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Music and emotions

- Explicit .adj: clear and exact
- Be devoid of sth .adj: to lack or be without sth that is necessary
or usual
- Arousal .n: the causing of strong feeling or excitement
- Dilate .v: to ( cause a part of the body to) become wider or
further open
- Pulse .n: the regular beating of the heart, esp when it is felt at
wrist or side the neck

- Resonance .n: the production of sound as a result of vibration of

another object
- Straightforward .adj: easy to understand or simple
- Portrait .n: a description or representation of sth
- Dorsal .adj: of, on, of near the back of an animal
- Ventral .adj: of, on, or near the underside of an animal

- Surge .n: a sudden increase of an emotion

- Cluster n: a group of similar things that are close together, sth
surrounding sth
- Melodic .adj: very pleasnat to listen to
- Unresolved .adj: if a problem or difficulty is unresolved, it is
not solved or ended

- Labyrinth .n:a confusing set of connecting passages or paths in

which it is easy to get lost
- Intricate .adj: having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a
complicated or delicate way
- Sound .adj: showing or based on good judgment

- Flirtation .n: a short period of being interested in sth or doing

- Submission .n: the act of allowing someone or sth to have
power over you
- Dissect .v: to examine or consider sth in detail
- Ingenious .adj: (of a person) very intelligent and skilful, or ( of
a thing) skilfully made or planned and involving new idea and

- Suspenseful .adj: causing a feeling of excitement or

nervousness because you are waiting for sth to happen or are
uncertain about what is going to happen
- Tension .n: a feeling of nervousness before an important or
difficault event
- Connotative .adj: the connotative meaning of a word includes
the feeling and ideas that people may connect with that word
- Unfold .v: if a situation or story unfold, it develops or becomes
clear to other people
- Embody .v: to include as part of sth
- Invoke .v: to make someone have particular feeling or
remember sth
- Expectant .adj: thinking that sth pleasant or exciting is going to

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