Definition of Humanity 3

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Definition of humanity

We live in a complex world consisting of the different aspect of universal

expectations. One of the most influential forces in the development of humanity is
religion. Religion has caused humans to find peace and display the true meaning of
humanity since people believe that we are made in God’s image and we should follow
His teachings. Humanity is being human; the human nature in us makes us different
from other beings. That is why humans have an obligation to help others and make
the world a better place by being human.

Humanity is about understanding human race, which is about everyone and

everything in life. Humanity also describes some of the important qualities that make
us be humans. The extraordinary deeds explain the true nature of humanity. One of
the exemplary forms of humanity is portrayed by Mother Teresa. Through her
charitable work, she displayed humanity. Humanity means caring for and also helping
those in need. Humanity is about forgetting your selfish interest and engaging in
activities that will bring good to many people. Mother Teresa showed humanity by
giving unconditional love to every living being on earth.

Humanity is an important part of our daily lives because it is about helping

others trying to understand them. Showing humanity does not need to be rich, even
the poor can show humanity by assisting others with whatever he can offer. Other
scholars define humanity as the experience of your reality and living your destiny,
which in most cases is to strive to live harmoniously and peacefully as
possible. Humanity is not just about an individual trying to maintain peace; it
involves performing good deeds like feeding the homeless, treating your enemy with
respect and love and having the respect for God who created humans.

Serving people in need is one of the greatest examples of humanity, and it is

the only thing one can offer in her lifetime to fulfill his purpose on earth. We can
count ourselves lucky because we have everything we want in life. Nevertheless,
sharing out what we have means you are thinking about your neighbor, and you are
human it does not mean you have more than enough resources. Ironically, people who
do not like sharing what they have and still feel they need more never provide
humanitarian assistance because such people think that they do not have enough to
offer others.

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