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A Step by Step Commentary on the

CMU Specification
Section 04222


Architectural concrete masonry can be selected in many different finishes, colors, siz- A Standard Specification for
es depending on the region they come from and on the manufactures available raw Section 04222
materials. The most popular finishes nationwide are:

Smooth Face
Split Face SECTION 04222
Polished Face SONRY
Ground Face Block, Plus Face Block, Split
This article will concentrate primarily on our DecraStone products and how they Face Block, Velour Face Block
comply with codes and specifications and how the specification might be further en- (Tupelo Concrete Products Suggested Block
hanced thru supervision in the field or preparation of more in depth construction
Masonry Specification)
documents. the intention is to improve the performance characteristics of the build-
ing. To that effort a sample suggested Architectural Specification Section 04222 is
paired alongside this commentary.


Block manufacturing facilities have am- A. Provide materials, labor and

ple outdoor yard storage for all types and equipment necessary for the completion of
shapes of block. Architectural masonry is
concrete masonry work as indicated on the
always with few exceptions manufactured
to order. Getting the specification and con-
drawings and specified herein.
struction documents correct will be import-
ant to the bid and construction processes. B. Related Sections:
Less guessing = a lower price at bid day. An- 1. Section 04100 Mortar and Ma
other advantage is keeping the job running sonry Grout.
smoothly without having to wait for last 2. Section 04150 Masonry Accesso-
minute decisions. ries.
3. Section 04200 Unit Masonry.
4. Section 04500 Masonry Resto-
ration and Cleaning.
5. Section 05500 Metal Fabrications:
Placement of loose steel lintels.
6. Section 07150 Dampproofing.
7. Section 07180 Water Repellents.
These references are “related” paragraphs from specification sections throughout the
8. Section 07200 Insulation
entire project specification. ASTM designations for concrete masonry are listed here:
a. Vermiculite/Perlite Loose Fill
b. Block Insert Insulation.
9. Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet
10. Section 07900 Joint Sealers.


A. American Society for Testing and

Materials (ASTM):
1. ASTM C 90-01 Standard Specifi-
cation for Load-Bearing Concrete Mason-
ry Units.(include all referenced documents
B. National Concrete Masonry As-


A Division of Tupelo Concrete Products

Concrete Masonry Products (Block, Architectural Block, Pavers, Segmental Retaining Wall units, Concrete Brick)

Tupelo Concrete Products, Inc
120 Industrial Road North
Tupelo, Mississippi 38801
Emergency phone: (662) 842-7811
Information phone: (662) 842-7811

Date prepared:
Product use:


September, 2017
Concrete products are used in a wide variety of applications in buildings and civil
engineering projects. & Colors
Emergency Overview: Concrete products vary in size, shape and color, depending on final use. They are not combustible

or explosive. Concrete products in their intact state will not release airborne dust, but dust can
be produced during dry cutting, dry drilling, dry grinding, dry chasing and other dry machining of the
product. A single, short-term exposure to concrete dust presents little or no hazard. Any precautionary
statements relating to potential negative health effects is solely in reference to instances where
concrete masonry products are being modified by cutting, drilling, grinding in a dry dusty situation.
Modification with a water wash is considered safe. Pictograms reference only dry processes to the concrete.
Potential Health Effects:

Eye Contact: Airborne dust may cause immediate or delayed irritation or inflammation. Eye contact with large amounts
of concrete dust can cause moderate eye irritation and abrasion. Eye exposures require immediate first
aid and medical attention to prevent significant damage to the eye.

Skin Contact: Concrete dust may cause dry skin, discomfort, irritation and dermatitis.

Dermatitis: Concrete dust, in association with sweat and friction, can lead to skin irritation and dermatitis.

General: Prepare, review, approve, and

Skin affected by dermatitis may include symptoms such as, redness, itching, rash, scaling, and cracking.
Irritant dermatitis is caused by the physical properties of concrete dust such as abrasion.

Inhalation (acute): Breathing dust may cause nose, throat or lung irritation, including choking, depending on the degree
of exposure.
Inhalation (chronic):
Risk of injury depends on duration and level of exposure.

submit specified submittals in accordance

Silicosis: This product contains crystalline silica. Prolonged or repeated inhalation of respirable crystalline silica from
this product can cause silicosis, a seriously disabling and fatal lung disease. See Note to Physicians in
Section 4 for further information.

Carcinogenicity: Concrete is not listed as a carcinogen by IARC or NTP; however, concrete contains trace amounts of
crystalline silica which is classified by IARC and NTP as known human carcinogens.

Autoimmune Disease: Some studies show that exposure to respirable crystalline silica (w/o silicosis) that the disease silicosis may

with Section 01300-Submittals. The follow-

be associated with the increased incidence of several autoimmune disorders such as scleroderma
(thickening of the skin), systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and diseases affecting the

Tuberculosis: Silicosis increases the risk of tuberculosis.

Renal Disease: Some studies show an increased incidence of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease in DIV 2-4 is a Division of Tupelo Concrete Products, Inc
120 North Industrial Road, Tupelo MS 38801

ing are required for submittals:

workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica.

Ingestion: Do not ingest concrete. Although ingestion of small quantities of concrete is not known to be (662) 842-7811

1. Product Data: Submit product Submittal packages include product literature, color choices, SDS, testing, certifica-
data for each type of product specified, tions and other technical backup as required.
including certification that each type com-
plies with specified requirements.
2. Samples: Submit verification The submittal process is important for prebid timing in that the style, color of the ma-
sonry and its finish may be tied down at least for bidding purposes. DecraStone sam-
samples for colors, textures.
ples are available in 3” x 3” boxed sets or individual pieces. Colors are also represented
3. Test Report: Submit test report in our website. Submittal packages can be seen on the Resource page of the website.
form from an independent testing agency
indicating compliance with ASTM C 90 for
concrete masonry units.


Job mockup panels have traditionally been used for judging workmanship, color, and
Mockup (Field Constructed): Install at
finish of the wall. Sometimes incorporating these panels with other products such as
project site a job mockup using acceptable windows or doors can involve some very special shapes. Planning ahead for these var-
products and manufacturer- approved ious shapes is imperative. At this point the contractor should display how they intend
installation methods. Obtain Owner’s and to protect the vertical surface from job damage and how the tops or cores of the wall
Architect’s acceptance of finish color, tex- will be protected from the rain incursion and subsequent damage.
ture and pattern, joint sizes, and installa-
tion workmanship standard.

1. Mockup: One panel shall be

This is also the best time to incorporate any cleaning processes for effectiveness. If a
constructed to simulate the condition of
sealer has been specified then this is where that sealer may be judged for its applica-
concrete masonry walls. The panel shall tion as well as any change in appearance that the sealer may create.
be 4’ long by 3’4” high and shall show the
proposed color, texture, bond, pattern,
mortar joints and workmanship for con-
crete masonry.
2. Maintenance: Maintain mockup
during construction for workmanship
comparison; remove and legally dispose of
mockup when no longer required.
3. Incorporation: Mockup may be
incorporated into final construction upon
Owner’s and Architect’s approval.


Delivery and Storage of Architectural A. Ordering: Comply with manufac-

CMU’s are very viable considerations. turer’s ordering instructions and lead time
Projects require adequate storage space
requirements to avoid construction delays.
for the many different styles, shapes and
colors of block that were specified. Dou-
ble stacking is really not a good option B. Storage and Protection: Store ma-
as it increases the likelihood of breakage terials protected from exposure to harmful
and chipping. Uneven storage and rutted weather conditions.
unloading space is not a good investment.
Gravel storage areas that have been rea- C. An adequate level lay down area
sonalbly compacted is a wise choice. Typi- is necessary for proper storage of these ma-
cal projects may have from ten (10) to (80) terials. Proper damage control procedures
different shapes and separate storage for
in storage should be followed . Refer to the
each is a necessity.
manufacturer for their recommendations.


A. Acceptable Manufacturers:


A Division of Tupelo Concrete Products,
Acceptable manufacturers are generally limited to about three in a specification. Each
should have at least a minimum of 10 years experience in the manufacture of the Inc. 120 Industrial Road North
particular style of architectural cmu’s that have been specified. Tupelo, MS 38801
Toll free (800) 748-8703 or (866) DIV.

Autumn Mist Autumn Rush Canary Cream Castille White

Champagne Cream Dark Chocolate Dark Rust Deep Ash
3. E. Dillon and Company– edillon.
Dorset Grey Ecru Wisp Vintage Granite Kahki Sunrise

Messina Gold Moroccan Tan Ocean Pearl Oxford White

B. Proprietary Product(s)/System(s):
Palermo Vein Pecos Cream Provencial Yellow Russet Grain
DecraStone with an integral water repel-
lent agent.
Saddle Beige Sable Stone Smokey Sand Umber Wheat


An improved smoother finish
Excellent adhesion and gloss retention
1. Size(s): Width (W) X Height (H)
X Length (L).
3. Finish is a clear high gloss
4. A penetrating sealer
5. The face treatment “breathes”
6. Excellent UV stability

2. Type(s):
7. Enhances the rainwater resistance provided by the integral water resistant admix incorpo-
rated within the block mix

DIV 2-4 120 Industrial Road North Tupelo, MS 38801

• DecraStone Ground Face or Plus

(662) 842-7811 or

There are so many different options that the drawings need to be clear as to what is Face
required at all openings, sills, water tables or transition pieces. Specifying a certain • DecraStone Split Face
color will allow the manufacturer to be more percise with its bid. Using a manufac- • DecraStone Velour Face
turers standard shape is an economical decision. Rather than think of these products 3. Color shall be selected from the
as cast stone our machine manufactured shapes don’t have much flexibility without DecraStone standard colors. The selected
expensive saw cutting the product to meet a specified size. colors for each application shall be as
(describe location of each uniquely different
product and its color)

C. Product(s)/System(s)/Testing: an
Architectural Unit Product Standard:
1. Comply with ASTM C 90 for con-
crete masonry units.
• Minimum Net Area Average
Compressive Strength: Average of three Normal weight classification applies to architectural CMUs because they are rarely
units 1900 PSI, individual unit 1700 PSI. made with enough lightweight aggregate to classifiy as “Lightweight”. Lightweight ag-
• Maximum Absorption: The ab- gregates are not used in abundance because they are too dark in color to allow for
color development.
sorption rate shall not exceed 13 lbs/CF.
• Weight Classification:. Normal
Weight (not less than 125 lbs/CF). ASTM C90 DETAILS
Finish and appearance provisions in ASTM C90 prohibit defects that would impair the
strength or permanence of the construction, but permit minor cracks incidental to
usual manufacturing methods. For units which will be exposed, the presence of objec-
tionable imperfections is based on viewing the unit face(s) from a distance of at least
20 ft (6.1 m) under diffused lighting. Five percent of a shipment may contain chips not
larger than 1 in. (25.4 mm) in any dimension, or cracks not wider than 0.02 in. (0.5 mm)
and not longer than 25% of the nominal unit height. The specification requires that
color and texture be specified by the purchaser.

• RainBloc certification by ACM

• All units shall have an integral
water repellent within the mix design
of the products. RainBloc for mortar
will be used in all mortar incorporated
into walls with architectural masonry.
An essential element of the wall is utilizing
RainBloc for mortar. RainBloc is tested for
ASTM C1384 whereas many other additives
for off site batched mortars are not. Be-
cause the mortar joint makes up a large per-
centage of the finished wall, it is imperative
that the joint gets as much attention as the

Rain Bloc test data earns an excellent rating
by exceeding ASTM E 514-74, E514-90, E96.
Of course a complete water repellent system
emphasizes proper masonry design details,
and implementation. The water repellent block cannot replace proper flashing, weep
holes, and control joints and other necessary details.


• resists rain water penetration
• fights against mold and mildew
• maintains masonry colors
• resists efflorescence
• polymeric-based
• permanent
• a full-wall thickness water penetration protection system
• RainBloc anti-wicking feature ensures that masonry units and mortar strongly
resist water absorption. If rainwater seeps past the exterior face of the wall, the
RainBloc system’s water repellent properties minimize the amount of water that
can be absorbed into the concrete.
A quality sealer is essential for job protection. A post applied sealer should be con-
sidered for protection during the buildings normal occupancy and for the addition-
al beauty enhancements as wel as the protection that the added sealer provides. • All Ground Faces shall have a
factory applied sacrificial coating of acrylic
Factory sealing is essential for protecting sealer with a minimum
the block against mortar and dirt. Howev- ® PRODUCTS
25%solids content to reduce job soiling.
• Field applied sealer if required

er depending on the cleaning techniques Division of Sierra Corporation

Curing and Sealing Compound

utilized on the job some of the sealer may PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

Item No. TK-BR.K&S
shall be TK Bright Kure & Seal (for a semi
ber removed. A job applied sealer is an elec- gloss finish). Refer to product literature for
TK-BRIGHT KURE & SEAL is a blend of 100% methyl/methacrylate polymers used as a superior curing, sealing and protective compound for exposed
aggregate, colored concrete and other decorative concrete and masonry surfaces.

tive that will allow the block to be enhanced

• Coating dries clear and does not yellow with age or exposure to ultraviolet rays.
• Provides superior protection against freeze/thaw cycles, deicing salts, and chemical erosion and efflorescence.
• Reduces the possibility of aggregate popouts on exposed aggregate by percolating down and around the stones to fill gaps and voids.
• Forms a durable long-lasting film with resistance to water, chemicals, abrasion and stains.
specific product description. All products
and further protected during the life of the • Highlights and preserves the natural pigments in the surface, adding longevity and sparkle to the finished product.
• Does not discolor with over-use.
are distributed by Tupelo Concrete Prod-

ucts. (this paragraph requires modifica-

Suitable for interior or exterior use on new or existing architectural concrete, burnish block, terrazzo, brick, stone, slate, quarry tile or other cementitious
materials. Ideal for exposed aggregate and colored concrete surfaces, paving block, patio stone, driveways and garage floors.


tion as to whether a field applied sealer is

Surfaces must be clean, dry and free of form oils, grease, dust, frost and curing compounds (particularly wax based). Large areas may be blown dust free
by compressed air, washed and let dry. Surface water must be allowed to completely dissipate before applying.
Exposed Aggregate Application Preparation - When applying to exposed aggregate as a curing compound, the surface should be washed with a mild acid

required or not)
solution to remove the thin film of cement dust, then flushed with water and allowed to dry before applying TK-BRIGHT KURE & SEAL.
At this point a small mock-up area should be applied in an inconspicuous location to test the compatibility of the coating with the prepared substrate.
Allow the coating to dry and cure fully, then inspect for proper film formation, gloss, adhesion and confirm that the film is free from whitening or any
other defects.

The material is ready for use and requires no mixing or dilution. It is unlawful to further dilute with non-exempt solvents.

Composition and Materials: A blend of 100% methyl/methacrylate polymers in a fast drying
Apply using a low pressure (30-40 lbs.) sprayer,
aromatic solvent. No fillers are used and there are no oils, waxes or saponifiable resins. TK Products
roller or long nap applicator. Work the compound
are manufactured with only the finest quality raw materials available and close quality-control
into the concrete avoiding accumulations, puddling,
is practiced.
runs or sags. On large areas, an airless sprayer may
be used. Percent Solids: 26%
Note that concrete must be fully cured (looks Flash Point: 105°F
uniform in color) and dry at the time of application. Drying Time
This eliminates the possibility of moisture becoming Tack Free: 1 hour
trapped between the film and the concrete slab, Open to Traffic: 2 hours
resulting in a white haze on the surface. If a white VOC Content: < 700 g/l
haze does develop, a second application of TK-
A.I.M. Category: Curing and Sealing Compound
BRIGHT KURE & SEAL will emulsify the film and
Maximum VOC 700 g/l
allow trapped moisture to escape. The coating will
then be able to reharden clearly. Applicable Standards: -ASTM C-1315,Type 1, Class A, B & C
- ASTM C-309,Type 1, Class A & B and
Type 1D with a red dye added.
-Fed.TTC-C-800A,Type 1, Class 1
Use TK-00 XYLENE* to clean tools and equipment. -AASHTO Des. M-148,Type 1, Clear
Pump solvent through the sprayer to remove residue -DE CRD - C-300
of materials which can clog the hose and wand
assembly. - Approved by the Resilient Tile Institute to be compatible with most resilient tile, carpet
adhesives and most paints.
- USDA authorization for use in meat, poultry and food processing plants.

Page 1 of 2

2.02 Source Quality Control

A. Obtain Architectural Concrete

Masonry Units from a single source to
ensure color, finish and texture continuity.
B. Manufacturer shall not have less
than ten (10) years experience in the pro-
duction of Architectural Masonry Units.
C. Manufacturer shall use a comput-
er controlled liquid dispensing system for
the complete dispersion of color.


Computerized color control is essential to consistency. Liquid color control dispenses
the color better in the mix for cmu mix designs like those employed for archiectural
concrete masonry. The result is a wall with block units in a uniform color range. The
computer software allows for precise measuring of the liquid color. Generally four
(4) colors are blended together to obtain the specified unique color for DecraStone
products. The red framed tote container contains a precision pump that is controlled
by the software. The liquid totes are environmentally friendly preventing waste and
are entirely reclycable.

3.01 Manufacturer’s Instructions

A. Compliance: Comply with manufac- Our pallet labeling includes basic cleaning instructions, the job name, the product
turer’s product data, including product code. Basic instructions for the jobsite
technical bulletins, packaging notices, and
product catalog installation instruction.

3.02 Examination

Site Verification of Conditions: Verify that

substrate conditions (which have been
previously installed under other sections)
are acceptable for product installation in
accordance with manufacturer’s instruc-

3.03 Preparation

A. Adjacent Surface Protection: Protect ad- INSTALLATION - RAIN PROTECTION

jacent work areas and finish surfaces from
damage during product installation.

3.04 Installation

A. General: Refer to Division 4

Masonry Section for installation require-

B. Rain Protection: At the end of

each day, the freshly laid architectural
block walls must be covered with plastic
having an 18” overlap on each side of the
wall to prevent water intrusion. All walls Wet block walls are the most contentious problem that is faced in the construction
are to remain covered until such time as of architectural masonry walls. Solutions can be simple. Simply cover the tops of the
walls and prevent water intrusion at band, caps, quoins and other trim pieces with
the roofing system has been attached to the
caulk or sealants. If these simple procedures are followed the wall will not look like the
walls. adjacent photos and countless other issues will not show up. Rain protection is not a
difficult problem to solve and will save many hours of frustration. Water repellant in
C. Pattern: Install Architectural the block masonry will not stop a flood of water entering and staying in the cores of
Concrete Masonry Units in pattern indi- the block. The water must exit somewhere and since the block breathes the water will
cated on drawings. Maintain pattern lines. go to the exterior surface of the block. Water repellancy does not mean water proof.
Match approved job mockup. Wind driven rains into the side of the block will quickly dry out under normal condi-
tions. Mortar joints as addressed below must be installed correctly to prevent water
penetration as well.
D. Mortar: Reference Section 04100.
All mortar in exterior walls shall contain
the recommended amount of RainBloc RainBloc is easily installed into the mix
or DryBlock mortar admixture for water on site. Integral mortar admix installed in
repellency. prepared totes at an offsite facility should
have available a certification that the ad-
mix that is incorporated. Only specified
admixes listed under “Products” in the
specification should be approved. In lieu
of the pre-approved admix then adequate
testing should be submitted for final ap-

E. Jointing:

1. Exposed vertical and horizontal

joints shall be solidly filled as the work
progresses. After joints are thumb print
JOINTING firm, they shall be tooled to a tight, smooth
concave surface with an approved tool.
Mortar joints are described and recom-
Joint widths shall be 3/8” inch.
mendations made on our website. Using
a correct functioning mortar joint will pre- 2. Mortar joints shall not be
vent moisture intrusion rather than en- cross-bedded at flashing areas.
courage it. A full mortar bed and full head
joint is also important to a watertight wall.

3. Control and expansion joints

CONTROL JOINTS shall be continuous through the mortar
and masonry, at a maximum of 40’– 0”,
Flashing, caulking, sealing of expansion
and control joints should be accomplished unless otherwise shown. Horizontal
as soon as the wall and adjoining surfac- reinforcement, except at roof or floor dia-
es are in final position so the moisture will phragm, shall be continuous through the
not enter the building’s exterior wall and control joint.
damage either the exterior or interior sur- 4. When scored blocks are used, the
faces. The adjacent picture shows an open center joint shall be filled with mortar and
joint between the masonry and the panel. tooled to match adjoining joints.
The job is not complete, however, rain is
pouring into the wall causing problems.
Waiting to seal the joint only causes mois-
ture issues. Drying the wall will take time
especially in the winter.

F. Elevation Tolerances: Elevations

of installed Architectural Concrete Mason-
ry units do not exceed 1/4” in 10’ or 3/8”
in a story height of 20’ maximum, except
for external corners, expansion joints and
other conspicuous lines, do not exceed
1/4” in any one story or 20’ maximum.

G. Visual Acceptance: At a distance

VISUAL ACCEPTANCE of no more than 20 feet and no less than
Visual appearance is of course subjective. A properly tooled mortar joint and will en- 15 feet the completed wall shall not reveal
hance the appearance of the wall with consistent color and lines that flow vertically imperfections such as chips and cracks and
and horizontally nicely. Counting the dark or light specs of gravel in the face of the crazes that would otherwise impair the
cmu is not a proper way to judge the face. Aggregates are natural and will vary in color wall’s overall appearance.
and size.
H. Expansion and Control Joints:
Refer to Division 4 Unit Masonry section
for expansion and control joints.

3.05 Cleaning and Protection

A. Cleaning: CLEANING
Our webpage as well as the Sure Klean
1. Good workmanship and job website has detailed references to clean-
housekeeping practices shall be used to ing architectural concrete masonry The
minimize the need for cleaning the mason- most important factor for cleaning ma-
sonry is a daily cleaning procedure to
ry. Masonry wall should be dry-brushed at
insure mortar is not building up on the
end of each day’s work and also after final surfaces of the wall. This will eliminate
pointing and should be left clean and free scraping of the walls which inevitabley
from mortar droppings. Protect the base creates scratch marks. Wiping or brushing
of the wall from mud splashes and mortar off the wall on a regular daily schedule will
droppings. Protect the wall by setting scaf- pay enormous dividends.
folds so that mortar is not deflected onto
the wall, and at the end of each day set
the scaffolding boards so that they do not
deflect rainfall onto newly laid masonry.
The masonry laying technique shall be
such that mortar does not run down the CLEANING PRODUCTS
Regarding cleaners: use those specified
face of the wall, or smear the masonry face,
herein and do not use any others as their
after the joints are tooled. Cut off mortar results have not been tested. For example:
tailings with the trowel and brush excess Lime Solvent 101, Vanatrol and SureKlean
mortar burrs and dust from the face of the 600 are NOT recommended. They are spe-
masonry. cifically designied for clay brick not archi-
tectural conrete masonry and definitely
2. For Split Face and Smooth Face: If not DecraStone cmu’s.
after using the above outlined techniques,
and additional cleaning of masonry is nec-
essary, then the technique, solutions and
test area shall be approved by the architect.
The masonry shall be thoroughly saturated
prior to and at the time the cleaning solu-
tion is applied. Clean the masonry only
with an approved cleaning solution (Water,
Soap, or Sure Klean Custom Masonry
Cleaner no stronger than a 1:6 cleaner to
water ratio) with a brush starting at the top
of the masonry. The method of scraping
shall be as outlined on the container by the
manufacturer. Immediately after cleaning
a small area, the masonry shall be rinsed
thoroughly with quantities of water suffi-
cient to rinse cleaning solution completely.
Pressure rinse with 400 psi at a water flow
rate of 4 to 8 gallons per minute and a 40
degree fan spray tip. Reduce water pressure
to avoid damage to delicate masonry.

3. For DecraStone Ground Face: If

after using the above outlined techniques
and additional cleaning of masonry is nec-
essary, then the technique, solutions and
test area shall be approved by the architect.
The masonry shall be thoroughly saturat-
ed prior to and at the time the cleaning
solution is applied. Clean the masonry
only with an approved cleaning solution
(Water, Soap, or Sure Klean Light Duty
Concrete Cleaner with a dilution rate of no
stronger than 1:6 and apply with a pump
up sprayer not to exceed 50 psi.) with a
brush starting at the top of the masonry.
The solutions and the method of scraping
shall be as outlined on the container by the
manufacturer. Immediately after cleaning
a small area, the masonry shall be rinsed
thoroughly with quantities of water suffi-
cient to rinse cleaning solution completely.
Pressure rinse with 400 psi at a water flow
rate of 4 to 8 gallons per minute and a 40
degree fan spray tip. Reduce water pressure
to avoid damage to delicate masonry.
4. Remove temporary coverings and
PROTECTION protection of adjacent work areas. Repair
Protection of the finished DecraStone wall or replace damaged installed products. Re-
should be a priority. The normal proce- move construction debris from protected
dure is to have the sub-contractor return
site and legally dispose of debris.
to the job and repair at extra costs these
damaged areas. There are many exam-
ples of wall damage that can easily be pre- B. Protection: Protect installed
vented that are covered at our website. product’s finish surfaces from damage
The damaged wall can never be adequate- during construction. Reference Paragraph
ly repaired to resemble the desired wall. 3.05.A.1 above.
So much easier to keep it protected.

SEALING C. Sealing of Ground Face Block and

Sealing the installed wall can provide ben- Plus Face Block: It is recommended that
efits beyond those of the factory sealed after all cleaning procedures have been fol-
wall. lowed then these units may be sealed with an evenly applied coat of TK Bright Kure &
Seal (a 25% minimum solids based acrylic
sealer) without forming runs or drops.
Follow instructions for application by the
sealer manufacturer for correct results.
(this paragraph requires modification as to
whether a field applied sealer is required or
D. Sealing of Split or Smooth Face
Block: After all cleaning procedures have
been followed then the units may be sealed
with an evenly applied coat of TK Bright
Kure & Seal matte finish, without forming
runs or drops. Follow instructions for
application by the sealer manufacturer for
correct results. (this paragraph requires
modification as to whether a field applied
sealer is required or not)

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