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i NOMMNE Tr ancaise NF © 20-540 Janvier 1990 essais d'environnement méthodes d'essais essai de vieillissement climatique des matériels et des matériaux synthétiques a usage extérieur E : Environmental testing - Test methods - Climatic ageing test of equipment and synthetic materials for outdoor use D : Grundiegende - Umweltpréfvertahren - Prifungen - Klimatische Alterung von Betrebemitieln und Kunsistolimateriaien zur Verwendung In der Teil Norme francaise homologuée par décision du Directeur Général de Fafnor le 5 décembre 1989 pour prendre effet a compter du 5 janvier 1980. correspondance analyse descripteurs Wl existe de norme correspondante, ni & l@ Commission Electrotechnique Internationale (CEN), ni au Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique (CENELEC). Le texte de cette norme servia de base & une proposition frangaise ia CEL. Ltessai décrit dans cette norme consisle & soumeltre des spécimens & un cycle combiné de coniraintes climatiques : rayonnement ultraviolet, humidité, aspersion eau, chaleur et froid, Etcciricité, matériel, matériau synthétique, vieillssement climatique, ultraviolet, hue midité, aspersion cfeau, chaleur, froid, modalités d'exécution, rédaction des nor- mes de matériets, modifications corrections . édilée of citusée per Union techoique de Fleotricite, cedex 64, 22052 paris In défense - 10. (1) 47 68 50 20 ifusée également par Association rangaise de Normalisation (ainor}, tour europe, osdex 7, 92080 paris la selene ~ te. :(1) 42.9185 65, Ets ARO, impr. Courbes —— = aE 1900 Reprocution intecie ¥ tiage 89412 NF C 20-540 -2- SOMMAIRE Pages AVANT-PROPOS . 1 Objet . Principe de lessal de vielllissement climatique Apparelliage d'essal ‘Source de rayonnement lumineux Enceinte PeSSAI enn ‘Thermometre & panneau noir Dispositif d'arrosage .... fone Contréles et mesures des paramétres de l'essel ‘Source de rayonnement lumineux .. Humidité relative ‘Températures bee ‘Spécimens Modalités de l'essat ... Sanctions de l'essal @N 2m AAS BHOWE BW © 2 14 oom onmee » ww Renselgnements que doit donner la spécification particullére Figures : Schéma de principe de Tappareillage d'essai 10 u 12 Radiométre - Bande passante du fillte VLX 365, examinge entre 300.nm et 420 nm ...... Diagramme des cycles de conditionnement hone Annexe A : Normes et documents frangais auxquels if est feit référence et normes internationales et européennes correspondanite: 413 “Sicame Date Visa 9 fot /t3| ADS ! 4103754 8103/94 i 819194 ! 4 aA | UA Cee TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH in Peon is authentic only the origins FRENCH STANDARD NF C 20-540 January 1990 Environmental testing Test methods Climatic ageing test on equipment and synthetic materials for outdoor use F: Essais d'environnement, méthodes d'essais, essai de vieillissement climatique des matériels et des matériaux synthétiques 3 usage extérieur D: Grundiegende Unweltprofverfahren, Priifungen, Klimatische Alterung von Betriebamitteln und Kunststoffmaterialien aur Verwendung in der Freiluft French Standard certified by decision of the Director General of AFNOR on 5th December 1989 to take effect from 5th January 1990, Correspondence ‘There are no corresponding standards published either by IEC or CENELEC, The text of this standard will serve as the basis for a French proposal to I8C. Analysis The test described in this stendard consists of submitting specimens to a conbined cycle of climatic stress: ultraviolet radiation, humidity, water sprinkling, heat and cold. Descriptors Modifications Corrections Tablitved and antnbeted by Wanarntion Franesur de Nonsatsation (AFNOW. hiner 1991 NF ¢ 20-540, CONTENTS Page Summary 1 Scope 2 Principle of the climatic ageing test 3 Test apparatus 3.1. Source of luminous radiation 3.2 Test chamber 3.3 Black panel thermometer 3.4 Sprinkling device 4 Verification and measurement: of the test parameters Source of luminous radiation Relative humidity Temperatures 5 Test specimens 6 Test procedure 7 Test approval 8 Information ta be given in the particular specification Figures: 1 Skeleton diagram of the test apparatus 2 Radiometer - pass-band of the filter VLX 365, examined between 300 nm and 1000 na 3 Radiometer - pags~band of the filter YLK 365, examined between 300 nm and 420 nm 4 Diagram of the conditioning cycles Appendix A: French Standards and documents to which reference is made and corresponding international and European standards NF C 20.540 FOREWORD 1, The aim of this standard is to define a climatic ageing test by means of which it is possible to verify the resistance to sunlight and to bad weather of small pieces of equipment and of synthetic materials or coatings taken from pieces of equipment. ‘This test utilizes a xenon arc lamp which is one of the sources of radiation specified in the guide UTE C 20-460. ‘The method used for checking the irradiance is based on the utilization of modern techniques such es interferential filters which are easy to use on ah industrial level. This test has for many years been included in standardization with regard to electric cables. It was already one of the requirenents of document UTE 33-209 of March 1971 "Insulated conductors grouped in multiple cables for overhead power systems". The luminous radiation was initially supplied by e mercury vepour lamp then, from 1976, by @ xenon arc lamp. Consequently, it has the benefit of long experience of vtilization, providing an assurance of its capacity for representing various french climatic conditions. It differs from other climatic ageing tests specified in NF T 1-161 in that the duration of the cycles is much longer, characterized by exposure to ultraviolet light for a period of 120 h followed by exposure to heat anc to humidity for a period of 48 h interspersed with four thom shocks with 2 duration of one hour at -25 °C. Its duration enables propogation of ageing phenomena within materials. 2, The text of this stendard will serve as the basis for a French proposal to IEC after having been adapted to enable its integration into Fublication G8 as a test method of series 68-2. 3. The question of references is dealt with in Appendix A which indicates the correlation between the French Standards and documents to which reference is made and the corresponding international standards. S. Th: standard was adopted by the board of UTE on 22nd August 1989. WF ¢ 20-540 1 PURPOSE ‘The purpose of nil ard is to define = climatic ageing test enabling evaluation of the behaviour of small pieces of equipment and synthetic materials exposed for long pericds of time to sunlight and to bed weather (humidity, water sprinkling, neat, cold). It constitutes 2 basic document in view of the preparation of particular specifications for a given piece of equipment. The climatic ageing test described in this standard shall not be considered in isolation. A Particular specification may contain all or part of this test and may cupply 8 certain nunber of deteils as well as approval criteria in accordance with the conditions of use. It may equally contain additional or specific requirenents. This standard is applicable: ~ to small pieces of equipment containing components of purely synthetic materials and/or composite components, ~ to synthetic materials and coatings, used in the ficld of electrical engineering for outdoor use, i.e. for direct exposure to sun: At or to bad weather. Throughout the test, these pieces of equipment. and these materials are referred to equally as "specimens". The user is reminded that this standard shell be used in conjunction with the standard NF C 20-700 which deals with general details and regulates the implementation of the tests. 2 PRINCIPLE OF THE CLIMATIC AGEING TEST ‘The test consists of submitting the test samples to a combined cycle of chimatic stresses: ultraviolet radiation of @ light source, humidity, water sprinkling, heat and cold. The aim of the operating conditions, necesserily conventional, is to reproduce certain types of deterioration similar to those which may be observed in normal usage. The egeing effect after exposure to these varicus types of stress is assessed in accordance with the approval criteria defined in une specific requirement. - 4 RF C 20-540 ‘This test is performed in one single test chamber, but separate test. chambers may be used solely for the low temperature clinatic stress. 3 TEST APPARATUS 3.1 Source of luminous radiation ‘The luminous radiation is produced by = tubular xenon arc lamp in conjunction with filters, one internal quartz filter and one external borosilicate filter, enabling the elimination of wavelengths of less than 290 nm virtually non-existant in the solar spectrun at ground level. The characteristics of opticel filters are subject to variation during use due to ageing and the accumilation of deposits. They shall be cleaned at adequate intervals and replaced in order to maintain the luminous flux characteristics in accordance with the specified values (see 4.1). Xenon Lanps are also subject to ageing which results in the course of time in @ reduction of their radiont intensity in the ultraviolet range. tn order to reduce the effects of this ageing, the power of the lamp supply current shall be gradually increased in order to keep the radiant flux emitted at @ constant level within a band of the ultraviolet spectrum of between 240 nm and 400 nm (see 4.7). This current increase modifies the overall energy emitted by the lanp and, consequently, the energy received at the surface of the specimens. In order to prevent excessive temperature rise, the temperature is monitored by means of a black panel thermometer (see 3.3) located inside the test chamber and subjected to luminous radiation. This temperature shall remain within the two values specified in 4.3 which necessitates adequate ventilation of the chamber and replacement of the lamp when the overali energy radiated becomes too great. 3.2 Test chamber The test chamber (see Figure 1) contains a drum carrying the specimen holders. A ventilation sy em enables air to be circulated over the specimens in order to reduce rises in surface temperature. ‘The nce between the specimens and the lamp shall be adjusted in BPC 20-540 accordance with the power of this lamp. ‘They shall be arranged in such a way that the radiation received by the specimens does not vary by more than 2 10 4 from the mean value E, defined in 4.1. In order to reduce the effects of any leck of symmetry of the source, it is recommended that the chassis carrying the specimens should rotate around the lamp. The speed of rotation of the drum shall be between 1 rpm end 5 rpm. 3.3 Black panel thermometer A black panel thermometer (see Supplement 7 to UTE document € 20-460 and NF T 51-056) is used to determine the temperature of the chamber at the level of the test specimens, when shielded froa the lanp. This thermometer consists of a blackened copper plate, absorbant on one side and having essentially the absorption characteristics of a black body, with @ thermocouple attached to the other side. ‘The plate shell be at least i sm thick and shall have dimensions in the region of 40 mm x 40 mm. The temperature of the plate is indicated by the thermocouple having good thermal contact with the latter. This black pane thermometer (see Figure 1) shall be mounted at the same distance from the 1a aS the test specimens and at mid-height, the blackened metallic side facing the lamp. The readings are taken after allowing sufficient time for the temperature of the plate to stabilize. ‘The temperature of the black panel is maintained within the range specified in 4.3 by regulating the internal ventilation of the chamber. When this temperature exceeds the specified upper limit, the lamp shall be replaced. 3.4 Sprinkling device The sprinkling of the front face of ali the specimens is achieved by means of one or more rain-type spraying devices having a jet angle of 50° and 2 unit flow rate of between 15 1/h and 25 1/n. They are mounted along the same verticel line and fed with water having a resistivity of at least 20° for 3 mn, the interval between periods of spreying {dry pericd) being 17 mn. The sprinkling system shall be constructed in order to evoid contamination oF he spraying water, the tempersture of which shall be kept within 10 °C and 30 °C. FC 20-540 4 VERIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT OF THE TESY PARAMETERS 4,1 Source of luminous radiation The irradiance of the lamp is checked at the start of each period of exposure in a dry atmosphere (relative humidity of air RH < 30%) with the aid of a radioneter. The radiometer used (7) contains an interference Filter centered at 365 om ‘+ 2 nm; its pass-band is indicated by the curve shown in Figures 2 and 3, the width of the band being equal to 20 nm + 3 nm fer a transmission of T2508. In order to avoid any deterioration of the measuring apperetus, the check is made at ambient temperature. The radiometer (see Figure i) is placed at the same distance from the lamp as the test specimens and at mid-height. For a given setting of the lamp power, the angular positioning of the radicmeter shall be set in order to provide the maximun reading of the value of radiant energy. WARNING As this procedure presents a relative risk to the health of operating personnel, it is essential that necessary precautions are taken to eliminate any danger during handling. With this type of equipment, the power of the lamp shall be regulated uring each check in order to obtain a mean irradiance &, equel to 2.2 mitfen? + 0.2 ni/em?. When using an integrating radioneter, this verification is made when the drum is rotating at @ speed of 2 rpm by measuring the surface quantity of radiant energy, expressed in mJ/cm*, received by the’ radiometer over a whole number n of revolutions, n being at least four. If this is not the case, the verification is made by means of eight measurenents on the periphery at regular angular intervals of n/4; each neasurement lasts between 15 © and 20 s, a ilper Lourmst VLX 265 radiometer, @ 15. RPC 20-540 ‘The radiometer shall be calibrated periodically in accordance with NF X 07-010, in relation to a reference radioneter, the apparatus being calibrated by 2 qualified body (2). 4.2 Relative humidity ‘The relative humidity (RH) of the air circuleting in the test chamber is kept within the limits of the values specified for each conditioning cycle and checked by means of an appropriate instrument shielded from the lamp radiation. 4,3 Tenperatures The temperature (6,) of the chamber at the level of the test specimens is measured at a point shielded from the radiation of the lamp. The temperature of the black panel thermometer (9}, when this is mounted in the sane plane as the samples at mid-height of the lamp (see Figure 1), shali be comprised within the two following Limit values, whatever its position ground the drums e+ 15 CK OK BY 25 If a different positon is chosen for the thermometer, the permissible Limit values of temperature at the level of the thermometer shall be determined by preceding calibration such that the temperature range indicated above is respected. ‘he condition of the surface of the black panel shall be inspected once 2 week. 5 TEST SPECIMENS ‘The particular specification shall indicate the type and number of specimens to be submitted for testing. In the event that the specimens are samples taken from pieces of equipment, the particular specification shall stipulate the place from which they are to be taken, their preparatory treatment and their dinensions which shell not exceed 200 mm x 100 mm x 4 ma. (2) nat. orfice trology (BRM) NF C 20-540 6 TEST PROCEDURE ‘The complete test comprises n identical weekly cycles. The number of cycles shall be stipulated in the particular specification. Bach weekly cycle of 7 days (see Figure 4) consists of four specific conditioning processes separated by @ transitional period equal to one hour, performed in accordance with the procedure indicated below and in the order 85 follous: Important note It is essential to check the temperature of the black panel thermometer (see 3.3 and 4,3) placed inside the chamber in order to avoid any abnormal temperature rise of the surface of the test specimens. Conditioning process A - duration 71 hi = exposure to luminous radiation ~ relative humidity RH < 30 %, without sprinkling ~ chanbor temperature (8,) maintained at one of the following velues: a) 10 °C + 2 ec, b) 55°C 4 2 4c, ©) other temperature chosen from those specified in 15.1 of UF C 20-702. The value of this teaperature shall be stipulated in the perticuler specification or by agreement between the supplier end user. Transitional period A +B - duration 1h Conditioning process B ~ duration 23 h: ~ exposure to luminous radiation 60% 55%, with sprinkling Hote: During sprinkling, the requirement: regarding the relative humidity = relative humidity Rit shail not be observed. ~ chamber temperature @, = 55 °C + 2 °C. Transitional period B +C - duration + h Conditioning process € ~ duration 23 h: - exposure to luminous radiation 6 KFC 20-540 = relative humidity RH < 30 %, with sprinkling Note: During sprinkling, the requirement regarding the relative humidity shall not be observed. ~ chanber tenperature (6,), maintained at one of the values indicated for conditioning process A. Transitional period C +D - duration 1 h Conditioning process D - duration 47 h: = exposure to damp heat, without luminous radiation - relative humidity RE > 95%, with sprinkling - chanber temperature @, = 95 °C + 2 °C. During this period there shall be four sessions at -25 °C (see diagram, Figure 4): ~ transition +55 °C - -25 °C in 15 min = maintain at -25 °C for ih transition -25 °C +55 °C in Th maintain at +55 °C for ih transition «55 °C =» -25 °C in 15 min. Transitional period D +A - duration 1h 7 TEST APPROVAL ‘The characteristics of the specimens to be verified upon completion of the clinatic ageing test as well as the requirements to be satisfied by the specimens shall be stipulated in the particular specification. 8 INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN IN THE PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION Clause a) Type of specimens end, where applicable, the place on the piece of equipment from which they are to be taken, preparatory treatment end dimensions > bd} Number of cycles . 6 HF C 20-540 c] Value of the temperature for conditioning processes fi and C 6 d] Cheracteristics to be verified upon completion of testing and requirencnts to be satisfied by the specimens ...... 7 1 NF C 20-540 Figure 1 - Skeleton diagram of the test apparatus 1 xenon are Lemp Specimen Measurement of relative humidity: dry probe 2 3 4 Measurement of relative humidity: damp probe 5 Position of radiometer or of black panel thermometer 6 Measurement of the temperature of the chamber st the Level of the specimens, shielded from the lamp radiation Mean plane of the lamp 8 Plane A ] Planes delimiting the area within which the i2lumination of Plane § the lamp enables irradiance within the permissible tolerances 10 Ventilation apparatus ii Sprinkting device 12 nF ¢ 20-540 7000 (nm) Figure 2 - Radiometer Pass-band of filter VLX 365 examined between 300 nm and 1000 nm 200 500 609 700, 800 900 Wavelength 300 RE C 20-540 Figure 3 - Radiometer Pass-band of filter VLX 365 examined between 300 nm and 420 no (6 Transmissions 260 300 320 +340 360 380, 400 420 iavelength (em) NE € 20-540 Figure 4 ~ Diagram of one conditioning cycle saasn pue vayiddns usenqaq queweeuSe fq vasoyD eunqeveduey Jeuqo ao. uoTqeoTsyoads ueqnoyqued 943 UT pagETNdTas (De GS IO I» OL) Sangeueduog soqueus (q *(e S029 ATION aot son vn sez oz 96 we o . my, A (yy URL 8 F ° 0 7 Surputads purpuyads| Surpiuads fsuytaubad ster putads 7056 < YH es] | ek HS6 UH wn z 4 p— bmn Ob e ° an an 3 3 o o ® r wy “ vex fF wT 3 | fe Da 08-8 con food * na3) gi iat ot aL anf en a APPENDIX A NF C 20-540 FRENCH STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTS TO WHICH REFERENCE IS MADE AND CORRESPONDING INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN STANDARDS French standards and documents quoted Corresponding international and Buropean documents Reference No. | Title cet | cenetec | Iso NF X 07-010 Metrology - The function of metrology in October 1966 | industry UTE C 20-460 Guise for testing sunlight 6829| 323-29 March 1981 ang Suppl. 1 July 1986 NF C 20-702 Basic climatic tests and mechanical strength November 1987 | tests - Test methods - Test B: dry heat 68-22) 923-22 NE T 51-056 Plastics ~ Methods of exposure to 2 xenon are April 1984 lamp = 4892} NET S1-161 Plastics - Cyclical exposure - Exposure test December 1986] cycles Standards ané documents of series C may be obtained from UTE, cedex 64, 92052 Paris la defens: e = Tel: (1) &7 68 50 20, Standards of series T and X and ISO stendards may be obtained from AFNOR, Tour Europe, cedex 7, 92060 Paris le defense - Tel (1) 42-91 95 55.

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