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Major: Introduction to Tourism

Lecturer: Mã Xuân Vinh, M.A

Student: Huỳnh Thanh Thùy Trang
ID: 19DH710409
Class: TA1901

Hồ Chí Minh City, 2021






Major: Introduction to Tourism

Lecturer: Mã Xuân Vinh, M.A


Hồ Chí Minh City, 2021


1) Figure 1: A series of cultural activities will take place at the

Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism in
Dong Mo Tourism Area in Son Tay, Hanoi, from December 1,
2018, to January 2, 2019, to welcome the New Year 2019.
(Representative photo)
2) Figure 2: The ancient town of Hoi An is flooded (Photo:
3) Figure 3: Folk arts will be displayed at the event
4) Figure 4:The majestic beauty of Phong Nha Cave
5) Figure 5: Specialty dishes of Phong Nha Ke Bang
6) Figure 6: Travel Quang Binh from May to October suitable to
play zipline
1) Description: Des
2) Example: Ex
3) Activities engaged: Act eng
4) Tourism: Tour

I/ Introduction.............................................................................................1
II/ What are the types of tourism................................................................1
1) Adventure tourism...........................................................................1
2) Ecotourism......................................................................................2
3) Educational tourism.........................................................................2
4) Ethnic tourism.................................................................................2
5) Arts tourism.....................................................................................3
6) Cultural tourism...............................................................................3
7) Events tourism.................................................................................4
8) Disaster tourism...............................................................................4
9) Gay tourism.....................................................................................4
10)Rural tourism...................................................................................5
11)Sex tourism......................................................................................5
12)Factory tourism................................................................................5
13)Festival tourism...............................................................................5
14)Health tourism.................................................................................6
15)Heritage tourism..............................................................................6
17)Nature-based tourism.......................................................................6
18)Sports tourism.................................................................................6
19) Urban tourism.................................................................................7
III/ Give details of one typical tourist destination
1) Phong Nha Cave introduction..........................................................7
2) Ticket price to visit the Phong Nha cave.........................................7
3) Special food.....................................................................................8
4) Summer is always the most beautiful season to travel.....................8
IV/ Conclusion...........................................................................................9
I/ Introduction
Tourism is defined as activities related to both collective and individual trips of
people. These trips will go to places that are not in their area of residence for
picnicking, sightseeing, relaxation. This activity is set for a certain period time.
Tourism is an industry that is closely related to many other industry groups, especially
service industries. The tourism industry currently makes a lot of job opportunities and
good income for workers. Now, tourists are interested in exploring in the Asia and
Pacific regions, places that still retain the wild character that needs to be explored.
There will be two prevailing trends that tourists tend to be: discovery tourism,
exploration and resort tourism. For resort tourism, the selected locations are high-class
resorts with health care services and recreational activities. For those who love to
explore, they will find scenic spots that still retain the wild features bestowed by
nature. It will be tropical forests, bays, or ethnic minority areas, large mountains. By
separating into those two trends, those doing business in tourism services in those
localities will be able to orient their business strategies. This is very important because
identifying potential customers will help them have appropriate development plans
1) Adventure tourism
• Des:

- This type of tour involves unusual holidays, which are very different
from the typical beach vacation. It is a travel to remote areas:
inaccessible and possible hostile areas where travelers expect the
- It is characterized by its ability to provide the tourist with relatively
high levels of sensory stimulation, usually achieved by including
physically challenging experiential components with the (typically
short) tourist experience ( Muller and Cleaver, 2000 cited in
Swarbrooke et al, 2003) Most activities require significant effort and
grit and usually involve some degree of risk.
Adventure tour also knows as discovery tour, experience tourism has
been quietly developing in Viet Nam, but has not developed strongly. Viet Nam is
assessed as having a great capacity for adventure tourism, with three-quarters of the
terrain being mountainous, regional river systems, many beautiful caves, many
thermal primary forests as well as various conservation areas. Nature, wide national
park, more than 3000km of coastline stretching from North to South are favorable
conditions for the development of various types of adventure tourism
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Bushwhacking, Tramping, Hang gliding,
Hunting, Cross-country skiing, Mountaineering, Rappelling

2) Ecotourism
• Des: This type of tourism consists of travel to relatively undisturbed or
uncontained natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring and
enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animal, as well as manifestation found in
the areas ( Hector Ceballos- Lascurain in Diamantis, 2004)
•Some benefits of ecotourism: This type of ecotourism gives people a
completely different view of the world and challenges that help us open our minds
with new different ways of thinking. Ecotourism makes economic, cultural and social
benefits as well as the environment to the private sector, the local community sector if
well implemented and implemented. Revenues from tourist visits will contribute to
creating job opportunities for many local workers and thereby developing a more
diversified economy. The special thing is that ecotourism can support the conservation
and management of environmental problems if done properly, ecotourism can also
become an important tool to raise awareness of the people about the environment,
about their education, about the conservation of nature and the environment
•Ex of act eng in by tourists: Bird watching, Spelunking, Whale watching,
Scuba diving, Natural parks,…
3) Educational tourism
• Des: The main purpose of this tourism is learning. It is organized learning
usually made available to students, not actively seeking a degree, for not more
than a year ( Kalinowski in 1992 ). With the values that educational tourism
gives, everyone of all ages can participate. For babies from a few months old,
the mother assistant can take the child to a place, a wonder near life so that the
child can take the first steps to discover his or her world. With primary school
children, parents can join an outdoor activity, make an item by themselves or
learn about the valuable history and culture in a region. For middle school and
high school students, they can independently participate in a tour with their
peers, where they can practice their life skills and personality and morality. In
Vietnam, the format despite the educational schedule is still strange. Most
parents think that travel is just for the kids to have fun, but nowadays, travel is
beyond expectation with a new concept and the value it gives back. This is seen
is the format between solution and education, help of the learning medium
learning with the high energy but still ensure “quality”
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to museums, Historical places, Natural
4) Ethnic tourism
• Des: Ethnic tourism is when travelers choose to experience firsthand the
practices of another culture, usually of isolated indigenous communities. It may
involve performances, presentations and attractions portraying or presented by
the host community

• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Tours to tribal villages, Buying crafts from
indigenous tribes
5) Arts tourism
• Des: This type of tourism focuses on the tourists gaining exposure to
paintings, sculpture and other forms of art ( Zeppel and Hall, 1992). It is
usually considered a subcategory of cultural tourism. Tourists visit places to
appreciate works of famous artists, local or international
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to museums, Art galleries, Theaters,
Houses of famous writers and artists
6) Cultural tourism
• Des: This type of tourism involves experiencing or having the contact of
different intensity with the unique social fabric, heritage and special
characteristic of places ( Blackwell, Schweitzer in McKercher and du Cros,
2002). Cultural Tourism is very popular in Vietnam at the present which
attracts both domestic and foreign visitors from many countries. Each
person who wants to find out the culture of each region in Vietnam often
visits and joins in activities of traditional handicraft villages, markets,
festivals, ancient towns and so on. Vietnam Tour will bring to you
diversified forms to get more knowledge of customs, the life of local
Enriching information and knowledge on other countries as well as the
satisfaction of the need for entertainment are two primary reasons for
engaging in this kind of tourism
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to archaeological sites, Museums,
Castles, Palaces, Historical buildings, Ruins, Arts, Sculptures, Festivals,

Figure 1:

A series of cultural activities will take place at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and
Tourism in Dong Mo Tourism Area in Son Tay, Hanoi, from December 1, 2018 to January 2, 2019, to
welcome the New Year 2019. (Representative photo)

7) Events tourism
• Des:
- This type of tourism refers to the travel of tourists to destinations to
attend and/ or participate in events. Fairs, ceremonies, jubilees, parties
or celebrations, pilgrimages, parades, rituals or rare natural phenomena
like solar eclipses and volcanic eruptions are the primary tourist
- Getz (1991) categorized events into:
a) Mega-events- events that attract the largest number of tourists and
usually would have a major impact on the image of the destination
b) Special events-one-time or infrequently occurring events outside the
normal program or activities of the sponsoring or organizing body;
maybe a concert, a raffle draw or a special dinner
c) Hallmark events give a particular destination high profile and
provide the tourism theme for a destination this kind of tourism:
more relaxed morality law in the host community; less rigorous
enforcement of laws cheaper rates; more anonymity privacy; finding
certain ethnic groups more attractive; and finding sex in tropical
surroundings and a hot climate more arousing
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Attending Mardi Gras in Rio de Janeiro,
Participating in the Oktoberfest in Germany, Joining parades
8) Disaster tourism
• Des: It involves traveling to a disaster scene. Tourists travel to a disaster
area not to help but because it is interesting to see. They can hinder rescue,
relief and repair work
• Exof act eng in by tourists: Visits to disaster scenes

Figure 2: The ancient town of Hoi An is flooded (Photo: Unsplash)

9) Gay tourism
• Des: It is tourism participated by gays who have an open gay lifestyle. The
primary purpose of travel is to be able to participate to some extent in the
gay life of a certain destination
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to gay venues ( bars, businesses, hotels,
entertainment centers for socialization with gay people
10) Rural tourism
• Des: This is the type of tourism where people who like to escape their
fast-paced urban life engaged in. Usually, this kind of tourism takes place in
the countrysides and far-flung areas
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to far-flung areas, Visits to plantations,
Visits to farms
11) Sex tourism
• Des: This is tourism that is partially or fully to have sex, often with
prostitutes. Several kinds of research have enumerated possible reasons for
engaging in
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to red districts, Bars, Discos
12) Factory tourism
• Des: This type of tourism involves visits to factories to learn about the
production process of products. One attraction of this type of tourism is
factories sell their products as souvenirs and at a lower cost which the
tourist also take advantage of
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to factories or plants, Shopping
13) Festival tourism
• Des: This type of tourism focuses on festivals. It is a sub-category of
events tourism. Tourists travel particularly to join in the celebration of a
certain festival

Figure 3: Folk arts will be displayed at the event (
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Watching or participating in parades, Going to
fairs and dances
14) Health tourism
• Des: This involves travel for the improvement of health. It includes travel
to spas and for massage and, medical treatments. Health tourism is travel to a
different country or state for health-related reasons. Lack of facilities in the
home country, the exorbitant cost of treatment in the home country, no or
minimal insurance coverage, anonymity and possibility of a holiday with health
care are some of the drives of this kind of tourism
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to spas and geothermal springs, Diet
resorts, Fitness centers, Medical facilities for surgery and other medical
treatments, Rehabilitation centers
15) Heritage tourism
• Des: WTO defines this type of tourism as an immersion in the natural
history, human heritage, arts, philosophy and institutions of another region
or country. People are driven by the desire to learn about cultural traditions
and artifacts. This type of tourism is also associated with cultural tourism
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to heritage sites, The older a country,
the more charm its long history holds. And this is true for visitors and locals
alike, countries like Egypt, India, Russia, Iraq, and several European
capitals are the top choices when it comes to heritage tourism.
16) MICE
• Des: This type of tourism involves travel to attend scientific, professional
and even political gatherings. This is engaged in more by business travelers
than leisure travelers
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Participating in meetings, Conventions,
Attending and/ or viewing exhibits, Sightseeing and shopping
17) Nature-based tourism
• Des: The main attraction for this type of tourism is nature. It is often
associated with ecotourism and wildlife tourism. Fennell (1999) stated that
this kind of tourism takes place principally on natural resources such as
relatively undisturbed parks and natural areas, wetlands, wildlife reserves
and other areas of protected flora, fauna and habitats. This involves varying
degrees of the interaction of tourists with the environment
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Birdwatching, Beach tourism, Camping,
Spelunking, Scuba diving, Safari, Mountaineering
18) Sports tourism

• Des: This type of tourism includes travel and participation or attendance at
a predetermined sports activity. The sports can be competitive and
recreational (Turco, Riley and Swart, 2002)
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Watching Olympic games, Participating in
tournaments, Visits to horse races, Bullfighting and wrestling matches
19) Urban tourism
• Des : This type of tourism involves travel to cities and large towns to
enjoy its landscape and recreational activities
• Ex of act eng in by tourists: Visits to shopping malls, Theaters, Parks,
Museums, Buildings of outstanding historical and architectural values, City
III/ Give details of one typical tourist destination
One of the most typical tourists destinations in Viet Nam is Phong Nha Ke Bang.
Phong Nha Ke Bang is a fresh, cool climate all year round, with an average of only
20-240C, which is considered as one of the two largest rocky areas of over 200000ha.
The feature of this national park is the annual limestone structures with more than 300
caves and underground rivers. Hundreds of rare and precious animal and plant species
exist, in which many species are listed in the Red Book of Vietnam and the world,
which is an inspiration for tourists and scientists to come here to explore. The name of
this national park is a combination of two components: the name of Phong Nha cave
and the name of the Ke Bang rocky forest area. According to Le Quy Don, Phong Nha
is the name of a mountain village in the past (now Phong Nha village, Son Trach
commune, Bo Trach district). There are other opinions that the name Phong Nha
comes from the image of mountains in regular rows like the image of managers lined
up on stage or at the
publishing house, people
take the word Phong Nha to
Chinese characters to name
Phong Nha cave
Here are the most typical
caves and tourist attractions
of Phong Nha Ke Bang
National Park for you to
more easily learn and explore
this national park:
• Phong Nha Cave: Among
the caves, Phong Nha is the
most prominent with a
survey length of nearly 8km,
mainly with underground
Figure 4:The majestic beauty of Phong Nha Cave

rivers classified as the longest underground river cave in the world. Visitors get off the
motorboat and follow the Son River to Phong Nha cave. Coming to Phong Nha, you
will feel very interesting, relaxed and comfortable. The air here is fresh and cool. On
summer days, when outside “bright” the Quang Binh sunburns, but when entering the
cave, the temperature is only about 17-19 degrees. Sailing more than 600m on the
water line in the cave, visitors can enjoy the strange natural beauty
• Ticket price to visit the Phong Nha cave:
o Adults: 150000vnd/1 ticket
o Children under 1.3m in height are free of charge
o Boat to visit the Phong Nha Cave: 360000vnd/ 1 boat including life jackets,
carrying up to 12 customers including children
• Special food: Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park has a system of primeval forests,
very diverse rivers and streams, the water here is very clean flowing from limestone,
so the products here have a very unique taste that no one other place has, customers
coming here don’t
forget to enjoy the
delicious rustic dishes
of this land. Not to
mention specialties
from Son River such
as crap, shrimp;
country dishes such
as eel, snakehead,
chicken and so on.
Especially the dishes
from Phong Nha
mountains such as
venison, pig, goat,
bamboo shoots and

Figure 5: Specialty
dishes of Phong Nha Ke Bang
• Summer is always the most beautiful season to travel to Phong Nha Ke Bang
because at this time there will be the most beautiful weather, sunshine and reasonable
temperature for all your emotions to be sublimated. From June to August, Quang Binh
is at its most beautiful peak, the climate is cool, the weather is hot enough for you to
immerse yourself in the cool waterfalls and have the most sparkling pictures

Figure 6: Travel Quang Binh from May to October suitable to play zipline

IV/ Conclusion
Tourism gives you the opportunities to learn about the history and culture of each
region, each country quickly and easily. Instead of just reading books, what you see
and hear will be imprinted in your mind more deeply. Going to many places, meeting
many people will help you have a broader view of the world around you and helps you
become more confident. In addition, going to different places also gives a richer social
capital, helping you to become a person who can empathize and share the spirit with
those around you. You will also become aware of your role as a member of society to
be more responsible for the social issues going on around you. Tourism can be both a
motivation for you to learn a language and also a means for you to acquire a foreign
language more easily, help you have rich life experiences and become smarter

Introduction to tourism – A comprehensive Guide to the Travel and
Tourism Industry- Carlos M. Libosada, Jr. Carmela A. Bosangit
Phong Nha Cave First wonder
Introduction to tourism and hospitality in BC-2ND edition


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