Assignment - Environmental Science

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BSMT -1[BLK-6]



Please answer according to your own ideas and thoughts. Copying and
pasting from the internet is strictly prohibited. Make sure that an accurate
statement structure is shown and an ideal answer would probably be visible.
Good luck!

1. What is sustainability?

Sustainability is up to sustainable and sustainable is for instance, a

composition of sustain + able and sustain means “give support to”, “to
hold up”, “to bear” or to “keep up”. Sustainable is an adjective for
something that is able to be sustained, i.e, something that is “bearable”
and “capable of being continued at a certain level”. There are three
types of sustainability, Under this approach, companies look for a
balanced approach to long-term social, environmental and economic
objectives. The first types of sustainability is

PEOPLE: The Social Pillar of Sustainability

The social aspect of sustainability focuses on balancing the needs of
the individual with the needs of the group.

PLANET: The Environmental Pillar of Sustainability

Environmental sustainability occurs when processes, systems and
activities reduce the environmental impact of an organizations
facilities, products and operations.

PROFIT: The Economic Pillar of Sustainability

Economic sustainability is used to define strategies that promote the
utilization of socio-economic resources to their best advantage.

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