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26 I December 2013 ■


ur expert panelists in either areas, it is better to steer generosity and compassion. These

O Ganesh Natarajan, Vice

Chairman and CEO at
Zensar Technologies,
Sudheesh Venkatesh,
Chief People Officer at Azim Premji
Foundation, Rajendra Ghag,
Executive Vice President - Human
safely away from employment in
such an organization.
What is appropriate in a given
business situation has to be decided
by the organization after detailed
consideration of all options. If it does
not violate the ethics and morals line,
are desirable values but may not be
universally accepted. These personal
values will often be different from
organization beliefs. Unlike in the
first category of values, the room
for compromise is a shade higher
here. When they come in conflict,
Resources at HDFC Standard Life, good managers must toe the party leaders would do well to talk this out
and Manavi Pathak, Organization line though they are welcome to with the organization and develop
Psychologist share their views on how argues before the decision is taken. solutions. To take a firm,
to handle situations where Sudheesh Venkatesh: At the risk of uncompromising stand on these
individual and organizational oversimplification, we could may not be particularly wise. These
beliefs clash. categorize personal values into two values are best held in the personal
kinds. The first category has values domain.
Value systems are personal and at such as honesty, trust, respect and Rajendra Ghag: We all have our own
times may clash with fairness. Good leaders will hold this values, beliefs and attitudes that we
organizational beliefs of what is very dear and try hard to assert their have developed throughout the
appropriate in a given business position on these. Most course of our lives. Our values
situation. To what extent is it organizations hold beliefs similar to influence many of the judgments we
practical to give priority to this set of values and hence the make as well as have an impact on
personal values in such cases? possibilities for friction are the way we behave at work. It is
Ganesh Natarajan: The biggest cause minimized here. However, in the odd important to not only have
of disruption in business chance of a conflict, the experience knowledge of our value system, but
organisations is the potential clash can be quite grating. It is because also to understand that values
of the personal values of a manager people are giving the best years of underpin our beliefs and beliefs
with the value systems of the their lives to an organization and underpin behavior.
organization itself. Corporate history this conflict can be deeply unsettling, It is important that we
is replete with cases where managers hurting them deep inside and making demonstrate and practice values
with high standards of ethics and
values have initially argued and
eventually left the organization when In a cut-throat business environment,
they could not bear to compromise
their personal value system in a where profits are paramount, organizations
perceived situation of conflict.
Organization designers, heads of
cannot afford to blink twice before taking
human resources and of course hard decisions… sometimes at the risk of
CEOs must recognize this potential
conflict early on and be careful to compromising on softer, more human belief
articulate the corporate value systems
clearly and unambiguously so that
systems. What if the individual's values
the right people join the firm who differ, yet the organization or the role
subscribe to these value systems and
do not cause themselves or the demands the opposite?
organization harm by an inability to
reconcile the two at some later stage
in their tenure. However sometimes them wonder 'what am I doing here'? more than the words on walls and
the onus is as much on the individual The antithesis of these values, i.e., lift doors - actions speak louder, by
as it is on the organization. Many dishonesty, mistrust, disrespect and which we can really hold our feet to
well-meaning managers join firms of unfairness manifests covertly in the fire when we need to. Every
dubious reputation fully aware of the organizations. Never would you see company deals with some degree of
potential problems and then squeal an organization preach dishonesty moral/ethical sword fighting. A good
when the going gets too hot for them. or unfairness, but we see them being company protects its top line - the
Areas like ethics and morals should practiced. It is very hard for leaders revenue line - by selling smartly and
never be compromised and if a to negotiate on these values and be protects its bottom line by showing
candidate has the slightest inkling happy. fiduciary responsibility and
that the firm they are considering The second category has values prudence.
may not have the highest standards such as self-discipline, reflection, With diverse workforce, diverse

■ December 2013 I 27


opinions, beliefs also flow in, which

does result into conflicts between
personal and organizational values
at times. But it is both employees'
and employers' responsibility to
work towards avoiding such conflicts. GANESH NATARAJAN is Vice Chairman & CEO at
We encourage our employees to Zensar Technologies, a global firm that transforms
promise what can be delivered, and Technology and Processes for Fortune 500
deliver on the promises made to our companies. He is a Board Member of the RPG Group,
customers. Our key strategy is to have
Board Member of Global Talent Track, Chair -
quality business no matter how.
When personal and organizational Knowledge IP & Innovation CII and member of the
values align, employees understand Chairmen’s Council of NASSCOM.
one another, everyone does the right
things for the right reasons, and this
common purpose and understanding SUDHEESH is the Chief People Officer at Azim
helps build great working Premji Foundation. Prior to this, he was Head of
relationships. Values alignment helps Human Resources at Tesco, India and later the
the organization as a whole to
achieve its core mission.
Shared Services Lead for Tesco’s UK - People
Manavi Pathak: One needs to programme. He holds a Post Graduate degree in
examine personal values and see Management from the Indian Institute of
how they mesh/or are aligned to the Management, Kolkata.
organizational values. For most
employees, personal values come
first and it is not wise to disregard
personal values in the long run as it MANAVI is an HR Consultant & Psychologist with
leads to dissatisfaction and over a decade of experience in talent management,
discomfort. Within the work leadership assessment, executive coaching, training .
environment, an individual may In the past, she has worked with Pricewaterhouse
encounter situations which are Coopers where she was involved in People & Change
divergent to one's value system and
Advisory Services. Prior to this, she was with KPMG
it leads to conflict. Sometimes such
conflicts can be resolved through
Advisory Services.
dialogue and discussions. However,
if the clash continues personal values
are difficult to ignore. As business
RAJENDRA GHAG is Sr. Executive VP & Chief HR
leaders, most people are sometimes
tempted to compromise these basic
Officer at HDFC Life. He has more than two and half
truths, dodging, ignoring or decades of rich work experience mostly in large Indian
compromising our principles, and multinational companies. He brings with him huge
however ultimately we return to perspective not only in HR domain, but also in the
these simple truths. In a world, overall business management area due to his six sigma
where change can be bewildering, and process management expertise.
personal values offer touchstones
defining our actions, our decisions
and the manner in which we treat
others. Personal values connect with
the powerful forces dictating our nobody should compromise their values keeping the longer term in
actions and should be given ethics or morals in any mind. Wise leaders know where to
precedence. circumstance. A manager who does compromise and where to dig their
an act of ethical transgression will heels in. Undoubtedly this
At times, one needs to compromise never be able to look at himself in compromise creates psychological
on one's personal ethics in favour the mirror again. stress. There are several ways of
of the organizational value system. Sudheesh Venkatesh: People have a dealing with it, including keeping the
How can one resolve the survival instinct and a hierarchy of organization before the individual. If
psychological dilemma it creates compromises they are ready to this belief is good for the
internally? make. Sensible people make tactical organization, then it must be good
Ganesh Natarajan: This is incorrect- compromise on a few personal for me.

28 I December 2013 ■


It would be impractical to keep articulated code of conduct, we keep asking people to leave but when
moving from one organization to the telling employees in every town hall there is a larger need of the
other in the quest for the ideal, "if in doubt, please check, disclose organization to stay profitable, good
because there is no such ideal. Once and take permissions". We should be managers are able to understand and
there is a broad fit, one should be guided by our moral compass in adapt to the situation.
able to take the rough with the doing the right things every time. Case in point is Zensar in its first
Sometimes ethics year of inception in 2001, when it
conflicts arise from had added two hundred extra people
things other than facts: in anticipation of business in the US
A CLASSIC CASE rumour, innuendo or which was not forthcoming. When I
Corporate psychologist, Justin Schultz said, “Just as s e c o n d - h a n d took over as CEO, I realized that we
character matters in people, it matters in information. Don't get would need to let go of 120 people
organizations.” While the Enron scandal can be caught up in this. We because they did not have the skills
termed as a perfect example of “crisis of values” in advise employees/ that matched the marketing
an organization, stakeholders to stop capabilities or the business needs.
yet one lone voice listening, push back and There was some reluctance because
turned tables on refuse to participate, such a situation had never been faced
America’s biggest manage by fact, but with the complete commitment
corporate fraud. minimize emotion, and of HR, I was able to take all business
"Enron whistle- maximize logic. leaders in confidence and we
blower" Sherron Manavi Pathak: Every accomplished the employee
Watkins warned employee is an reduction imperative in a timely yet
company founder organization is exposed humane manner.
Kenneth Lay of the to the risk of facing an Sudheesh Venkatesh: It is indeed
impending financial disaster. In retrospect, had ethical dilemma at very difficult to disengage one's
Watkins not raised her concerns again to against some point and some personal self from the role one is
the company’s wrong doings, taken a stand on ethical decisions are playing. It requires remarkable 'sang
what was happening, we wouldn't have been reading more challenging to froid' to stay like a water drop on a
this. It was her inherent value system which urged fully understand than lotus petal, fully engaged in the role,
her to sound the alarm after discovering Enron’s others. 'Moral stress' but detached in a sense. There are
“off-the-books arrangements”. She once said, “If results when several people who are unaffected,
you want to have the courage of your convictions, incongruence between because they have no psychological
you have to safeguard your reputation. I could take personal values and contract with the organization and
the risk because I didn't have any skeletons in my those perceived to be they would work anywhere else for
closet. If you see unethical practices in your held by the a little more money - we are
company, your career is forever changed. You’re organization emerge obviously not talking of such people
either going along with it, or on the flip side, protest, and this leads to here.
and be labelled a troublemaker.” conflict. If the discord Rajendra Ghag: Employees being
is high, the individual is the strategic partner, the most
most likely to quit the important thing we do is to
smooth. If we become obstinate organization or ' blow the whistle'. If understand his or her values/
about small things, we put ourselves the dissension is low, the individuals workplace values while interviewing.
under unnecessary stress. It is no gradually adapt to the organizational After all, you can train people to
surprise that the happiest moments norms and get socialized to the cover skills gaps, and you can help
for any good professional come system. people gain experience. But it's really
when there is strong alignment of challenging to get people to change
personal values with organization In such a situation, how far is it their values. There is a high focus to
beliefs. possible to disengage one's communicate and discuss the
Rajendra Ghag: Employees should personal self from the role one is mission and organizational values
not entirely influence organizational playing in the organization? Your frequently with the employees
decisions based on their individual opinion. though multiple communication
personal values. They are required Ganesh Natarajan: One should forums such as, town halls, employee
to align with organizational values never disengage from the personal social network, huddles, etc. The
and objectives to ensure that all their code of ethics and morals. However, organizational goals are established
dealings are within the defined there is always a need to introspect that are grounded in the identified
regulations and framework. In case and be prepared to reconcile one's values. Reward and recognition has
of any conflict, employees should personal desires with the larger been designed for employees whose
take appropriate guidance in case of needs of the organizations. Many actions and accomplishments reflect
slightest doubt. In addition to clearly managers are uncomfortable with the values in action within the

30 I December 2013 ■


organization. Sudheesh Venkatesh: Value conflicts possible if the individual re-

Manavi Pathak: Disengagement is will undoubtedly have a bearing on examines his or her values in the
likely to happen if the dissonance relationships with colleagues. It context of the work scenario. This
level is high. It is most likely to occur requires maturity to keep the value would involve self-reflection and
in those employees who have high conflict separate from the critical thinking; however it is also
self-esteem, high self-efficacy and relationship. However this is rare. likely that certain conflicts might still
high internal locus of control. What I have seen happen most often go unresolved.
Research evidence suggests that it's is that the value conflict ratchets
a complex interplay of personality up, there is mind talk and the Conflict is not always negative. In
employee begins to fact, it can be healthy when
disengage with the effectively managed. How can
AN EXPERT VIEW organization. Some organizations leverage on this
In his book, Competing with Integrity in employees quit aspect and create stronger
International Business, Prof. Richard De George immediately (on principle) organization culture?
talks about the concept of ‘ethical displacement’. and several wait for the Ganesh Natarajan: The creation of
He suggests that in an organization, ethical next available opportunity. healthy and non-political conflict is
dilemmas need to In both cases, once the an important part of a leader's
be displaced process of disengagement toolkit and it is only the creation
upwards to the starts it is almost always and management of conflict that
higher management irreversible. The only thing enables different points of view to
level, and only then one could do is to part be aired and build better decision-
it can be resolved. without making a big fuss making processes throughout the
A proper policy and burning bridges. organization. However, there should
framed by a Rajendra Ghag: be a consensus that arguments and
company or an Individuals with different conflicts are welcome in the process
authorized body be it the government or an value systems often have of thinking through situations and
industry body, will help a manager resolve an trouble working together deciding on actions. Once a decision
instance of ethical dilemma. For instance, and understanding each is taken, managers must stop
whether or not to accept a gift from a supplier other's motives. Matching arguing and go all out to work
will always be a matter of ethical dilemma for a managerial values with shoulder to shoulder in the
manager and a proper company policy will act shared values of the common cause of the organization.
as a guideline in this case. organization may also be It is important for all corporate
a key element in successful teams to understand the value of
human resource conflict and ensure that the
factors (individual) and management. When managers and organization does not get filled with
organizational factors (situational) staff feel like they must adjust or 'yes men', which is a prescription
that leads to the disengagement. compromise their values to work for mediocrity. Strong managers
within a company's structure, they with well-articulated and deeply held
A disharmonious situation arising may not be contributing all that they value stems will form the value fibre
out of a value conflict can affect could to an organization's success. of the organization which will take
relationships with others and By speaking up and being true to it through tough times. It is this
cause disconnect with the their values, employees can support team of like-minded managers who
organization. How can one avoid the organization in becoming should find their way to leadership
the worst? stronger and more successful. First, and once that happens the
Ganesh Natarajan: If a manager is speak up, but shift from 'being right' consistency of value stems through
unable to gracefully change his mind to 'helping the right thing happen'. the organization will ensure that all
and stays dogmatic about a personal Also, ask yourself why you are decisions and actions are well-
preference in the face of a pressing reluctant to compromise in the thought through and the actions of
organization need, she will be doing situation, what impact or risk that the firm in the marketplace are
a disfavour to the organization by you see. consistent at all times.
staying on and reluctantly toeing the Manavi Pathak: When employees Sudheesh Venkatesh: I completely
party line. The best thing to do when strive to be personally ethical and agree with the statement. In fact,
conflict arises is to complete the perceive little support for their some amount of conflict is
assigned task and then gracefully ethical behaviour by their colleagues necessary for an organization to
leave the role or the organization. and subordinates, the resulting remain healthy and relevant. Values
Disgruntled managers can be very dissonance will create conflicts, are contextual to the times and
disruptive - to themselves, their defined by domination and society we live in. Minor conflicts
teams and the organizations and oppression rather than influence and remind the organizations on what
should not stay on. commitment. Avoiding the worse is needs to change and what needs to

32 I December 2013 ■


be held on to. Having said effective conflict

that, in every organization, management to a great extent
tactics should change CREATING is the result of the overall
frequently, strategy less so THE CONNECT value system that
and values clearly should last The article Clash of the Titans,Values versus organization has.
longer. The 'sand pile effect' Performance, the Ken Hultman bring forth the Manavi Pathak: Indeed,
as it has come to be known revelation on how there is a positive side to
actually demonstrates that it several organizations conflicts. One needs to
is good for organizations to worldwide have been differentiate between conflict
have minor conflicts and blamed for treating the of ideas and conflict of egos
small clashes regularly so process of established or personalities. When
that a major avalanche is values autonomously. individuals have a different
prevented from occurring It highlights how perspective, there might be
later. Organizations should industry experts have made it precedent that to clash of ideas. However, new
therefore be open to move towards its vision, organizations must creative ideas can lead to new
conflicts, understand the create an alignment between personal and thought leadership. If it is a
causes, arbitrate, resolve and organizational values. In fact, global research clash of egos, then steps
keep moving forward. has proved that employees often perceive this should be taken to identify
Rajendra Ghag: Conflicts alignment positively, which further leads to and control such conflicts as
are not always negative, if enhanced job satisfaction, commitment, it leads to negativity and toxic
managed well they can result engagement, and reduced attrition. environment at the
into effective problem solving workplace. Organizations
and effective interpersonal should promote creativity in
relationships. Leadership plays an expectations. Encourage differences teams and rewards individuals for
important role in making sure that of opinion, supported with data and creative and innovative thought
conflict is managed properly. We facts. processes. Organizations should
need to foster a work environment Conflict is the alternative to promote risk taking, tolerance for
in which healthy conflict is groupthink and if you ask me, I'd ambiguity and perseverance as a
encouraged by setting clear rather have conflict. Needless to say, part of their culture. HC

■ December 2013 I 33

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