Abad Jayson N. CWTS-CBFS-08 Lipad Tagal Volunteerism Program

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Abad Jayson N.


Lipad Tagal Volunteerism Program

Lipad tagak is a program that they are reaching out to the people in in-need. It is
a program that conducting activities to fly the one place to another like the word “Lipad
Tagak”. I enjoyed the orientation because they are molding the young students to be or
to act the volunteerism. They are teaching the young students to be proactive and
productive when they are already a volunteer. Their mission is to uplift harmonious
empathy to the challenging experiences of different sectors. To commit itself in
sustaining service in target communities. To strengthen and nurture the spirit of
oneness, goodwill, and camaraderie to foster a collaborative culture in its service for
others and lastly to promote a sense of belongingness and harmony in the community
being served. I believe that they establish the Lipad Tagak to organize and strengthen
the character of Volunteers to become more effective and efficient individuals who are
committed to serving without expecting something in return. Volunteerism for me is not
just you contributing money to be called volunteerism however you can contribute by
sharing your ideas your concept and your skill. As a student, this kind of program
inspires me to take action and to contribute my skill and talent for the betterment of our
community as well as the people I was able to help. This aspires me to become a
volunteer myself and to make a difference by the small act of charity and kindness. I
know that this kind of program will help the Filipino Youth to become better individuals
and will help our country become full of hospitality and humanitarian acts. I believe in
the saying “ You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world
around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of
difference you want to make.”

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