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- Stand poised .adj: stand completely still but ready to

move at any moment
- On the brink of .n: extremely close to
- Acronym .n: an abbreviation consisting of the first letter
of each word in the name of sth, pronounced as a word
- Terrestrial .adj: relating or similar to earth
- Intermittently .adv: in a way that does not happen
regularly or continuously; in a way that stops and start
repeatedly or with periods in between
- Foster .v: to encourage the development or growth of
ideas or feeling
- In this sense : = in this way
- A cog in a/the machine: a member of a large
organization whose job, although necessary, makes them
feel as if they are not important
- Horizon .n: the line at the farthest place that you can see,
where the sky seems to touch land or sea
- Tenuous .adj: thin, weak, easily broken
- Last .v: to continue to exist
- Wipe sth out .phrv: to destroy sth completely
- Optimism .n: the quality of being full of hope and
emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that
sth good will happen
- Pass on sth .phrv: to give sth to someone, after someone
gave it to you
- Well .adv: with good reason
- Restrictive .adj: limiting the freesom of someone or
prevent sth from growing
- Conservative .adj: not usually liking or trusting change,
esp sudden change
- Severely .adv: very seriously
- Inconceivable .adj: impossible to image or think of
- Assumption .n: sth that you accept as true with out
question or proof
- Attenuate .v: to make sth less or weaker
- Traverse .v: to move or travel through an area
- To date : up to the present time
- It turns out that .phrv: to be know or discovered finally
and suprisingly
- Draft .v: to write down a document for the first time,
including the main points but not all the details
- Ethical .adj: relating to beliefs about what is morally
right and wrong

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