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Transportation is the important factor in the advancement of civilization and is the

lifeblood of commerce. Broadly speaking, transportation means the action or process of
carrying person’s goods from one place to another for a country to enter world market,
and have destroyed the monopolistic position of many producing countries.
Transportation helped colonization and development of many sparsely populated
countries like U.S.A, Canada, South Africa and Australia. The development off
transportation has brought the different parts of the world in the close touch with one
another as well as shortened the time in covering the distances. In many countries man
himself was the only means of transport till recently ex. Central Africa, China and India.
In some countries man employs man animals in his service and also employs them as his
beats of burden. Horse, Camel, Elephant, yak is used for transportation purpose.
Transportation is essential not only to meet consumer’s demands but also the best
interconnection between different countries. Thanks to them who invited the
transportation system, which is a valuable boon to build up a nation.
Transport means conveyance or movement of goods and persons from one places to
Transport is helpful in reaching man targeted goals. The following are the some of the
important of transport.
1) It facilities agricultural development
2) It helps to industrial development
3) It helps to development of Trade and Commerce.
4) It helps to better utilization of natural resources.
5) It widens the mark

The below are some of the objectives of Transportation viz-
1. It is needed in marketing of essential commodities to the people at their doorways.
2.Transportatin is labour-intensive industry providing employment to millions of people.
3.It is essential for national defence.
4.By facilitating the movement of goods from place of abundance to place of scarcity
transportation stabilizes the prices of goods.
5. It affects in earning more national income and offers possibilities for economic
development in under developed countries.

Broadly speaking, the means of Transport can be classified into 3 main divisions.
1.Land transport.
2.water transport.
3.Air transport.
Among these 3 modes of transport, Road transports are recognized as a growth of
commerce and Industry in almost all the countries. It is growing very rapidly and use of
motor-transport has increase phenomenally inspire of very high price of petroleum since
1974.Motor transport has not lost its dominance in any country. On account of
tremendous growth of motor transport, road development program in a planned and
phased manner has assumed considerable importance.

Indian transport system

In India Road Transport services are operated both by public and private sectors. But
rapid increase introspect of passenger traffic has lead to keen competition among the
private agencies and people were unable to copy up with the prices changed by them.
Another reason for the establishment of public transportation system was growing
population, which was beyond the control of private agencies. This leads to
nationalization of transport system. And as a result state transport undertaking emerged
and K.S.R.T.C is one of them.


 To have the practical knowledge of the working of an organization.

 To know where the KSRTC stands in this competition world.

 To view the technological advancements made in the KSRTC.


 The study was conducted at the central office of KSRTC, Bangalore.

 The analysis is purely on the information furnished by the respective dept.

 Time limit was the major constraint.

 As per the company rules many information was not disclosed’






KSRTC was set up under the Road Transport Corporation Act 1950, in the year 1961
with 1792 buses and is wholly owned by the government of Karnataka. Government of
India is also a shareholder in this corporation.

The Karnataka State Road Transportation Corporation has been established by the state
government under Section -3 of road Transport Corporation act, 1950. The main concern
of the corporation is to provide efficient economical and well co-ordinate system of
transport to the traveling public

The corporation has been continuously striving to translate its vision of providing safe
convenient reliable and economic transport service to public into reality. In this endeavor,
KSRTC is guided by a strong sense of social
It offers concessional passes to students, physically handicapped persons and free passes
to freedom fighters and blind persons.
Till august 1997, KSRTC was holding a fleet of 10,400 buses, operating about 9500
schedules. In August 1997, KSRTC was divided and a new corporation for Bangalore
Metropolitan transport corporation (BMTC) was carved out of KSRTC. In November
1997, another new Road Transport Corporation called North Western Karnataka Road
Transport Corporation (NWKRTC) to cater to the traffic needs of North Western part of
Karnataka was carved out of KSRTC. Recently one more corporation North East
Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NEKRTC) was formed with its corporate office
at Gulbarga.

KSRTC has an extensive service network in Karnataka and also to important destinations
in neighboring states operating 4334 schedules covering 16.33 lakh kms to carry 22.50
lakh passengers everyday. 92% of the villages in monopoly area (6743 out of 7298) and
44% in non-monopoly area (5158 out of 11789) have been provided with transport
facility by KSRTC

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