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“You have attended a Society’s Fair at Superior University as an event

Organized by Engagements Society”

Hisham Chohan

The Project Submitted to:

Ma’am Saadia Ayub

This report presents a colorful and memorable society’s fair that was organized in superior
university by engagements society. The senior students and the faculty had worked hard for the
fair. This event was whole day long and it was held in the auditorium of our superior university.
In this mega event, many students took part. The purpose of expo is to showcase our country’s
progress in the field of business. Second, it aims to make students interested in business.
This fair began with the welcome speech by CEO of our university. Then, the bouquet was
introduced to the invited guests, and the event began. Students from different sections put
forward many performances, which is really a fascinating. This program is for students who want
to enhance their understanding of their subject or adapt to their new cultural and academic
environment. It provides academic knowledge and skills for seeking global career opportunities,
and helps to gain a broad understanding of business and specific areas such as finance and
human resources that will help students to have the right skills and experience to start a
successful career. Apart from the students, people outside the university also visited the fair.
They were impressed by it.
It is recommended...because in the world competition is becoming increasingly and goals are set
unrealistic or impossible to achieve. Since then, the team has begun desperate attempts, the team
tried to meet the needs within the delineated range. It’s the fact that things may be go wrong. It is
suggested to consider the length of time between each part of the event and keep it moving.
Lectures and presentations will be very interesting if they last too long or too long. It can be
cause for concern if seriously delaying other parts of the event.
In conclusion, it was really a good day and it is believed that to organize such large-scale events
again and again, the world needs ideas and innovation to overcome many of the problems we
face and make progress. Creative or talented people who can contribute to this fair. In short, this
can helps students to have the opportunity and show their talents.

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