The Benefit of Bilingual

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The benefit of bilingual

- Sequential .adj: following a particular order

- Compelling .adj: if a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it
makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong

- Juggling .n: the activity of trying to manage your life or job

when you are involve in several different activities that all
demand your time
- Tap into sth .phrv: to manage to use sth in a way that brings
good results.
- Excel .v: to be extremely good at sth
- Perceptual .adj: relating to ability to notice sth or come to an
opinion about sth using your senses

- Neurological .adj: relating to nerves
- Neural .adj: involving a nerve or the system of nerves that
includes the brain
- Encode .v: to use word or phrase in a foreign language in the
correct way

- Rooted in .n: the cause or origin of sth bad
- Interference .n: an occasion when sb tries to interfere in a

- Follow-up .n: a further action connected with sth that happened
- Severity .n: seriousness
- Counterpart .n: a person or thing that has the same purpose as
another one in a different place or organization

- Impart .v: to give sth a particular feeling, quality, or taste

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