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NU-664C-05-20PCFA FamilyPsychiatric Ment.Hlth I

Started on Sunday, 13 December 2020, 12:50 AM Quiz navigation
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Completed on Sunday, 13 December 2020, 1:40 AM
Time taken 50 mins 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Marks 44.00/96.00
Grade 45.83 out of 100.00 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Question 1 A 16 y/o girl is brought to your office for an initial consultation. Since her parent's divorce three 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Correct months ago, she has been irritable and has had problems keeping up her grades in school. She
Mark 2.00 out spends most of the time at home and does not want to engage in social activities. She denies 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
of 2.00 any change in her appetite or weight, reports being able to sleep well, and denies any feelings of
Flag helplessness or hopelessness. What would be the best initial treatment of this patient? 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Select one:
Show one page at a time
a. A trial of citalopram
Finish review
b. Supportive psychotherapy ! Correct: Psychotherapy is indicated as an initial
treatment plan, particularly given the length of time of symptoms and identifiable
precipitating event.

c. Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy

d. Inpatient admission to an inpatient adolescent unit

The correct answer is: Supportive psychotherapy

Question 2 A 22 y/o woman is referred to your office by her family physician for an evaluation of her
Incorrect "depression." Her PCP is unsure whether she is suffering from depression or something else.
Mark 0.00 out Which of the following characteristics is more consistent with a persistent depressive disorder
of 2.00 (dysthymia) versus major depression?
question Select one:
a. Episodic course

b. Numerous neurovegetative symptoms

c. Presence of psychotic symptoms

d. Symptoms that are lower in intensity and chronic in nature

e. Severe impairment in functioning " Incorrect: Dysthymia symptoms are less severe but

The correct answer is: Symptoms that are lower in intensity and chronic in nature

Question 3 A 40 y/o woman with bipolar disorder presents to your office after starting a new medication.
Incorrect She reports that she was doing "well" until she got a viral gastroenteritis and was unable to eat
Mark 0.00 out for several days. While the viral symptoms have resolved, she now complains of nausea and
of 2.00 vomiting, ataxia, and tremor. Which of the following studies would you order?
question Select one:
a. Carbamazepine level " Incorrect: Lithium is a medication frequently used to Bipolar
Disorder. Elevated levels of lithium can result in toxicity characterized by the symptoms

b. Depakote level

c. Head CT

d. Lithium level

e. Urine toxicology screen

The correct answer is: Lithium level

Question 4 A 46 y/o man presents with a long-standing belief that his thoughts are being taken from his
Incorrect head and used to create a blockbuster movie. He is certain that the government is involved
Mark 0.00 out because they often communicate with him through a microchip they have implanted in his brain.
of 2.00 What would this most likely diagnosis be for this gentleman?
question Select one:
a. Major depression with psychotic features

b. Schizoaffective disorder

c. Schizophrenia

d. Psychosis secondary to a general medical condition

e. Bipolar disorder I with psychotic features " Incorrect: This individual is exhibiting
positive symptoms of schizophrenia.

The correct answer is: Schizophrenia

Question 5 A 70 y/o woman presents to her PCP complaining of fatigue for the past seven weeks. She
Incorrect admits to difficulty falling asleep, a poor appetite with a 10-lb. weight loss, and thoughts of
Mark 0.00 out wanting to die. She admits to having had symptoms similar to these on several occasions in the
of 2.00 past, but "never this bad." Her medical problems include asthma and HTN. She uses an albuterol
Flag inhaler only as needed. Which of the following symptoms is additionally necessary in order to
question make a diagnosis of major depressive disorder?

Select one:
a. Depressed mood

b. Decreased appetite

c. Excessive guilt " Incorrect: Depressed mood, along with other symptoms such as
sleep disturbance, weight changes, and appetite loss is required to meet criteria for MDD.

d. Fatigue

e. Homicidal ideation

The correct answer is: Depressed mood

Question 6 A child who is indifferent toward its caregiver and is just as easily comforted by a stranger as by
Incorrect a parent may be assessed as having which attachment style?
Mark 0.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. Secure " Incorrect: This type of attachment may be seen in children whose caretaker
was rejecting the child in some way so the child learns to be more self-reliant than to seek
out the caregiver.

b. Avoidant

c. Disorganized

d. Ambivalent

The correct answer is: Avoidant

Question 7 A client says to the PMHNP, "Some days life is just not worth it. All I do is argue with my boss,
Correct fight with my wife, and yell at my kids. Things would be a lot calmer and simpler if I just wasn't
Mark 2.00 out around anymore." The most therapeutic response for the PMHNP to make is ________.
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. "Do you mean you want to kill yourself?"

b. "Are you thinking about leaving your wife and quitting your job?"

c. to remain silent and let the client continue

d. "Tell me what you mean when you say it would be simpler if you weren't around." !
Correct: Utilizing clarifying statements shows the patient you are listening and encourages
further communication. This will also identify a potential safety risk if there is a question of
intent for self-harm.

The correct answer is: "Tell me what you mean when you say it would be simpler if you weren't

Question 8 A new client has the following symptoms: Has had insomnia for five days, sees "devils" walking
Incorrect across the room, cannot recall when she last ate, carries a large notebook with numerous
Mark 0.00 out unusual drawings and lists of project that are "in the works," and has drawn abstract pictures in
of 2.00 ink on her forearms and clothing. The client is most likely diagnosed with ________.
question Select one:
a. Cyclothymia

b. Substance-induced anxiety disorder

c. Dysthymia " Incorrect: The behaviors are consistent with a manic episode with
psychosis. Psychosis, with or without visual hallucinations, may accompany a manic

d. Schizoaffective disorder, depressive subtype

e. Bipolar I with psychotic features

The correct answer is: Bipolar I with psychotic features

Question 9 A PMHNP is using a cognitive-behavioral approach to help an adolescent client change self-
Incorrect defeating behaviors. Which of the following would a PMHNP highlight when using CBT?
Mark 0.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. Feelings " Incorrect: CBT is a form of therapy that focuses on how thoughts, beliefs,
and attitudes affect feelings and behaviors.

b. Introjection

c. Beliefs

d. Transference

The correct answer is: Beliefs

Question 10 According to American Diabetes Association recommendations, how frequently should fasting
Correct plasma glucose/HbA1C and fasting lipid profile be monitored in patients treated with
Mark 2.00 out antipsychotic agents?
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. Every 6 weeks

b. Annually

c. Baseline, 12 weeks, then annually ! Correct: Standard practice is to monitor plasma

glucose/A1c and lipids at baseline, then in 3 months, then annually.

d. Every 2 years

The correct answer is: Baseline, 12 weeks, then annually

Question 11 According to the DSM, which of the following would you find when doing a history on a client
Incorrect with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder type II who is currently in a depressive episode?
Mark 0.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. History of prior manic episodes " Incorrect: Criteria for Bipolar II disorder includes
prior hypomanic episodes, but there are no prior manic episodes in this type of Bipolar

b. Far more manic episodes than depressive episodes

c. No known history of hypomanic or manic episodes

d. Prior hypomanic episodes without prior manic episodes

The correct answer is: Prior hypomanic episodes without prior manic episodes

Question 12 Among the different types of temperament, which one is associated with more impairment of
Incorrect brain functioning, and in the absence of positive nurturing parenting, is a risk factor for later
Mark 0.00 out development of psychiatric disorders?
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. Easy

b. Slow to warm up/inhibited " Incorrect: The is temperament is associated with a

negative approach to new things, slow adaptation to change, and difficulties around
socialization and expectations of family, school, and peers.

c. Mixed

d. Difficult

The correct answer is: Difficult

Question 13 Antonio is an 18 y/o single male who recently dropped out of his first semester of college. He
Incorrect says he could not continue in his courses because he was feeling uncomfortable in class and
Mark 0.00 out was receiving failing grades. Prior to this, he relays symptoms including anxiety, excessive
of 2.00 worrying, trouble relaxing, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. He says he worries about
Flag "everything," especially his health, finances, his future, and the health of his family. The PMHNP
question diagnoses Antonio with ________.

Select one:
a. generalized anxiety disorder

b. somatic symptom disorder " Incorrect: Criteria for generalized anxiety disorder
include excessive and uncontrollable worry accompanied by physical symptoms, such as
feeling tired, headaches, muscle tension, and sleeping difficulties.

c. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

d. illness anxiety disorder

The correct answer is: generalized anxiety disorder

Question 14 Assessing resiliency is a part of the overall mental health evaluation process. Resiliency could be
Correct defined as ________. "
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. adaptability
b. resourcefulness

c. self-efficacy

d. the ability to bounce back from negative life experiences

e. All these answers are correct. ! Correct: Resilience is the measure of how well an
individual can cope with both good and bad things in life and be able to succeed and
prosper. Self-esteem plays a role in this as well.

The correct answer is: All these answers are correct.

Question 15 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a code set by the American Medical Association. Its
Correct function is to ________.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services
b. communicate uniform information about medical services

c. describe services for billing purposes

d. All of these answers ! Correct: The intent of the medical code is to identify services
and communicate this information to insurance companies and accreditation organizations.

The correct answer is: All of these answers

Question 16 Cyclothymia is different from Bipolar I and II in that the patient needs to experience symptoms
Correct for at least ________ with numerous hypomanic and depressive episodes that do not meet criteria
Mark 2.00 out for hypomania or depression.
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. one year

b. two years ! Correct: The symptoms of cyclothymia are less intense but longer lasting,
generally for at least two years.

c. three years

d. 6 months

e. 18 months

The correct answer is: two years

Question 17 In the biopsychosocial theory of the development of psychiatric disorders, it is proposed that
Incorrect psychiatric disorders are due to a combination of ________.
Mark 0.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. exposure to adverse experiences and a large social support network " Incorrect:
Illness develops as a result of an interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.
This theory was proposed by Dr. George L. Engel.

b. compromised brain development and adverse experiences

c. small family size and challenging learning experiences

d. democratic parenting style and limited financial resources

The correct answer is: compromised brain development and adverse experiences

Question 18 Leonard avoids going out to eat with his family at restaurants. He is concerned that others may
Incorrect watch him and criticize his table manners. He also has difficulty going to grocery stores and
Mark 0.00 out public swimming pools. Which of the following is his most likely diagnosis?
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. Agoraphobia " Incorrect: Criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder includes fear/anxiety
about 1 or more social situations where an individual may be judged.

b. Specific situational phobia

c. Social anxiety disorder

d. Generalized anxiety disorder

The correct answer is: Social anxiety disorder

Question 19 Part of the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder must include which of the following?

Mark 0.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. A persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 1 month
question b. A persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 1 week

c. A persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 2 weeks

d. A persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 6 months "
Incorrect: The symptoms of mania (distinct persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable
mood) must be present for at least a week to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

The correct answer is: A persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting for at least 1

Question 20 A term used to explain a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and
Correct phrases is ________.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. flight of ideas
b. word salad ! Correct: Word salad may occur as a symptom of a neurological or
psychiatric condition in which a person makes an attempt to communicate an idea or
thought but words and phrases that may appear to be unrelated and random come out
instead. Oftentimes the person is not aware that he or she did not make sense. It may be
seen in people with dementia and schizophrenia, among other disorders.

c. tangentiality

d. circumstantiality

e. looseness of association

The correct answer is: word salad

Question 21 People with recurrent panic disorder usually present with ________.

Mark 2.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. a low level of general anxiety
question b. cardiac/respiratory symptoms of distress ! Correct: People who have not had optimal
affect development have problems with emotional regulation. Difficulty with emotional
regulation may cause problems with impulsive behaviors, inability to express feelings, and
mood swings.

c. la belle indifference

d. clear precipitants

The correct answer is: cardiac/respiratory symptoms of distress

Question 22 People whose affect development has proceeded optimally are more aware and less emotionally
Correct reactive. Which statement about people who have problems with affective regulation is true?
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. They have a great deal of trouble describing their feelings.
b. They lack self-awareness.

c. They have poor body awareness of emotional arousal.

d. All of these answers ! Correct

The correct answer is: All of these answers

Question 23 Pharmacotherapy for manic episodes or mixed episodes in the acute phase includes ________.

Mark 2.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. mood stabilizers
question b. antipsychotics

c. benzodiazepines

d. All these answers are correct. ! Correct: Mood stabilizers and antipsychotics are
considered first line medications for manic or mixed episodes. Benzodiazepines may be
indicated for short term us in these episodes for treatment of mania and agitation in acute
manic episodes.

The correct answer is: All these answers are correct.

Question 24 Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a treatment approach that focuses on both the
Correct present and future. Which statement best describes this approach?
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. It is a conversation that is directed at developing and achieving the client's vision of
solutions. ! Correct: This type of therapy focuses on the present and future rather than
the past. The goal is to reorient the patient to solutions rather than to problems and work
towards clear and small goals.

b. The solution is almost always related to the problem.

c. It is a way to develop clear, concrete, and nonspecific goals with the client.

d. It is a creative approach that includes music and art as the therapy.

The correct answer is: It is a conversation that is directed at developing and achieving the
client's vision of solutions.

Question 25 Symptoms of anxiety and panic are associated with a low level of which neurotransmitter?

Mark 2.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. Cortisol
question b. Dopamine

c. Norephinephrine

d. Gamma-aminobutyric acid ! Correct: Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is one of the

key neurotransmitters involved in anxiety. GABA is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in
the brain and plays an important role in reducing the activity of many neurons, and works to
relieve anxiety.

e. Glutamate

The correct answer is: Gamma-aminobutyric acid

Question 26 The essential differences between mania and hypomania are duration of time and severity of
Incorrect symptoms. Which of the following statements reveals this distinction between the two
Mark 0.00 out diagnoses?
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. In hypomania, an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasts for at least four days and
there is not marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.

b. In hypomania, an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasts for at least three days and
leads to marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.

c. In hypomania, an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasts for at least four days and
leads to marked impairment in social and occupational functioning. " Incorrect: In
hypomania, the symptoms are present for at least four days and do not produce a marked
impairment in functioning. This is in contrast to mania, in which the symptoms are present
for at least seven days and do cause impairment in functioning.

d. In hypomania, an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasts for at least seven days but
does not lead to marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.

The correct answer is: In hypomania, an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasts for at least
four days and there is not marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.

Question 27 The Id, Ego, and Superego _________.


Mark 2.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. are the three primary psychic structures that make up the mind
question b. are responsible for mental functioning

c. commonly come in conflict over what to do to achieve gratification

d. None of these answers

e. All of these answers ! Correct: According to Freud, the Id refers to primitive part of
the brain associated with aggressive drives and gratification, the superego acts as the moral
compass, and the ego is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the Id and
the superego.

The correct answer is: All of these answers

Question 28 The purpose of the American Nurses Association's Scope and Standards of Psychiatric-Mental
Correct Health Clinical Nursing Practice is to ______.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. define the role and action for the NP ! Correct: This describes the services that a
PMHNP is deemed competent to perform and is allowed to undertake. It describes the “who,
what, where, when, why, and how” of nursing practice.

b. establish the legal authority for the prescription of psychotropic medications

c. define the legal authority of the PMHNP

d. define the differences between the physician role and the NP role

The correct answer is: define the role and action for the NP

Question 29 The role of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system is to function as ________.

Mark 0.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. a communication medium
question b. a gatekeeper for transmissions " Incorrect: Neurotransmitters provide a means of
chemical neurotransmission between neurons.

c. a building block for amino acids

d. an agent to break down enzymes

The correct answer is: a communication medium

Question 30 Which of the following definitions of statutory law is correct?


Mark 2.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. Statutory law outlines the rules and regulations for each state and may provide
Flag restrictions in practice unique to a specific state. ! Correct: Statutory law refers to state
practice and licensure laws provide for all nurse practitioners to evaluate patients, diagnose,
order tests, manage treatment including medications, under the exclusive licensure authority
of the state Board of Nursing.

b. Statutory law is a process by which an agency of state government grants permission to

individuals accountable for the practice of a profession.

c. Statutory law protects the public by ensuring a minimal level of professional competence.

d. Statutory law is a process that provides title protection.

The correct answer is: Statutory law outlines the rules and regulations for each state and may
provide restrictions in practice unique to a specific state.

Question 31 A patient who has just been started on Haldol 5 mg po bid is complaining of a sudden painful
Correct stiff neck and jaw muscles. This is most likely ________.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. akinesia
b. akathisia

c. dystonia ! Correct: Dystonia is a potential side effect of antipsychotic drugs. A

dystonic reaction is a sudden, sustained, involuntary muscle spasm which can often affect
the muscles in the face and neck.

d. somatization

The correct answer is: dystonia

Question 32 Which of the following is closely related to poor functional outcomes in patients with
Incorrect schizophrenia?
Mark 0.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. Hallucinations, distorted perceptions, and/or paranoid delusions " Incorrect: Cognitive
impairment is a an important marker and indicator of a poor functional outcome.

b. Negative symptoms

c. Disorganized clinical symptoms

d. Cognitive impairment

The correct answer is: Cognitive impairment

Question 33 Which of the following statements best describes the nurse-client relationship?

Mark 2.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. The primary focus is on the nurse's need to gather information about the client.
question b. Goals in the nurse-client relationship are intentionally left vague until the relationship is
better established.

c. In the nurse-client relationship, the responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the
nurse to reach out and make a connection.

d. There is no place for social interactions between the client and the nurse.

e. The primary focus is on the client and his/her needs. ! Correct: The relationship is an
alliance which is goal oriented and focused on growth and healing.

The correct answer is: The primary focus is on the client and his/her needs.

Question 34 Which of these brain structures puts emotional meaning on a stimulus, forms emotional
Correct memories, and is involved with rage and fear?
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. Hippocampus
b. Basal ganglia

c. Amygdala ! Correct: The amygdala works on the regulation and encoding of emotional
memories in the brain.

d. Midbrain

The correct answer is: Amygdala

Question 35 Which structure in the brain is responsible for temperature regulation, thirst, appetite, endocrine
Correct control, and sleep and wakefulness?
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. Basal ganglia
b. Amygdala

c. Thalamus

d. Hypothalamus ! Correct: This area of the brain links the nervous system to the
endocrine system via the pituitary gland. Because of these connections, the hypothalamus
controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, sleep, and circadian rhythm.

e. Hippocampus

The correct answer is: Hypothalamus

Question 36 Who is generally credited with developing dialectical behavioral therapy?


Mark 0.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. Melanie Klein
question b. Aaron Beck " Incorrect: Marsha Linehan is a psychologist who is credited with
developing DBT.

c. B.F. Skinner

d. Marsha Linehan

e. Harry Stack Sullivan

The correct answer is: Marsha Linehan

Question 37 Each state has its own Board of Registration for Nursing, but the federal agency NONPF
Correct regulates the practice of PMHNPs.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag True
False !

Incorrect: The NONPF is the only organization committed to promoting high quality NP
education at the national and international levels.
The correct answer is 'False'.

Question 38 A 32 y/o woman is brought to the ED by police after she was found standing in the middle of a
Incorrect busy highway, naked, commanding the traffic to stop. In the ED, she is agitated and restless,
Mark 0.00 out with pressured speech and an affect that alternates between euphoric and irritable. Her father is
of 2.00 contacted and states that this kind of behavior runs in the family. Which of the following is the
Flag most likely diagnosis?

Select one:
a. Dementia " Incorrect: The client’s presentation is consistent with a manic episode.
She appears to be psychotic, is exhibiting labile and changeable moods, and the statement
by her father indicates a possible genetic component. These are symptoms seen in Bipolar
Disorder Type 1.

b. Hypothyroidism

c. Bipolar disorder type I, manic

d. Cyclothymia with psychosis

e. Schizophrenia

The correct answer is: Bipolar disorder type I, manic

Question 39 During group therapy, a client asks the PMHNP group leader for advice on how to handle the
Incorrect stress of her new job. The best approach for the leader is to ________.
Mark 0.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. answer her question directly
b. enlist the other group members to respond

c. encourage the client to speak to her after the group

d. use silence " Incorrect: Group members act as a support network and help members
develop ideas to deal with a difficult situation or life challenge.

The correct answer is: enlist the other group members to respond

Question 40 A 17 y/o girl with a history of asthma presents to her FNP for a physical exam prior to going to
Incorrect college. Upon questioning, the FNP learns that she has felt irritable for the past six months since
Mark 0.00 out breaking up with her boyfriend of two years. She says she feels tired all the time and comes
of 2.00 home from school every day, lies on the couch, and watches TV. Her grades have dropped
Flag because she cannot concentrate. Despite her fatigue, she complains of difficulty sleeping. She
question has lost 12 lbs. over the past six months. She no longer hangs out with her friends, has dropped
some of her after-school activities and is considering not even going to college since she can't
imagine things will ever get better. Her H&P is normal. Which of the following symptoms of
depression in this patient differs from that of an adult?

Select one:
a. Anhedonia

b. Decreased concentration " Incorrect: In children and adolescents, depressed mood

may present as irritability.

c. Insomnia

d. Irritable mood

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Irritable mood

Question 41 A 32 y/o woman presents to her PCP with the chief complaint that she is anxious about the way
Incorrect she looks. She notes that for as long as she can remember, she has felt there is something
Mark 0.00 out wrong with her face. She thinks her eyes are too far apart and that her nose is misshapen. She
of 2.00 states that this concern is ruining her life because she spends all her time isolated from others
Flag so that they cannot see her face. There does not seem to be anything unusual about her
question appearance. Even when her PCP gives her positive feedback, she is not convinced it is true.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Select one:
a. Delusional disorder

b. Obsessive-compulsive disorder " Incorrect: Symptoms of this disorder include being

preoccupied with a perceived flaw in appearance, which causes significant anxiety.

c. Body dysmorphic disorder

d. Somatization disorder

e. Anxiety disorder

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Body dysmorphic disorder

Question 42 A 37 y/o man with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder develops an alteration in his level of
Incorrect consciousness, marked muscle rigidity, mild fever, hypertension, leukocytosis, and an elevated
Mark 0.00 out CPK. He has been transferred to the ICU and is being treated for acute renal failure. A recent
of 2.00 change in which medication is most likely responsible for this presentation?
question Select one:
a. Lithium " Incorrect: This is a typical antipsychotic. Typical antipsychotics have a
higher risk of neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

b. Citalopram

c. Fluphenazine (Prolixin)

d. Clonazepam

e. Benztropine

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Fluphenazine (Prolixin)

Question 43 A 44 y/o man comes to see you complaining of insomnia and poor concentration since he was
Incorrect fired from his job a few weeks ago. He reports being hopeful that he will find a new job soon and
Mark 0.00 out has sought out the support of his family and friends. However, he has found it difficult to pursue
of 2.00 some of his regular daily activities, such as going to the gym. He has also noticed that he feels
Flag very tired during the day, which he attributes to poor sleep. Given this history, what is this
question patient's most likely diagnosis?

Select one:
a. Acute stress disorder

b. Major depressive disorder " Incorrect: DSM-V criteria for an Adjustment Disorder
include: emotional or behavior symptoms within 3 months of a specific stressor; more stress
than would normally be expected in response to this stressor or the stress impacting home,
work, school, etc; symptoms are not due to another mental health disorder or part of the
natural grieving process.

c. Dysthymia

d. Cyclothymia

e. Adjustment disorder

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Adjustment disorder

Question 44 A patient who has been taking venlafaxine for major depressive disorder says that recently he
Incorrect has not be able to sleep and he spends increasing amounts of time writing letters to his
Mark 0.00 out congressman about ways to reduce the national debt. The PMHNP is concerned about this
of 2.00 change and feels the most likely explanation for the change in this man's clinical picture is
Flag ________.

Select one:
a. non-compliance with medication

b. worsening depression with psychotic features " Incorrect: Antidepressants may cause
an activation of an underlying, undiagnosed mood disorder resulting in mania or

c. emergence of hypomania

d. probable substance-use issues

The correct answer is: emergence of hypomania

Question 45 A PMHNP screens his client by asking questions on the CAGE questionnaire. This is an example
Correct of ________ prevention.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. primary
b. secondary ! Correct: Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or

c. tertiary

d. None of these answers

The correct answer is: secondary

Question 46 A subtype of OCD that begins before puberty and is characterized by an episodic course with
Correct severe exacerbations has been linked to infections caused by ________.
Mark 2.00 out
of 2.00 Select one:
Flag a. C. difficile
b. Group A beta-hemolytic strep infection ! Correct: This subtype of OCD is known as
PANDAS - Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with

c. Group B beta-hemolytic strep infection

d. enterovirus

The correct answer is: Group A beta-hemolytic strep infection

Question 47 Brain plasticity, which refers to the brain's capacity to change in response to an event, ________.

Mark 0.00 out Select one:

of 2.00
a. is the same for all individuals
question b. involves physical changes in the brain

c. is absent in older adults

d. is independent of genetic influence " Incorrect: Neural plasticity is the process by

which the nervous system modifies itself, both structurally and functionally, in response to
injury and experience.

e. is a concept not well received by scientists

The correct answer is: involves physical changes in the brain

Question 48 Developing differentials is an essential part of the assessment and diagnostic process. A
Incorrect stepwise approach is especially important when you are looking at organic "rule-outs." Which
Mark 0.00 out statement best describes why this process is so difficult?
of 2.00

Flag Select one:

a. Symptoms of a psychiatric and medical disorder are rarely identical.

b. Some presenting symptoms of medical illnesses are psychiatric in nature.

c. Medical providers rarely dismiss the medical concerns of a known psychiatric client. "
Incorrect: For example, some of the symptoms of panic disorder mimic cardiovascular
events. However, it is essential to rule out an organic disorder first.

d. None of these answers

The correct answer is: Some presenting symptoms of medical illnesses are psychiatric in nature.

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