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Reviewing the 3I’s Nov 2019 – EYFS

Subject: Science
Intent Science is vital to our future prosperity and it is important
(What is the aim and that our children are engaged with all aspects of science.
purpose of your subject All pupils at Morley Victoria will be provided with the
at MV?) foundations to understand the specific disciplines of
biology, chemistry and physics and to develop an
understanding of the world around them at an age-
appropriate level.

We aim to develop children’s natural excitement and

curiosity and inspire them to pursue scientific enquiry
now and in further life. Throughout the primary years,
children should learn to work scientifically by
investigating, explaining and analysing phenomena,
making predictions, questioning the world around them
and solving problems.

Teachers should aim to nurture a love for the natural

world, excitement for future possibilities in science and
provide many opportunities for pupils to grow their own
growth mindset and rational thinking.

Implementation The Curriculum

(How do we teach your  The EYFS framework sets out the content that
subject at MV?) should be covered in the early years. Adults
working in the setting aim to identify the starting
points of each unique child in terms of their
knowledge, vocabulary, ideas and interests
relating to the specific area ‘Understanding the
 Teachers are familiar with previous and
subsequent year groups’ curriculum content in
order to link learning and build on previous
knowledge and identify suitable next steps to be
developed with each child.
 Scientific skills and knowledge are developed
through the prime areas, for example discussing
and sharing ideas and experiences in response to
stories and non-fiction texts and role-play;
appreciating the importance of exercise and a
healthy diet (PD) and developing a positive self-
image and respect for living things (PSED).
 Teachers are encouraged to follow children’s
interests and lines of inquiry without explicitly
teaching content from other year groups.

Scientific enquiry
 Scientific enquiry in the early years is driven by
children’s own questions and adult-led
 Children are supported to notice similarities and
differences, environmental features, make
observations of living things and explain why some
things occur.
 The EYFS setting provides a rich language
environment for children. Adults identify and
model scientific vocabulary appropriate for the
topic and age. They further embed vocabulary
using simple definitions, images and actions which
can be repeated. Children are encouraged to say
the words for themselves and use them in context.
(What difference does it  Ongoing formative assessment through
make to the children?) interactions and observations of children by adults
to understand their achievements and interests
helps to plan each child’s next steps in learning.
 Children are assessed against the EYFS profile in
line with EYFS assessment policy.
 Evidence on twitter and tapestry
 Children develop a questioning nature
 Children develop a basic understanding of the
world around them
 Children are able to access the year 1 national
curriculum in science

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