40 Words With Their Meaning From Unit 7

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Name: Erick Gustavo Avellan

40 words with their meaning from unit 7

1. Quicker= más rápido

2. Downtown= centro
3. Benches= bancos
4. Follow = seguir
5. Sidewalk= acera
6. Trash cans= botes de basura
7. Fountain= fuente
8. Army= ejercito
9. Until = hasta que
10. Several weeks = varias semanas
11. Own = propio
12. Centuries = siglos
13. Fill up = llenar
14. Instead = en lugar de
15. Each = cada
16. Sales= ventas
17. Over= encima
18. Sick = enfermo
19. Sweaty= sudoroso
20. Essay = ensayo
21. Leave= licencia
22. Huge= enorme
23. Wheels= ruedas
24. Within= dentro
25. Tells= dice
26. Venues= lugares
27. Encouraging = alentador
28. Pushers = empujadores
29. Banned= prohibido
30. Ban = prohibición
31. Average= promedio
32. Pedestrians= peatones
33. Although = aunque
34. Headphones = auriculares
35. Even = incluso
36. Rely = confiar
37. Daily= diario
38. Drop = soltar
39. Persuade= persuadir
40. Stuck= atascado

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