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UK companies need more effective board of directors

-Radical .adj: relating to the most important parts of sth or
someone; complete or extreme
-Financial meltdown .n: a complete failure in financial matters
-Prolonged .adj: continue for a long time
-Post-mortem .n: a discussion of an event after it has happened, esp
of what was wrong with it or why it failed
-Be in the frame : to be a likely recipient of sth, such as job or
-Publicize v: to make information about sth generally available
-Inquiry .n: an official process to discover the facts about sth bad
that has happened
-Pick over .phrv: to look carefully at a group of things, choosing the
ones you want or get rid of the ones you do not want.
-The many: a very large group of people, esp the public in general

-Knock-on effect .n: when an event or situation has a knock on

effect, it causes other events or situations, but not directly
-Scrutiny .n: the careful and detailed examination of sth in order to
get information about it
-N + have/has been to v : sth has happened already.( has/have
already VII)
-Call into question : to cause doubts about sth
-Executive .n: sb who has an important position in business, making
decisions and putting them into action
-Consist of .phrv: to be made of or formed from sth
-Agenda .n: the things that a person or organization considers to be
important and want to solve or achieve, or their reasons for
wanting to do sth

-Devolved .v: to ( cause power or responsibility to ) be given to

other people
-Workload .n: the amount of work to be done, esp by a particular
person or machine in a period of time
-As a whole: when considered as a group and not in parts ( In
-At the expense of sth: resulting in the loss of sth
-Audit .v: to make an official examination of the accounts of a
business and produce a report
-Boxes are ticked: do sth following the required process, but don’t
actually deal with the issue that supposed to address
-Take the place of: to be used instead of, or to be use substitute for

-Dedicated .adj: believing that sth is very important and giving a

lot of time and energy to it
-Step on the toes of someone: to do sth that upsets or offends
-Engaged .adj: involved in sth
-Remuneration .n: payment for work or service
-Well informed .adj: having a lot of knowledge or information
about particular subject or things on general
-Work up to sth: to reach a goal by increasing the difficulty of sth
every time you practice it
-Comprehend .v: to understand sth completely

-Matter .n: problem

-Financial metrics .n: a set of numbers that give information about
-Tyranny .n: a situation in which someone or sth controls how you
are able to live, in an unfair way
-Distort .v: to change or affect sth, esp in a way that makes it worse
-Insatiable appetite .n: a desire too great to be satisfied
-Serve .v: to help achieve sth or to be useful as sth
-Dialogue with .n: formal talks between opposing companies,
-Incentivize .v: to make someone want to do sth
-Gain .n: an occasion when you get sth useful or positive

-Pitched battle between .n: a large fight, or a battle in which both

sides stay in the same place
-In the/a full glare of sth : an occasion when someone receives a
very large amount of public attention
-Come into force: ( laws, rules, system ) existing and being used
-Irony n: a situation in which sth which was intended to have a
particular result has the opposite or a very different result
-Muscle .n: the power to do difficult things or to make people
behave in a certain way
-In the interest of : in order to get, achieve, increase etc
-Exposed .adj: if person or organization is exposed, they risk losing
-Resign .v: to give up a job or position by telling your employer that
you are leaving
-Roundly .adv: very seriously (severely)
-Speak out .phrv: to give your opinion about sth in public, esp on a
subject that you have strong feeling about

-Ethics .n: the study of what is morally right and wrong, or a set of
beliefs about what is morally right and wrong
-Erode .v: to slowly reduce or destroy sth
-Capitalism .n: an economic, political, and social system in which
property, business, and industry are privately owned, directed
towards making the greatest possible profits for successful
organizations and people
-Encompass .v: to include different types of things
-Realignment of .n: the process of changing your ideas or policies
so that they are the same as those of another person or group; the
result of this process

-Be subject to sth .adj: to have or experience a particular thing, esp

sth unpleasant
-Dispute .n: an argument or disagreement, especially an official one
between, for example, workers and employers or two countries
with a common border

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