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Is a systematic decision process of development relating to the totality of its features and attributes including
branding and packaging.
2. Is the set of all products sold by the company.
3. Is the amount of money needed in order to acquire the product or services from the marketer or the seller.
4. This refers to the product attributes which include characteristics and its uniqueness that attract the attention of
the customer.
5. Is the number of assortments carried by the marketing organization.
6. It determines the value of the good or service.
7. It refers to the usability of the product to satisfy the needs of the customers.
8. Is the variety of sizes, colors and models offered within each product line.
9. It is the amount or the sum of the values that customer exchange for the benefit of having or using the product.
10. It is a bundle of positive effect that the product gives the customer.
11. Is developing the company image among its target market.
12. Are conceived by management to determine its total profitability in the marketing of the product.
13. This has something to do with physical appearance, a kind of service, or basic idea that has precise specification.
14. This is the strategy where the product is directly positioned with a competing brand.
15. Are dictated by market forces and management must take actions to promote profit and stability in the market
16. These are actual products that offer additional benefits or services to the consumer.
17. It is the corporate ability to develop favorable perceptions of the company’s product.
18. Is built upon the reasonableness of the price charged by the seller.
19. It refers to the elements that collectivity form a good service that will satisfy customers and gain competitive
20. These answer the question what the buyer really want to buy.
21. In this strategy, the company would like to assert that the product is better than the competing brand because its
attributes are superior.
22. Is perceived by the client as the determinant of price index.
23. These are consumer goods that can be used over a longer period of time like television, washing machine, electric
fan, dining wares and many more.
24. This strategy is the common practice in the field of medicine where the branded products are highly priced and
claim better quality than local and generic drugs.
25. Is the major determinant of the market demand for the product.
26. These include consumer goods that are used in a short period of time.
27. It is the strategy that the marketing always tries to consider.
28. Is perceived benefits to price and its other features/ incurred cost to buy the product.
29. These are essential intangible goods that do not result in ownership of anything but are necessary for human
30. This is increasing the depth of the product in the market.
31. Is the goal of most firms where the products are highly standardized.
32. Service cannot be displayed, transported or stored, package or inspected before purchase.
33. The objective of this is to push the lower price product, as well as increase in profit for the higher price product.
34. It is setting the price that is within the present market competition due to oversupply and the changing market
35. Cannot be stored for future sale.
36. Is the development of the same kind of product with a different brand name with higher price and perceived
quality or attributes.
37. This objective refers to the philosophy that the company with the higher share of the market enjoys the higher
percentage of profit.
38. The service provider and the services offered are inseparable.
39. Is the making of the same kind of product with another brand name with a lower price index.
40. It is setting the price low to prevent competition from entering the market.
41. Service varies according to the skills and talents of the service provider.
42. Can be more profitable than developing a product.
43. It is the process of setting the selling price of the product in the market.
44. Are those purchased by final consumers for personal use or consumption.
45. It is the strategy of marketers to eliminate or simplify the product assortment in the line.
46. It is setting the price of the unit of the product plus the profit objective.
47. These are consumer goods that are bought by final consumer for personal and daily use.
48. This is a set of features and attributes of a product or service that determine its ability to satisfy human needs.
49. This is weeding out the low profit or unprofitable products.
50. It is the most convenient method of setting the price of the product.
51. Are those goods that are purchased on emergency.
52. This is the stage where the new product idea is conceptualized and analyzed according to its marketability and
customer acceptance in the market.
53. It is a situation where there are many sellers and buyers in the market.
54. These are goods customers have to spend some time to decide whether to buy them or not.
55. Is the process where the product is tested in a limited quantity and to some selected customers to gain further
insights and feedback.
56. It is the market where many buyers and sellers trade over a price range in a monopoly.
57. These are products with unique characteristics or it is identified according to the brand.
58. Is the final entrance of the product in the market.
59. It is a market situation where there are very few sellers of the product.
60. These refer to those that the buyer knows through advertisements, flyers, or billboards.
61. This is the stage where the marketing organization enjoys the greater market share of the product.
62. It is the situation where there is a single player in the market.
63. These are business goods that need processing to be part of another product.
64. This is the period when the lustiness of the product in the market begins to slow down.
65. These are business good that become a part of finished product after having been processed.
66. This is the period of reckoning.
67. Is the measure of the buyers’ sensitivity of demand on the changes in price.
68. These goods are used in the production process and do not form part of the finished product.
69. This is the period of harvesting.
70. It is the state where the economic condition of the country is affected by higher interest rate and inflation.
71. They are not portable goods and usually very expensive.
72. It is the strategy where the marketing firm plunges into the market at the early stage or during the introductory
73. It is conditioned when the buyer perceives the product to high quality, prestige or exclusiveness.
74. It is the state where the buyer is assured that the product meets the specifications stated in the product labels.
75. This includes equipment used in the operation of the business.
76. This strategy aims to build a dominant market position before any other marketing organization enters into the
77. This is use for one price over an estimated period of time.
78. These are business goods that are of low cost value.
79. It is in this period when market competition begins to show in the market.
80. It is the condition when the price changes with the fluctuation in demand and the difference is brought by the
entrance of a new product that offers different features.
81. Are convenience goods of the business sector.
82. It is at this period where the product has to be modified, design a new promotion strategy and add new product
83. One price is charged to all customers buying the product or service under similar conditions.
84. Is something that is truly innovative and unique.
85. This is reduction from the original selling price due to product obsolescence or competition in the industry
86. It is at this stage when production must be more efficient and the marketing program must sustain reasonable
sales to make an even market share.
87. It is mind conditioning of the customer that when the price is higher, it is of superior quality.
88. It is something that satisfies the real need that is not being satisfied at the time it was introduced.
89. Is a name or mark that is intended to identify the seller’s product and differentiate it from the product of the
90. It is selling the product lower than the competitors’ in order to gain consumer interest about the product.
91. A replacement that is significantly different from the existing product.
92. Consists of letters, words or numbers that can be read or verbalized.
93. Is an aggressive step to win the respect of the consumer and the competitors.
94. Is composed of small groups of senior managers from the different departments similar to the product committee.
95. Is the part of the brand that appears in the form of symbols designed in distinctive lettering or colours.
96. Is more permanent in nature as it has the full support of the Top Management in their activities.
97. Is a brand that had been adopted by the seller and given legal protection.
98. The firm offers discount to consumers for buying in large quantities.
99. It is a degree to which an innovation is superior to currently available products in the market.
100. Protects the company from imitations and fake products.
101. It is the pricing strategy where the firms sell different type of products at different quality.
102. This is the degree to which an innovation coincides with the cultural values and experiences of the prospective
adopters of the new product.
103. Spells out the value of the brand in the market.
104. The firm offers the basic product option and the customer service at the price of one.
105. It refers to the degree of difficulty in understanding the features of the new product.
106. Is developed as customers become aware on the quality of the product compared with other brand in the market.
107. It is the opposite of the bundled pricing strategy.
108. The degree to which an innovation will be sampled on same limited basis.
109. This strategy is employed by product manufacturers’ that dominate the greater market due to the superiority of
their product.
110. This is the degree to which an innovation actually can be seen to be effective.
111. This branding strategy has an advantage when the manufacturer has greatly dominated the widest market as
advertising and promotion could be carried under one name.
112. The firm sells the product and makes a separate price for the service component.
113. This strategy is commonly called as co-branding where the producer and sole distributor carry the brand name of
the manufacturer and that of the middlemen.
114. This is the pricing strategy where the sellers and the buyers are far from each other and shipping cost will be an
added value to the product.
115. This is often termed as family branding.
116. The buyer pays for all shipping cost and other incidental chargers including custom duties and insurance that will
cover the product while in transit.
117. This is the strategy where brand names are extended into new forms and sizes of an existing product category.
118. It is setting the charges for the delivery of goods from the consumer to the buyer.
119. This strategy calls for the extension of the brand name to new or modified product categories.
120. This is setting the price uniformly in one specific area of delivery or operation.
121. It is the strategy where a new brand name is attached to a new product category.
122. The cost of transporting the goods is computed based on the nearest buyer.
123. It gives objective information about the product’s use/s, construction, care, performance and other pertinent
124. It aims to penetrate the market easily with new product categories as the brand name had performed excellently
in the market.
125. When products are sold on cash basis, discounts are given.
126. Is one critical aspect that must be properly designed to attract the customers.
127. Is made when the product is paid upon receipt of goods.
128. Is the container or the wrapper of the product.
129. This is quoted price in customer catalogue, price tags, and purchase orders.
130. Helps identify the product and prevent substitution from the competitor’s product in the market.
131. It is the provision in the contract of sale which stipulates that price of goods or product that allows price
adjustments before the product is delivered to the customer.
132. Is the part of the product that carries information of its features and attributes.
133. These are increase in price that are added to the value of the product in the form of taxes or fees or price
adjustments due to some extra packaging or protection to keep the product safe while in transit to the customer.
134. It is simply the brand alone that is applied to the product or package.
135. It identifies the product judge quality with letters, numbers or words.
136. This is the increase in price to the regular price due to increase in market demand or due to increase in the price
of raw materials at a particular season of the year.
137. It contains product expiry dates, the content values and other features.
138. This is the reduction from the original price due to product obsolescence or competition in the industry.
139. It is the legal action lodged by the affected consumer that resulted to illness, injury or accidents caused by
harmful, faulty and inadequate precautions in the product labels.
140. It is the prime objective of most marketing organization to generate profit.

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