Musical Intelligence: A Synopsis

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It is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre and tone. This intelligence enables us to
recognize, create, reproduce and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers,
conductors, musicians, vocalist and sensitive listeners.


Music can be heard everywhere. It is in the wind. It is in the sea. It is in the land”. It is all
around us. It is in the society we are living. In the bed we are lying. It is in all corners
where we perform our day-to-day routine. We sometimes fail to realize the essence of
music in our lives. The fact is that we only hear the vehicles running, the motorcycles
choking, the vendors shouting and persons laughing. We really don’t hear the birds’
singing, the animals’ tone and the insects’ sound. If we really meant to hear these sounds
even how insignificant these creatures are and even how soft their voices are we can still
hear them as long as we want to and we concentrate to draw ourselves nearer to them.

“All we have to do is to open ourselves up. All we have to do is to listen.”

Perhaps, the reason why the test yield such as a result is my constant affiliation with
music. I can decipher the unknown segments of music which others normally can’t. I can
even perceive every sound as a cultivation of music. Music is everywhere, we know
that .Everything creates a sound .However, the impact of a sound depend on the response
of the receiver .I consider every sound a music. The breeze of the wind, the swaying of
the trees, the chirping of the birds, the steps of people walking on the trees , and cry of a
baby. No matter how significant a sound may be, it deserves to be heard .The fact is that
those who hear insignificant sounds are those who truly listen .listening is a choice .And I
am proud that I chose to listen.

Kinesthetic Intelligence is the ability to use one’s body with great precision. This type of
intelligence involves coordination, balance, skill, speed, strength, and dexterity. In short,
it relies on tactile mechanisms and human movement to get information. We can find
high levels of kinesthetic intelligence in athletes, dancers, surgeons, artists and craftsmen,
where accuracy in controlling body movements is a principal characteristic of their role.


They say the best way to measure one’s ability to learn us to reproduce his knowledge in
the form of active expression. Mere reminiscence of thought’s, principles, and ideas are
shallow application of knowledge .Knowledge requires an application that takes the
platform of another dimension. To put it simply, knowledge must be utilized in real life
scenarios. Because what other purpose can it be beneficial to us other than its utilization
in the real and competitive world.

The art of expressing one’s thoughts, one’s feelings, one’s imagination and one’s desire
to do things is the greatest learning a person can ever achieve. It is important to recognize
that we often convey our thoughts involuntarily through our bodily movements. Thus, we
ourselves must utilize our bodily functions and mental creativity simultaneously to
become an effective steward of kinesthetic intelligence. Always connect your mind with
your body. It is in this way that we’ll achieve the full balance that we all deserve!

“Ears just listen. The mind just thinks. It is the body that puts everything into action.”

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