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The risks agriculture faces in developing countries

Synthesis of an online debate


- Synthesis .n: the mixing of different ideas, influences, or things to make a whole that
is different of new
- Have a right to sth : to have the just or legal permission, privilege, or authoritiy to
have or own sth
- Entrench .v: to firmly establish sth, esp an or a problem, so that it cannot be changed

- Volatility .n : the quality or state of being likely to change suddenly, esp by

becoming worse
- Adverse .adj: having a negative or harmful effect on sth
- Counter-intuitively .adv: in a way that is opposite of what you would expect or waht
seems to be obvious

- Underlying cause: a cause that is real but it is difficult to discover

- As driver of this problem
- Surfficient .adj: enough for a particular purpose

- Intervention .n: the action of becoming internationally involved in a difficult

situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
- Procurement .n the process of getting supplies
- Stocks .n a supply of sth for use or sale
- Wild swings = wild change
- Loss .n: the fact that you no longer have sth or have less of sth

- Subsidy .n: money given as part of the cost of sth, to help or encourage it to
- Strengthen .v: to make sth stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or
more effective
- Compensate .v: to pay someone money exchange for sth that has been lost or
damaged or for some problem
- Stranglehold .n: complete control over market, an industry, etc. That does not
allow fair compertition from other businesses
- Beneficiary .n: a person or group who receives money, advantages, etc. As a
result of sth else

- Scheme .n: an officially organized plan or system

- Excessively .adv: in a way that is too much
- Transparency .n: the quality of being done in an open way without secrets
- Contend .n: to compete in order to win sth

- Yield .v: to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of

food or information
- Magnitude .n: th large size or importance of something
- Frequency .n: the number of times something happens within a particular period,
or the fact of something happening often or large number or times
- Resilient .adj: able to be happy, successful, etc. Again after something difficult or
bad has happened

- In favour of .n: the support of approval of sth or someone

- Autonomous .adj: independent and having the power to make own decisions
- Synchronise .v: to (cause to) happen at the same time
- Stakeholder .n: a person or a group of people who own a share in a business

- Intermediary .n: a person or organization that makes business or financial

arrangements between companies or organizations that do not deal with each
other directly
- Dictate .v: to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total
- Subsription .n: an amount of money that you pay regularly to receive a product
or service

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