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European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

(ESVCP) 8th Annual Congress

Cambridge, UK — September 5–8, 2006

correlation improved to .0.86. Neither Sysmex or Cell-Dyn

Oral Platform Presentations seemed to identify basophils in dogs and cats. In conclusion,
Sysmex XT-2000iV worked very well for hematology samples from
horses, cats and dogs. The main exception was some problems
with the differential count mainly in feline samples.
HEMATOLOGY TESTING. I. Lilliehook, H. Tvedten. Depart- ADVIA 120. A. Giordano1, G. Rossi1, C. Pieralisi2, S.
ment of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Swedish Paltrinieri1. 1Department of Animal Pathology, Hygiene and
University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Veterinary Public Health, Unit of General Pathology and Parasitol-
ogy, University of Milan, Italy; and 2Centro Diagnostico Veterinario,
The Sysmex XT-2000iV Hematology System is a modification of the Milan, Italy.
human XT-2000 and is a ‘‘full count’’ system designed for large and
referral veterinary laboratory use. The instrument has software for The ADVIA 120 is an automated laser cell counter widely used in
dog, cat, horse and laboratory animals. The methods include human medicine and in a variety of animal species. Although
sheath flow DC detection method in RBC and PLT counting and specific software for equine haematology is available and in the
fluorescent flow cytometery method with semiconductor laser in literature there are different reports about its use, only a few reports
reticulocytes, platelets and WBC counting (total WBC and 5 part have been published about the comparison between the ADVIA
differential WBC counting). One may reanalyze samples with 120 and other methods for equine hemogram evaluation. In the
manual gating of various cell populations. This allows selective present work we compared the performance of the ADVIA 120 to
counting of cells as one interprets cell populations manually. The those of an impedance cell counter (Hemat 8, SEAC) and to the
instrument uses 40 ll in capillary mode, 85 ll in manual mode and microscopic evaluation of blood smears. We analysed blood
150 ll in automated sampler mode. Time for analysis is around one samples from 114 standardbred healthy horses. Both techniques
minute per sample in manual mode. In the current study we are frequently used in equine haematology. The analysis performed
evaluated paired testing of fresh blood samples from diseased with the ADVIA 120 showed values higher than those of SEAC for
animals with Sysmex XT-2000iV hematology system and Cell Dyn RBC, WBC, Hb, RDW, MCH and MCHC and lower for Hct and
3500 from 133 dogs, 73 horses and 65 cats. Correlation between the platelets. These differences probably depend on the peculiar
instruments was between 0.97–1.00 for Hb, RBC, HCT, WBC and analytic technique of the ADVIA 120 system and, although sig-
0.90–0.98 for MCV for all three species. For platelets the correla- nificant, only minimal and poorly biologically important differences
tion was 0.99 for dogs and 0.93 for horses. The reticulocyte count were detected. The greatest differences were in neutrophil and
and optical PLT count in cats were not evaluated in this study. basophil differentials, which were higher with the ADVIA120 than
Differential classification of leukocytes was excellent for equine microscopic analysis and in lymphocyte percentages which were
leukocytes. Correlation was between 0.94–1.00 for neutrophils, lower with the ADVIA 120. The laser measurements should be
lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. In cats the neutrophil considered more reliable because they are obtained on a larger
and lymphocyte population clusters were very near each other, number of cells. The agreement tests (Passing Bablock and Bland-
which often caused inability to count the number of those cells. Altman plot) showed a linear correlation for RBC and platelet
About 20% of the cat samples and 13% of dog samples had no number, while a constant and proportional bias was present for the
complete differential count reported by the Sysmex. Not reporting other erythroid and leukocytes parameters. The main advantage
of differential leukocyte counts was especially common with consists in the possible ancillary information about HDW, CH,
samples with left shift. The correlation for differential cell counts CHCM and reticulocyte and related parameter evaluation, usually
for neutrophils was 0.94/0.95 (cats/dogs), for lymphocytes 0.66/ not calculated in horses. Repeatability of the ADVIA 120 measure-
0.39, for monocytes 0.34/0.92 and for eosinophils 1.00/0.96. By ments was not always optimal: the CV related to erythroid
deleting some samples with obvious errors in the separation of the parameters was always less than 3%, while platelets, leukocytes
leukocytes in the graphic results from Sysmex or Cell-Dyn, the and reticulocytes CVs were often higher.

Page 474 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006

ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

3 reactive hyperplasia, and 3.86 6 1.14 in lymphoma. Mean AgNOR

area/cell was 40.35 6 4.63 lm 2; 44.73 6 5.29 lm 2, 49.43 6 7.35
CYTE COUNT: EFFECT OF SMEAR, OBSERVER AND NUMBER lm 2, and 96.62 6 27.88 lm 2, respectively. The percentage of Ki67
OF COUNTED CELLS. A. Diquélou1, N. Bourgès-Abella2, positive cells was 2.97 6 0.99% in normal lymph nodes, 5.03 6
C. Picaut1, D. Chafaı̈3,5, A. Geffré1, C. Trumel1, JP. Braun4,5. 3.33% in lymphadenitis, 5.35 6 1.44% in reactive hyperplasia, and
Internal Medicine, 2Histology, 3Biostatistics, 4Biochemistry, and 30.23 6 9.08% in lymphoma. All parameters were significantly
UMR 181 INRA ENVT, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, higher in dogs with lymphoma than in the other groups (p ,
Toulouse, France. 0.0001). The sensitivity and specificity of the AgNOR count
for diagnosing lymphoma were 91.46% and 96.77% at a cut off
Background & objective: The manual differential leukocyte value of ,1.945 AgNORs/cell. The cut off value for the
count (MDLC) is considered the gold standard to which automated AgNOR area/cell was ,58.42 lm 2 (sensitivity 96.34%, specificity
differential counts are compared. However, MDLC imprecision is 93.94%) and ,10.67% for Ki67 (sensitivity 97.56%, specificity
estimated statistically, based on the two following assumptions: 96.97%). The results show that AgNOR and Ki67 counts are good
leukocyte distribution is homogenous throughout the smear and diagnostic tools for assessment of proliferation in canine lymph
one smear is representative of the blood. We investigated if the node FNAs.
leukocyte preparation was homogenous on 3 canine blood smears
and assessed the possible effects of smear, observer and number of
counted cells on MDLC. Methods: Leukocyte preparation: Blood
smears from 3 ‘‘normal’’ dogs were divided into 4 columns and 4 5
lines delimiting 16 areas (excluding the feathered edge), in which all CO-EXPRESSION OF CD3 AND CD79a IN CANINE LYMPHO-
cells were counted and differentiated at 3200 or 3400. Differential MAS. A. Guija1, W. Gerner2, B. Wolfesberger3, A. Saalmül-
count imprecision: All MDLC were blinded. Five routine MDLC (100 ler2, M. Willmann3, I. Schwendenwein1. 1Central Laboratory,
cells counted) were performed by 3 observers (2 trained, 1 less Clinical Immunology, 3Clinic for Internal Medicine and Infectious
trained) on 10 smears from one ‘‘normal’’ dog and 10 from one dog Diseases, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
with leukocytosis. On the same 20 smears, MDLC was determined
by counting 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 cells by one observer. The co-expression of CD3 and CD79a in lymphoproliferative dis-
Statistical analysis: Chi-square and ANOVA, using Excel and Systat. orders is well documented in humans, while in dogs only one re-
Results: Leukocyte preparation: On the 3 smears, there were cent study demonstrated a high percentage (22%) of lymphomas
significant differences in MLDC in some areas, columns or lines, with this aberrant expression pattern. We determined the immuno-
compared to the whole smear, without a common pattern. phenotype of 24 lymphomas by immunohistochemistry (IHC, 22/
Differential count imprecision: Coefficient of variation (CV) for the 24) and flow cytometry (FCM, 18/24). The expression of the
neutrophil count was ,7% for the 3 observers, but for eosinophil, following canine differentiation antigens was studied with FCM:
basophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts CVs were above 48, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD8, CD21, CD45, CD79a, and sIg. For IHC only
100, 19 and 41%, respectively. CVs were slightly lower when CD3 and CD79a were used. We found 14 B-cell lymphomas (58%),
counting 200 or more cells but remained high (27, 86, 13 and 36%, 2 T-cell lymphomas (8%), and 8 lymphomas (30%) with a co-expres-
respectively, with 500 cells counted). Smear effect was statistically sion of CD3 and CD79a (mixed phenotype). Co-expression of CD3
significant for lymphocytes and monocytes in 1 dog, and for and CD79a in FCM was observed in 5/7 cases. In 4 of these the cells
lymphocytes and neutrophils in the other. Observer effect was expressed: sIg, CD21, CD79aþ, CD3þ, CD4þ, CD5þ, CD8.
significant in 1 dog for the monocyte count. Conclusion: MLDC These cases showed a nuclear staining pattern for CD79a in IHC in
is an imprecise method except for neutrophils. contrast to cell membrane staining in positive controls. In two other
cases CD79a was not included in FCM but IHC showed a similar
staining pattern. This pattern as well as the expression of two T-cell
markers combined with only one B-cell marker was suggestive for
4 a T-cell lymphoma with aberrant expression of CD79a. In the
AGNORS AND KI67 AS MARKERS OF PROLIFERATION IN remaining case, CD3 and CD79a were expressed in the cell
CANINE LYMPH NODE CYTOLOGY. N. Bauer, D. Zervos, A. membranes. The cells expressed (FCM): CD21þ, CD79aþ, CD45þ,
Moritz. Clinic for Small Animal Clinical Pathophysiology and CD4, CD8, CD5þ, with a weak CD3 expression. The histological
Clinical Pathology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany. diagnosis of small non-cleaved cell lymphoma (B-cell origin), the
expression of CD79a in the cell membranes and the expression of
The count of Agyrophilic Nucleolar Organizing Regions (AgNORs) more than one B-cell marker could be an indication for a B-cell
is a useful parameter reflecting proliferation in canine lymph node lymphoma with aberrant expression of CD3. Our data indicate that
cytology and histology (Vajdowich 2004); however, it has not been the presence of lymphomas of mixed phenotype in dogs is more
compared to other markers of proliferation yet. The scope of this frequent than previously thought. Since some studies have detected
prospective study was to evaluate the use of Ki67 and AgNORs as chromosome aberrations in lymphomas that co-express CD3 and
markers of proliferation in canine lymph node fine needle aspirates CD79a and have a poor response to treatment, early recognition of
(FNAs). Lymph node FNAs of 115 dogs were included in the study. these lymphomas could be of prognostic value.
At least 3 smears were prepared for a May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain,
a Ki67/AgNOR double stain after fixation with Merckofix (Merck,
Germany), and a CD3/CD79b immunostain if cytological exami-
nation was consistent with lymphoma. The dogs were grouped as 6
normal (n526), reactive hyperplasia (n525), lymphadenitis (n531), UTILITY OF FLOW CYTOMETRY IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF
and lymphoma (n533) based on the physical examination of the CANINE SMALL CELL LYMPHOMA. F. Riondato1, M.E.
lymph nodes and the cytological findings. AgNOR counts/cell and Gelain2, B. Miniscalco1, R. Guglielmino1, S. Comazzi2. 1Dip.
AgNOR areas/cell and the percentage of Ki67 positive cells were Patologia Animale, Grugliasco, Torino, Italy; and 2Dept. of
analysed half-automatically in 100–167 cells using the QWin/ Veterinary Pathology, Hygiene and Public Health, Milan, Italy.
QUIPS software (Leica, Germany). Statistical analysis included an
ANOVA test and an ROC. Mean AgNOR counts/cell were 1.35 6 Cytologic diagnosis of small cell lymphomas (SC-LSAs) remains
0.18 in normal dogs, 1.55 6 0.26 in lymphadenitis, 1.65 6 0.31 in a challenging task. To assess the utility of flow cytometry on fine

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ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) we revisited 21 cases of SC-LSAs effects on CRP and the pre-treatment CRP does not predict patient
submitted to our laboratories over the last two years. Cases were survival time.
classified cytologically, according to the updated Kiel classification,
into: small clear (SCC, 8), lymphoblastic (LB, 4), macronucleolated
medium-sized (MMC, 3), pleomorphic (PSC, 3), lymphocytic (LC, 1
case), prolymphocytic (PRO, 1), and centrocytic (C, 1). Scatter prop- 8
erties confirmed the cytologic definition of small cell LSAs (FSC FELINE MYELOMA RELATED DISORDERS: CYTOLOGICAL
median values significantly different from large cell LSAs). All SCC-, ANALYSIS OF 13 CASES. P.J. Mellor1, R.M. Powell1, J. Archer1,
PSC-, PRO-, and LC-LSAs were of T lineage (13 cases). LB-, MMC-, E.J. Villiers1, S. Murphy2, G. Polton3, C. Belford4, D.J.
and C-LSAs were of B lineage (8 cases), except for one non-B non-T Argyle5, M.E. Herrtage1, M.J. Day6. 1Department of Veterinary
LB-LSA. All T-LSA were positive for CD3 except for one SCC-LSA Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge; 2Animal Health
(CD5þ). They were CD4þ, except 3 SCC- (one CD8þ and 2 CD4- Trust, Kentford; 3Davies Veterinary Specialists, Hitchin; 4Cytopath,
CD8-) and one LC-LSA (CD86). In B-LSA CD21 was always Ledbury; 5Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of
expressed except for the C-LSA. When used, IgM was always posi- Edinburgh; 6Department of Clinical Veterinary Sciences, University
tive, while IgG was mostly negative. Frequent aberrant expres- of Bristol, UK.
sion of antigens in T-LSAs (9/13), mostly in SCC-LSAs (6/8), and
frequent CD34 expression in B-LSAs (3/4) were evident. In par- The myeloma-related disorders (MRD) derive from the neoplastic
ticular, the expression of panleukocyte markers (CD45, CD18) was transformation of a plasma cell or its immunoglobulin secreting B-
frequently diminished or absent (7 cases, all T-LSA but one). The lymphocyte precursors are rare in the cat. The aims of the study
results show that small cell LSAs are mainly T-cell tumours often were to describe the cytological features of a large series of cats with
presenting alterations in antigen expression. We suggest that the MRD, to devise a simple and reproducible morphological class-
detection of aberrant qualitative and/or quantitative expres- ification system and to assess cell morphology with respect to tum-
sion of lymphoid markers could be indicative of clonal expansion. our location. Cases were sourced from all major public and private
Therefore, flow cytometric analysis could be a powerful tool to UK referral centres and laboratories. The inclusion criteria were the
confirm a tentative cytologic diagnosis of lymphoma since FNAB is identification of plasma cell, plasma cell-like or alternatively
minimally invasive in comparison with other diagnostic procedures lymphoid morphology so long as the latter was accompanied by
commonly used to confirm small cell LSAs (surgical biopsy). hyperglobulinaemia (total serum globulin .52 g/L) attributable to
a paraproteinaemia, as evidenced by serum protein electrophoresis.
The morphological diagnosis was confirmed by a joint-panel of
cytologists (JA, EJV, RMP, PJM) following review of the original
cytological specimens. Preparations were optimally stained with
7 May-Grünwald-Giemsa, although some were received pre-stained
CONCENTRATION OF C-REACTIVE PROTEIN IN DOGS WITH with Romanovsky stains. Reports for 17 cases were obtained over
TREATED AND UNTREATED LYMPHOMA: AN INDICATOR OF the period 1990–2004, of which 13 cases had original specimens that
REMISSION STATUS? L. Nielsen, P.D. Eckersall, D. Mellor, L. were confirmed at review. The median age of affected cats was 12
Bence, J.S. Morris. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of years (range 4–14.75 years), 77% were domestic short haired cats,
Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. 38% male, 62% female. Twelve of 13 cases underwent serum
biochemical exams revealing hyperglobulinaemia in all cases and
The acute phase protein C-reactive protein (CRP) has shown serum protein electrophoresis demonstrated a paraproteinaemia in
potential as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in human patients all 12 cases. Plasma cell neoplasia of an abdominal organ accounted
with various neoplasias including Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We for 46% of all MRD cases at initial presentation with half of these
measured CRP in dogs with treated and untreated lymphoma, cases having cytological evidence of multi-organ involvement. The
to assess whether chemotherapy would alter the concentration of liver was the most commonly affected sampled abdominal organ
CRP and whether the initial CRP affected survival. Diagnosis was (n55), followed by the spleen (n53) and intestine (n51). All six
obtained by biopsy and patients were staged and treated with cases with abdominal organ involvement had bone marrow
a standard multidrug chemotherapy protocol. Serum samples were aspiration carried out. Four cases had no evidence of concurrent
obtained from all dogs at the point of diagnosis and before each marrow involvement (,20% plasma cells) and were classified as
treatment. CRP was measured by ELISA (reference range for normal non-cutaneous extramedullary plasmacytoma cases (NCEMP) and
dogs ,10 mg/l). Clinical response to treatment was assessed as n52 had concurrent marrow infiltration. An additional 5 cases had
complete remission, partial remission, stable disease or progressive marrow infiltration, and a further 2 cases had cutaneous masses—
disease. Statistical analysis was performed using MinitabÒ 14. but these groups did not undergo concurrent cytological examina-
Twenty-one dogs with untreated lymphoma were included result- tion of other organs. Tumours were classified as follows: mature
ing in 227 serum samples. At first presentation, only 21% of dogs plasma cell type (n59), proplasmacytic (n53), plasmablastic (n51),
had CRP within the normal range compared to a significantly mixed cell type (n50) and lymphoid (n50). There was no as-
higher proportion of dogs (84%), when in complete remission (p , sociation between tumour location and plasma cell type. In ani-
0.001). There was a significant difference in the median CRP before mals with multi-organ involvement, there were no differences in
treatment and when complete remission was achieved (p , 0.01). A morphologic categorization of the MRD between different tissues of
significant difference was also obtained between dogs in remission the same animal when evaluated by cytology alone. Giant myeloma
(complete or partial) and those with progressive disease (p , 0.001). cells (not previously reported in the cat) with large, segmented
However, there was no difference in CRP between dogs in clinical nuclei, were observed in one case. In man, mature plasma cell type
remission and those in partial remission (p50.34). There was no tumours are more frequently associated with intra-medullary
difference in the change of CRP after administration of vincristine, disease whereas altered morphology to, e.g., plasmablastic type is
cyclophosphamide or anti-tumour-antibiotics. For patients with a associated with extra-medullary metastases and a worsened prog-
high (.24 mg/l, n510) versus low (,24 mg/l, n511) pretreat- nosis. By contrast, in this study, we report that there was no
ment CRP the median survival time was 229 days and 286 days, correlation between anatomical location and plasma cell morphol-
respectively. This was not significant. In conclusion, CRP may be ogy. Specifically, an extramedullary location did not correlate with
useful to see whether the patient is in remission or relapsing under more aggressive cellular morphological features in the cat. This is
treatment. Different chemotherapy agents do not have different further evidence for the hypothesis that a primary extramedullary

Page 476 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006

ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

origin for the neoplastic transformation of plasma cells is more concentrations were found between healthy dogs and dogs with
likely in the feline species. spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism; however, significantly higher
values of Hp, fibrinogen and transferrin were found in the HAC
group. Dogs with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism and evident
concurrent inflammatory conditions showed a significant increase
9 in CRP, Hp and fibrinogen and a significant decrease in albumin
CAN CANINE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID PROTEINS BE MEA- concentrations compared with the healthy animals group. Discus-
SURED BY THE VETTEST UPRO SLIDES? A. Geffré1, C. sion and Conclusions: In conclusion, a particular APP profile
Trumel1, J.P. Braun2. 1Département des Sciences Cliniques and induced by an excess of glucocorticoids has been identified in
UMR 181 Physiopathologie et Toxicologie Expérimentales ENV- patients with hyperadrenocorticism. However, this profile can be
INRA, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Toulouse, France. significantly changed in the case of concurrent inflammation with
the appearance of a typical acute phase reaction.
Background: Evaluation of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a basic
examination in neurology. In-clinic evaluation is based on urine
test strips, which have controversial diagnostic value around the
decision limit (0.3 g/L). The VetTest UPRO slides (IDEXX) are 11
designed to measure urine protein concentration in the same range PRESENCE OF DIROFILARIA REPENS LARVAE IN CYTOLOGI-
as can be expected in CSF. Objective: The purpose of this study CAL SPECIMENS. P. Vajdovich, D. Szécsényi, D. Halmay.
was to compare results obtained with a validated laboratory Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
technique with results of the VetTest UPRO slides. Methods: Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary.
Duplicate analyses of 149 frozen canine CSF were performed by
a manual pyrogallol red (PR) technique (Secoman S500, Seli & Introduction: There is an increasing incidence of Dirofilaria repens
Protéines Urinaires, Sobioda) and by the VetTest. Accuracy of PR infestation in Hungary with endemic areas. Cytological specimens
was controlled before each run with a control urine (Uritrol, 1 g/L, from different organs of dogs may reveal microfilariae that are
Sobioda); between-series imprecision was 4.4% (0.3 g/L). Results mostly distinguishable from Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm). It
were compared by standard statistical procedures with a set of seemed to be important to evaluate whether these organisms cause
macroinstructions for Excel (Analyse-It). Results: The Spearman inflammatory, reactive or neoplastic conditions. Materials and
correlation was good (r50.84). Passing-Bablock agreement equation Methods: From 1995 until 2006 there were 22 cytological speci-
(95% CI) was TPVT50.82 (0.74/0.89)  TPPR – 0.02 (0.04/0.01). mens registered with the presence of Dirofilaria repens larvae. These
Total imprecision (n533; 1.0 g/L) was high (CV527%). VetTest microfilariae were found in different numbers in the specimens.
results were significantly lower (paired t-test, P , 0.0001). Bias was A frequency analysis was performed according to various
proportional, ranging from 0.0 (0.1/0.2 g/L) to 0.6 g/L (1.0/4.5 g/ parameters. Results: Mean age of dogs was 9.5 years (63.4), with
L) (Mann-Whitney test, P , 0.05). At the 0.3 g/L threshold, 19 6 males and 6 females of different breeds. There is an increasing
results were not similarly classified by the two techniques; after incidence of dirofilariasis, as there were 1–4 cases until the end of
correction for bias and taking imprecision into account, only 5 2004 and 11 cases were reported in 2005. With respect to seasonality,
VetTest results (4%) were classified as ‘‘normal’’ when CSF proteins cases were reported in spring (27%), in summer (14%), in autumn
were high by PR. Discussion & Conclusion: Canine CSF proteins (22%) and in winter (36%). Origins of cytological specimens were
can be easily and rapidly measured with the VetTest UPRO slides. skin nodules (n512) and different intrathoracic and intra-abdom-
However, imprecision and accuracy of the slides are responsible for inal areas (n510), such as pericardial cavity (n54), pleural effusion
a limited number of clinical misclassifications around the decision (n51), liver mass (n53), and intra-abdominal cyst (n52). In
limit. Cautious use of results in this zone should be made. cytological samples 8 cases showed an inflammatory process
(24%), while in 14 samples (40%) reactive cell proliferation was
found. Degenerative changes of the liver were found in 3 samples
(9%). No reaction was found in 2 cases (6%) and in 7 samples
10 neoplastic conditions (21%) were reported. Discussion: The
ACUTE PHASE PROTEINS IN DOGS WITH HYPERADRENO- relatively large proportion of cases with the presence of larvae in
CORTICISM: A PARTICULAR PROFILE? M. Caldin1, S. Tasca2, neoplastic masses may raise a theory of an association between
E. Carli2, C. Patron2, S. Martinez-Subiela3, J.J. Ceron3. parasitic infections and the development of tumours in dirofilariasis
Clinica Veterinaria Privata San Marco, Padova, Italy; 2Laboratorio similar to Spirocerca lupi infestations. Conclusion: In spite of the
dAnalisi Veterinarie ‘‘San Marco’’, Padova, Italy; and 3Animal low number of cases we can conclude that dominant alterations
Medicine and Surgery Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, caused by Dirofilaria repens are reactive rather than inflammatory
Murcia, Spain. changes.

Introduction: Despite their great sensitivity as biochemical

markers of inflammation acute phase proteins (APPs) are still not
extensively applied in canine routine practice. One of the causes 12
for this situation, in addition to the few and relatively expensive DETECTION OF CANINE DISTEMPER VIRUS BY LIGHT CY-
commercial kits available for its analysis, can be the insufficient CLER REAL-TIME PCR IN DIFFERENT SAMPLES FROM ITAL-
numbers of studies about the specific behaviour of the different IAN DOGS. M. Trotta, C. Zampieron, L.M. Solano-Gallego,
APPs in individual diseases. In this study, the serum concentrations L. Razia, M. Caldin, T. Furlanello. Clinica Veterinaria Privata
of C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), albumin, fibrinogen ‘‘San Marco’’, Padova, Italia.
and transferrin were investigated in dogs with spontaneous
hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) in order to establish a possible APP Although canine distemper virus (CDV) is generally controlled with
profile for this disease. Materials: Acute phase proteins were live attenuated vaccines, natural CDV cases still occur in Europe. A
measured in the serum of three groups of dogs: healthy dogs variety of assays have been developed for the definitive antemortem
(n544), dogs with spontaneous HAC (n530), and dogs with spon- diagnosis. However, there is a lack of diagnostic tests that permit
taneous HAC and evident concurrent inflammatory conditions the differentiation of natural (N) and vaccine (V) CDV. The first
(n512). Results: No significant differences for CRP and albumin objective was to detect CDV in different tissues from suspected

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ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

sick dogs by Light Cycler PCR (LC-PCR) with Hybridization Heimann1, H.P. Käsermann2, R. Pfister1. 1Novartis Pharma AG,
probes (LC-PCR). The second objective was to determine if melting Toxicology, Muttenz, Switzerland; and 2Institute of Laboratory
curve temperature (Tm) could differentiate between natural Animal Science, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
and vaccine CDV. From July 2003 to May 2006, a total of 587 sam-
ples (blood n5391, CSF n5113 and other tissues n583) were The examination of blood is a key component in laboratory animal
tested. Five different commercial CDV vaccines were assessed. The studies. If large volumes of blood are required, the technique of
total prevalence and prevalence for blood, CSF and other tissues retrobulbar venous plexus puncture is still the method commonly
were 21.8%, 26.9%, 8.8% and 15.6%, respectively. Similar Tm used for blood sampling in rodents. This technique is efficient but
were obtained from different CDV vaccines with a mean and SD has the potential to cause severe tissue damage. As an alternative
of 60.828C 6 0.83. The mean and SD of Tm of 58 CDV-positive method a refined technique of sublingual blood sampling in rats
dogs was 57.798C 6 2.43 and was statistically significantly has been used since 1998. This method yields large volumes (up to 2
lower than vaccine Tm (p50.0077). Positive dogs with Tm higher mL), does not cause severe tissue damage and, therefore, is the
than 58.38C were classified as V-like CDV (n519, 32%) and with Tm recommended blood collection method in Switzerland today.
lower than 58.38C were classified as N-like CDV (n539, 67%). Objectives: Based on the effectiveness of this method in rats,
All dogs classified as N-like CDV were not or not recently vac- a study with anaesthetized male CD1 mice was conducted to
cinated while dogs classified as V-like CDV were divided into develop the puncture of the V. sublingualis in mice. Clinical
5 dogs with a recent CDV vaccine (less than 2 weeks) and 14 that pathology parameters using this alternative technique versus the
were not or not recently vaccinated. This study confirms the conventional retrobulbar blood sampling method were compared.
usefulness of LC-PCR of different tissues for the diagnosis of CDV Method: 300 lL of blood were collected from either the sublingual
infection in dogs. The results showed that N-like CDV is more vein or the retrobulbar venous plexus (n530 animals/group).
prevalent than V-like CDV. Natural infections were also observed to Hematology parameters—total and differential white blood cell
belong to the V-like CDV group in unvaccinated dogs. Other counts, red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte indices
molecular techniques should be applied to differentiate between and platelet counts—were determined using an ADVIA 120 (Bayer
wild type and vaccine CDV. Diagnostics, Munich, Germany). The clinical chemistry parame-
ters—alanine aminotransferase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase,
aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, triglyceride, urea, calcium,
chloride, potassium, sodium, and total protein—were determined
13 with a Synchron CX5 Beckmann Coulter. Results: Differences
ASSESSMENT OF THYROID STATUS IN DAIRY COWS: SERUM between specific blood parameters were observed, depending on
FREE AND TOTAL THYROXINE, IODINE AND SELENIUM. B. the technique used. Increased values for leukocytes, lymphocytes
Siliart, L. Martin, H. Dumonn. Endocrinology and Nutrition and monocytes were found in sublingual blood. Retrobulbar blood
Unit-LDH, National Veterinary School of Nantes, Nantes, France. yielded higher values for alanine aminotransferase, aspartate
aminotransferase and glucose. Conclusion: Sublingual blood
Introduction: Several studies on various troubles in dairy herds collection can be recommended as a suitable method in mice. Due
have focused on Se and I deficiencies. As many other factors may be to the differences in hematology and clinical chemistry parameters,
involved in these diseases, it would be interesting to directly assess the implementation of new reference values is recommended if
thyroid status by measuring thyroxine, free (FT4) or total (TT4), the new method is used.
along with circulating iodine (I) and selenium (Se). Objective: To
establish reference values for serum FT4, TT4, I and Se in lactating
cows for routine control. Materials: Blood samples were collected
from the jugular vein prior to milking. Free thyroxine (FT4) and total
thyroxine (TT4) was assayed with RIA kits (Beckman-Coulter) and 15
iodine and selenium by ICP-MS. Animals: 122 healthy lactating and FLOW CYTOMETRY TO DETECT PHOSPHOLIPIDOSIS IN
pregnant Prim-Holstein cows, 3 to 5 years old from 11 different PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES OF RATS TREATED
herds, grazing on pasture during July in Brittany. Results: 1) WITH AMIODARONE. M.E. Perico, F. Crivellente, P. Cristo-
Means (m), standard deviations (sd), and percentiles (c) 5% and fori. Clinical and Molecular Pathology Laboratory, Safety Assess-
95%: FT4 pM/L (m511.5, sd52.8, c555.9, c95517.5), TT4 nM/L ment Department, GSK Research Centre, Verona, Italy.
(m539.4, sd513.7, c5521.8, c95565.2), I lg/L (m582.1, sd 5 36.1,
c5541.7, c955178.4), Se lg/L (m555.7, sd513.2, c5534.5, Introduction: A flow cytometry method to monitor peripheral
c95571.6). 2) FT4 was correlated with TT4 (p , 0.0001) but neither lymphocyte phospholipidosis has been set up using double-staining
FT4 nor TT4 were correlated with I (p50.46 and p50.23) or with Nile Red and anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (MAb). Blood
selenium (p50.07 and p50.93). I was correlated with Se (p , 0.002). was collected from rats treated with amiodarone (antiarhythmic
3) Age and lactating number had no effect. The FT4 and TT4 values drug, phospholipidogenic). By flow cytometry, it is possible to
were slightly higher in cows whose udders were cleaned with detect neutral lipids (NL) and phospholipids (PL) using Nile Red,
iodinated solutions. A significant herd effect was found for all a probe for intra-cellular lipid staining, changing its fluorescence on
values (p , 0.001). Discussion: The herd differences could be the stained lipid basis. CD3 antigen was selected to focus on T cells,
related to the type of soil, forage and animal husbandry, but the data to evaluate if these cells are the target of amiodarone-dependant
were insufficient to perform a statistical analysis. Conclusion: The phospholipidosis. Materials: Sprague-Dawley male rats were
reference serum values adopted by our laboratory for lactating treated for 14 days with vehicle or 300 mg/kg/day amiodarone
and pregnant cows are FT456 to 17.5 pM/L, TT4522 to 65 nM/L, (n55). Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) were separated
I542 to 180 lg/L, Se535 to 72 lg/L. from whole blood by centrifugation on a density gradient. Cells
were first stained with anti-CD3, then fixed with 1% paraformal-
dehyde and finally stained with Nile Red. Samples were acquired
and analysed using a Partec PAS III flow cytometer. Results: CD3
14 positive T lymphocytes (CD3þ) represent 40%, in both controls and
DEVELOPMENT OF SUBLINGUAL BLOOD SAMPLING IN MICE treated rats. In the total lymphocyte population, PLþ positive cells
WITH ASSESSMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY PARAMETERS are 1% for controls animal, and more than 5-fold higher (about 6%)
AND COMPARISON VERSUS RETROBULBAR SAMPLING. M. for treated animals (p 5 0.008). Focusing only on CD3þ cells, the

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ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

difference is more significant: PLþ cells are 10% for controls and the serum frozen (208C) until assayed. Estradiol was assayed with
40% for treated animals (p 5 0.0056). As expected, there are no a RIA kit from Diasorin (ref P2210) and progesterone with the RIA
evident changes of CD3þ NLþ cells. Comments: Double-staining kit from Immunotech (ref 1188). All assays had been validated for
with MAb and Nile Red gives very good results and it allows horses. Case records of pregnant mares, referred to our laboratory
focusing on specific cell populations. Results show that amiodar- for hormonal assay and with known date of insemination, were
one-treated animals significantly increase the number of vacuolated reviewed. Results: 520 mares were included in the study.
lymphocytes (PLþ). The phospholipidogenic effect is more evident Hormone concentrations varied throughout gestation, from 19 (2)
focusing on CD3þ lymphocytes, thus suggesting that these cells are to 921 (181) pM with a peak at the 9th month for estradiol and from
probably the target of phospholipidosis. 15 (2) to 16 (4) nM with a peak at the 4th month for progesterone.
The sensitivity of the estradiol assay used as a routine test to
diagnose gestation was 74% after the 5th month (threshold value
100 pM) and .95% after the 6th month (threshold value 150 pM).
The progesterone assay was the best routine test for earlier
16 diagnosis (threshold value: 8 nM). The sensitivity then varied from
83% (month 2) to 67% (month 5). Sensitivity could be increased to
TYBUS) IN BROILERS. P. Khazraii Nia, M. Torabi Goodarzi, M.
95.4% throughout gestation by taking the 2 hormones into account
Modirsanei, P. Yussefi. Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty
together with respective threshold values of 8 nM and 150 pM.
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Conclusion: These results show that estradiol and progesterone
assays are useful for the routine biological test of gestation in mares
It has been proved that Chicory root stimulates the production of
after an appropriate choice of threshold values.
bile and empties the gall bladder. This study was conducted on the
hepatoprotective effect of Chicory on broilers with experimental
hepatotoxicity. One hundred twenty (120) one-day-old chickens
(approximately the same weight) were chosen. They were divided
randomly into three groups of 40 chickens each. All of them were
fed a normal diet for one week and on the second week group one
were fed a normal diet (the control group). The second and third 18
groups received tetracycline (4 gr/liter of water). Blood samples THE OVINE ACUTE PHASE RESPONSE TO VACCINATION IN
were collected on the 15th day. In the third week group one was RELATION TO NUTRITION DURING GESTATION. P.D. Eck-
continued on a normal diet (control group) and the second and third ersall1, F. Lawson1, C.E. Kyle2, M. Waterston1, F. Campbell1,
groups (tetracycline groups) had 2% and 1% Chicory powder, S.M. Rhind2. 1Division of Animal Production and Public Health,
respectively, added to their diet. Blood samples were collected on Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
day 21. ALT, AST, LDH and GGT serum activities were measured on UK; and 2Macaulay Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, UK.
serum samples from the 15th and 21st days. The mean serum GGT
activity on the 15th day for groups two and three (tetracycline The acute phase response is the immediate host response to
groups) was significantly increased compared with 15-day-old infection, inflammation and trauma and can be monitored by mea-
control group chickens. The maximum and minimum serum AST suring proteins (APP) such as haptoglobin (Hp) or serum amyloid
activities were shown in group two and three 15-day-old chickens A (SAA). The plane of nutrition during pregnancy is known to
(tetracycline) and group two 21-day-old chickens (2% Chicory affect the resistance to disease of neonatal animals but effects on
powder added to their diet after tetracycline), respectively. There the resting concentration of APP and the dynamics of their re-
was a significant decrease in the mean of serum GGT activity in sponse following stimulation are unknown. Here, the non-stim-
chickens fed 2% Chicory compared with chickens that received an ulated serum concentration of Hp and SAA was determined in
overdosage of tetracycline during the 2nd week. There were no lambs from 3 groups (n510/group). The dams of the lambs of the
significant differences in ALT and LDH serum activity between respective groups were fed 65% of live weight maintenance
15th day sera (control and treatment) and between sera of chickens requirements for the first 65 d gestation followed by 100% of
that received an overdosage of tetracycline and chickens that requirements (increasing according to fetal burden) for the re-
received Chicory in 3rd week. The result of this study suggests mainder of pregnancy (Low/High; LH); 100% of requirements for
that adding 2% Chicory powder has hepatoprotective effects on the first 65 d of gestation followed by 70% of requirements until 125
liver toxicity due to overdosage of tetracycline in broilers. d when they were fed 100% of requirements to ensure adequate milk
production (High/Low; HL) or 100% of requirements throughout
gestation (High/High; H/H). The dynamic acute phase response
in the lambs was estimated by measuring the concentration of the
17 APP following routine vaccination with Heptavac (Intervet)
VARIATION IN PLASMA ESTRADIOL AND PROGESTERONE between days 8–14 and at re-vaccination between days 43–49 after
CONCENTRATION IN PREGNANT MARES: APPLICATION birth. Concentrations of APP were determined before each
FOR A ROUTINE TEST OF GESTATION. B. Siliart, L. Martin, vaccination and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 days post-vaccination. There
H. Dumon. Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit, LDH, National was no significant difference between groups in the non-stimulated
Veterinary School of Nantes, Nantes, France. concentrations of Hp or SAA. Vaccination stimulated the acute
phase response, as measured by area under the Hp and SAA curves
Introduction: Levels of the sex hormones, estradiol and pro- (AUC), and there were reductions in the response of Hp and SAA
gesterone, show important variations during pregnancy. Whereas to vaccination in lambs born to ewes undernourished for part of
the reproduction specialist can use trans-rectal echography to gestation but the differences were not significant. The mean AUC of
follow-up gestation, a laboratory test is required for non-specialist the SAA response was greater after the 1st than the 2nd vaccination
veterinarians, or for dangerous mares. Objective: To establish (P , 0.001) while there was no such difference in the equivalent
reference values for estradiol and progesterone in the mare for Hp response. While no effect of maternal nutrition was found, the
routine laboratory diagnosis of gestation. Material and methods: ability to monitor the dynamic acute phase response following
Estradiol and progesterone were assayed in plasma. Blood samples vaccination may be a valuable procedure to assess individual
were collected from the jugular vein, centrifuged and decanted and differences in their host responses to infection.

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19 suggests that tests on milk generally provide more accuracy than

tests on serum in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis.
SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS. S. Safi1, A. Khoshvaghti1, S.R.
Jafarzadeh2, T. Taghvai3. 1Department of Clinical Pathology,
Faculty of Specialized Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad Univer- 20
sity, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran; 2Department of CYSTATIN C AS AN INDICATOR OF RENAL FUNCTION IN
Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, DOGS. E. Lock, N. Bexfield, J. Archer. Department of Veterinary
University of California, Davis, CA, USA; and 3Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Cystatin C is a small peptide which acts as a protease inhibitor
Introduction: Economic loss due to subclinical mastitis is much and is produced by all nucleated cells, filtered by the glomerulus
greater than that from acute mastitis because the reduction in milk and reabsorbed in the proximal tubules. In human medicine it is
production is gradual, persists for long periods of time, and used as an endogenous marker of renal function, and can be used
undermines the yield of the infected cow. For every clinical case of to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) based on a specific
mastitis, there will be 15 to 40 subclinical cases. Subclinical mastitis formula. It has been proposed that this formula may be used as an
is mostly diagnosed by cow-side tests such as the California Mastitis alternative to the estimation of GFR by plasma clearance methods.
Test (CMT), or by laboratory analyses of somatic cell count (SCC) A particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA) designed
using automatic cell counters. It has been suggested that neither for measuring cystatin C in human plasma and serum has been
CMT score nor SCC is sensitive enough to be useful as a screening validated for use in dogs (Jensen AL, Bomholt M, Moe L. Vet Clin
test for identifying infected mammary quarters among dairy cattle; Pathol. 30:86–90, 2001; Almy FS, Christopher MM, King DP, Brown
therefore, it is of importance to investigate alternative methods for SA. J Vet Int Med. 16:45–51, 2002). Because a decline in GFR with age
has been demonstrated for humans, a parallel study of GFR in
more objective and early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis. Acute
healthy dogs using the plasma clearance of iohexol was established
phase proteins (APR) are a group of proteins which undergo
by one of us (N Bexfield). Samples from these dogs, grouped
substantial changes in concentration following infection, inflamma-
according to age, were used for cystatin C determination and
tion or trauma. There are few reports on APR during episodes of
establishment of age-specific reference intervals. Measurements of
subclinical mastitis. The objective of this study was to evaluate and
cystatin C were also made on serum from dogs with established
compare the accuracy of APR with CMT and SCC in the diagnosis of
renal disease for evaluation of this method as a marker of renal
subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Materials and Methods: Indi-
compromise. The assay measured canine cystatin C in a linear and
vidual quarter milk from 173 Holstein cows on 7 dairy farms around
proportional manner with a mean recovery of 109.1% 6 7.1%, with
Shiraz, Iran were sampled. The cows were milked three times daily.
a CV of 3.3%–10.6%. Haemolysis at a concentration .0.1 g/L was
California Mastitis Test (CMT) and automated counting of somatic
shown to affect the assay. The ‘normal’ group of 101 dogs was
cells (SCC) were performed on milk samples from each quarter.
subdivided according to age into groups with age ranges 0–3, 4–6,
Milk samples were submitted for routine bacteriological examina- 7–9 and 10þ years old. The reference limits established for cystatin
tion. The concentrations of haptoglobin in milk (MHP) and amyloid C were 0–3 years, 0.36–0.72 mg/L; 4–6 years, 0.34–0.75 mg/L; 7–9
A in milk (MAA) and serum (SAA) were determined using ELISA years, 0.38–0.76 mg/L; and 10þ years, 0.26–0.74 mg/L. There was
kits (Tridelta Development Ltd, Ireland) and the concentration of no significant difference between genders or age groups for healthy
haptoglobin in serum was determined using a Haptoglobin Kit animals. The mean cystatin C levels were significantly higher in
(Tridelta Development Ltd, Ireland). Receiver-operating character- a group of 49 azotaemic dogs with serum urea .8.0 mm/L and
istic (ROC) analyses were performed to assess the overall accuracy creatinine .150 lm/L than in clinically healthy ‘normal’ dogs in all
of CMT, SCC, MAA, MHP, SAA, and SHP, and to select cut-off age ranges at p , 0.01. Azotaemic dogs had serum cystatin C
points which provide about 90% sensitivity in diagnosis of levels ranging between 0.841.22 mg/L. Cystatin C levels and
subclinical mastitis using bacterial culture as a gold standard. The GFR measured by iohexol clearance in these dogs need to be
areas under the curves (AUC) of each pair of tests were compared correlated and larger numbers of dogs with severe azotaemia and
using Pearson’s Chi-square test. Results: The bacteriological and dogs with normal creatinine levels but increased GFR need to be
SCC results from the subclinical cases of mastitis and from the studied.
healthy cows showed a significant difference (P , 0.005). MAA,
CMT, and SCC had the highest overall accuracy for diagnosis of
subclinical mastitis and were not significantly different from each
other, but had significantly higher overall accuracy than MHP, SAA,
and SHP. Suggested cut-offs for CMT, SCC, MAA, MHP, SAA, and
SHP were 0, 130.0 3 103, 16.40 mg/ml, 3.90 ng/ml, 159.10 mg/ml, Poster Presentations
and 0.05 mg/ml, respectively. Sensitivities (95% CI) of the above
mentioned parameters were 100, 89.6, 90.6, 90.0, and 90; specificities
(95% CI) were 77.1, 72.0, 98.3, 68.6, 72.1, and 43.0 and AUC (95% CI)
were 0.965, 0.948, 0.998, 0.886, 0.863, and 0.62, respectively. 21
Discussion: The significant difference between milk haptoglobin COMPARATIVE STUDY ON IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN
and amyloid A in healthy cows and cows with subclinical mastitis PUPPIES FED MATERNAL AND NON-MATERNAL MILK. S.J.
indicated that an acute phase response had occurred and that these Aldavood, P. Keyhani, A.R. Karegar, A. Moghadami, H.
proteins may have the potential to be used as diagnostic tests for Bahrami Gorgi. Azad University, Science and Research Center
the diagnosis of subclinical disease. ROC analysis provides an Campus, Shahrekord Azad University, Veterinary Faculty, Iran.
independent way of evaluation of continuous or ordinal tests in
clinical pathology laboratories, and the AUC gives an overall Anemia and particularly iron deficiency can affect the growing
measure of test accuracy. We proposed cut-off points for CMT, SCC, process negatively. Anemia is one of the most important problems
MAA, MHP, SAA, and SHP in diagnosis of subclinical mastitis with in growing puppies. It can have a lot of negative effects on the
high sensitivity (about 90%). While our results suggested MAA as growing process. Iron deficiency anemia is produced by depletion
the most accurate test in this regard, the AUCs of CMT and SCC of iron reserves. Due to this depletion, no iron is available for
were also significantly higher than MHP, SAA and SHP which haemoglobin (Hb) synthesis. Iron reserve depletion happens when

Page 480 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006

ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

the iron consumption or iron loss is considerably more than features when exact localization is not available, determination of
synthesis. In this study 2 groups of puppies (25 puppies in each histogenesis by cytology alone may be impossible.
group) an average of 3 months old were randomly selected. The first
group was considered as the control group and the puppies of this
group were fed maternal milk. The second group was the test group
and the puppies of this group were separated from their mother 23
at two weeks of age. These puppies were fed manually with the A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 82 CASES OF CANINE LYM-
cow’s milk. One ml of blood was collected from each puppy and PHOMA IN AUSTRIA USING THE WORKING FORMULATION
haematological factors such as red blood cell count (RBC), AND IMMUNOPHENOTYPING. A. Guija de Arespacochaga1,
haemoglobin concentration (Hb), hematocrit (PCV) and cellular I. Schwendenwein1, H. Weissenböck2. 1Central Laboratory,
indexes of MCHC, MCH and MCV were measured. The results Institute of Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Univer-
showed that there is a significant difference in ‘‘mean red blood cell sity of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
count’’ between control and test groups (P , 0.05). Differences in
‘‘MCHC’’ between these two groups were also significant (P , 0.05). In humans, numerous studies have shown that the prevalence
Moreover, all of these parameters were compared statistically with of different non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) subtypes differs
their corresponding standard values and all differences were strongly from region to region. A similar pattern is assumed to exist
significant except for ‘‘MCHC’’ and ‘‘MCV’’ between the control in dogs, but not enough empiric research has been conducted yet.
group and relevant standard values. This means that the RBC in The aim of this study was to classify canine lymphomas in Austria
puppies fed with maternal milk are normocytic-normochromic and according to their morphology and phenotype and to compare the
somehow iron deficiency in this group of puppies can be ruled out. results to the findings of similar studies in other countries. We
On the other hand, ‘‘MCV’’ in the test group was significantly classified 82 NHL according to their morphology based on the
different to normal values, so in this group the RBC are microcytic- Working Formulation and their phenotype was determined by
hypochromic and this issue can be an early stage of iron deficiency using anti T-cell and anti B-cell antibodies. Out of these, 42 (51.2%)
anemia. were of B-cell subtype, 24 (29.3%) of T-cell subtype, and 16 (19.5%)
remained unclassified, either because they showed a double
staining of the cells (4/16) or a negative staining (12/16). Diffuse
lymphomas predominated (99%) over follicular lymphomas, while
intermediate grade lymphomas (61%) outnumbered high grade
22 lymphomas (23.2%) and low grade lymphomas (13.4%). The most
CYTOLOGIC FEATURES OF RETROPERITONEAL MASSES IN common subtype was the diffuse large cell lymphoma (40.2%),
DOGS—SOMETIMES TRICKY! A. Guija de Arespacochago1, K. followed by the large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (13.4%) and the
Hittmair2, S. Shibly3, I. Schwendenwein1. 1Central Laboratory, diffuse small lymphocytic lymphoma (13.4%), while follicular large
Clinic for Diagnostic Imaging, 3Institute of Pathology and Forensic cell lymphoma and small noncleaved cell lymphoma were un-
Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, derrepresented at 1.2%. Generally, these results are in line with the
Austria. findings of similar studies in Western Europe, and only small
differences concerning some subtypes were found. Some of
Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of internal these differences could be caused by different classification ap-
organs usually allows a timely diagnosis and the establishment of proaches, differences in antibody specificities or the low number of
an adequate therapeutic plan. The accuracy of cytology regarding patients included in the studies. The remaining, minor dif-
the cytology of internal organs is close to 80% compared with ferences could be caused by geographic factors, but the overall
histology. Identification of the tissue of origin can be very difficult in similarity of the results to the findings of former studies in Western
cases where diagnostic imaging techniques fail to localize the lesion. Europe makes the existence of specific risk factors in Austria
In a 2-year period 7 cases of retroperitoneal masses were sampled: rather unlikely.
6 ultrasound-guided FNAB and one intra-operative touch im-
print. A histological diagnosis has been established in 6/7 tu-
mours. Cytological features of adrenal gland adenocarcinoma
(n53), granulosa cell tumour (n52), and anal sac adenocarcinoma 24
(n52) were compared. Anal sac adenocarcinomas and granulosa CHRONIC MYELOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDER IN A FOUR-
cell tumours showed similar cytologic features, such as high cellular- YEAR-OLD PERSIAN CAT. N. Atyab1, N. Korrami2, R. Maza-
ity, mild anisokaryosis, acinar arrangement of cells, some naked herinezhad3. 1Department of Clinical Science, College of
nuclei, indistinct cell borders, small amounts of cytoplasm, fine chro- Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; and 2Small
matin pattern and indistinct nucleoli. Cytological features of adrenal Animal Internal Medicine and 3Clinical Pathology Laboratory,
gland adenocarcinomas were the most inconstant: one showed College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
features of naked nuclei and fatty vacuoles in the background TN, USA.
considered characteristic for neuroendocrine tumours; another one
was misdiagnosed as granulosa cell tumour because ultrasound A 4-year-old Persian cat was presented to the small animal hospital
examination suspected ovarian tissue. Cytologically there was at the college of veterinary medicine. The animal was recumbent,
a mixed population of naked nuclei, round cells and cells with an depressed, and dehydrated, with anorexia and complications in
acinar arrangement, and an intermediate grade of anisokaryosis breathing. The owner complained about diarrhoea and vomiting
mixed with some giant nuclei with prominent nucleoli. The third during the last two days. The cat’s oral mucosal membranes and
case, a ruptured tumour, showed only few monomorphic slightly gingiva were pale and a little icteric. The haemogram showed
polygonal cells with indistinct cell borders. Cytological differenti- PCV533%, WBC5100,000/ll, segmented neutrophil572%, band
ation between anal sac adenocarcinomas and granulosa cell tu- neutrophil57%, lymphocyte510%, eosinophil58% and basophil5
mours was difficult. The presence or absence of a perianal tumour 7%. There was severe proliferation of the myeloid series and
combined with a retroperitoneal mass in an intact bitch might help presence of a neutrophilic left shift and toxic neutrophils. The
identify the tissue of origin. In adrenal gland carcinoma without erythroid series proliferation was also severe with 46% nucleated
typical features for this tumour, marked anisokaryosis could help to red blood cell (NRBC) and the presence of blast forms of RBCs.
distinguish this from the other two. In cases of atypical cytologic Rouleaux formation was noticed in the erythrocytes and there were

Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Page 481

ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

signs of anaemia with the presence of hypochromia and Howell- levels in newborn calves, before suckling colostrum, were the same
Jolly and Heinz bodies. The packed cell volume (PCV) seemed, as their mothers’, but decreased in T24 and T48 calves, then
however, in normal range, but the anaemia and high serum protein insignificantly increased to two-months-old. The data showed that
level (7.9 g/dl) suggested it should be below the normal range. The suckling calves require iron supplements. These are essential for
liver enzymes showed high elevation in their activities, (AST . 130 calves at birth and may play an effective role in their growth,
U/L and ALT . 130 U/L) which suggested hepatic dysfunction. hematopoiesis and resistance to infections.
There were inflammatory processes in the liver, lungs and intestine,
and the liver was larger than normal on the radiographs. There was
no sign of splenomegaly on the radiographs. The patient did not 27
respond to therapy and died several days after treatment. A USE OF EDTA SAMPLES FOR HEMOSTASIS TESTING. J.J.
myeloproliferative disorder was diagnosed with erythroleukemic Ceron1, E. Carli2, S. Tasca2, S. Martinez-Subiela1, C. Patron2,
reaction, predominanantly MDS-Er or M-Er, in which the GI tract M. Caldin3. 1Animal Medicine and Surgery Department, Faculty of
was involved and produced diarrhea and vomiting. The other Veterinary Medicine, Murcia, Spain; 2Laboratorio dAnalisi Veter-
organs like lungs and liver were involved due to cellular infiltration. inarie ‘‘San Marco’’, Padova, Italy; and 3Clinica Veterinaria Privata
San Marco, Padova, Italy.

25 Introduction: Tests for coagulation are usually made on blood

EVALUATION OF BOVINE COLOSTRAL IgG AND TOTAL collected with citrate tubes. However, EDTA is recommended for
PROTEIN AND THEIR RELATION TO THE ENZYMES GGT CBCs and other hematological analysis, and the possible use of the
AND ALP. N. Atyabi, F. Gharagozloo, P. Khazraiinia, A. same EDTA sample for performing hemostasis tests would have
Bahonar, M. Taheri. Department of Clinical Science, College of evident advantages in routine practice. The purpose of this study
Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. was to evaluate the use of EDTA tubes for the analysis of different
parameters of hemostasis such as prothrombin time (PT), activated
A survey was conducted to investigate the quality of bovine partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), fibrinogen concentration,
colostrum, absorption of its immune proteins and the resulting antithrombin (AT) activity and D-dimer concentration in dogs.
passive immunity transferred to newborn calves. Total protein (TP), Materials: Blood was collected from 50 dogs and placed in EDTA
immunoglobulin G (IgG), and the enzymes gammaglutamyl trans- and citrate commercial tubes. In each paired plasma sample PT,
ferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were assayed, em- aPTT, and fibrinogen concentration were measured on an auto-
ploying 65 bovine colostrum samples. Samples were taken after mated coagulation analyzer with commercially available reagents
parturition. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was assayed by an ELISA and AT activity and D-dimer concentration were measured on an
method. The assayed parameters were as follows: total protein 17.75 automated chemistry analyzer using validated kits. Results: The
6 0.79 g/dl, IgG 12145.09 6 822.96 mg/dl, GGT 10211.17 6 279.52 regression equations for the different parameters from citrate (y)
U/L and ALP 2243.69 6 188.13 U/L. The resulting data revealed and EDTA (x) plasma were: PT y51.268x þ 0.063, R50.90; aPTT y 5
huge amounts of TP and IgG in colostrum pointing to the fact that 0.838x þ 1.934, R50.95; fibrinogen concentration y50.759x þ 63.6,
there is a significant correlation among these two parameters. A R50.97; AT y51.125x þ 2.402, R50.98 and D-dimer y51.110x þ
significant correlation was found between ALP and IgG. The same 0.018, R50.99. Discussion and conclusions: A good correlation
correlation was also seen between GGT and IgG. The resulting data (higher than 0.90) was observed for the values of all parameters
show the colostrum total protein, and the enzymes GGT and ALP tested with citrate and EDTA. With the establishment of appropriate
which are potentially increased with production of colostrum, could reference range values, EDTA samples could be used for hemostasis
help to evaluate the quality of colostrum and if it could transfer testing as an alternative to citrate. This would allow the use of only
sufficient passive immunity to newborn calves. one sample tube for performing hematology and coagulation tests
in routine practice.

CALVES. N. Atyabi, F. Gharagozloo, S.M. Nassiri. Department 28
of Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of COMPARISON OF DOG EOSINOPHIL COUNTS BY STANDARD
Iron has been touted as a necessary element for the normal growth 950 ANALYSERS. J. Coillard, C. Lafond, P. Murgier, N.
of newborn calves. On the other hand, milk is considered to be Bourges-Abella, C. Trumel, J.P. Braun. Departement des
a poor source of iron. To exactly investigate the iron requirements of Sciences Cliniques, Service de Medecine des Carnivores Domes-
Holstein calves during different periods of growth, we designed this tiques, Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Toulouse, France.
study. Serum iron (Fe), total iron binding capacity (TIBC), cerulo-
plasmin and ferritin were measured in 46 newborn calves. Blood Introduction and Background: Eosinophilia is an uncommon
samples were collected from calves at four distinct times: before haematological change in dogs but has high medical significance in
suckling colostrum (T0), after suckling at one-day-old (T24), two- various diseases. Most blood analysers have not been validated for
day-old (T48) and two-month-old (T2mon). Blood iron levels in eosinophil counting in animals. This study was designed to
newborn calves, before suckling colostrum, were the same as the compare eosinophil counts by blood smear analysis as a reference
mothers’, but decreased in one-day-old and two-day-old calves and to results of different methods of analysis. Materials: Eosinophil
continued to decrease until two-months-old. There were significant counts were performed on 58 EDTA-K3 canine blood samples by
differences between serum iron level at T0 and T48 and T2mon (P , manual counts on blood smears and manual counts after phloxine B
0.001). Blood TIBC level was significantly higher in newborn calves 1% stain, and by Hemavet 950 (impedance technology, Drew
at T0 than their mothers’ (P , 0.001), then continued to significantly Scientific, UK) and LaserCyte (flow cytometry technology, Idexx
increase in T24, T48 and T2mon (P , 0.001). Ceruloplasmin at Laboratories, USA) analysers. Results were compared by Passing-
T2mon was in the normal range of the normal adult cow. That Bablok’s regression procedure and Bland Altman plot (Analyse-it,
means transport of iron in two-month-old calves, at least in that part Leeds, UK). Results: Correlation agreement between phloxine (y)
which is related to blood ceruloplasmin, is normal. Blood ferritin and blood smear (x) was good for most values: r50.789 and

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Passing-Bablok’s equation [95% CI]: y50.918 [0.775; 1.115]x þ 0.02

[0.005; 0.041]. Correlation agreements between the manual methods
and the Hemavet 950 were also good (Hemavet (y) vs. blood smear DETECT BILIRUBIN IN RAT SERUM. F. Crivellente, N.
(x): r50.74 and y50.934 [0.730; 1.157]x þ 0.069 [0.030; 0.083]; Bocchini, L. Vandin, P. Cristofori. Clinical and Molecular
Hemavet (y) vs. phloxine (x): r50.76 and y51.179 [0.913; 1.541]x þ Pathology Laboratory, Safety Assessment Department, GSK Re-
0.013 [0.048; 0.047]), whereas they were poor with the LaserCyte search Centre, Verona, Italy.
(LaserCyte (y) vs. blood smear (x): r50.37 and y50.459 [0.228;
0.652]x þ 0.050 [0.030; 0.067]; LaserCyte (y) vs. phloxine (x): r50.45 Introduction: Bilirubin is the main bile pigment that is formed
and y50.585 [0.353; 0.800]x þ 0.034 [0.016; 0.069]). Discussion & from the breakdown of heme in red blood cells. The broken down
Conclusion: In this study, no case of canine eosinophilia (GNE . heme travels to the liver, where it is secreted into the bile by the liver.
1.5 3 10 9 L–1) was detected and all methods agreed on this point. A small amount of bilirubin circulates in the blood and serum
Dog eosinophils are easily counted on standard blood smears. bilirubin is considered a true test of liver function. Background: In
Phloxine B stain could be a new method for total eosinophil drug pre-clinical development, the rat represents the rodent species
counting. Impedance technology of Hemavet 950 seems to correctly used to assess the toxicity of new chemical entities. Bilirubin
distinguish dog eosinophils from the other leukocytes, whereas determination in rat serum is routinely carried out by means of
flow cytometry of LaserCyte does not. However, this study must be colorimetric methods on automatic biochemistry analyzers. Ob-
completed by analysis of canine blood samples with eosinophilia. jective: The colorimetric methods currently used to measure
bilirubin are sometimes a cause of false positive results due to
haemoglobin contamination of serum (haemolytic serum) or direct
interferences caused by the chemistry of some compounds. For this
reason, capillary electrophoresis (CE) was evaluated as an alterna-
tive tool to detect bilirubin in rat sera because the complete
29 automation, the low amount of sample required, and low costs of
FUNGAL PYELONEPHRITIS DUE TO CLADOPHIALOPHORA analysis make CE a valuable alternative tool. Materials: A
BANTIANA IN A DOMESTIC CAT CONTINUOUSLY RESIDENT Beckman P/ACE MDQ instrument equipped with an UV-detector
IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. O. Coldrick1, C.L. Brannon1, has been used with different analytical conditions to identify
D.M. Kydd2, G. Pierce-Roberts2, A.M. Borman3, A.G. Tor- bilirubin in rat serum samples and to compare the results obtained
rance1. 1Torrance Diamond Diagnostic Services, Unit G, The with the colorimetric method currently used. Results and
Innovation Centre, University of Exeter, Exeter UK; 2Kydd & Kydd Discussion: It has been demonstrated that the present CE method
Veterinary Health Clinic, London, UK; and 3Mycology Reference is capable of detecting bilirubin in rat serum samples with
Laboratory, Southwest Health Protection Agency, Bristol, UK. reproducible results and good sensitivity. Abnormal high bilirubin
levels due to the presence of haemoglobin or attributable to the
An eleven-year-old domestic shorthaired cat, continuously resident chemistry of specific compounds in the serum can be easily
in the United Kingdom, presented with weight loss, anorexia and distinguished by means of CE. Conclusion: The method of CE
pyrexia. The left kidney was enlarged and painful on palpation for determination of bilirubin in rat serum represents a good
and ultrasonography revealed a grossly dilated renal pelvis from alternative method in the identification of interferences due to the
which 13 mls of thick flocculent fluid were aspirated. Cytological presence of haemoglobin or of specific compounds.
examination of this material revealed pyogranulomatous inflam-
mation. No bacteria were seen but there were numerous fungal
hyphae associated with adherent leukocytes. Similar fungal hyphae
were detected in the urine. The aspirated material was cultured on 31
Sabouraud’s Dextrose Agar at 308C and after 14 days small dark COMPARATIVE HISTOPATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN LIVERS
green/olivaceous fungal colonies were detected. Bacterial culture OF BULLOCKS SLAUGHTERED IN SALINE AND NORMAL
was negative. The preliminary identification of Cladophialophora WATER AREAS OF THE WESTERN VIDHARBHA REGION OF
bantiana (based on colonial characteristics, morphology of hyphae INDIA. P.S. Gandhewar, P.S. Deshmukh, V.P. Pathak, D.H.
and conidia and an ability to grow at 428C) was confirmed by Rekhate, M.V. Joshi. Department of Veterinary Pathology, Post
sequencing PCR products corresponding to the large ribosomal Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Akola,
subunit region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat. These sequences Maharastra Animal and Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur,
were identical to those of known isolates of C. bantiana maintained Maharastra, India.
at the National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi. Nephrectomy was
declined. Itraconazole therapy (Itrafungol; Janssen) was instituted The Purna river valley of the western Vidarbha region is a unique
at 5 mg/kg once daily by mouth. Despite an initial six weeks of location in the world where the underground water up to 25 km
clinical improvement the cat was euthanised due to suspected area on both sides of the Purna River is known to have very high
involvement of the right kidney and deteriorating renal function. water salinity (above 6000 ppm). With a view to investigate the
C. bantiana is a dematiaceous mould present in soil and rotten impact of water salinity present studies were undertaken by
plant material, often in tropical or sub-tropical regions. Infection collecting 120 liver tissues each from bullocks slaughtered in a saline
with the pigmented hyphae of dematiaceous moulds is referred to water area (SWA), i.e., the Daryapur slaughterhouse and a normal
as haeohyphomycosis, of which C. bantiana is an infrequent cause in water area (NWA), i.e., the Akola slaughterhouse. These tissues
human and animal patients. C. bantiana is, however, neurotropic in were collected irrespective of gross pathological lesions. Gross
both immunocompromised and healthy humans and causes brain pathological lesions were more common in bullocks slaughtered in
abscesses which are often fatal. Cutaneous and systemic cases are saline water area as compared to those slaughter in normal water
also reported. CNS and, less frequently, systemic and cutaneous area. Histopathological examination of 120 liver tissues collected
cases have been reported in domestic cats and dogs. In most from bullocks slaughtered at NWA and SWA showed: congestion
cases, as in this case, no evidence for immunocompromise has been 8.33 and 6.66%, haemorrhages 6.66 and 5.83%, granular degener-
found. Recently, three feline cases have been reported in Europe. ative changes 7.50 and 16.66%, necrosis 5.83 and 7.50%, abscesses
To the best of our knowledge this is the first case of infection with 0.83 and 0%, cirrhosis 5.83 and 21.66% and hydatidosis 20.83 and
C. bantiana in human or animal patients continuously resident in 11.66%, respectively, thus indicating a higher percentage of his-
the United Kingdom. topathological alterations in liver tissues from bullocks collected

Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Page 483

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from the saline water area. Considering the increased number of ogy, Microbiology & Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine,
sections showing perilobular connective tissue hyperplasia in the University of California, Davis, USA.
SWA group, a count of perilobular areas showing hyperplasia of
connective tissue and blood vessels was undertaken in high power Despite effective treatment for canine parvoviral enteritis, many
fields (1003). The average count per high power field in liver dogs still die of complications related to septicaemia or are
sections from the NWA and SWA groups was found to be 1.59 and euthanized because of anticipated high costs. More effective
2.29, respectively. The significantly increased counts of periportal prediction of the outcome of this disease will have an economic
and perilobular connective tissue proliferation in liver sections from impact if a prognosis can be determined early in the course of the
bullocks maintained in the saline water area indicated low-grade disease. A prospective study was performed on 62 puppies with
chronic hepatotoxicity through water salinity. The present in- confirmed canine parvoviral enteritis. Serial full blood counts were
vestigation thus indicated adverse effects of water salinity on the performed on a daily basis until death or discharge. Of the 11
health status of bullocks maintained in a saline water area, as puppies that died (18%), 9 died from complications of the disease
evident from histopathological changes of liver tissues. and 2 were euthanized due to financial restrictions and a poor
prognosis. Death occurred within the first 3 days of hospitalization
and a full post-mortem and histopathological examination were
performed on each case. Statistical analysis of the data showed that
in non-survivors (NS), the mean total leukocyte count did not rise
32 above 2.0 3 10 9/L. In the survivors (S), the total leukocyte count
started rising within 24 hours of admission and often resulted in
a rebound leukocytosis. The NS remained lymphopaenic, whereas
M.E. Gelain1, M. Mazzili1, F. Riondato2, L. Marconato3,
the surviving puppies developed lymphocytosis within 24 hours of
S. Comazzi1. 1Dep. of Veterinary Pathology, Hygiene and Health,
admission, indicating an immune response. The NS also did not
University of Milan, Italy; 2Dep. of Animal Pathology, University of
develop monocytosis and remained severely eosinopaenic during
Turin, Italy; and 3‘‘L’Arca’’, Veterinary Clinic, Naples, Italy.
the course of the disease. Histopathology showed that most of the
NS had marked to severe thymic and lymphoid atrophy and
Cytomorphological features are widely used to identify and classify
marked to severe bone marrow hypocellularity. The red blood cell
lymphomas. However, criteria such as percentage of neoplastic
parameters were minimally affected in both groups. The study
cells, cell size and pleomorphism are difficult to standardize among
showed significant differences in the platelet count between S
different pathologists, quality of the smears and area of the slide
and NS. At 24 hours and 48 hours post-admission a significantly
examined. Flow cytometric analysis of fine needle aspiration (FNA)
higher percentage of NS showed marked thrombocytopaenia
samples could be a useful and minimally invasive technique to
compared with S. These results show that a reliable prognosis
provide more objective information together with cytological
could be obtained at 24 and 48 hours after admission by evaluating
examination. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological
the total leukocyte, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil and platelet
and immmunological features of different subtypes of lymphoma
by flow cytometry, comparing results to cytological examination.
Thirty-four neoplastic lymph nodal samples obtained by FNA were
submitted for flow cytometric and cytological analysis: 23 were B-
cell and 11 were T-cell neoplasms. According to the updated Kiel
classification, B-cell neoplasms were: 14 centroblastic, 1 centrocytic,
2 lymphoblastic, 2 macronucleolated medium-sized LSA and 2
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) infiltrating lymph nodes. T-
H.R. Haddadzadeh, Kh. Pirali, A. Sadrebazzaz, N. Sadreshir-
cell neoplasms were: 4 small clear cells, 5 pleomorphic, 1 large
azi, A. Gerami. Iran.
granular lymphocytes (LGL) lymphoma and 1 case of T-cell ALL
infiltrating the lymph nodes. Two lymphomas were of B-cell
One hundred serum samples were collected randomly from camels
lineage, but morphological diagnosis did not permit assignment
(Camelus dromedarius) in the biggest camel slaughterhouse of Iran,
of a precise entity. Forward scatter (FSC) properties were higher in
near Tehran (Varamin) from Sept. to March 2004. The camels had
centroblastic lymphomas compared with other entities. Lympho-
been transferred to the slaughterhouse from different parts of
mas defined as small cell lymphomas had a lower FSC, in particular
Iran: Khorassan, Hormozgan, Baloochestan and Booshehr. The sera
the small clear cell lymphomas. Analysis of immunopheotype
were used to evaluate IgG antibody against Neospora caninum using
revealed some unusual antigen expressions. In particular, dimin-
IFAT. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 6% of camels: in 3
ished CD79a expression (10/21 B-cell lymphomas), CD34 expres-
camels (3%) at a titer of 1:20, in 2 (2%) at a titer of 1:40, and in 1 (1%)
sion by 4 B-cell lymphomas and other aberrant expressions, like
at a titer of 1:80 using whole N. caninum tachyzoites in IFAT slides
CD45dimCD3CD4þCD8þ in a T-cell lymphoma, were noted.
(VMRD Inc., Pullman, WA 99163,USA). Of 100 studied camels, 83
Flow cytometry analysis on FNA samples could be useful not only
were male and 17 were female. Only 1 female was identified as
because it allows the contemporary identification of the antigenic
constellation and aberrant CD expression, but also because the more
precise definition of percentage and size of neoplastic cells is
minimally affected by smearing procedures.
33 T. Gaál. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary
THE USE OF HAEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS AS PROG- Science, Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary.
Goddard1, A. Leisewitz2, N. Duncan3, M. Christopher4. Introduction: A reticulocyte (RET) count traditionally evaluated
Departments of 1Companion Animal Clinical Studies, 2Veterinary by manual method is an important index of erythropoesis and is an
Tropical Diseases, and 3Paraclinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary essential part of classification of anaemias. Background: The CELL-
Science, Onderstepoort, South Africa; and 4Department of Pathol- DYN 3500Ò haematology analyzer (CD) has a semi-automated

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RET-counting option for human patients based upon a supravital hemoglobin is different from mammalian hemoglobin and even
staining technology. Objective: To evaluate the usefulness and at pH 5 8.6 its charge is positive.
reliability of CD’s RET-assay in healthy dogs and cats and to compare
its results with those of the manual method. Materials: Twenty-six
healthy dogs and 16 cats were involved in the investigation. RBCs
and RETs were measured by the built-in programme of CD 38
(‘‘reticount mode’’) providing absolute the RET-count and RET-%. THE INFLUENCE OF CHICORY ON HEMATOLOGICAL PA-
For the manual method brillant-cresyl blue was used for staining RAMETERS IN BROILERS WITH HEPATOTOXICITY INDUCED
RETs on a blood smear. Three-hundred RBCs were counted on each BY TETRACYCLINE. P. Khazraii nia, M. Heidarpour, M.
smear by two individuals and the RET-% was calculated. Results of Ahmadi, S. Saei, A. Bahonar. Departement of Clinical Sciences,
absolute (T/L) and relative (%) RET-counts for both methods were Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran. Tehran, Iran.
compared. Results: The manual and CD absolute RET-counts in
dogs were 0.08 6 0.09 vs. 0.11 6 0.08 (NS) and in cats 0.17 6 0.19 vs. This study was designed to examine the effects of chicory (Chicorium
0.09 6 0.04 (NS), respectively. Manual and CD RET-% in dogs were intybus) powder on hematological parameters in broilers with
1.15 6 1.5 vs. 1.58 6 1.26 (NS) and in cats 1.73 6 1.82 vs. 0.89 6 0.59 experimentally induced hepatotoxicity. Eighty one-day-old broilers
(p , 0.05), respectively. Discussion: Healthy dogs showed similar (approximately the same weight) were chosen. They were divided
RET-% measured by the two methods while in cats the manual randomly into 4 groups of 20 chickens each. All of them were fed
method expressed higher RET-% than CD. It is a default setting of CD a normal diet for one week and on the second week, group one
in reticount mode that RBC-count can be measured when it is less chickens were fed a normal diet as the control group. The second,
than 10 310 12/L. Unfortunately, in cases of higher RBC-count RET- third and fourth groups received tetracycline (4g/lit of water).
% results can hardly be accepted. Conclusion: While absolute RET Blood samples were collected on 15th day. At the third week, group
values were similar in dogs and cats provided by the CD and manual one chickens were continued on the normal diet as the control group
methods, we found that in feline blood due to the frequent presence and the second and third groups given the overdosage of
of macroPLTs or PLTaggregation the RBC-count from the CD is often tetracycline had 2% and 1% chicory powder, respectively, added
falsely increased; therefore, the RET-% is lower. Further studies on to their diets. The fourth group was continued on the diet contain-
a higher number of blood samples should be performed using both ing tetracycline only. Blood samples were collected on the 21st day.
methods in healthy and anaemic patients. PCV, RBC counts, WBC counts and WBC differential counts were
measured on the 5th and 21st day blood samples. There were no
significant differences in measured hematological parameters
between different groups.

H.R. Haddadzadeh, P. Khazraiinia. Departement of Clinical TWO CASES OF FELINE ANAPLASMOSIS IN AUSTRIA: DI-
Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, AGNOSIS AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ASPECTS. G. Kirtz1, P.
Tehran, Iran. Ludwig1, M. Meli2, H. Lutz2, B. Czettel1, D. Thum1, E.
Leidinger1. 1Invitro Veterinary Laboratory, Vienna, Austria; and
Toxoplasma gondii is a coccidian parasite that infects a wide range of Laboratory of the Veterinary Medical University, Zurich, Switzer-
warm-blooded animals including birds. Cats and other genera of land.
the family Felidae have been identified as definitive hosts of the
parasite. Humans can become infected through oocysts of the Anaplasma (Ehrlichia) phagocytophilum is a frequent infectious agent
parasite and/or consumption of raw and semi-cooked meat of in dogs in Austria, transmitted by Ixodes ricinus. We idenitifed
infected intermediate hosts. Ostriches like other birds can be an Anaplasma in 2 cats for the first time in Austria. Both animals were
intermediate host of the parasite. In the present study, 200 blood from the southern part of the country and presented to the referring
samples were taken from ostriches from farms around Tehran and veterinarian with fever, anorexia and a history of tick infestation.
tested for IgG antibody against T.gondii using IFAT. No positive case Hematological findings were a marked thrombocytopenia and
was observed at a 1:20 titer. The eggs of ostriches have been a moderate regenerative anemia. In one case morulae could be
imported to Iran currently for the first time to establish their hus- shown in neutrophils on a blood smear. Serology was done by
bandry. It is expected that Toxoplasma infection will be introduced indirect immunofluorescence, and the infectious agent was identi-
to ostrich farms of Iran in the future via oocyst-shedding cats. fied by Taqman-PCR. Further data on the seroprevalence of
Anaplasma phagocytophilum in cats are being collected at the
moment. In areas with a high rate of anaplasmosis in dogs or
humans the disease should be considered as an important
differential diagnosis for other feline infectious diseases.
nia, M. Ahmadi Hamedani, M. Haidarpour, M. Ahmadzadeh.
Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 40
Blood samples were taken from 16 starlings. Total hemoglobin was Coillard, P. Murgier, N. Bourgès-Abella, C. Trumel, J.P.
measured and hemoglobin types were determined by the cellulose Braun. Département des Sciences Cliniques, Service de Médecine
acetate electrophoresis method using tris glycine buffer (pH58.6). des Carnivores Domestiques, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Toulouse,
Two separate bands were observed, but unlike mammalian France.
hemoglobin types, the direction of their movement was toward
the cathode pole. The test was repeated but this time the samples Eosinophilia is an uncommon haematological change in cats but has
were located on anode pole. Two hemoglobin fractions moved high medical significance in various diseases. Most blood analysers
toward the cathode pole again. Probably the structure of avian have not been validated for eosinophil counting in animals. This

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study was designed to compare two manual methods and two and 2 protein bands for whole antigen of male and female, uterus
analysers, the Hemavet and LaserCyte. Eosinophil counts were and gut, respectively. In immunoblotting common bands were
performed on 62 EDTA-K3 feline blood samples by manual counts observed between 45–90 KDa, and also there was a 35 KDa band for
on blood smears and manual counts after Phloxine B 1% staining, gut antigen and a 110 KDa band for uterus antigen. This result
and using the Hemavet 950 (impedance technology, Drew Scientific, showed that the protein band with 35 KDa molecular weight can be
UK) and the LaserCyte (flow cytometry technology, Idexx Labora- used as a diagnostic antigen in the serological studies of infection
tories, USA) analysers. Results were compared by Passing Bablok’s with H. Contortus.
regression procedure and Bland Altman plot. The total WBC was
much higher with the Hemavet than with LaserCyte (paired t-test ,
0.001, mean difference of 3.9 3 10 9/L WBC). The agreement be-
tween the eosinophil manual count on the blood smear (x) and the 43
analysers (y) was poor for the Hemavet and good for the LaserCyte. NEUROLOGICAL, CYTOHISTOLOGICAL, AND IMMUNOPHE-
The Passing Bablok’s equations were [CI 95%]: y50.867 [0.518– NOTYPICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SPINAL LYMPHOMA
1.305] 3 þ0.009 [0.202–0.117] for the Hemavet; and y50.981 IN A CAT. B. Miniscalco, F. Sammartano, A. Valazza, M.T.
[0.775–1.268] 3 þ0.220 [0.116–0.244] for the LaserCyte. Correlation Capucchio, E. Maggi, F. Riondato, R. Guglielmino. Dip.
was better with the LaserCyte (r50.65) than with the Hemavet Patologia Animale, Grugliasco, Torino, Italy.
(r50.32). There was no significant difference in eosinophil count
between Phloxine and Hemavet (paired t-test . 0.05), whereas it A DSH male 8-year-old FeLVþ cat was referred for paraparesis and
was significally higher with the LaserCyte (paired t-test , 0.001). urinary and fecal incontinence. Neurological findings localized the
The clinical classification of values as ‘‘normal’’ or ‘‘high’’ at the lesion in the lumbosacral segments of the spinal cord (L4–S3).
1.5 3 10 9/L threshold showed discrepancies according to the Radiography of the thoracolumbar spine was normal, while
method but this probably results from the differences in total WBC myelography revealed an abrupt and symmetrical interruption of
count. This study suggests flow cytometry gives a better estimate of contrast at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. No alterations of the
eosinophil counts in cats than impedance technology. However, it CSF were detected. The cat was euthanized. Anatomo-pathological
must be investigated in larger numbers of eosinophilia cases. investigations revealed an extradural proliferation (EM) involving
the nerves of the cauda equina, the sacral spinal ganglia and
spreading cranially to L2; a mesenteric well defined gelatinous mass
(AM) and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (LN) were present.
41 Cytological examination of AM and EM revealed a monomorphous
A SURVEY OF FELINE HYPERTHYROIDISM IN AUSTRIA: 1995– population of medium to large-sized lymphocytes with basophilic
2005. E. Leidinger, J. Leidinger, P. Ludwig. Invitro Veterinary cytoplasm, irregularly clumped chromatin and prominent nucleoli.
Laboratory, Vienna, Austria. Small lymphocytes and macrophages were also present in EM. LN
presented a reactive pattern. Histologically, EM and AM consisted
Hyperthyroidism in cats is caused by thyroidal adenomas in older of round to polygonal cells classified as atypical immature
cats (.8 years) and is the most common feline endocrinopathy. The lymphocytic cells organized in sheets, separated by a thin fibrovas-
disease was only very sporadically diagnosed in Austria before cular stroma, with disseminated necrotic areas and cellular debris.
1995. Our survey, therefore, shows some interesting aspects of an More differentiated cells, plasma cells and macrophages were
‘‘emerging’’ disease over a period of 10 years. We analysed data of frequently observed in EM. The proliferation involved the lepto-
more than 100,000 cats submitted by veterinarians from all over meninges and, at the lumbar level, also the neuroparenchyma
Austria to our laboratory. In about 1800 cases hyperthyroidism was showing a perivascular distribution. Both the cytological and
diagnosed (T4 concentration .50 nmol/l). Data on the prevalence histological diagnosis was lymphoma for EM and AM, with
in comparison to other countries, breed, age, sex and additional a reactive mononuclear population in EM, and reactive lymph
biochemical parameters that frequently are raised in hyperthyroid- node for LN. Neoplastic cells were CD79aþ (IHC) and CD21þ (flow
ism (ALP, ALT) are presented in this retrospective study. We also cytometry); thus a diagnosis of B-cell LSA was made. Finally, FeLV
show an unusual topographic distribution of hyperthyroidism in infection was confirmed by PCR on peripheral blood cells; proviral
Austria. sequences were detected by PCR also in EM, AM, and LN.

42 44
TORTUS. B. Meshgi, S.H. Hosseini, A. Eslami. Department of A. Nikpey. Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary
Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Medicine, University of Tehran, Research Center for Ticks and
Tehran, Iran. Tick-Borne Diseases (RCTTD), Tehran, Iran.

Heamonchus contortus is a worm which may cause severe anemia The tick Boophilus annulatus is an important ectoparasite of cattle
leading to the death of infected animals and economic losses. Its that is present in West Africa, Central Africa, Asia and certain parts
diagnosis may be performed through parasitological and serolog- of Southern Sudan. Many investigations have been done on
ical tests as well as clinical symptoms. The objective of this study acquiring resistance to Boophilus micropolus in infested cattle. In this
was to determine the immunodominant and diagnostic antigen of study responses of infested cattle against soluble salivary gland,
H. contortus. In the present study 4 different antigens including soluble larval, and ovary extracts of Boophilus annulatus antigens
the whole antigen of male and female as well as uterus and gut were tested. It has been shown that these ticks induce an immune
were used. To collect positive serum, 10,000 third stage larvae were response in infested animals. Four cattle were each experimentally
administered to five lambs and two lambs free of infection were infested with 10,000 Boophilus annulatus larvae and their humoral
used as the control group. SDS-PAGE and western blotting immune response to salivary gland, ovary and larval extracts
were used for determination of electrophoretic patterns and specific during infestation were determined by an enzyme-linked immuno-
antigen of H. contortus. Our findings showed the presence of 4, 5, 11 sorbent assay (ELISA) at different intervals. Salivary glands and

Page 486 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006

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ovary were dissected from ticks in cold PBS and rinsed in fresh PBS, Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Buda-
and then these organs and tick larvae were homogenized in PBS pest, Hungary.
containing 1 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride at 48C following
sonication for 10 min on ice with 40 W. The homogenates were Introduction: WBCs in blood smears of barn owls (Tyto alba) have
centrifuged at 10,000g for 30 min at 48C, and the supernatants were not been studied so far. Objective: WBC parameters of 80 (38
stored at 708C. The protein content of the extracts was determined female and 42 male) captive juvenile owls aged between 30–70 days
using the method of Bradford (1976). Positive and negative were determined for establishing reference intervals for juveniles of
reference sera from infested and uninfested cattle were used to this species. Materials: Blood samples were collected from the
standardize the enzyme immunoassay. The ELISA, using different wing veins of manually restrained birds into EDTA tubes using a 24-
tissue preparations as antigens, showed high sensitivity. Our results G needle. Blood smears were fixed in methanol and stained with
showed a positive reaction with sera from cattle infested with 8 ticks Giemsa solution. The WBC count was estimated on the blood
as well. All extracts from salivary gland, larvae, and ovary showed smears by counting the number of WBCs per high power field (403)
positive reactions with all sera tested starting from the first week in ten different fields. Differentials were evaluated by examining 300
of infestation. Interestingly, in all cases a slight decrease in the leukocytes. Gender of the birds was determined by PCR amplifi-
antibody level was observed within the second and third week of cation of CHD-W and CHD-Z genes using either the P2/P8 or the
infestation. After this time the level of antibody increased. These 2550F/2178R primer pairs. Results: The estimated WBC count
results suggest that common antigens are present in different tissues was 11.5 6 5.4 3109/L. Dominant WBCs were heterophil
of B. annulatus. granulocytes (54.1 6 11.6%) while lymphocytes, monocytes and
eosinophil granulocytes were 41.8 6 11.3%, 3.6 6 3.3% and 0.5% 6
0.9%, respectively. In 30–50-day old birds (n525) the WBC count
was 13.7 6 5.9 3109/L while in the older ones (51–70-day-old,
n555) 10.6 6 4.9 3109/L (NS). The gender of the owls did not affect
45 the number and distribution of WBCs. Conclusion: Reference
intervals for WBC parameters of juvenile barn owls are established
and are similar to those of other owls.
M.D. Parra1, F. Tecles1, L. Soler2, K. Papasouliotis2,
C. Trumel3, J.J. Cerón1. 1Animal Medicine & Surgery De-
partment, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Murcia, Spain; 2De-
partment of Clinical Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol, UK;
and 3Département des Sciences Cliniques des Animaux de Sport et
de Loisirs, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Toulouse, France.
COMA. D. Szécsényi, P. Vajdovich, T. Gaál. Department of
Introduction: In human medicine, CRP and TSA have been
Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István
reported to provide useful information for differentiating benign
University, Budapest, Hungary.
and malignant effusions. In veterinary medicine canine CRP has
been evaluated in effusions showing differences among transudates,
Introduction: Immunohistochemical examinations were per-
modified transudates and exudates but has not been used to detect
formed to detect multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1), ATP-
malignancy, while TSA has not been investigated in effusions. The
binding cassette named P-glycoprotein (Pgp) on paraffin-embedded
aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic utility of CRP and
splenic hemangiosarcoma samples obtained from splenectomized
TSA in distinguishing effusions from dogs with malignancies and
dogs. Materials and Methods: We examined 8 samples obtained
non-malignant diseases. Materials: 61 canine pleural and abdom-
from 6 different breeds (3 females, 5 males) by a double blind
inal effusions (32 neoplastic and 29 non-neoplastic) were assessed.
method. Metastasis was found in five dogs. Mean age of the dogs
CRP was measured by using a time-resolved immunofluorometric
was 12 years. Immunohistochemical examinations were made by
assay (Parra et al, 2006), whereas TSA levels were determined by
using the avidin-biotin complex peroxidase method and a mouse
using a colorimetric assay (Roche, Germany). Results: No signif-
monoclonal antibody against Pgp (clone: C494). The degree of
icant differences were found in CRP (P 5 0.66) or TSA (P50.52)
expression of Pgp was indicated on a 4-point scale according to the
values between neoplasic and non-neoplastic conditions. CRP
percentage of positively staining malignant cells. Score 1 was
concentrations ranged between 0.051–56.85 lg/ml and between
assigned to 0–10%, 2 to 10–50%, 3 to 50–80%, and 4 to 80–100% Pgp
0.055–48.37 lg/ml in neoplastic and non-neoplastic effusions,
positivity. Results: Score 2 was found in 3 cases, score 2.5 in 2
respectively. TSA values varied between 58.26 and 4382.8 mg/L in
cases, score 3 in 2 cases and score 4 in 1 case. The mean Pgp score
the tumoral group and between 57.16 and 4303.28 mg/L in the non-
was 2.6. We found a positive correlation between the degree of Pgp-
tumoral one. Discussion: Our attempt at using CRP and TSA for
expression and the presence of multiplex metastasis (r50.89, p ,
helping in the diagnostic work-up of effusions failed. In human
0.01). Discussion: We suggest that this method is suitable for
medicine studies supporting and detracting the usefulness of CRP
determining MDR in hemangiosarcoma cases to enable us to get
and TSA have been described but the cause of this discrepancy is not
a closer prediction of the disease-free interval after chemotherapy
fully understood. Further studies should be performed to assess any
followed by splenectomy.
possible correlation of canine CRP and TSA with the size or
invasiveness of the tumours. Conclusion: CRP and TSA measure-
ments in canine effusions are not suitable for the diagnosis of
K. Thoren-Tolling. Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Bl Stjärnans
Animal Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.
EVALUATION OF WHITE BLOOD CELLS IN JUVENILE BARN A 12 year old cat, DSH, castrated male, was presented because of
OWLS (TYTO ALBA). Z. Szabó1, A.  Klein2, A. Beregi1, T. Gaál1. poor appetite, signs of ataxia for 3–4 days, weakness, increased
Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Science, water intake and weight loss over the last weeks. It was attacked
Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary; and 2Department of and bitten by another cat about 2 weeks earlier. The cat had

Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Page 487

ESVCP Annual Meeting Abstracts

a normal vaccination record comprising FRV, FPL and FCV. The dog, an Alaskan malamute, 1 year old intact female, was
Laboratory data: RBC 3.6 3 10^12/L, hemoglobin 60 g/L, PCV presented because of weight loss and watery yellow diarrhea over
19% (MCV/MCHC 52/316 WNR), and moderate anisocytosis and the last week, anorexia/poor appetite and occasional vomiting. The
HJ bodies; leukopenia and neutropenia, WBC 1.8 3 10^9/L, dog had been roaming around freely about 10 days earlier.
Neutrophils/segmented 0.8, bands 0.2, lymphocytes 0.9, and Hematology was normal except for the PCV (57%). Chemistry data
monocytes 0.1 3 10^9/L; thrombocytes 72,000/lL; and reticulo- (renal and liver panels) were normal, except ALP 4.6 lkat/L (Ref: 0–
cytes: 28,840/lL (RPI , 2). RBC morphology revealed Hemobarto- 4.2) and albumin 24 g/L (Ref: 25–38). TLI 46.5 lg/L (Ref: 5–45), B12
nella organisms, and the cat was positive for Hemobartonella and Folate were within normal range. Amylase was 37.8 lkat/L
haemominutum by PCR. The cat was FIV positive verified by (Ref. 0–30 lkat/L). Rectal scraping and smears revealed an
serology. Chemistry was normal except for albumin 24 g/L (Ref: inflammatory reaction with many squamous epithelial cells and
25–38) and phosphate 0.7 mmol/L (Ref: 0.85–2.60). Coagulation a mixed abnormal intestinal flora with round to oval extracellular
times (APTT and PT) were prolonged. Red cell osmotic fragility algal organism of various sizes, with a granular basophilic
was markedly increased (Coombs’ test was not performed). Ultra- cytoplasm and thin clear wall. Larger organisms may have
sound revealed an enlarged spleen and liver with normal structure. contained endospores. The size varied from 3–12 l wide and 3–15
The cat was initially treated with vitamin K and i.v. fluids, and later l long, consistent with Prototheca organisms. Intestinal bacteria
on with doxycycline. Discussion & Conclusion: The pronounced included large numbers of short, fat, Gram-positive rods with
anemia and the increased erythrocytic fragility were probably subterminal spores of Clostridium type, rods of Bacilli type and small
related to the extracellular Hemobartonella organisms; the abnormal numbers of spiriliform bacteria. Additional findings included excess
chemistry data seemed related to the anorexia; and the leukopenia fat droplets, fibrin threads and mucous material in addition to
was consistent with FIV infection. Hemobartonella organisms were inflammatory and epithelial cells. A fecal occult blood test revealed
observed in moderate numbers and classified as Mycoplasma small amounts of blood. The animal was treated with i.v. fluids,
haemominutum which is often seen with immunosuppressive trimethoprim/sulfa and diet prescription. The dog recovered and
disorders and could under such conditions induce anemia and regained appetite in about a week after treatment was initiated.
haemolytic disease with clinical signs comparable to M. haemofelis, Discussion and Conclusion: The dog had probably eaten
normally considered more pathogenic. In Sweden, Mycoplasma contaminated material when roaming around in a muddy area
hemominutum is more often seen in cats than M. haemofelis. The with water ponds and puddles. The alga Prototheca is ubiquitous in
combination with FIV infection suggests the possibility of Hemo- the environment and may cause intermittent, often bloody diarrhea
bartonella infestation of a primarily nonpathogenic, opportunistic in the dog. A disproportional number of cases have been reported in
nature, developing into an acute haemolytic condition. Collies. The observed organisms were extracellular, but intracellular
location in macrophages and neutrophils is reported. Increased
populations of sporulated bacteria (Clostridium) mostly combined
49 with diarrhea/loose stools seems to be rather common in dogs in
Sweden and often combined with signs of malassimilation. The
Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Bl Stjärnans Animal Hospital, prevalence of spiriliform bacteria is not known in this case and only
Gothenburg, Sweden. occasionally observed in our population of dogs.

Page 488 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Vol. 35 / No. 4 / 2006

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