  3  16  34
27  16  34
43  34
Homework False, therefore, 3 is not a solution.

When we translate a scenario into mathematical language, we are developing a model. A

mathematical model is the mathematical representation. The information used to
develop a model is data. Number of Weight of
Example: The following data was collected. pennies pennies (grams)
5 12.5 grams
1. Assign the variables. 10 25.0 grams
Let “p” represent the number of pennies. 13 32.5 grams
Let “w” represent the weight of the pennies. 50 125 grams
2. Develop an equation that shows the relationship between “p” and “w.” Is there only 1?
3. Test the model with the data points.
Homework: MLP (MyLabsPlus) and the following problems from the text.
81 You must give the model and show/or explain how you got it.
84 You must give the model and show/or explain how you got it.
87 Answer yes or no. Then, include an example that supports your answer.
92 Copy the expression
Substitute in the values
Evaluate the expression
This should all be done in a top down fashion without the use of equal signs.
Follow the example given in the lecture notes.

MLP problems, MLP Quiz, and Text problems are due _______________

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