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Criteria for segmenting business

 International standard Industrial classification: goods and
service provider
 Dispersion: Geographically concentrated or dispersed
 Size
 Account status: Global, National, Regional
 Buying processes: tender, internet, decentralized, centralized
 Buying criteria: continuity of buying, product quality, price,
customization, just in time, service support before or after sale
 Propensity to switch: satisfied with current suppliers, dissatisfied
 Share of customer spend in the category: sole supplier, majority,
minority, non supplier
 Geography: City, region, country
 Buying style: risk averse, innovator,
Customer Portfolio
What next?
 Profit laggards – Identify cause of nonprofitability and
control costs
 Revenue laggards – Valuable opportunity to readjust
packaging and positioning of products
 Unprofitable customers
 What makes them unprofitable?
 Any Plan of Action to make them profitable
What to do with them?
More specific suggestions
Fiocca Model : step 1

High Key Non key

difficult difficult
Difficulty in
Key Non key
easy easy
High Low
importance of
Fiocca step 1: Strategic
Strategic importance is related to
 value/volume of the purchases
 potential and prestige of the customer
 customer market leadership
 general desirability in terms of diversification of the
supplier’s markets, providing access to new markets,
improving technological expertise, and the impact on
other relationships
Fiocca step 1: Difficulty of
managing relationship
Difficulty of managing the customer relationship is related
 product characteristics such as novelty and complexity
 account characteristics such as the customer’s needs and
requirements, customer’s buying behaviour , customer’s
power, customer’s technical and commercial competence
and the customer’s preference to do business with a
number of suppliers
 competition for the account which is assessed by
considering the number of competitors, the strength and
weaknesses of competitors and competitors’ position vis à
vis the customer
Fiocca step 2
Assess key easy and key difficult accounts:
 The customer’s business attractiveness
 The strength of the buyer/seller relationship
Fiocca step 2: customers business
 Market factors
 Size of key segments served by customer
 Customers share of key segment
 Customers growth rate
 Customers influence on the market
 Financial and economic factors
 Customer margin
 Barrier to customers entry or exit
 Competition in the customers market
 Customers position and strength
 Vulnerability to substitute
 Technological factors
 Ability to cope with change
 Depth of customers skills
 Types of technological know how
 Socio political factors
 Ability to adapt and fit
Fiocca step 2: Strength of
 the length of relationship
 the volume or dollar value of purchases
 the importance of the customer (percentage
of customer’s purchases on supplier’s sales)
 personal friendships
 co-operation in product development
 management distance (language and culture)
 geographical distance
Fiocca step 2: strategic options
Customer Portfolio Models
 Campbell and Cunningham (1983)
 Step 1: Focuses on nature and attractiveness of the
customer relationship using customer life cycle stage on
one axis and various customer data on the other.
 Customer life cycle is divided into : Tomorrows
customers, todays special customers, todays regular
customers and yesterdays customers
 The other dimension of analysis, involves sales volume,
use of strategic resources, age of relationship, supplier's
share of customer's purchasers and profitability of
customer to supplier
 Step 2 of analysis focuses on the customer's own
performance as an important aspect of customer
portfolio planning
 The customer's share of its own market is combined
with the customer's demand for the supplier's product
and is used to produce a second two-by-two matrix
(Buyer Interdependent

No of buyers

Independent Dependent (supplier


Many Few
No of Suppliers
 The third, and final, step involves the selection of the
key customers for analysis. Another two-dimensional
grid is proposed for this stage with growth rate of
customer's market (high, medium, low and decline)
on the vertical axis
 And competitive position, (relative share of customers
purchases ) on the horizontal axis
 Companies are placed on the matrix and represented
by a circle that represents their sales volume
Customer Portfolio Models
Shapiro et al’s customer classification matrix

High Trade( newly
Net Price


Low Cost to High

How costs vary between customers
Pre-sale costs Production costs Distribution costs Post-sale costs

Geographic location: Order size Shipment Training

close v. distant consolidation

Prospecting Set-up time Preferred Installation

transportation mode

Sampling Scrap rate Back-haul Technical support


Human resource : Customization Location: close v. Repairs and

management v. reps distant maintenance

Service: design Order timing Logistics support e.g.

support, applications field inventory
Supplier Classification Matrix
(Krapfel, Salmond and Spekman,

Partner Friend


Rival Acquaintance


High Low
Relationship value
 RVi is the value of the relationship to the seller
 Cj is the criticality of the goods purchased by the buyer
 Qj is the quantity of the seller’s output consumed by
this buyer
 Rj is the replaceability of this buyer (i.e. the switching
cost of accessing other buyers)
 Sj is the cost savings resulting from the buyer’s
practices and procedures

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