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Thesis Summary

We proposed a model which is an approach to efficient and secure file system in cloud
storage. We used some methodology in our model such as:-
1. Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
2. The Central Authority (CA)
3. Data Owner
4. Data User

And also used some algorithms:-

1. Algorithm for Symmetric Key Generation
2. Algorithm for Advance Encryption Standard

During implementation of model we used Visual Studio and SQL Server Management, and for
module design we used programming language.

In this proposal, basic key attributes and efficient time factors are combined in private cloud
access control systems. This methodology has two major capacities: on the one side, the
properties are inherited by attribute based encryption for fine granularity in cloud storage data
while the other side introduces the mechanism of trapdoor which is the feature of time release
encryption. In this method, time with hour, date, month and year factor has been implemented
and that is published and exposed at every time instant by related trapdoors.

Our method becomes highly efficient by the addition of certain time based attributes
process in cloud storage. Our scheme does not allow user access right after predefined time
period. During the user initiation and revocation process, the data owner could be offline, with a
significant workload. In this model, we associate each data element with an access structure to
attributes and an access time. We identify each user using registration information and a series of
qualifying periods that indicate how long the user is eligible for these attributes. This is the
validity period of his access right.

Process of uploading data, first we generate secret key and sent to user email. With the
secret key and AES algorithm, have to encrypt the data then upload it on cloud server. Using this
authorized secret key user decrypt the data and in case of any un-authorized access, severer
automatically sends the email to data owner that un-authorized is trying to access. If user/un-
authorized user tries to access data-owner account’s data more than two time then automatically
server will block the data-owner’s account. Only data-owner has ability to un-block own account
with email id. After that data owner has to delete the uploaded data or share continues over

Conclusion of my work is we proposed the model for better security of access control and
data storage in a cloud environment. Our proposed model allows each user's access rights to be
effective within a set period of time and allows the CSP to download the encrypted data on the
server. Before encrypted data uploading, data will encrypted by using AES and Symmetric key
algorithms. We improved the security of user access and storage data confidentiality by adding
security model during user revocation. In case of any un-authorized accessing, we are add some
security model for increasing the access control security and storage data security, such as alert
message by mail, block data owner’s account, and delete uploaded data. And we are also
increased the one level of time attribute for better access control.
This way my work concludes with an approach for better optimized result on efficient
and secure file system in cloud storage along with implementation of AES Algorithm.

Q.1 Tell me something about you?

As you know my name is Aniruddh Kumar. And I recently post-graduated with Master of
Technology in computer science & engineering from the Kamla Nehru Institute of technology
Sultanpur UP with 8.0 CGPA. And my Research area is Efficient & secure file system in cloud
storage. I published one survey paper on load balancing in cloud computing. During my M.Tech,
I attended some faculty development program and also received their certificate.

And currently, I am working as Guest lecturer in Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj

Government Polytechnic Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. And my responsibility is teaching to
related subject of CSE & IT Department such as C language, Data Structure, Python etc. and also
responsible to their lab.

I have completed my B.Tech in 2013 from Rajasthan Technical University and after that
I have worked 4 year in government sector as a district in-charge on contract basis but I have a
deep interest in software development, this is why I decided to do M.Tech. I’ve worked hard in
my education and now I’m ready to apply my knowledge into practice.

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