General and Special Journals

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General and Special Journals

Special Journals – recurring transactions

Sales Journal- Are for all sales on account or sales that is still uncollected, Sales on Account

Date/Invoice No./ Account Debited (Name of Co.) /Post Ref./Terms: Accounts Rec. Dr. Sales Cr.

Cash Receipts Journal- Normally limited to sales, Cash is the only debit

Date/ Official Receipt/ Description/ Cash and Sales Discount Debit, Accounts Receivable Sales and Other
Accounts (Account Title, Post Reference, Amount) Credit.

Purchase Journal- Purchase on Account

Date/ Receiving Report/ Account Credited (Name of Co.)/Accounts Payable Credit. Purchases, Supplies,
Purchase Equipment (Account Title, Post Reference, Amount) Debit.

Cash Disbursements

Date/ Check No./ Description/ Cash, Purchase Discounts Credit, Accounts Payable, Purchases and other
accounts (Account Titles, Salaries Payable, Rent Expense, Equipment, Prepaid Insurance, Post Reference,
Amount) Debit.

The General Ledger shows the controlled account

The subsidiary ledger is the one by one account of companies.

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