Aklan Hardware HR Framework

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Members: Jamelarin, Lariosa

Tabafa, Werta, Yago

Aklan Hardware

HR Framework

This part of paper it show how the business manage their workforce in the

most efficient and effective manner possible, in order to achieve the established


Job analysis- Aklan Hardware has 3 positions of employees every branch that

consists of team leader, cashier and salesperson. Using Position analysis

questionnaire ( PAQ), this tool in job analysis it will determine the data of

every position in business in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Gathering data questionnaire distribute to employees involve and the data

gather will analyze to create and identify proper job description and job
specification in every position that business have a good job posting in market

to acquire right employees.

Selection tool- The tool selected base on the information collected in job

analysis and designed to select employees on evaluating their qualities, which

are required for a specific job and then choosing the suitable candidate for the

position. Business choose a interview and Physical ability test where

applicants undergo with this type of selection test . Where the interview

questions to applicants may gather the following data Communication Skills,

Analytical Skills, Inventory management, Negotiation Skills, Knowledge,

Experience , and Behavioral. While in Physical ability test is intended to the

sales persons who are more expose in lift heavy material in the store, and it

will focus on muscular test, also reference Check/background check is

considered to be used.

Performance Appraisal- Business designed 360 degrees feedback to evaluate

and appraise employees depending on their self-awareness, leadership,

interpersonal skills and customer relations which are required for a specific

job and then analyze which areas should be improve on and continue on

working in business.

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