Thursday, August 26, 2021 Notice of Regular Meeting

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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Notice of Regular Meeting

Notice of Regular Meeting on Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. at the Cartwright District
Office Board Room at 5220 W. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85031. Members of the Cartwright
School District Governing Board will attend either in person, or by telephone conference call.

Governing Board Meetings will not be open to the public: Reference: Arizona Attorney General’s
Opinion dated March 13, 2020 RE: Concerns Relating to Arizona’s Open Meeting Law and COVID-19.

Live stream of the meeting is available to the public to listen and view on the Cartwright School
District YouTube Channel by copying and pasting the URL in your browser:

For this meeting, Call to the Public: The Governing Board will not take any legal action on matters
raised during the portion of Call to the Public unless it pertains to items included on the agenda. A
three (3) minute time limit is set and all are asked to adhere to this limit. Time allotments are for
each individual comment and may not be transferred. The Governing Board may direct staff to study
matters raised by the public or reschedule those matters for future consideration, discussion and
possible action at a later date. Written public comments are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August
26, 2021. Individual public comments received telephonically will be placed in the Zoom holding
room until it is time to share their comment.

Email :

Telephonically (via Zoom):

Dial by your location

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US

+1 929 205 6099 US

+1 253 215 8782 US

+1 301 715 8592 US

+1 312 626 6799 US

+1 346 248 7799 US

Meeting ID: 823 7208 1496

Passcode: 57014253

A. Notice of Meeting

Subject 1. Notice of Regular Meeting on Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. at the
Cartwright District Office Board Room at 5220 W. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ
85031. Members of the Cartwright School District Governing Board will attend
either in person, or by telephone conference call. Governing Board Meetings will not
be open to the public: Reference: Arizona Attorney General’s Opinion dated March
13, 2020 RE: Concerns Relating to Arizona’s Open Meeting Law and COVID-19. Live
stream of the meeting is available to the public to listen and view on the Cartwright
School District YouTube Channel by copying and pasting the URL in your browser: For this
meeting, Call to the Public: The Governing Board will not take any legal action on
matters raised during the portion of Call to the Public unless it pertains to items
included on the agenda. A three (3) minute time limit is set and all are asked to
adhere to this limit. Time allotments are for each individual comment and may not
be transferred.The Governing Board may direct staff to study matters raised by the
public or reschedule those matters for future consideration, discussion and possible
action at a later date. Written public comments are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday,
August 26, 2021. Individual public comments received telephonically will be placed
in the Zoom holding room until it is time to share their comment.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category A. Notice of Meeting

Type Information

For this meeting, Call to the Public: The Governing Board will not take any legal action on matters
raised during the portion of Call to the Public unless it pertains to items included on the agenda. A
three (3) minute time limit is set and all are asked to adhere to this limit. Time allotments are for each
individual comment and may not be transferred. The Governing Board may direct staff to study
matters raised by the public or reschedule those matters for future consideration, discussion and
possible action at a later date. Written public comments are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 26,
2021. Individual public comments received telephonically will be placed in the Zoom holding room until
it is time to share their comment.

Email :

Telephonically (via Zoom):

Dial by your location

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US

+1 929 205 6099 US

+1 253 215 8782 US

+1 301 715 8592 US

+1 312 626 6799 US

+1 346 248 7799 US

Meeting ID: 823 7208 1496

Passcode: 57014253

Subject 2. On the Cartwright School District website, the Governing Board (tab) is
considered the Official Notice and Posting of the Agenda.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category A. Notice of Meeting

Type Information

Subject 3. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the
Cartwright School District #83 Governing Board and to the members of the general
public that the Governing Board will hold a Meeting, at the time and place indicated
above. Governing Board members may participate telephonically.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category A. Notice of Meeting

Type Information, Procedural

Subject 4. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A)(3), the Governing Board may vote to go into
Executive Session (which will not be open to the public) for discussion or
consultation with the Board's attorney(s) on any matter listed on the Agenda. The
Board's attorney(s) may appear in person or telephonically.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category A. Notice of Meeting

Type Information, Procedural

Subject 5. Pursuant to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons with a
disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Linda Parker or
Christine Santos at 623-691-4002. Requests should be made as early as possible to
allow time to arrange the accommodation.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category A. Notice of Meeting

Type Information, Procedural

Subject 6. Spanish Language Interpreters are available at all Governing Board Meetings. For
services in another language, please contact Linda Parker or Christine Santos at
623-691-4002. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to
arrange the accommodation.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category A. Notice of Meeting

Type Information, Procedural


B. Agenda

Subject 1. A copy of the agenda background material provided to Governing Board members
(with the exception of material relating to possible executive sessions and records
exempt from public inspection by law) is available for public inspection 24 hours in
advance of the meeting at the Cartwright District Office, 5220 W. Indian School Rd,
Phoenix, AZ 85031. Background materials may be accessed through BoardDocs 24
hours prior to a meeting at Click
on the Enter Public Site button and click on desired meeting. Go to PRINT THE
AGENDA (tab) for the Official posting of the agenda, or VIEW THE AGENDA (tab) to
view background material.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category B. Agenda

Type Information

C. Opening Items

Subject 1. Call to Order and Roll Call - Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category C. Opening Items

Type Procedural

 Governing Board President calls meeting to order and confirms members who are present
for the record.

Subject 2. Pledge of Allegiance Tarver Scholars (video)- Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category C. Opening Items

Type Procedural

 Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is led by Tarver Scholars (video), introduced by

Governing Board President.
Tarver Scholars:
Makayla and Mackenzie Lacey
Alpha Berry
Ann Roque
Maxx Marroquin
Mia Magallanes
Gabriel Santibanes

Subject 3. Adoption of Agenda - Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category C. Opening Items

Type Action

Recommended Action Adoption of the agenda for the August 26, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Cartwright School
District #83 Governing Board.

The Governing Board makes recommendation to approve the agenda as presented, or may
make recommendation to move an item after discussion.

Motion & Voting

Subject 4. Introduction of Parent Representative, Laura Martinez; Cartwright Education

Association (CEA) Representative, Mitchella Stevens & Raul H. Castro Academy of
Fine Arts, Principal Representative, Theresa Trujillo - Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category C. Opening Items


Laura Martinez, Parent Representative :
Mrs.  Laura Martinez has two children, her daughter previously attended Sunset and Estrella Middle
School currently she is a 12th grader, her son is a 8th grader, attending Raul H. Castro Academy of
Fine Arts. Mrs. Martinez has been part of the Cartwright School District community for 12 years and
enjoys being involved in the schools that her children attend. Laura Martinez is the Parent Advisory
Council President, and has held that title for four years, and feels honored. She is a great listener,
communicator and advocate for our scholars and families. Mrs. Martinez also participates in a group for
children with special needs. As a parent she appreciates how our Superintendent, Dr. Aguilar Lawlor
has handled the pandemic, and the return of this 2021-2022 school year protecting our scholars and
their families.
Mitchella Stevens, Cartwright Education Association(CEA) Representative:
Mitchella Stevens is an AVID elective teacher at Atkinson Middle School.  She started teaching in Las
Vegas and made her way to the Cartwright School District in 2017.  She spends her free time as an
amateur failed gardener and works on perfecting the art of naps. She enjoys promoting college and
career readiness to her students.
Theresa Trujillo, Raul H. Castro Academy of Fine Arts, Principal Representative: 
This is Principal Trujillo's 3rd year leading Raul H. Castro Middle School: Academy of Fine Arts. She has
been in the Cartwright School District for 20 years serving as a teacher and Assistant Principal at G.
Frank Davidson prior to the principalship. She has served in other leadership roles throughout the
years because her passion is to impact student learning so as students move on, they are prepared to
tackle any challenge presented to them. The guiding question she asks herself everyday is, "How did I
move student learning forward today?" 

Subject 5. Cartwright School District #83 Award of Excellence to Tammy Osborne and Lydia
Grijalva - Alma Sotelo

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category C. Opening Items

Type Recognition

Cartwright School District #83 Award of Excellence recipients: Tammy Osborne and Lydia Grijalva 

Subject 6. Introduction of Electric Bus Video - Alma Sotelo

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category C. Opening Items

Type Information
D. Call to the Public

Subject 1. Consideration and possible discussion of comments and complaints from the
public. The Governing Board will not take any legal action on matters raised during
this portion of the meeting unless the comments and complaints pertain to items
included on the agenda. A three (3) minutes time limit is set and all are asked to
adhere to this limit. Time allotments are for each individual comment and may not
be transferred.The Governing Board may direct staff to study matters raised by the
public or to reschedule those matters for future consideration, discussion and
possible action at a later date.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category D. Call to the Public

Type Procedural

For this meeting, Call to the Public: The Governing Board will not take any legal action on matters
raised during the portion of Call to the Public unless it pertains to items included on the agenda. A
three (3) minute time limit is set and all are asked to adhere to this limit.Time allotments are for each
individual comment and may not be transferred. The Governing Board may direct staff to study
matters raised by the public or reschedule those matters for future consideration, discussion and
possible action at a later date. Written public comments are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 26,
2021. Individual public comments received telephonically will be placed in the Zoom holding room until
it is time to share their comment.
Email :
Telephonically (via Zoom):

Dial by your location

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US

+1 929 205 6099 US

+1 253 215 8782 US

+1 301 715 8592 US

+1 312 626 6799 US

+1 346 248 7799 US

Meeting ID: 823 7208 1496

Passcode: 57014253

E. Action Items:

Subject 1. Second Reading for Discussion, Information and Possible Adoption Regarding
Proposed Revised Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Policy GDQD -
Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff Members- Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category E. Action Items:

Type Action

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Approval of Proposed Revised Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Policy GDQD-
Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff Members

The Administration provides the proposed revised Policy GDQD- Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal
of Support Staff Members for Second Reading, Discussion, Information and Possible Adoption 
Administration is requesting a revision as current existing Policy GDQD does not reflect the process
which outlines expectations for conduct of Educational Support Professionals (ESP's). It also does not
reflect the appeal process. This updated policy provides additional information and guidance for ESP's
and is similar to that of neighboring districts.

File Attachments
GDQD Discipline Suspension Dismissal of Support Staff Members Second Reading 8.26.21.pdf (54 KB)

Motion & Voting

Approval of Proposed Revised Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Policy GDQD-Discipline, Suspension and
Dismissal of Support Staff Members

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 2. Second Reading for Discussion, Information and Possible Adoption Regarding
Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) Policy Advisory 680-711 Volume 33,
Number 3 - Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category E. Action Items:

Type Action, Discussion, Information

Recommended Action Approval of Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Policy Advisory 680-711Volume 3 dated
July 2021, with the exception of Policy Advisory 696: reject ASBA recommended revisions as
revisions pertain to High School. Policy Advisory 687,704, 708 (JLCB and JLCB-R only) and
711 will be reviewed at a future meeting for second reading, discussion and possible adoption
in order to consult with an attorney for further legal guidance.

Recent Arizona School Board Association Policy advisory 680-711 Volume 33, Number 3 dated July
2021 are Policy Advisories derived from enactments of the 55th Legislature, First Regular Session,
2021.  These are indicated by references to the bills and/or statutes which have either been newly
created or altered by the Legislature. Several other policy advisories are those which have been
revised for clarity by ASBA Policy Services. Policy advisory 680-711 also includes a Policy Alert as it
relates to House Bill 2898 and amendment to A.R.S. 35-212. 
The Administration provides for second reading, discussion, information and possible adoption the
proposed recommended Arizona School Board Association revisions to the following policies, exhibits
and regulations as listed below for Policy Advisory 680-711 Volume 33, Number 3. Regulations and
Exhibits in the policy advisory are provided as information items only as they do not require Board
approval. Policy advisory 696 - reject ASBA recommended revisions as revisions pertain to High
680 BDF- Advisory Committees
681 BEDD- Rules of Order 
682 BEDH- Public Participation at Board Meetings
683 BIB- Board Member Development Opportunities
      New BIB-R Board Member Development Opportunities
684 DIE- Audits/Financial Monitoring
685 DJ- Purchasing (Purchasing Ethics Policy)
686 EEAEA- Bus Driver Requirements Training and Responsibilities
688 GCB- Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation
689 GCF- Professional Staff Hiring
690 GCH- Professional/Support Staff Orientation and Training
691 GBD- Support Staff Contracts and Compensation
692 GDF- Support Staff Hiring
693 IC- School Year
694 IHA & IHA-E- Basic Instructional Program
695 IHAMB & IHAMB-R- Family Life Education
696 IHAMD- Instruction and Training in Suicide Prevention
697 IJ- Instructional Resources and Materials
698 IJJ- Textbook/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption
699 IKE-RB Promotion and Retention of Students
700 IMB- Teaching About Controversial/Sensitive Issues
701 JFAA, JFAA-EA & JFAA-EB- Admission of Resident Students
702 JFAB, JFAB-EA & JFAB-EB - Tuition/Admission of Nonresident Students
703 JFB- Open Enrollment
705 JK- Student Discipline
706 JKD- Student Suspension
707 JKE- Expulsion of Students
708 JLCB-E Immunization Of Students (Arizona School Immunization Requirements)      ​
709 JLF- Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection
710- KB- Parental Involvement in Education
Policy Advisory 687, 704, 708 & 711 be reviewed at a future board meeting for second reading,
discussion, information and possible adoption in order to consult with an attorney for further legal
guidance. Regulations and Exhibits in the policy advisory are provided as information items only as
they do not require Board approval.
687 GBGB-R- Staff Personal Security and Safety
704 JICA-RB Student Dress (Cloth Face Coverings)
708​JLCB- Immunizations of Students &  JLCB-R- Immunization of Students
711 KI-BR- Visitors to Schools (Cloth Face Coverings)

File Attachments
_Second Reading PA 680-711. 8.26.21pdf.pdf (1,932 KB)
PA 687 704 708 711 8.26.21.pdf (467 KB)

Motion & Voting

Approval of Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Policy Advisory 680-711Volume 3 dated July 2021, with the
exception of Policy Advisory 696: reject ASBA recommended revisions as revisions pertain to High School. Policy
Advisory 687,704, 708 (JLCB and JLCB-R only) and 711 will be reviewed at a future meeting for second reading,
discussion and possible adoption in order to consult with an attorney for further legal guidance.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia
F. Reports/Summary of Current Events

Subject 1. Superintendent - Dr. Aguilar Lawlor: A. Distance Learning Protocols for

Quarantining and Supporting Teaching and Learning - Dr. Heather Cruz

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category F. Reports/Summary of Current Events

Type Information

File Attachments
8.26.2021 Cartwright Quarantine & Isolation Options for Instruction-GB Meeting.pdf (686 KB)

G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Subject 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting with Executive Session on August
12, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent), Minutes

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting with Executive Session on August 12, 2021

Minutes View Minutes for Aug 12, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting with Executive Session

Written minutes of each meeting are prepared containing the information required by A.R.S. 38-431.01
as follows:
1. The date, time and place of the meeting. 
2. The members of the public body recorded as either present or absent.
3. A general description of the matters considered.
4. An accurate description of all legal actions proposed, discussed or taken, and the names of the
persons, as given, making statements or presenting material to the public body and a reference to the
legal action about which they made statements or presented material. 

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 2. Approval of Revised Minutes of the Public Hearing Followed by Regular Governing
Board Meeting of June 30, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent), Minutes

Recommended Action Approval of the Revised Minutes of the Public Hearing followed by Regular Governing Board
Meeting of June 30, 2021

Minutes View Minutes for Jun 30, 2021 - Public Hearing followed by Regular Governing Board

Written minutes of each meeting are prepared containing the information required by A.R.S. 38-431.01
as follows:
1. The date, time and place of the meeting. 
2. The members of the public body recorded as either present or absent.
3. A general description of the matters considered.
4. An accurate description of all legal actions proposed, discussed or taken, and the names of the
persons, as given, making statements or presenting material to the public body and a reference to the
legal action about which they made statements or presented material. 

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 3. Approval of the Revised Minutes of the Public Hearing Special Governing Board
Meeting of Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent), Minutes

Recommended Action Approval of the Revised Minutes of the Public Hearing Special Governing Board Meeting of
Wednesday, July 14 , 2021

Minutes View Minutes for Jul 14, 2021 - Public Hearing: Special Governing Board Meeting

Written minutes of each meeting are prepared containing the information required by A.R.S. 38-431.01
as follows:
1. The date, time and place of the meeting. 
2. The members of the public body recorded as either present or absent.
3. A general description of the matters considered.
4. An accurate description of all legal actions proposed, discussed or taken, and the names of the
persons, as given, making statements or presenting material to the public body and a reference to the
legal action about which they made statements or presented material. 

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 4. Approval and/or Ratification of District Acceptance of Gift and Donations

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Approval and/or Ratification of District Acceptance of Gift and Donations


Recipient Dollar Amt/ Value Organization

Food Service/Atkinson  $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Long  $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Harris  $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Downs  $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Castro $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Peralta $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Estrella  $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Palm Lane $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Food Service/Cartwright $4,000.00 GenYouth, Inc/Dairy West Management 

Councilwoman Betty Guardado, City of Phoenix,

Cartwright School District  $800.00

Cartwright School District  $8,000.00 Valley of the Sun United Way/ U of A 

Cartwright School District  $1,000.00 Valley of the Sun United Way/ U of A 

Castro  $1,500.00 Beth Castro/ Janet Phillis 

Cartwright School District  $500.00 Homeless Engagement and Lift Partnership 

Cartwright School District  $142.80 The Benevity Community Impact Fund 

Atkinson $14.00 The Blackbaud Giving Fund 

Castro  $240.00 Charities Aid Foundation of America 

Castro $240.00 Charities Aid Foundation of America

Castro  $240.00 Charities Aid Foundation of America 

Castro $32.86 Kroger 


Workflow Aug 16, 2021 7:04 PM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:11 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:18 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 2:12 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:19 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 5. Ratification of Payroll and Expense Vouchers

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Ratification of Payroll and Expense Vouchers

As previously signed by Governing Board and attached.

File Attachments
Voucher 8.26.21.pdf (7,253 KB)


Workflow Aug 16, 2021 7:27 PM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:11 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:18 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:13 PM :: Routed back to Yvette Evans by Christine Santos.
Aug 19, 2021 7:29 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:39 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:39 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 2:15 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:19 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 6. Budget and Expense Statement for FY 2020-21 (Encumbrance Period) Month
Ending July 31, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Budget and Expense Statement for FY 2020-21 (Encumbrance Period) Month Ending July 31,

Budget and Expense Statement for FY 2020-21 (Encumbrance Period) Month Ending July 31, 2021

File Attachments
District Finance Report for the 13th Month of July 2021 FY21 .pdf (92 KB)


Workflow Aug 16, 2021 7:29 PM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:11 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:18 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:18 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:19 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 7. Budget and Expense Statement for FY 2021-22 Month Ending July 31, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Budget and Expense Statement for FY 2021-22 Month Ending July 31, 2021

Budget and Expense Statement for FY 2021-22 Month Ending July 31, 2021

File Attachments
District Finance Report for the Month of July 2021 FY22 .pdf (90 KB)


Workflow Aug 19, 2021 3:07 PM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:12 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:18 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:18 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:19 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 8. Approval of Attorney Approved SRP Power Distribution Easement at Heatherbrae

Elementary School/SRP Job No. LJ85821/ T3330794

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Approval of Attorney Approved SRP Power Distribution Easement at Heatherbrae Elementary
School/SRP Job No. LJ85821/ T3330794

To grant a non-exclusive easement to SRP to construct, install, reconstruct, replace, remove, repair, operate, and
maintain underground electrical conduits and conductors, pipes, cables, switching equipment, transformers, pad-
mounted equipment, enclosures, manholes, vaults, and all other appliances, appurtenances and fixtures (collectively,
“Facilities”) for the transmission and distribution of electricity, communications signals and data through and along the
Easement Parcel defined in attached Exhibit A in support of providing power to our solar panels at Heatherbrae
Elementary School. Easement agreement reviewed and approved by Mr. Dustin Cammack, attorney with Udall
Shumway PLC.
The attached easement describes the locations in which the new facilities providing the upgraded service will be
installed, and the accompanying exhibit/ drawing depicts those locations in relation to our property boundaries.

File Attachments
Heatherbrae - Power Distribution Easement 8.26.2021.pdf (629 KB)


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 4:01 PM :: Submitted by Jasmine Cerna. Routed to Jasmine Cerna for approval.
Aug 12, 2021 4:01 PM :: Approved by Jasmine Cerna. Routed to Juan Medrano for approval.
Aug 12, 2021 4:44 PM :: Approved by Juan Medrano. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:13 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:20 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:19 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 9. Approval to Award use of Rytan, LLC 1GPA 18-15PV-11 Job Order Contracting
(JOC) Contract for Construction Services for General Contractor Services for
Construction of Gyms and related projects at C.W. Harris School and Glenn L. Downs
School at $5,500,000 per school; and Authority to Exceed Board Policy DJE
Bidding/Purchasing Procedures limit of $1,000,000 per project(Attorney, Auditor
Review and Approved)

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Approval to Award use of Rytan, LLC 1GPA 18-15PV-11 Job Order Contracting (JOC) Contract
for Construction Services for General Contractor Services for Construction of Gyms and
related projects at C.W. Harris School and Glenn L. Downs School at $5,500,000 per school;
and Authority to Exceed Board Policy DJE Bidding/Purchasing Procedures limit of $1,000,000
per project. (Attorney, Auditor Review and Approved).

Due to high-cost escalation and need to expedite construction schedule by processing orders on long
lead-times, Administration seeks Governing Board approval to utilize cooperate agreement 1GPA 18-
15PV-11 to procure the following Job Order Contracting / General Contractor services per school:
gymnasium construction, field improvements, parking lot improvements, and ingress/egress
improvements. Administration also requests an increase to Policy DJE - Bidding/Purchasing Procedures
limit of $1,000,000 per school/project, not to exceed $5,500,000 total for each school. The funding
source will be Bond the budget is not to exceed 12,500,000
Board Policy DJE, 1GPA contract documentation, Letter of Determination, Guaranteed Minimum
Price/Schedule of Values documentation, Not to Exceed documentation, and Arizona Administrative
Code documentation are attached.

File Attachments
DJE.pdf (209 KB)
Master Agreement FINAL - Rytan.pdf (923 KB)
1 - Board Item-Agenda for Award - RFQ 18-15PV - Multiple Vendors.pdf (214 KB)
2 - Determination for Multiple Award - 18-15PV.pdf (134 KB)
3 - Board Minutes of Approval to Award.pdf (143 KB)
1 - Award Letter - Rytan.pdf (196 KB)
2 - Rytan - Offer and Contract Acceptance.pdf (803 KB)
1 - Executive Summary - 18-15PV.pdf (106 KB)
2 - K-12 Compliance Questionnaire.pdf (111 KB)
3 - AZ JOC Guidance.pdf (138 KB)
A.A.C. Section R7-2-1191 - Cooperative Purchasing Authorized.pdf (136 KB)
Rytan Glenn L Downs Gym GMP SOV 8.19.2021.pdf (139 KB)
Rytan C W Harris Gym GMP SOV 8.19.2021.pdf (139 KB)
Letter of Determination ADM Group - Recommendation for Award - RYTAN.pdf (371 KB)
2021-22 Annual Vendor Not to Exceed Amounts Revised1 8.26.2021.pdf (98 KB)


Workflow Aug 19, 2021 3:10 PM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:12 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:17 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 8:17 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:41 PM :: Routed back to Yvette Evans by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 7:18 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 7:20 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 7:26 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 7:28 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 7:29 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 10. Approval of Arizona Department of Education Fresh Fruit and Vegetable
Program (FFVP) Addendums to the Food Program Permanent Service Agreement for

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Approval of Arizona Department of Education Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)
Addendums to the Food Program Permanent Service Agreement for 2021-22

The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is a reimbursable program, funded by the U. S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Addendum serves as an application to participate in the Fresh
Fruit and Vegetable Program as authorized by Section 19 of the Richard B. Russell National School
Lunch Act.
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Administered by USDA and passed down to ADE, schools are
selected to participate in the FFVP.  This 2021-2022 school year all eligible schools were selected.
Cartwright Schools: M. Peña. Holiday Park, Atkinson, Starlight Park, Davidson, Tomahawk, Castro, G.L.
Downs, Estrella, Palm Lane, Desert Sands, Heatherbrae, Peralta, C.W. Harris, Sunset, Cartwright,
Spitalny, J.F. Long, Borman, and Tarver.  A new FFVP Addendum/Application is presented annually to
the District and will be submitted to the Board Annually for approval only if program requirements

File Attachments
8.26.21 Fresh Fruit Vegetable Program Addendum 2021-22.pdf (1,283 KB)


Workflow Aug 18, 2021 5:30 PM :: Submitted by Jasmine Cerna. Routed to Jasmine Cerna for approval.
Aug 18, 2021 6:02 PM :: Approved by Jasmine Cerna. Routed to Juan Medrano for approval.
Aug 18, 2021 6:12 PM :: Approved by Juan Medrano. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:07 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:27 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:27 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos
Motion & Voting
Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 11. Approval of 2021-2022 Extra Duty/Stipend: Childcare Retention

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Approval of 2021-2022 Extra Duty/Stipend: Childcare Retention.

The Board Approved the receipt of the one-time Child Care Workforce Retention and Recruitment Grant from the
Arizona Department of Economic Security on August 12, 2021. The grant award is $2,828.00. Approval requested to
issue retention stipends for Childcare staff as follows: Stipends for up to $150.00 per employee to compensate them for
their out of pocket Tuberculosis test fees, Food Handler cards, and Level I IVP fingerprint clearance cards. Approval is
recommended to ensure compliance with ARS 15-502.

File Attachments
Stipends FY 2021-22 8.26.2021.pdf (91 KB)


Workflow Aug 17, 2021 9:45 AM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:11 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:18 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:31 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:28 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 12. Approval of Recommendation for Issuance of Certified Teacher Contracts to the
Staff listed for the 2021-2022 School Year

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Recommendation for Issuance
of Certified Teacher Contracts to the Staff listed for the 2021-2022 School Year.

Carlson, Chandler Cartwright Teacher Acceleration Specialist
Copenhaver, Jennifer Harris Teacher Grade 5
Escobar, Constance Starlight Park Teacher Sp Ed - Resource (LD)
Estorga, Melody Castro Teacher Social Studies
Farley, Amber Long Teacher Kindergarten
Kingsby, Nicole Cartwright Teacher Grade 4
Lewis, Mari Peralta Teacher Kindergarten
Lipscomb, Starla Virtual Academy Teacher Grade K-2
Metten, Jason Harris Teacher Grade 7
Ortez, Karen Harris Teacher Kindergarten
Partida, Leslie Atkinson Specialist - RTI ESSER II Grant
Sandoval, Elda Downs/Harris Teacher STEM
Schaefer, Julie Atkinson Specialist - Instructional Support


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 5:30 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 2:47 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 3:10 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:41 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:32 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:28 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 13. Approval of New Hires and Resignations and Retirement of Educational Support
Professionals and Classified Administrator for the 2021-2022 School Year

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the New Hires and Resignations
and Retirement of Educational Support Professionals and Classified Administrator for the
2021-2022 School Year

Fernandez, Cristina Tarver Substitute Aid 7/27/2021
Fernandez, Yasmin Tarver Instruct Assistant 8/3/2021
Fierro, Elizabeth Food Service Food Services Sub 8/9/2021
Bus Monitor CV19
Garcia, Adriana Transportation 7/19/2021
Gonzalez, Gabrielle R.I.S.E. Behavioral Tech 7/27/2021
Gonzalez, Marissa Long Monitor 7/19/2021
Gutierrez Lopez, Lisette Cartwright Employee Childcare Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
HA, Theia Holiday Park Monitor Covid 19 Gr 7/28/2021
Borman Crosswalk Guard 7/27/2021
Cartwright Center
Kooienga, Kevin Social Worker 7/26/2021
Levario, Johnny Transportation Bus Driver Benefit 7/20/2021
Lopez Aboyte, Laura Transportation Monitor Covid 19 Grant 7/19/2021
Lopez, Ibette Cartwright Employee Childcare Child LD TCH ESP 7/26/2021
Martinez, Rosaura Cartwright Employee Childcare Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
Cartwright Center
McCall, Tiffany Social Worker 7/26/2021
Mendoza Garcia, Clau-Ally Cartwright Employee Childcare Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
Meza Alvarez, Alma Peralta Monitor 8/9/2021
Morales, Mia Cartwright Employee Childcare Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
Munoz, Ivette Cartwright Employee Childcare Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
Ortega, Martha Tarver Custodian/Covid 19 7/19/2021
Ramirez Parra, Maria Pena Custodian 7/30/2021
Romero, Alyssa Spitalny IA Grd 1-2 Cvd 19 Gr 7/19/2021
Sanchez Cruz, Alma Barry Spec Ed Assistant 8/4/2021
Smith, Javal Special Services SLPA 7/19/2021
Tomasek, William Estrella Facility Maint Tech 8/4/2021
Trejo, Norma Atkinson Custodian 7/19/2021
Valdez, Carmen Pena Monitor 7/21/2021
Vallejo, Erika Barry Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
Williams, Adrianna Cartwright Employee Childcare Instruct Assistant 7/19/2021
Williams, Amanda Starlight Park Inst Asst Resource 7/19/2021
Wiltse, Angela Special Services Occupational Thrpst 8/5/2021
Administrator Business Business
Case, Anita 8/4/2021 Resignation
Services Services
Chin, Mayra IA Grd 1-2 Cvd19 Gr Davidson 4/3/2021 Resignation
Espinoza, Caroline Administrative Assistant Peralta 9/1/2021 Retirement
Frausto, Maria Food Serv Worker Peralta 8/6/2021 Resignation
Ruelas, Irma Instruct Assistant Spitalny 5/21/2021 Resignation
Simental, Omar Custodian/Covid 19 Starlight Park 7/12/2021 Resignation
Valdez, Carmen Monitor Pena 8/6/2021 Resignation


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 8:01 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 2:47 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 3:11 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:41 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:34 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:28 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 14. Approval of Assistant Director of Business Services for the 2021-2022 School

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Assistant Director of Business
Services for the 2021-2022 School Year.

After posting and interviewing potential candidates, Kathern Murphy is the most qualified individual for
the position of Assistant Director of Business Services because of her experience and knowledge. 
Effective start date is September 15, 2021.


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 8:01 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 5:45 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 6:46 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:42 AM :: Routed back to Susan Doyle by Ema Jauregui.
Aug 17, 2021 10:53 AM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 18, 2021 5:29 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:56 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:20 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 15. Approval of Revision to Job Descriptions to Support Restructure of the Public
Relations Department

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action The Administration recommends approval of Job Description revisions as follows: Director of
Communications and Community Engagement updated to Director of Public Relations,
Executive Director of Communication, Outreach, Public Relations and Fundraising updated to
Executive Director of Fundraising, Outreach, and Public Affairs.

At the August 12, 2021 Governing Board meeting, the discussion was to update the Communication
and Community Engagement Department to Public Relations. After further discussion and review, the
Superintendent's Cabinet Team recognized the need to delineate into two separate departments to
maximize the potential of fundraising, grant obtainment, marketing and outreach. 
Director of Communications and Community Engagement has been updated to Director of Public
Relations. Executive Director of Communication, Outreach, Public Relations and Fundraising has been
updated to Executive Director of Fundraising, Outreach, and Public Affairs.

File Attachments
Director of Public Relations JD.docx.pdf (106 KB)
Executive Director of Fundraising Outreach and Public Affairs 8.26.21.pdf (569 KB)

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 16. Approval of Extension of Leave of Absence Request for the 2021-2022 School

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Extension of Leave of Absence
Request for the 2021-2022 School Year.

Bishop, William September 23, 2021 September 30, 2021


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 8:01 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 2:47 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 3:13 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:42 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:37 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:32 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 17. Approval of Appointment of Susan Doyle, Executive Director of Human

Resources, as Meet and Confer Chairperson for the 2021-2022 School Year

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Appointment of Susan Doyle,
Executive Director of Human Resources, as Meet and Confer Chairperson for the 2021-2022
School Year.

This request is recommended to avoid conflict with Open Meeting Laws concerning Meet and Confer


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 8:01 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 2:48 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 3:13 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:43 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:37 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:32 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 18. Approval of Additional Retiree's Substitute Contract in Exchange for Medical and
Vision Insurance for the 2021-2022 School Year

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Additional Retiree's Substitute
Contract in Exchange for Medical and Vision Insurance for the 2021-2022 School Year.

The Retiree listed is eligible to participate in the District's Medical and Vision Benefits Program via the
Work for Insurance program, and Administration recommends the issuance of Substitute Contract for
the Individual on the attached list.  The program and original list of participants were approved at the
June 30, 2021 Governing Board meeting.

File Attachments
8.26.21 HR Addition to Work for Insurance Substitute List.pdf (380 KB)
6.30.21 HR WFI Contract 2021-2022 TEMPLATE.pdf (19 KB)


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 8:02 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 2:47 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 13, 2021 3:10 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:43 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 18, 2021 5:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 19, 2021 3:35 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:40 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:42 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:11 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:38 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:33 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos
Motion & Voting
Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 19. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Derek Etheridge, Director of Federal
Programs, Sonia Bustamante, Director of Teaching and Learning, David McNeil,
Director of Special Services, Meredith Jewell-Seara, Assistant Director of Federal
Programs, and Heather Cruz, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services,
request to attend the Brustein & Manasevit, PPLC Fall Forum 2021; November 30-
December 3, 2021 in Clark County, Nevada

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Recommended Action Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Derek Etheridge, Director of Federal Programs, Sonia
Bustamante, Director of Teaching and Learning, David McNeil, Director of Special Services,
Meredith Jewell-Seara, Assistant Director of Federal Programs, and Heather Cruz, Assistant
Superintendent of Educational Services, request to attend the Brustein & Manasevit, PPLC Fall
Forum 2021; November 30- December 3, 2021 in Clark County, Nevada

The Administration recommends approval for out-of-state travel for the Derek Etheridge, Director of Federal Programs,
Sonia Bustamante, Director of Teaching and Learning, David McNeil, Director of Special Services, Meredith Jewell-Seara,
Assistant Director of Federal Programs, and Heather Cruz, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services to attend
the Brustein & Manasevit, PPLC Fall Form 2021 in Clark County, Nevada. Cartwright School District #83 receives Federal
Funding each year to sustain educational excellence. Brustein & Manasevit, PPLC Fall Forum 2021 focuses on having a
comprehensive understanding of the recent changes to the Uniform Guidance and EDGAR; with a major focus on all the
new sources of funding, including deadlines, questions of allowability, guidance, reporting, and recent developments on
enforcement and compliance for the use of Federal funds and will allow Cartwright to best meet the needs of its
students and families.
Funding will be paid out of Title I.
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Brustein Fall Forum 8.26.21.pdf (498 KB)


Workflow Aug 16, 2021 7:30 PM :: Submitted by Yvette Evans. Routed to Yvette Evans for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 3:11 PM :: Approved by Yvette Evans. Routed to Gary Holland for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:15 PM :: Approved by Gary Holland. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:19 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 2:19 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:20 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 20. Approval of Out of State Travel for Danielle Reed, Speech Language Therapist,
Special Services; to attend the 2021 ASHA Convention, on November 18-20, 2021,
in Washington, DC

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Fiscal Impact Yes

Dollar Amount $2,731.00

Budgeted Yes

Budget Source IDEA Grant Funded

Recommended Action The Administration recommends approval of Out of State Travel for Danielle Reed, Speech
Language Therapist, Special Services; to attend the 2021 ASHA Convention, on November
18-20, 2021, in Washington, DC;

The Administration recommends approval of Out of State Travel for Danielle Reed, Speech Language
Therapist, Special Services; to attend the 2021 ASHA Convention, on November 18-20, 2021, in
Washington, DC.  The ASHA Convention provides the opportunity to learn more about the latest
techniques, research, ideas and approaches surrounding therapy. Implementing research-based
techniques and programs are likely to increase student progress and overall achievement. 
The conference will provide Ms. Reed with opportunities to engage and collaborate with similar service
providers and share professional learning to help expand academic achievement throughout the
Travel will be funded through IDEA Grant Funds.
* CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
08.26.2021 PreApprovl for Travel ASHA Convention.pdf (3,664 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 1:30 PM :: Submitted by Veronica Brawner. Routed to Veronica Brawner for
Aug 13, 2021 1:30 PM :: Approved by Veronica Brawner. Routed to Heather Cruz for
Aug 18, 2021 7:35 PM :: Approved by Heather Cruz. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 1:33 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:39 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:19 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 21. Approval of Out of State Travel for Gifted Resource Specialists, Special Services;
Kate Garis, Ann Henig, Cathy Field, and Louis Torres, to attend the National
Association for Gifted Children 68th Annual Convention on November 11-14, 2021,
in Denver, CO

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Fiscal Impact Yes

Dollar Amount $9,311.84

Budgeted Yes

Budget Source Title I Funds

Recommended Action The Administration recommends approval of Out of State Travel for Gifted Resource
Specialists, Special Services; Kate Garis, Ann Henig, Cathy Field, and Louis Torres, to attend
the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) 68th Annual Convention on November 11-
14, 2021, in Denver, CO

The Administration recommends approval of Out of State Travel for Gifted Resource Specialists, Special
Services; Kate Garis, Ann Henig, Cathy Field, and Louis Torres, to attend the National Association for
Gifted Children 68th Annual Convention on November 11-14, 2021, in Denver, CO.  The NAGC21 offers
a variety of educational and networking experiences that can be directly applied to Cartwright's
growing gifted program.  The gifted team will have access to the latest in gifted education research
and practices, publications and resources and have the opportunity to network with leading
professionals from around the nation.
The conference will provide the team with opportunities to engage in innovative professional learning
to help expand academic achievement throughout the District. 
Travel will be funded through Title I Funds.
* CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
8.26.2021 EDS PreApproval for Travel_NACG.pdf (3,689 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 1:08 PM :: Submitted by Veronica Brawner. Routed to Veronica Brawner for
Aug 13, 2021 1:13 PM :: Approved by Veronica Brawner. Routed to Heather Cruz for
Aug 18, 2021 7:35 PM :: Approved by Heather Cruz. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:42 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:01 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:11 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 22. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Arranged Interviews at Missouri State Univ.
Consortium in Springfield, MO on September 22-24, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $1,362.84

Budget Source TItle IV

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State Travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Arranged
Interviews at Missouri State Univ. Consortium in Springfield, MO on September 22-24, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
Travel to attend the Arranged Interviews at Missouri State Univ. Consortium in Springfield, MO on
September 22-24, 2021.
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.
File Attachments
Travel Request 9.22-24.21.pdf (998 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 11:55 AM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:34 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:43 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:49 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:45 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:24 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:31 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:54 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 23. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Arranged Interviews at SUNY-Oswego in Oswego,
NY and Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY on September 29-October 2, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $1,447.74

Budget Source Title II

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State Travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Arranged
Interviews at SUNY-Oswego in Oswego, NY and Syracuse University in Syracuse, NY on
September 29-October 2, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
Travel to attend the Arranged Interviews at SUNY-Oswego in Oswego, NY and Syracuse University in
Syracuse, NY on September 29-October 2, 2021. 
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Travel Request 9.29-10.2.21.pdf (1,006 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 11:57 AM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:34 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:43 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:08 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:45 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:24 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:31 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:37 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 24. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Arranged Interviews at University of Northern
Iowa and Cornell College in Cedar Rapids, IA and Mount Vernon, IA on October 5-8,

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $1,385.32

Budget Source Title II

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State Travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Arranged
Interviews at University of Northern Iowa and Cornell College in Cedar Rapids, IA and Mount
Vernon, IA on October 5-8, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
Travel to attend the Arranged Interviews at University of Northern Iowa and Cornell College in Cedar
Rapids, IA and Mount Vernon, IA on October 5-8, 2021.
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Travel Request 10.5-8.21.pdf (802 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 12:00 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:34 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:42 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:09 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:46 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:24 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:31 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:37 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 25. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Job Fair and Interviews at Slippery Rock University
in Slippery Rock, PA on October 17-20, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $1,572.73

Budget Source Title II

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Teacher Job Fairs
and Interviews at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, PA on October 17-20, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
travel to attend the Teacher Job Fair and Interviews at Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, PA on
October 17-20, 2021.
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Travel Request 10.17-21.21.pdf (1,286 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 1:44 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:35 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:42 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:09 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:46 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:24 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:32 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:37 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 26. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Job Fair and Arranged Interviews at University of
Kansas in Lawrence, KS on October 27-29, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $1,285.77

Budget Source Title II

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Job Fair and
Arranged Interviews at University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS on October 27-29, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
travel to attend the Job Fair and Arranged Interviews at University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS on
October 27-29, 2021.
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Travel Request 10.27-29.21.pdf (1,151 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 1:49 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:35 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:42 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:09 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:46 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:23 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:32 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:37 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 27. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Job Fair and Arranged Interviews at Penn State
University and Illinois State University in State College, PA and
Bloomington/Normal, IL on October 31-November 6, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $2,880.37

Budget Source Title II

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Job Fair and
Arranged Interviews at Penn State University and Illinois State University in State College, PA
and Bloomington/Normal, IL on October 31-November 6, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
travel to attend the Job Fair and Arranged Interviews at Penn State University and Illinois State
University in State College, PA and Bloomington/Normal, IL on October 31-November 6, 2021.
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Travel Request 10.31-11.6.21.pdf (1,382 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 2:03 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:35 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:42 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:09 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:46 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:23 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:32 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:38 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 28. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for
Human Resources, to attend the Teacher Job Fair and Arranged Interviews at New
Mexico State University and University of Texas-El Paso in Las Cruces, NM and El
Paso, TX on November 17-19, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent)

Preferred Date Aug 26, 2021

Absolute Date Aug 26, 2021

Dollar Amount $1,191.37

Budget Source Title II

Recommended Action Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Out-of-State travel for Dr.
David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, to attend the Teacher Job Fair
and Arranged Interviews at New Mexico State University and University of Texas-El Paso in
Las Cruces, NM and El Paso, TX on November 17-19, 2021.

Dr. David Santellanes, Teacher Recruiter for Human Resources, requests approval of Out-of-State
travel to attend the Teacher Job Fair and Arranged Interviews at New Mexico State University and
University of Texas-El Paso in Las Cruces, NM and El Paso, TX on November 17-19, 2021.
Our school district relies on these recruitment activities to hire teachers.  Job fairs focus on teacher
candidates' attendance and arranged interviews are coordinated by the university career centers.  The
end result of these activities is a list of teachers who accept a job offer and are referred to school
administrators for the purpose of placement.  We collaborate closely with all schools to assist them in
the staffing process.
Travel requests for Dr. Santellanes were initially approved by the Governing Board for the Spring 2020
semester during the January 9, 2020 and January 23, 2020 Board meetings but were cancelled due to
Covid restrictions.  The District will pay a $20-$25 service fee for each flight in order to use the airline
credits which are set to expire. 
CDC Guidelines will be followed at the time of travel.

File Attachments
Travel Request 11.17-19.21.pdf (800 KB)


Workflow Aug 13, 2021 2:08 PM :: Submitted by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Haidee Ruiz for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 12:09 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 16, 2021 1:35 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 17, 2021 10:41 AM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:09 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 12:58 PM :: Routed back to Haidee Ruiz by Christine Santos.
Aug 20, 2021 1:39 PM :: Approved by Haidee Ruiz. Routed to Susan Doyle for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 1:46 PM :: Approved by Susan Doyle. Routed to Ema Jauregui for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 5:46 PM :: Approved by Ema Jauregui. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:23 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:32 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 6:38 PM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

Subject 29. Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure provide for a Consent Agenda
listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Items listed
under the Consent Agenda have gone through a review and recommendation
process. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board
Members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review.
Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any Board

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category G. Consent Agenda - Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor

Type Action (Consent), Procedural

Recommended Action Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Provide for Board approval of the Consent Agenda listing with a single motion.

Motion & Voting

Adoption of Consent Agenda as presented.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia
H. Other Information/Discussion Items

Subject 1. COVID-19 Mitigation & Metrics Updates- Dr. Medrano

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category H. Other Information/Discussion Items

Type Discussion

COVID-19 Mitigation & Metrics Updates will be provided


Workflow Aug 12, 2021 4:14 PM :: Submitted by Jasmine Cerna. Routed to Jasmine Cerna for approval.
Aug 12, 2021 4:14 PM :: Approved by Jasmine Cerna. Routed to Juan Medrano for approval.
Aug 12, 2021 4:45 PM :: Approved by Juan Medrano. Routed to Victoria Farrar for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 6:13 PM :: Approved by Victoria Farrar. Routed to Linda Parker for approval.
Aug 19, 2021 7:39 PM :: Approved by Linda Parker. Routed to Christine Santos for approval.
Aug 20, 2021 11:58 AM :: Final approval by Christine Santos

Subject 2. Update: Upcoming- Presentation on Current Refugee & Newcomer Support- Dr.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category H. Other Information/Discussion Items

Type Discussion, Information

Update: Upcoming Presentation on Current Refugee & Newcomer Support

Subject 3. Board update - Board Members

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category H. Other Information/Discussion Items

Type Information

Subject 4. Request(s) for Future Agenda Item(s) as information/discussion at a future

Governing Board Meeting - Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category H. Other Information/Discussion Items

Type Information

Requests by the Governing Board for information/discussion at a future Governing Board
I. Announcement(s) of future meeting date and other routine information
concerning the Governing Board.

Subject 1. The next Regular Governing Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, September
9, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at the Cartwright School District Board Room - Ms. M.

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category I. Announcement(s) of future meeting date and other routine information concerning the
Governing Board.

Type Information

Announcement of future meeting dates and location.

J. Adjournment

Subject 1. Adjournment - Ms. M. Hernandez

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category J. Adjournment

Type Action

Recommended Action Recommendation to adjourn the August 26, 2021 Governing Board Meeting.


Motion & Voting

Recommendation to adjourn the August 26, 2021 Governing Board Meeting.

Motion by Marissa E Hernandez, second by Pedro Lopez.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Lydia Hernandez, Marissa E Hernandez, Pedro Lopez
Not Present at Vote: Denice M Garcia, Anna Lynn Abeytia

K. Authorization of the Agenda

Subject 1. DATED: August 25, 2021

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category K. Authorization of the Agenda

Type Information, Procedural

Subject 2. Signed by Dr. Aguilar-Lawlor, Superintendent of the Cartwright School District

Meeting Aug 26, 2021 - Notice of Regular Meeting

Category K. Authorization of the Agenda

Type Information, Procedural

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