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Journal of Biotechnology 111 (2004) 263–267

Short communication
Analysis of genetic relationships among Rosa damascena plants
grown in Turkey by using AFLP and microsatellite markers
Nilgün Göktürk Baydar a,∗ , Hasan Baydar b , Thomas Debener c
a Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Süleyman Demirel, 32260 Isparta, Turkey
b Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Süleyman Demirel, 32260 Isparta, Turkey
c Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Ornamental Plant Breeding,

Bornkampweg 31, D-22926 Ahrensburg, Germany

Received 24 November 2003; received in revised form 26 April 2004; accepted 30 April 2004


Rosa damascena Mill. is the most important rose species for rose oil production. The main rose oil producers in the world are
Turkey and Bulgaria and they obtain the rose oil almost exclusively from R. damascena. In spite of coming from the same original
populations, R. damascena plants grown in Turkey show some morphological differences. In this study, it was aimed to investigate
the genetic relationships among R. damascena plants grown in Turkey by using microsatellite and AFLP markers. Twenty three
AFLP and nine microsatellite primer pairs were used for this aim. No polymorphism could be detected among the plants, as
the marker patterns obtained from different plants are identical. The conclusion from these data is that all R. damascena plants
under study are derived from the same original genotype by vegetative propagation. Furthermore, the observed morphological
differences originate from point mutations not detectable by molecular markers. Therefore, they are equivalent to sport mutations
frequently observed in cut and garden rose varieties.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rosa damascena; AFLP; Microsatellite; Genetic relationships

1. Introduction flavorings. For example, rose oil known as rose otto

is the most important commercial product, espe-
Rose is one of the most important crop for floricul- cially in the flavor and fragrance industry (Kovats,
ture industry. The genus Rosa includes 200 species 1987).
and more than 18,000 cultivars (Gudin, 2000). Apart Despite the large number of cultivated rose varieties,
from the use as cut flowers, potted plants and gar- only a few of them exhibit the marked fragrance that
den plants, roses also have an economic importance is sought by perfumeries in the world (Antonelli et al.,
for their petal as a source of natural fragrances and 1997). There are mainly four species of roses for oil
production. These are Rosa damascena Mill., Rosa
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-246-211-14-18; gallica L., Rosa moschata Herrm. and Rosa centifolia
fax: +90-246-237-16-93. L. (Tucker and Maciarello, 1988). Rose oil is produced
E-mail address: (N. Göktürk Baydar). in Morocco and France from R. centifolia, in Egypt

0168-1656/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
264 N. Göktürk Baydar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 111 (2004) 263–267

from R. gallica, in China from R. rugosa and other 2. Materials and methods
Rosa spp. But the main rose oil producers in the world
are Turkey and Bulgaria and they obtain the rose oil All experiments were conducted in the laborato-
from R. damascena (a hybrid between R. gallica L. ries of the Institute for Ornamental Plant Breeding in
and R. phoenicia Boiss.). In addition to rose oil, some Ahrensburg-Germany.
important base materials of the cosmetic industry such
as rose concrete, absolute and rose water from these 2.1. Plant materials
species are also obtained.
The first R. damascena plantations in Turkey were Leaves from 15 individuals were sampled from
established with plants brought from Bulgaria in 15 different R.damascena Mill. plantations of Is-
the 1880s. After that new gardens were established parta province of Turkey (latitude 37◦ 45 N, longitude
especially in the province of Isparta and its sur- 30◦ 33 E, altitude 997 m) in May 2003. In each planta-
rounding by vegetatively propagating the original tion, plants were propagated vegetatively by cuttings.
In spite of coming from the same origin, R. dam- 2.2. DNA extraction
ascena plants grown in Turkey show some morpho-
logical differences such as flower shape, leaf and Genomic DNA from young rose leaves was ex-
plant size. As it was not absolutely clear whether the tracted with DNeasy plant mini kits (Qiagen, Inc., CA,
plant material is based on a single or a few original USA).
genotypes, the observed differences might either be
the result of the original differences between these 2.3. AFLP analysis
genotypes or the result of newly arisen sport muta-
tions. Therefore, it is of great importance for future AFLP analyses were performed as described in
breeding of R. damascena genotypes with improved Debener and Mattiesch (1999). Briefly genomic
horticultural characteristics to elucidate the genetic DNA (250 ng) was digested overnight with the
relationships between the different R. damascena HindIII and MseI restriction enzymes in a total vol-
accessions in Turkey. ume of 25 ␮l and ligated with HindIII and MseI
Molecular markers, which directly display dif- site-specific double stranded adaptors. For pream-
ferences on the DNA level and which are inde- plification, 5 ␮l of ligation mixture was amplified
pendent of the phenotype, represent a significant in a Genius thermocycler with 20 cycles of 94 ◦ C
resource for creating genetic and physical genome for 30 s, 60 ◦ C for 30 s and 72 ◦ C for 1 min using
maps, distinguishing individuals, investigating ge- HindIII (5 -GACTGCGTACCAGCTT-3 ) and MseI
netic relatedness and studying genome organiza- (5 -GATGAGTCCTGAGTAA-3 ) primers carrying
tion (Thomas et al., 1993; Debener and Mattiesch, one selective nucleotide at the 3 end. For selective
1998). amplification, 2.5 ␮l of a 20-fold diluted preamplifica-
Molecular markers have been applied in a number tion mixture was amplified in Genius E Thermocycler
of research projects to investigate the polymorphism consisting of one cycle of 94 ◦ C/30 s, 65 ◦ C/30 s and
in roses (Hubbard et al., 1992; Torres et al., 1993; 72 ◦ C/1 min, then lowering the annealing temperature
Reynders-Aloisi and Bollereau, 1996; Debener et al., to 56 ◦ C in the next 11 cycles; and then 23 cycles
1996). But the only reported study conducted on ana- of 94 ◦ C for 30 s, 56 ◦ C for 30 s and 72 ◦ C for 1 min
lyzing the genetic diversity of R. damascena by using using HindIII and MseI primers with three selective
the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), a nucleotides. HindIII primers were also fluorescently
kind of molecular marker, was represented by Ağaoğlu labelled with the IRD 800 or the IRD 700 dyes at
et al. (2000). their 5 end (MWG Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany).
This study was aimed at the investigation of the Primer combinations used in this study are listed in
genetic relationships among R. damascena plants Table 1. Samples were analyzed on a LICOR 400
grown in Turkey by using microsatellite and AFLP Automatic Sequencer (MWG Biotech, Ebersberg,
markers. Germany).
N. Göktürk Baydar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 111 (2004) 263–267 265

Table 1 and extention temperatures were 94 ◦ C for 1 min and

AFLP primer combinations and selective nucleotides 72 ◦ C for 2 min, respectively. However, the annealing
MseI HindIII primers HindIII primers temperature changed according to primer pairs used.
primers labelled with IRD 700 labelled with IRD 800 The repeat sequences and annealing temperatures
ATG – AGG of primer pairs are given in Table 2. After adding
AAA – AGG loading-dye–buffer at a ratio of 1:8, 1 ␮l of final sam-
ple was loaded on acrylamide gel and analyzed on a
AGG – AGG LICOR 400 Automatic Sequencer (MWG Biotech,
AGA – AAA Ebersberg, Germany).
3. Results and discussion
AGC AAT ACG AFLP and microsatellite analyses are useful and
AGC AAC ACG powerful techniques for detecting genetic varia-
AAT AAC ACG tion between individuals (Thomas and Scott, 1993;
Rongwen et al., 1995). In this study, 23 AFLP
primer combinations and nine microsatellite primer
pairs were used in order to obtain more marker in-
2.4. Microsatellite analysis formation for the inference of genetic relationships
among R. damascena plants originating from dif-
The rose microsatellite markers were obtained from ferent plantations. AFLP analysis of 15 individuals
Concipio GmbH, Sangerhausen, Germany. Forward using 23 primer combinations provided a total of
and IRD labelled reverse primers were synthesized by 966 amplified bands with an average of 42 bands
MWG Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany. per primer combination. The average over all pop-
Each PCR reaction was prepared as follows: 25 ng ulations of bands amplified per primer combination
DNA, 5 pmol of each labelled reverse primer and un- varied from 25 (MseI–AAC/HindIII–AGG) to 98
labelled forward primer, 1 U Tag DNA polymerase, (MseI–AAT/HindIII–AGG). In none of the marker
2 ␮l of 10× reaction buffer, 1 ␮l of 1× W1-detergent, analyses any polymorphism could be detected among
2 ␮l of dNTPs (1 mM), 2 ␮l of magnesium chloride the plants analyzed. Marker patterns were always
(15 mM) in a total volume of 20 ␮l. identical (Fig. 1).
The PCR reaction was carried out in a Techne This is in accordance to earlier investigations with
Genius thermocycler. An initial denaturation of RAPD markers where no variability could be detected
94 ◦ C/30 s was followed by 30 cycles. Denaturation among R. damascena plants (Ağaoğlu et al., 2000).
It can be concluded that R. damascena plants from
different plantations in Isparta are all derived from the
Table 2
The repeat sequences and annealing temperatures of primer pairs
same original clone by vegetative propagation. How-
used in microsatellite analyses ever, the plants can be distinguished by morphologi-
cal characters. According to our observations through
Name Repeat Annealing temperature (◦ C)
the survey, there were some morphological differences
RMS023 GT 52 in flower shape, leaf size and plant size among the
RMS027 AT&GT 55 plants grown in different plantations. These morpho-
RMS029 GA 68
RMS037 GA 62
logical differences are most probably caused by point
RMS057 GAA/GA 58 mutations that are not detected by molecular mark-
RMS070 GA 57 ers, which only scan a very small fraction of the rose
RMS088 GA 68 genome.
RMS089 AT&GT 55 Previous observations have shown that sport mu-
RMS146 GT 57
tants with clearly mutated phenotypes show identical
266 N. Göktürk Baydar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 111 (2004) 263–267

Fig. 1. AFLP fingerprints produced by HindIII–AAC/HindIII–ACG/MseI–AAT primer combinations (on the left) and microsatellite PCR
products amplified with RMS 070 primer pairs (on the left) for 15 Rosa damascena plants.

DNA marker patterns as the single mutations leading these genotypes in classical breeding programs. This
to the altered phenotypes are derived from only a neg- strategy could benefit from methods for marker as-
ligible small part of the DNA of the mutant genotype sisted selection which were recently proposed for
(Debener et al., 2000). roses (Debener et al., 2003). The second strategy
From the results of the present study it can be con- could involve novel biotechnological methods like,
cluded that there is very little genetic variation among e.g. the introduction of scent related genes into roses
R. damascena plants grown in Turkey. via genetic transformation. However, this strategy is
For breeding of R. damascena varieties with im- hampered by technical problems encountered during
proved agronomic characters especially with improved rose transformation and by public concerns related
yields of rose oil and novel scent compositions two to the use of genetically modified plants (Dohm,
major strategies could be followed. One strategy 2003).
could be the search for novel genotypes of R. dam- Therefore, it is necessary to create genetic
ascena from other growing areas and the use of variability especially for improving novel scent
N. Göktürk Baydar et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 111 (2004) 263–267 267

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