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i ‘THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL enya Certifeate of Secondary Education 232/1 - PHYSICS (THEORY) Nov. 2018 - 2 hours Name Index Number Candidate's Signature . Date Instructions to candidates (a) Write your name and inex number the spaces provided above, (2) Sign and weit the date of examination nthe spaces provided above, (@) This paper consists of two sections A and B. (8) newer all the questions In sections and B inthe Spaces provided. (2) Al working must be cleat shown ()Siont norprogranmable electronic cleulators may be used. @ This paper consists of 15 printed pages. Paper 1 (0) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all he pages ar printed 2s Indicated and that no questions are missing. (0) Candidates should answer the questions in English. For Examiner's Use Only Secon | Questions | Mimam | Canis a | ma [2s “ 2 8 a 8 16 ° a a 1 2 Tot scow | 80 (© 2028 The Konya National Examinations Counc! a2 e129 Tum over SECTION A: (25 marks) {nswer all she questions in this section in he spaces provided, 1. State the reason shy’ an object on earth has a higher weight than on the moon, (1 mark) 2. Figure 1 shows the postion ofa students eye while measuring the length of wooden block using a metre rule vs eS & ¥ ‘ s = 3. Describe how the knowledge of he ol drop experiment may be used wo estimate the area of oil spillage om a ship inthe sea assuming the surface water i not disturbed. (Gmarks) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education. 2018 918339 23/1 3 Figure 2 shows an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. 83m Figure? ‘State with a reason the modification that would be required ina similar setup if mercury were to be replaced with wate. marks) 5. tis observed that a drop of milk carefully put nto a cup of wate tums the water white after ‘some time. State the reson for this observation. (mark) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education, 2018 91339 22/1 ‘Turn over 4 (6 Figure 3 shows the shape o'a bimetallic strip ater it was cooled below room temperature Figure Explain why the strip curved as shown, (marks) 7. wooden cube of sie 0.5m flats in water fully submerged. Determine dhe weight of the cube. (density of wares"= 1 gen, marks) 8 Figure shows a stone whired ina vertical circle Db Stone a Figures Kenyw Ceriticate of Secondary Education. 2018 918339 2 s (On the axes provided, sketch a graph of tension against ime as te stone noves through point A.B, Cand D. ‘Gmarks) ‘Tension (N) Time (9) 9. Figure S shows a ball spinning as it moves. f Figures (@) Onthe diagram, sketch the path fllowed by the bal as it moves. (mark) (&) Explain why te bl kes that path mats) i a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, 2018 91839 ma Tum over Figure 6 shows the relationship between volume and pressure for aeeriain gas. 10, Volume (V) 1 Pressure £ Figure 6 Name the la thatthe gas obey. (1 mark) IL, Figure 7 shows an L-shaped wooden sirctre Figure 7 (On the diagram. construct appropriate lines to show the position ofthe centre of yravity foe the structure marks) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Elucation, 201% 918339 2a 12, _ Figure shows the graph of extension against fore for a certain helical spring. com) FO) Figures (On the same diagram sketch the graph of extension against force fora sping with a lower value of spring constant. (1 mark) 13, State two ways in which a mercury based thermometer can be modified to read very small temperature changes, (marks) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education, 2018 918339 2 Tarn over B 4. oy) o © 918339 SECTION 8 (35 marks) Answer all the questions In this section in the spaces povided. State two differences between boiling and evaporation. (2 marks) ‘State three ways in which loss of heat by conduction is minimised ina vacuum flask, marks) Ina certain experiment, SOg of dy steam at 100°C was directed into some evushed ice 10°C. (Latent hea of vaporsation of water is 2.26 X10" Ig" lant hea of fsion for ice 3.34 % 10° Sag! and specific heat capacity of water 64.2% 107 She") Determine the (i) quantity oF hea lost by steam to change to water at 100°C, (2 marks) i) quantity of heat lost by water to coo! 10 0°C, (marks) Gi) mass oF ice melted at 0°C. marks) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education, 2018 23/1 3 5, 918339 ” State Newion’s first law of mation, (mek) A wonden block esting ona horizontal bene is given an inital velocity w so that it slides onthe bench fora distance x before it stops. Various values of x are measured for sleret values ofthe inal velocity. Figure 9 shows a graph of against x 10k x(n) Figure 9 (Determine the slope Sof the graph. G marks) (ii) Determine the value of k given that w= 20k where k sa fictonal constant for the surface, (marks) Kenyu Cerificate of Secondary Edcation, 2018 2M Tarn over 10 ‘State witha reason what happens tothe value ofk when the roughness ofthe bench surface is reduced, marks) (©) Anobject is thrown verically upwards with an inital velocity of 30m". Determine is ‘maximum height (acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms). ‘G marks) & Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Edweation, 2018 2a 918339 Mm 16. (a) Anclevtri crane uses 8.0 x10" N of energy to lif a load of 2.0 X 10°N in 4s. ()Detesmine thes 1 power developed by the eran, (marks) eight 0 which the load is ite, mars) IL icieney ofthe crane whose motor is ated 2.5 10°W. (2 marks) ii) State two forms of energy transformation tat lead tothe crane’sinefficieny. marks) (©) stone is lopped from the top ofa building to the ground. On the axes provided, sketch «graph of potential enerey against time forthe stone. (mark) Potential Eneray ws Time (9) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education, 2018 918339 2 ‘Turn over 2 17, (@) State Pascal's principe of tansmission of pressure in liquids (mark) (©) Figure 10 shows heights of two immiseibe liquids X and Y ina U-tube (drawn to seale) 0, 2¢ | 206m | ee b edb a 2, Figure 10 (State with reason which ofthe two liquids X and Y has a higher density ‘2 marks) i (Determine the value of h marks) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education, 2018 918339 22 B ii) Given that te density of liquid ¥ is p, write down an expression forthe density d liquid X in terms of p. (marks) (6) (i) With he aid ofa diagram, deserbe how a liguid may be siphoned from one container to another using a flexible tube, Grass) iy State one application ofthe siphon, (1 mark Kenyu Certificate of Secondary Education, 2018 9185339 234 Turn over 1% @ © © 918339 “ that must be kept constant in order to veify Boyle's law. (2 marks) An ir bubble atthe botiom ofa beaker fll of water becomes lager as tise othe ‘surface, State the reason why’ (—thebubble rises tothe surface, (1 mark) (Gi) itbecomes larger as it ses (1 mark) ‘State two assumptions made in explaining the gas laws using the kinetic theory of gases. marks) Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education, 2018 2a @ rc) 918339 Figure 11 shows an incomplete experimental set up that was prepared by a student to serif one ofthe gas las, ‘hermomete Pressure gauge Figure 11 i) State with a eason which one ofthe laws may be verified wing the set up, (marks) Ui) Sue what dhe student lft ou inthe diagram of the setup. (1 mark The volume ofa xed mass ofa gas reduced from SO0em® to 300m at constant pressure. Uhe intial temperature was 90K. Determine the fin terperature. (3 marks) IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE. Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education, 2018 23211 BLANK PAGE

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