Noc19 Ar14 Assignment Week 2

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You are on page 1of 1 v rare mt kd Unit 3 - Week 2 Course outline Assignment 2 How to access the a ‘The due date for submiting this assignment has passed. Due on 2019-09-11, 23:59 IST. ‘As per our records you have not submitted this assignment. Wook 2 1) Ad Nouveau designs dl not inspite fem the 41 point ae ft and Craft Movernent Postincustia Baroque ard Rococo Revoluton: Against ny fhe Machine owenane ante Japanese Woodeut Print (Cra ovement anc No, the answer is income ‘ArNowveau-Part2 Score: 0 Postincustal — Revolution: Against Moonen ‘he Machine 2) Which ofthe option is comect forthe foloning statement? 41 point Movement it ‘Craft Movement ans An Noweau- Pat The Art Nowesu was the: 4. Reaction against the machine Evolution and 2, Re-estabished craftsmanship over the mass-production of industry ‘Timoime ot oder 9, Usage of rips ines Archtechie and Design (Only option + is correct Faerie (only option 2 is coroct Architecture (Only 223 options ae comet aunaus Al options ae comect Phases of Woven No, tne answer isincoect. ‘Architectre- De Sti Score: 0 «ns Accepted Answers (Quiz: Assignment 2, aa geren ae ‘sowten or San 3) Which one ofthese artists or archtects cl nat folio the “Against the Machine* Movement? 4 point ‘oxancer Gustave Eat eto Hora Week 4 Hector Guimard Antonio Gauch No, tne answer isincomeet. Score: 0 Week 6 Accepled Answers: ‘Abeander Gustave Efe! Week 2 Weeks Week 7 4) Blomorpnic costans are not innuancod trom in: 4 point eee Flora and Fauna WEEKLY FEEDBACK Snead clstontion with consistency DOWNLOAD VIDEOS Natural form No, tne answer is nomect. ‘Transcriptions Score’ 0 Accepted Anus: Goometncal forms '5) The Wmhipiasn ines In designs ot A Noweau Movement were quite aierent om the same ofthe Art and Craft 2 point Movement The False No, tno answor is inomect. Sere: 0 Accepted Answers: Tue {6) Who designed the Chryser Bulting in New York. USA? 1 point ‘doison Cais Mianer {outs Suman ‘vine van Gagn Wiliam Van Allen No, tno answor is nomect. Score: 0 Accepted Answers: Wattam Van Alten 7) Whereis this building located? 4 point usa Russia No, tno answor is nomect. Secie:0 Accepted Answers: ‘Span {8} The “Bauhaus Schoo! of Design’ ves a Funetionalism-based movement which originated in Euroge. Another 4 point functionalist archtecture se emerged in Amerea based on the ay ot contando iam Chicago New York No, the answer is incomes Scare: 0 ‘Accepted Answers chicago {9} Dulles Intemational rpot, Washington and John F. Kennedy Aiport is an example of: 4 point ‘Shel Structure Tensile Stucture PPreumete Structure Frame Stueure No, the answer isincomeet Scare 0 ‘Accepted Answers: ‘Shel Siucture 20)Wnich oF the falovrng Avcritactural FeatLre cannot be obsewvad in the Baunaus Siye 4 point Functional Symmetry Pure Form ‘True watenal No, the answer is incomes Sere 0 ‘Accepted Answers: Symneiy 28) Which ofthe options is conc forthe follauing statement 4 point ‘The "Red and Blue Chai by Gerrit Rietveld also contains the colors 2 Yellow 2 Black (only option 2 is correct (only option 2 is coroct Both options are excrect None ofthe above No, tno answor is inomect. Sere: 0 Accepted Answers: Both options ae correct {2/This Painting is done by which De Sti Artis 1 point ‘Theo van Daesturg Gent Rietveld Pret Mondrian \virnos Huszar No, the answer is incomes Sere 0 ‘Accepted Answers: Pret Mondian

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