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(Under the SEED program for research)

1. Title
Performance Enhancement of Savonius Amount
Hydrokinetic turbines employing momentum

2. Name and Department of applicants with contact details (email and phone):
Applicant (Name/Course/Department/SAP ID) Mentor: (Name/Department/SAP ID)
Suman Chatterjee / Dept. of Mechanical Engineering / Dr. Ashish Karn/ Dept. of Mechanical
500073971 Engineering/40001645

Sathyajit Nair / Dept. of Mechanical Engineering /


3. Signatures :

Applicant(s): Suman Chatterjee , Sathyajit Nair Mentor: Dr. Ashish Karn

(Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

(Under the SEED program for research)

1. Title : Performance Enhancement of Savonius

Hydrokinetic turbines employing momentum redirection.


2. Objectives of the proposal (list it pointwise):

This project is to determine the feasibility of a new type of savonius turbine, in a ? kilowatt prototype. A helical savonius
turbine profile with “n” number of blades utilized, rather than a vertical savonius turbine. A new type of momentum
redirection mechanism applied on the blades to nullify the reverse torque. The research is to establish the following project
1. Fabricate a helical savonius turbine
2. Demonstrate an output of few kilowatts in a water flow from the model turbine.
3. Demonstrate an increase in efficiency and power generation with the application of momentum redirection.
4. Demonstrate power output that is at least n times higher compared to similar working conditions without the use of
momentum redirection.
5. Demonstrate the capability of the design to protect the turbine against over-speed in water up to n mph during the testing
6. Demonstrate turbine durability by completing the 3-month testing period with maximum uptime.
7. Based on the data generated in this project, show that the projected life cycle cost to be lower and power generation
would be higher compared to typical turbine setups.

 Enhancement of performance of Savonius Hydrokinetic turbine

 Performance characteristic and performance enhancement helical shape blades for Savonius turbine
 Change in the performance of Savonius hydrokinetic turbine with redirection of momentum of
 Change in the performance of Savonius hydrokinetic turbine without redirection of momentum of
 Analytical study and comparison of performance characteristic of Savonius turbine using different
 Simulating the experiments in wind flow tunnel to know the performance changes at different flow
 To find the effect of diversion on the blades of the turbine
 Complete the entire study and documentation
3. Expected deliverables of the Proposal (Products/Publications/Patents/
Proposal Submission/ New concept/Spinoff etc.):
 Grant of external funds to further enhance and develop the project from ONGC Energy Centre.
 Publications in scopus indexed journals.

4. Importance (point wise)

5. Literature Review of past 5 years with references (IEEE format)

Renewable energy is a very important source of energy for the future of the world. As the fossils fuels are
getting exhausted at a rapid rate, so technology should be improved for extraction of energy from natural
Hydropower can be extracted from the flow of river or any water bodies and it can be predicted compared
to other sources like solar or wind energy. Electricity is generated using the kinetic energy of the flow of
water from the bodies. [1]
Hydrokinetic turbines are employed for the extraction of current from the stream of flow direction. [2]. The
turbines/ rotors are fixed to the riverside using a structure or on a floating pontoons. Hydrokinetic turbines
are available in different designs for the extraction of water from rivers or canals. The two main types of
designs mostly used are horizontal flow turbines [HAT / axial turbines] and vertical axis turbines most
commonly used are Savonious turbine, Helical turbine, Darrieus turbine and H shaped Darrieus turbine,
Gorlov turbine. [1] [2]
Vertical axis turbines can be used for small scale generation of power and comparing HAT they are less
expensive and require less maintenance. [4]
Starting of with Gorlov turbine has helical shape blades. In this type of turbine the relative diameter of the
rotor is reduced while increases the length of blades. [4]. Savonius turbines
are simple in design and construction that uses a rotor formed by cutting Flettner cylinder into two equal
halves along its central plane so that the section resembles the letter S. [6]. They are less expensive and
reliable, it does not require any pointing mechanism for shifting water and it is self-starting. Savonius
turbines along with oscillating water columns are a positive alternative for improving the efficiency of the
turbine. [5] Experiments were also conducted with Savonius turbine providing deflector plate showed that
there is an increase in coefficient of power by 50%. [1]
Darrieus turbine is considered because the tidal currents tends to change its direction periodically. They
have a vertical axis of rotation and they are omni directional to tidal current. Darrrieus turbine is an an
effective turbine that utilizes the lift of the rotating wings. There is an drawback in Darrieus turbine that is
they have a small starting torque [3] while the reason behind this is that to re-start the turbine current with
high force needs to strike the blades.
To overcome the problems and drawbacks of Savonius and Darrieus turbine the Darrieus-Savonius turbine
are combined as Savonius generate large torque for low speed range whereas Darrieus turbine generate
large torque in high speed range. [3] Experiments were conducted showing the result that the combination
of Darrieus-Savonius turbine has a 30% increase in torque. [3]
[1] Golecha Kailash, T.I.Eldho and S.V.Prabhu, Performance Study of Modified Savonius Water Turbine
with Two Deflector Plates, Received12 November 2011; Accepted 13 January 2012
[2] A.H. Elbatran, Yasser M. Ahmed and Ahmed S. Shehata, Performance study of ducted nozzle Savonius
water turbine, comparison with conventional Savonius turbine, Energy (2017), Received 29 January 2017;
Accepted 8 June 2017
[3] Yusaku Kyozuka, An Experimental Study on the Darrieus-Savonius Turbine for the Tidal Current
Power Generation, Received 29 Feb 2008 (No 08-0118)
[4] Kailash Golecha, T.I Eldho, S.V. Prabhu, Influence of the Deflector Plate on the Performance of
Modified Savonius Water Turbine, Applied Energy (2011) 3207-3217
[5] David G. Dorrell, Min-Fu Hsieh and Chi-Chien Lin, A Small Segmented Oscillating Water Column
Using a Savonius Rotor Turbine, IEEE Transaction On Industry Applications, Vol. 46, No. 5, September/
October 2010
[6] Md. Jahangir Alam, M.T. Iqbal, Design and Development of Hybrid Vertical Axis Turbine, 978-1-
4244-3508-1/09 ©2009 IEEE

6. Methodology

 Experimental analysis of factors affecting and favoring performance characteristics of Savonius

Hydrokinetic turbines.
 Design of Helical Savonius Hydrokinetic turbine solid model by CAD and its analysis.
 Building a small scale model through the implementation of the required parameters of blade design
and the structure for redirection of water.
 Setting up and conducting experiments on Helical Savonius Hydrokinetic turbine model employing
momentum redirection through testing in wind tunnel and hydraulic tilting flume.
 Fabricating a full scale prototype and employing these novel techniques to conduct field study in
rivers, streams, etc.
 Documentation

7. Gantt chart of the activities.

Analysis of Factors
affecting and
characteristics of
Savonius Hydro
Kinetic Turbine
and Design and
analysis of its CAD
Building a small
scale model
through the
implementation of
the required
Setting up and
experiments on
Helical Savonius
turbine model
redirection through
testing in wind
tunnel and
hydraulic tilting
Fabricating a full
scale prototype
Employing the
above noble
techniques to
conduct field study
in rivers, streams

8. Budget with justification:

Proposed expenditure Year 1 Total

Quantity Value
Consumables: 3D printing costs, Materials 20,000
Equipment: Sensors 30,000
Fabrication of prototype and models 10,000
Travel and other logistics for field testing 5,000
Total Budget 65,000

9. Additional information (as per requirement)

As informed by our mentor Dr. Ashish Karn, in response to one of his invited talks at ONGC Energy Center,
ONGC has expressed a deep interest in funding his ideas on efficient hydrokinetic power generation, provided
some preliminary justification is provided in form of experimental mesaurements/ numerical simulations. The
results of the current project would build up the ground for future funding from ONGC ENERGY CENTER.
Note: 1) Please attach brief CVs of Investigators.
2) Annexures may be used for 3,4,5 & 7 points.

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