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Suhaib Ansari

Suhaib Ansari

Project submitted in partial fulfilment of

the requirements for the degree of



April 2018
The work reported in this thesis was carried out by me under the supervision of Mr.
Shahbaz Nazeer Department of Information Technology GC University, Faisalabad,

I hereby declare that the title of thesis PROJECT TITLE IN BOLD and the contents of
thesis are the product of my own research and no part has been copied from any published
source (except the references, standard mathematical or genetic models /equations
/formulas/protocols etc). I further declare that this work has not been submitted for award
of any other degree /diploma. The University may take action if the information provided
is found inaccurate at any stage.

Signature of the Student

Suhaib Ansari

Signature of the Student Suhaib Ansari



We certify that the contents and form of thesis submitted by Ms. Suhaib Ansari
Registration No: 2012-GCUF-01234 and by Ms. Suhaib Ansari Registration No: 2012-
GCUF-01234. Has been Found satisfactory and in accordance with the prescribed format.
We recommend it to be processed for the evaluation by the External Examiner for the
award of Degree.

Signature of Supervisor …………………. Name.……………………………..

……… Designation with stamp………………….

Member of Supervisory Committee

Signature …………….. …………………. Name.……………………………..
……… Designation with stamp………………….

Member of Supervisory Committee

Signature …………….. …………………. Name.……………………………..
……… Designation with stamp………………….

Signature …………….. …………………. Name.……………………………..

……… Designation with stamp………………….



My Graceful and Polite PARENTS


All Family Members

Who live in my mind and soul

Whose love is more precious Than

pearls and diamonds Who are

those whom I say my own Whose

love will never change Whose

prayers will never die


All praise to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, the most merciful and the most compassionate
and his Holy Prophet ‘MUHAMMAD’(Peace) be upon him) the most perfect and exalted
among and even born on the surface of earth, who is, forever a torch of guidance and
knowledge for the humanity as a whole.

The work presented in this manuscript was accomplished under the inspiring
guidance, gorgeous assistance, constructive criticism and enlightened supervision of Mr.
Shahbaz Nazeer Department of Information Technology GC University, Faisalabad for his
skilful guidance, constructive criticism, masterly advice, valuable suggestions and
sympathetic behaviour for the completion of this manuscript.

I feel highly privileged to take this opportunity to express my heartiest gratitude

and deep sense of indebt to my worthy supervisory committee, Dr. Sheraz Malik and
Mr.Tahir Abdullah Department of Information technology GC University, Faisalabad
under whose kind and scholastic guidance, keen interest and constant encouragement.

Words are very important to convey thoughts and thanks, the words are impossible
to find to thank our Father and whole family for their prayers and encouragement for us
and for our work.

Finally, I apologize if I have caused anger of offence to anybody and the errors that
remain in the manuscript are mine alone.




1.1 Background ...........................................................................................................1

Review of Literature ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Project Background ...............................................................................................2

2.2 Computing Services ..............................................................................................3

2.2.1 Cluster Computing.........................................................................................3

Materials and Methods.......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 Research Framework.............................................................................................4
Results & Discussion .........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 Benefits of Cloud Computing. ..............................................................................5

4.1.1 Scalability ......................................................................................................6

4.1.2 Data Availability............................................................................................6

Conclusion .........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1 Future Work ........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

References..........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.








Information technology in the recent eras has showcased enormous evolution. Not only
the technological sector of the society but also the socio-political and economic sectors
has impacted by this evolution. One such archetype that has gained widespread
momentum in the recent years is cloud computing. Cloud computing is the latest
offspring of computing services still in its developing stages and has always challenged
the traditional aspects of computing services across the IT Organizations in the world.
The aim of this Independent Study is to study Cloud Computing as a technology for
helping organizations to stay technologically advance and to propose the potential for
implementing Cloud Computing in Pakistan. This research is to provide concrete reasons
for the actively implementing cloud computing in IT Organizations. Qualitative approach
and exploratory design are extensively used for data collection and analysis. Primary data
is collected based on the views and opinions of IT experts and secondary data is collected
from literary sources which invariably supports the primary data and maintains the
credibility of the research.

Chapter 1

This chapter provides background information about cloud computing and outlines the
scope for this study. It also postulates the main aim and research objectives, the
limitations, thesis outline and key definitions of cloud computing.

1.1 Background
Cloud computing is the recent product of Information Technology (IT), with a huge
potential to integrate the best features of software and hardware components. Regarded as
the most beneficial IT innovation, cloud computing currently is set out to transform the IT
and IT enabled services across the globe. According to the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST),

“Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network

access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction (Mell&Grance, 2011)”.

Five components of cloud can be extracted from the above definition. Cloud computing is

• On-demand self-service, which is provided to individuals on demand, with an easy

set up process.
• Ubiquitous network access, which functions in the presence of internet enabled
• Location independent resource pooling, which does not require dedicated
infrastructure to allocate resources.
• Rapid elasticity, a characteristic component that enables the end users’ to increase or
decrease the capacity at will.
• Pay per use, which charges the end users’ a nominal fee based on their usage. The
characteristic components of the cloud have enabled the delivery of services through
the amalgamation of hardware and software systems through decanters.

Chapter 2

This chapter outlines the intricacies involved in cloud computing. It begins with the
historical evolution of IT and computing, specifies the different types of computing
services and progresses towards cloud computing. With respect to cloud computing, this
chapter provides varied definitions of cloud computing, supplies the characteristics of
cloud and presents the different cloud deployment models. Ultimately it elaborates on the
mechanism of cloud computing and sketches the current trends of cloud in today's market.

2.1 Project Background

Human civilization has symbolically ameliorated itself, from the age of stone to the age of
Information and Technology (IT).

Technically, IT can be defined as “the use of manmade tools for the collection, generation,
communication, recording, re-management and exploitation of information. It includes
those applications and commodities, by which information is transferred, recorded, edited,
stored, manipulated or disseminated” (Anyakoha, 1991). IT that we see and use today is
the result of constant ramifications in the field of research and development, which have
sublimely reformed communication, sharing and exchange of information, resources and
data. The history of IT serves as a conviction for this aspect; for, IT has evolved from its
simplest algorithmic logic to the complex software and hardware network and synthesis.

The logical symposium of algebraic functions has served as a fundamental tool for the
software and hardware processes (Mitchell, 1998). Further research to employ automated
problem solving techniques with the help of algorithms proved beneficial, for Charles
Babbage’s proficient attempt resulted in the simulation of analytical engine to compute
small calculations (Moschovitis et al. 1999).

Future research and development on the analytical engine, resulted in the birth of a novel
device called computer, which has invariably reform the technological world today. World
War II marked intense inventions and discoveries in the field of technology, and the
convergence of digital technologies and data accumulation methodologies intensified the
growth of computing technologies (Edwards, 1996). Following the World War II,

commercialization of computing devices, reformed not only the technological commuting
of the world, but also reformed the socio-economic aspects of business organizations.

The knowledge management systems, financial and human resource IT planning

packages, computer-mediated-communications have replaced traditional organizational
systems. Many empirical studies indicate that “IT is valuable, offering an extensive menu
of potential benefits ranging from flexibility and quality improvement to cost reduction
and productivity enhancement” (Melville, 2004).

The combination of IT resources and managerial deployment of IT has created a

competitive advantage to organizations (Melville, 2004). Resultantly, organizations all
over the world have impeccably reaped potential benefits from IT applications and
solutions across their various sectors. Thus, it can be claimed that IT has become
customary not only for technological enhancement, but also for the efficient functioning
of an organization. And, the historical augmentation of IT has produced multifarious
paradisiacal computing services, which have invariably become part and parcel of
everyday life.

2.2 Computing Services

“Computing services need to be highly reliable, scalable, and autonomic to support
ubiquitous access, dynamic discovery and compensability. In particular, consumers can
determine the required service level through Quality of Service (QoS) parameters and
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)” (Buyya et al. 2009).Among the varied computing
services, three paradisiacal technologies namely Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, and
Cloud Computing have revolutionized the IT industry (Buyya et al. 2009).

2.2.1 Cluster Computing

“A cluster, is a type of parallel and distributed system, which consists of a collection of

inter-connected stand-alone computers working together as a single integrated computing
resource” (Buyya et al. 2009).

Although cluster computing gained slow momentum, the potential advantages of cluster
are “low-entry costs to access supercomputing-level performance, the ability to track

munities, 2010). For SaaS, the installation, management and maintenance of software
facilities are conducted by the cloud provider itself, who is either a third party service
provider or a vendor. Thus, it is not necessary for the cloud provider to physically own the

Chapter 3

This chapter contours the research methodology. “Research methodology is a way to
systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying
how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally
adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind
them” (Kothari, 2004).

3.1 Research Framework

Thus, research methodology considers the logic applied in the context of the research
study and explains the reason behind adopting the particular method or technique
(Kothari, 2004) resultantly, the research framework used for this study is outlined in this
section. In

addition, detailed information pertinent to the research approach and design, different
types of data collection methods and tools, and research credibility is bequeathed in this

Chapter 4

This section of study summarizes the benefits, risks, and future enhancements that can
overcome the risks. The collective data from various journals, reports, books etc. has
provided relevant information which can be used to understand the benefits, risks and
future enhancements to overcome the risks in a profound way.

4.1 Benefits of Cloud Computing.

The Morgan Stanley (2011) report indicates the trending of cloud computing in positive
direction. Currently, basic needs such as reduced IT expenditure, efficient hardware
infrastructure and the ability to strategically gauge the future, with respect to storage and
server capacity demand and centralized data, has compelled the organizations to switch
from traditional computing to cloud computing (Pandey et al, 2010). A review of cloud
literature propels numerous advantages of cloud. Cloud computing is a promising
endeavor, since it has both technical and non-technical benefits for the organizations that
deploy it. The technical and the non-technical advantages of cloud computing are
interconnected, for enhancements in the technicalities of cloud computing, result in the
enhancements in non-technical benefits. Cloud computing lowers infrastructure costs

A typical IT infrastructure comprises of data center, network connectivity, operating

systems, storage devices, transaction processing facilities, databases, middleware, and IT
performance management tools (Pitman & Fuller, 2006). And, the costs that are involved
in setting up the IT infrastructure are referred to as infrastructure costs. Pitman & Fuller
(2006) also claim that, IT infrastructure has "become the single largest component of
enterprise IT cost, often eating up more than 40% of the budget". Moreover, traditional
infrastructure requires huge capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure
(OPEX) (Pandey et. al, 2010). The primary benefit of cloud computing is its minimal
infrastructure costs. In the simplest sense, the initial set up costs of cloud infrastructure
and data centers is highly low in comparison with traditional computing (Chandran &
Angepat, 2010).Secondarily, numerous advantages of OPEX functionality can be
outlined. OPEX enables uncomplicated decision making process and the smooth adoption
decisions in comparison with CAPEX. Consequently, the risks are lower and the degree
of strain over external financial funding is considerably less (Petri, 2010).

Petri (2010) elaborates the above aspect and clarifies that, "if one could buy and install an
application with the certainty that it will be used intensively for the next ten years, then
that would be the right capital expenditure to make. But suppose the implementation
works out badly and the use is discontinued after two years. In those - not unimaginable -
circumstances, sourcing it via the cloud will of course be cheaper and less risky."

Thus, cloud computing becomes lucrative prospect for the IT organizations, since it
involves only OPEX with respect to the deployment, development of IT applications, help
desk support and human resources (Pandey et. al, 2010). This aspect has invariably
attracted small scale businesses today, which have reaped huge returns without any
upfront capital investments in cloud computing (Chandran & Angepat, 2010).

4.1.1 Scalability
Definition of Scalability: Scalability in the simplest sense can be defined as the degree of
suppleness. With respect to computing services, scalability is the ability of the platform to
expand and contract automatically based on capacity needs (Smyth, 2009).

Furthermore, migration of existing applications to a cloud platform is a complicated task;

for different cloud providers impose different application architectures which are
invariably dissimilar to architectures of enterprise applications. So for a complex multitier
application that depends on internal databases and that serves thousands of users with
ever-changing access rights it’s not going to be an easy switch-over to a cloud platform
(Smyth, 2009). This is another crucial issue that has complicated the smooth development
and application of cloud computing.

4.1.2 Data Availability

Data availability in cloud computing is the proportion of time for which a system can
perform its function like any external service (ENISA, 2009). The dynamicity of cloud
computing requires it to possess high degree of availability, in order to ensure the smooth
functioning of the business operations. However, several risk points can be identified in
the cloud infrastructure, which could impact the availability of data to the end users’
(iDefense, 2009). iDefense (2009) outlines the risk points in the cloud infrastructure.

Figure 2 : Risk Points in the Cloud Computing Infrastructure
(iDefense, 2009)

Figure 2 showcases different risk points in cloud infrastructure, a detailed explanation of

which is mentioned below.

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